Last Updated: Fenruary 2nd, 2008

If you would like to suggest something for the MC Forum please do so here, every suggestion will be taken into consideration. Please read through the suggestions posted by others before posting your own to avoid repeat suggestions. NEVER PM A SUGGESTION! This is the only thread where I will check frequently for suggestions, posting in my place or in another thread does not guarantee I will see your suggestions, posting them here does. Below are the current suggestions I am working on enforcing at the moment, if your suggestion is not listed here do not post asking about it, locate your post and I will have shortly after seeing it quoted the post and stated whether or not It would be put on the waiting list or not. Just because a suggestion is not on the waiting list does not mean I wont perhaps try it in the future, it simply means I am not doing it as of yet. Do not pester me about it, that will just annoy me and I will ignore you.

| Pending Suggestions |

(These suggestions are currently in the process of being integrated into the forum.)

MC Wishing Well - Creator: A d ii e u

| Completed Suggestions |

(These suggestions have been added to the MC.)