Kipuki and Tau... I'll edit this later

covenmice: The water was high over his head, but he wasn't afraid. Now he knew how to swim with the waters, now that he was no longer kept sticktly to the shore. Damnable Ocean. As if sensing his dislike for it, a current sent him tumbling beneath the water. Tau righted himself after a few moments and pushed up towards the sky. When he broke through the surface of the water he gasped some air before another wave sent him back under. He was further out that he'd thought.

Striking back for the shore, the angry thoughts that always seemed to plague him these days boiled once more in the back of his mind. It all stemmed, as far as he was concerned, from one face.. one dark, red-spashed face... Kapuki. When Tau reached the shallows he drug himself from the water and shook himself, stone necklace clattering against itself as he did. Why did the Ocean have to give him to HER?

Torn x Puppet (7:14:18 PM): [23:20] Torn x Puppet: Said dark face just happened to be making her way down the shorline, ankles washed against by the waves that trickled up the beach. Surging and falling back, they swirled sand and seaweed around her, and a smile remained weakly on her beautiful face. She was getting older, but deep down she was sure she was still the same. Even now, she was going to go and do something she had done for a long time - going to find Tau. He could fight all he wanted, he belonged to her.

She reached the beach just in time so see him surface the second time, smirking slightly as she sat upon the softer, dryer sand of the beach - out of reach of the waves. He always looked so grumpy. Nili really was the sweeter of the two, but the ocean had given her Tau, not Nili. Nili and she were such good friends, almost like sisters, and here was Tau being a butthead. She supposed Nili's attitude just didn't run in the family.

"Did it toss you around too badly?" she asked, tilting her head slightly with the question. It wasn't mocking, or mean, just a question. He belonged to her - she cared if he got harmed, even if he did deserve it usually.

Covenmice (7:16:38 PM): "What do you care?" the boy asked sulkily and he brushed by her without a care. WHY wouldn't she just go away?! Maybe then he could convince his dad that she wasn't right and that Tau belonged to himself... The boy frowned, a reprimand blown hard against his side by the wind. Mother's wind; his ears flattened at the reproach.

Still, the boy jumped up onto a nearby rock and began to wash himself. "what're you doing here, anyway? Your parents will worry."
Torn x Puppet (7:23:55 PM): "Well, I don't like for my presents to get hurt. Though, I suppose if the ocean decides to hurt you, you probably deserved it," she shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention upon a small hermit crab that had washed up on shore. With a strange little grin on her face, she relaxed into a laying position, the hermit crab cupped between her paws. She picked up one paw, giving the little thing a slight prod. A rather large surge of water came up to meet her paws, and she gave a little sigh. "Fine," she said softly, sitting up and moving away from the creature.

Her eyes shifted to him, quirking an eyebrow. "My parents are too busy with themselves to watch me every moment. Besides, I'm not a cub, I'm responsible enough to be out here alone." She smirked, taking a few steps towards the rock, her head cocked and a wicked grin on her mug. "You just want me to go away. What would the ocean say to that?"
Covenmice (7:30:53 PM): "It would tell you to bugger off!" He protested, huffing softly. The boy's cheeks puffed with a bit of extra air and he gave an irritated snort. His eyes lingered on her face, though, and he watched her as she tried to play with the crab. That got to him, slightly.

Jumping from the rock once more, Tau bent to pick the crab in his teeth, holding it by its shell. A few steps put him at the pool the crab had been heading for, and he set it down a lot more gently than some would have thought him capable of. "The ocean needs to mind its own buisiness.
Torn x Puppet (7:38:21 PM): "I don't exactly think it would tell me to bugger off, but it might warn you to be a bit nicer." She gave a small sniff, sitting down and curling her tail around her paws. She followed his movements after crab, an amused smile on her face.

"That was very nice of you. I suppose it's too hard to be nice to things that can talk back though, yeah?" Her grin was just as wicked as ever, but her eyes shifted to the ocean. She wouldn't have hurt it, she just wanted to.. play with it a little.
Covenmice (7:41:16 PM): "It does talk back, you're just not listening." He glared at her over his shoulder, then turned his attention back to the pool. "As if I should expect someone like you to understa--Ah! HEY!" he glared down at the hermit crab which had, unknown to her eyes, pinched his paw. "FINE!"

Tau turned to look at her, tense but resigned, and huffed, "I'msorryfortalkingbacktoyou."
Torn x Puppet (7:50:45 PM): Kapuki frowned slightly at him, an eyebrow quirking very slowly. "I can hear the ocean," she said softly, tilting her head as she spoke, "but I don't hear crabs." She thought it was strange, but she supposed she shouldn't knock him for that. Other lions never quite believed that she could hear and talk to the ocean - but she did. She found talking to crabs a little far fetched, but she'd give it to him for now.

Her eyebrows shot up at his yell, though by the time he turned to look at her, she had smoothed her face to a calm. Her eyebrow quirked at his words, but she simply nodded slowly. "Alright, I accept.. your apology." She pushed herself up onto her feet with a sudden grin, stalking towards him. "So, what do you want to do today?"
Covenmice (7:54:01 PM): Get away from you. "EVERYTHING talks, stupid." He rolled his eyes, "Its just that lions rarely listen when they don't speak our exact language." Tau sighed and watched the crab walk into the water. He frowned at it suddenly, but other than that his attention was still on her. Well.. if he had to stay with her, they could at least do something he liked. "lets go climb the cliffs!"
Torn x Puppet (8:03:12 PM): She made a small sneer on her mug, eyes narrowing at him in irritation. Her body tensed, as if she were highly considering hitting him, but just as suddenly she turned her head away. With a small 'hmph', she tilted her chin up slightly and shut her eyes. "I'm not stupid, Tau." She opened her eyes, the pale orbs flashing as she glanced back at him, "but I still dont hear anything but the ocean."

Then, at his exclamation, she grinned and turned towards the cliffs. "Alright! That sounds fun. I bet I can see the ocean for forever from there!" Her grin spread rather happily, taking a few steps before she glanced back over her shoulder and paused to wait for him.
Covenmice (8:37:44 PM): "you can see everything from there," He corrected again and jogged after her. She was bigger than him.. but not by so much that his extra bit of speed (and being large for his size in the first place) allowed him to catch up, at least. He lead the way back to one of his favorite climbing spots.

There were some easy-access boulders and he jumped up along them, heading towards the top outcropping.
Torn x Puppet (8:46:32 PM): She grinned softly as she climbed up after him, much more graceful than one would expect of the twisted girl. She glanced down a bit, head tilting as she watched the ground dwindle behind them, then happily kept up.

"Is it pretty at the top?" she asked as she followed his winding path, humming softly under her breath as she did so.
Covenmice (8:50:30 PM): "I guess so!" he called back, scrambling up another step and paused to wait for her. When she was with him again, he took the last few bounds and reached the top. "'Cool' is a better word for it."

The boy moved forward to an outcropping that jutted into the sky. He stood on the edge of it, overlooking the cove his home was set in, and to ocean beyond. The salty wind came up to gently swarm around the two of them, ruffling their fur and kissing them with its song. "you can't tell me you don't hear that.."
Torn x Puppet (8:59:47 PM): She frowned at his word, shaking her head as she scrambled up to stop beside him on the top. "I think pretty is a better one - or beautiful." She shrugged though, as if to say 'to each their own', and turned her eyes upon the land below them. She immediately let her gaze drift to the see - and she smiled. Then it moved to the rest of the land, and her eyes widened slightly. It really was beautiful.

Her eyes shifted to him, just in time for the wind to swirl up around her body. She narrowed her eyes at nothing, in a manner that suggested she was listening hard. The wind swirled up around her, kissing whispers at her ears, ruffling her fur with it's salty tongue - and she heard.. nothing. "I.. don't.." she whispered slowly, slightly saddened eyes shifting to look at this. "I don't."
Covenmice (9:03:02 PM): He sighed. "Oh well... Dad says most people don't.. just we Kizaa can.. or the ones who are Kizaa, they just don't know it." Tau shrugged, "The wind teachs my Mom songs, like the Ocean is partial to you and dad."
Torn x Puppet (9:04:47 PM): She frowned, slightly upset that she really couldn't hear it. She had started to feel like maybe Kiza was where she was supposed to be - after all, his dad talked to the ocean too. She simply shrugged, tail flickering behind her, saddened eyes drifting out to the sea. "Well, I guess maybe I'm only meant to hear the ocean." She let her face shift, a smile blooming, eyes pushing away the sadness as she turned to him. "Are they pretty songs?"
Covenmice (9:07:42 PM): "You bet!" His chest puffed with pride and he was completely obvlivious to the girls' discomfort. A smirk stretched upon his maw, cocky as ever, "My mom is the best singer in all the world!"
Torn x Puppet (9:13:22 PM): She grinned, sitting down slowly, near the edge so that she could look out over it. "I wish my mom sang," she said softly, tail wavering behind her as she stared out across the land and towards the ocean. "Your family is a lot nicer than mine is. Except for maybe my brother. He's nice, just really dumb." Even as she said it though, an amused smirk curled on her maw. Chozi wasn't so bad sometimes.
Covenmice (9:16:13 PM): "yeah right.. my dad's a mean butt a lot of the time..." Tau tried to protest... but he loved his dad, he really did. He looked at her as he sat down, a little curious despite himself. "What's your family like?"
Torn x Puppet (9:18:48 PM): She shrugged softly, still watching the ocean. She was fairly calm, despite the words that came out of her mouth. "Disfunctional. My parents fuss a lot, my siblings and I spend a lot of time away from home. I only talk to one of my brothers, really, and only because he never goes away." That ghost of a smile flashed again - Chozi was probably the only family member that ever made her feel nice. "Mom and Dad are complicated.. and I don't know." She shrugged, sighing softly, "they love each other, I think, but.. they are not as they should be." It was hard to explain her parents. She knew there was love there, but they were disappointing to one another, and to their children. They were such a mess.
Covenmice (9:26:13 PM): "But only lions that love each other have kids.. so at least you know that much?" He offered, suddenlly very out of his element. He should be offering comfort here right? maybe.. His ears twitched back if only because he was suddenly very unsure of what, if anything, to say. "Maybe they should listen to the Muses more.. i bet they could help them out."
Torn x Puppet (9:29:22 PM): She laughed softly, quite suddenly, at his words. "You have a lot to learn," she muttered, eyes rolling towards him, then away again. "Don't have to be in love to have cubs." She just shruged though, not really caring to elaborate. She played it off as her being older, knowing more - but then, he lived quite a happy little sheltered life in this pride.

"I don't know if these Muses talk to my parents, and if they do, my parents have never listened. They might have given up trying." She stopped then, tail thumping against the ground. Did her dad's gift have anything to do with the Muses? If it did, he didn't know it, and he never talked about it. "I think they'll be having more problems very soon."

With a soft sigh, she pushed herself up, "Enough talk of all this." She didn't like dwelling on sad things, not in the slightest. "We need.. to go on an adventure." She nodded at that, deciding that an adventure would be a good idea, and began to look around at anything she could see from here that would be interesting.
Covenmice (9:37:08 PM): "What do you mean, they have cubs without love?" Oh yes, he had a lot more he needed to learn.. but that would come in time. Like most boys of his type, his attention was easily turned by more simple trains of thought--like an adventure. "Yeah we do!... eh.. there's no where around here to adventure, though. I've seen it all."
Torn x Puppet (9:46:32 PM): She threw a glance his way, sighing softly. "Don't worry about that, you'll figure it out.. one day." Then she was done with that. She didn't want to ruin his little world with her own words.

"There has to be something, you couldn't have gone everywhere!" She said with a little smirk, turning to narrow her eyes at the jungle. "What if there's a treasure in the jungle?"
Covenmice (9:48:41 PM): "Treasure?" He blinked, then frowned, "What's a treasure?"
Torn x Puppet (9:55:39 PM): Kapuki frowned and let her head droop, shaking it slowl with shut eyes. "Didn't your mom ever tell you stories?" With a soft sigh, she turned to look at him. "Treasures are things that older lions hide, stuff they've collected. Like uhmm.. pretty rocks! Shiny feathers, mystical things they can't explain." She shrugged, glancing back, "sometimes really hard, pretty things that aren't made by nature - but no one knows where they really come from." She held up a paw, gesturing towards the jungle, "they hide them, and when they die, no one can find it!"
Covenmice (9:57:35 PM): "But.... Why would they hide thim?" He asked, frowning. "That doesn't make sense. My dad collects pretty things, but he leaves them out in the open for everyone to make jewlery with if we want to.. ... but hoarding them away like that just seems selfish."
Torn x Puppet (9:59:29 PM): She huffed at him, suddenly becoming quite irritated with him. "That's not the point, Tau!" she exclaimed, turning her form back to look at his own. With the paw she had been gesturing towards the jungle with, she made a jabbing motion at him, "you are a big spoil sport."
Covenmice (10:00:33 PM): "No i'm not!" He protested getting up and following her. A deep frown on his maw he, screwed his expression up further, "I bet i can find more treasure than you can!"
Torn x Puppet (10:17:20 PM): A slow grin spread over her mug, an eyebrow quirking at him. "Wanna bet?" she began to make her way down the rocky outcrop, going carefully. "I've been treasure hunting so many times, I've got so much more experience!"
Covenmice (10:18:21 PM): "but YOU can't talk to the trees and flowers!" he pointed out, following along behind her this time, "I bet they know where lots of treasure is!"
Torn x Puppet (10:23:16 PM): She shrugged a little, glancing over her shoulder as she neared the bottom. "Yeah, but what if they never noticed? What would they want with a bunch of stuff that a lio- OOPH" Paying too much attention to him, she had misplaced a step, and gone down the last foot or so in a slip. She grunted, having landed sprawled, somewhat on her nose. Tears sprung to her eyes, and she pushed herself up, rubbing slightly at her nose.
Covenmice (10:25:40 PM): "I bet they di---... uh..." The male jumped down the last few rocks and landed beside her. He looked worried but.. wasn't really sure what to say about it. "uh.. nice trip there."
Torn x Puppet (10:29:08 PM): She sent him a glare through her watering eyes, huffing at him before she pushed herself slowly to her feet. Turning her back on him, she began to stomp off through the foliage. She was going home - she had simply had enough of him today. He was mean, a spoil sport, and he just made fun of her when she got hurt. Maybe he'd have been better off if the ocean had just beat him against the rocks a few good times.
Covenmice (10:30:23 PM): "KAPUKI!!" He whined after her. Tau didn't run after her, though. Instead he pouted a bit and huffed. Well what the hell was THAT about?! Brat. The male huffed and turned to stalk back towards his beach. Who cared about her anyway?