heart ... Autumn leaves fall and are swept out of sight ...

You've heard Michael Crawford. You've seen Gerard Butler. But who here has taken the time to actually see Phantom of the Opera LIVE? Whether back in the 90s or in its current two-year' tour around Australia?

I don't want to talk about just Phantom of the Opera here, I want to know how other people feel about the musical theatre industry in Australia; have you seen any shows live? Have you performed in any? Do you have Australian idols in this industry? Have you met any of them?


PS: In case you're wondering, I've seen Phantom of the Opera 3 times now, first in November 07, then twice more on the 8th and 9th of January 08. I've met the Phantom himself, Anthony Warlow, twice, and in Jan / Feb of 07 I met Dennis Olsen after a production of Pirates in Penzance in Adelaide. I've performed in a local production of The King and I ((I was Tuptim)) and have sung / worked with Julie Anthony, Pot-Pourri, David Thelander, Deborah Carr and Timothy Sexton.

... So are the memories of love that we knew ... heart