Welcome to Kiwameru no Nindo!

Feel free to invite friends to the guild!

Please note a few rules set out for New Players:

* All new members start off as Gennin unless they have been granted special permission. Permission is granted based on talent and reliability of the applying member.

* Rouge ninja must be Chuunins or higher and therefore new members can not be Rouges. Once you gain the rank of Chuunin or higher your character can go AWOL. Once again only new members who have been granted special permission may create Rouges.

Getting Started:

1. Go to the 'Profile' Sub-Forum and read the guide lines to make a profile. You must read this whole thread!

* If you submit a character and do not follow the proper procedure it makes it obvious you did not read this entire thread.

2. Pick a Guild and Village.

* The Guild Master will need to approve your final Profile before it is accepted. Only Guilds with active masters are open for play.

3. Make a profile and post it in the 'Ninja Records' Sub-Forum.

* Players are currently allowed to have up to 3 characters but new members are encouraged to focus on one until they are more comfortable with the game.

* You MUST use the profile setup outline in creating your shinobi profile. Failure to follow the proper outline with result in rejection of the profile.

* You must be approved by all necessary parties before continuing to the next step.

* Remember to submit any necessary writing samples. (Check your profile thread for any suggestions or to see if you have been accepted)

4. Make sure you read all of the rules and necessary/active threads.

* This will help bring you up to the current game plots. It will also give you an idea of the type of people and players in the guild as well as give you a general feel of the community.

* Feel free to post in any OCC threads and get to know your fellow players even if you have not yet submitted a character profile.

5. Go to your Guild and Village and read most of the active threads.

* This will give you an idea of the type of characters and players that are in these places. Each village/Guild is a little different and one may suit your style more then another.

7. Once you have been approved you can Start Rping!

If you have any questions, ask Saburi or Neia. Thank You and have a nice day.