Soq's Name: Reila
Soq's Picture:Describe your soq's personality/interests:She's pretty quiet and is more of an observer. She's cruel and rather demented but she's not insane (yet). She does have quite a brother complex with her big brother Abingdon, 'Abby'. Mess with him and she'll try to eat your face (Quite literally). She's rather quiet and is not likely to start a conversation unless something makes her curious. Reila keeps herself from showing any outward emotion and simply seems to not care about the world around her. It's not that she doesn't care, she doesn't -want- to care. Why? Well...We won't ever really know...
Reila also has a preference for -meat-. Since being introduced to it, she will eat nothing else, really, and may only nibble on grass when there's nothing else around. However, whatever meat she eats she throws up fairly quickly because as much as she wants to be, she's not a kalona. She is unable to fully digest the meat, but her body is finally adjusting. Believe it or not, Reila DOES hunt. Deer, anything she can sink her...teeth into. She does not have fangs, but has conditioned her jawpower into a formidable force.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?: -She- is not looking for anything/anyone.
I on the other hand am looking for a Kalona...or at least a Stallion who compliments her well. Edits and...Kalona-ness is a big plus.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM or Im please C: (See my plot thread for IM info)
RP or non-RP?:Well...I'm not really into RPing much anymore so non-RP...but i LOVE to plot backstories <3
Flirt or serious relationship?: Fling preferred, but if you wish for serious...(She has ALL her breedings left)