Zimran’s eyes narrowed as sighed, standing still. Her unicorn horn glowed softly in the dark. It was nighttime and she was alone, sitting beside a large tree outside of the jungle, beside the Ksuini lands. She wasn’t with her mate, nor was she with her familiar, no. Tonight Zimran was alone, with a sad look upon her sweet face. She was very confused.

Her tail curled along her side as she looked down, her wavy hair pulling over her soft blue eyes. She seemed so unhappy.

Nasibu wandered through the jungle, exploring as usual. She no longer crashed and bashed her way through the undergrowth, as she'd learnt that this scared off animals she'd rather be able to see than send scurrying. The blue-black female had seen roosting parrots, been chittered at by a monkey and now -

...what was she? She peered from behind a tree at what looked like a lioness. A beautiful one... But a horn - just one - like some sort of antelope?

Zimran’s ears twitched as she turned and frowned, speaking out.


She couldn’t see anyone due to the darkness, but she had heard someone approach. Her blue eyes narrowed into the dark as she turned fully and spoke out again.

”Who’s there?”

"Sorry, I just..." The juvenile stepped out around the tree, obviously shy of the older female. She hadn't meant to spy really but the stranger was intriguing.

"I'm called Nasibu." She offered a smile after her apology, not finishing her apology. It seemed rude to blurt out she'd been wondering about the horn.

Zimran’s frown changed into a light smile as she giggled softly and sat down, smiling now.

“No need to say you are sorry, you did no harm! It’s a pleasure Nasibu. I’m Zimran.”

The Goddess was a sweet heart and even though she was down in the dumps wouldn’t show it to this newcomer. Her worries were her own.

“Come sit with me?

"Sure." For ten steps, Nasibu was obviously a bit wary, ears still back with embrassment. But wasn't life boring if you were too cautious? Life was too short to live the same day twice after all. Taking chances was her speciality and besides, Zimran seemed nice.

So for the last few steps she regained her usual bounce and energetic, friendly nature.

“So what brings you all the way out here? And in the middle of the night- it’s not safe.”

Zimran mothered, she couldn’t help it. She never wanted anyone to stray. Her soft blue eyes narrowed upon the other female as she flicked her tail from side to side. She often forgot she was not like others, so she never really… introduced herself as a Goddess. She was just Zimran. Simple and clean.

"I live near here - have done ever since I was born. Nothing really dangerous about, save leopards, but m'dad is one and he'd beat 'em up." The little lioness didn't know he bloodline was in fact, pure lion. And due to her happy-go-lucky charmed life, she'd yet to run into anything dangerous, so was a bit careless on that front. Zimran was one of the first things to ever make her cautious.

"I was just out looking around. I can't sleep."

“I’m sorry you can’t sleep.”

The Goddess offered her a soft look of understanding. Sometimes it was hard to find peace in sleep.

“I can not sleep myself. I have many things that are lingering within my thoughts, they keep me awake at night.”

She paused and smiled.

“Do you like living here?”

"I love it here, though it's all I've ever known. But my momma says that she thinks I'll see many lands when I'm older. See the world."

She smiled back at the goddess, knowing what she meant about having too many thoughts in your head to sleep. She was so active, sometimes she had too many plans or a song in her head...when really she should have been sleeping.

"What's keeping you awake, Zimran?"

“Too many troubles for me to take on alone.”

She nodded and sighed deeply, her chest beating up and down slowly. She was so overwhelmed.

“I want to be a mother someday, you know? But things, they are not that simple, though I wish it could be.”

She paused.

“Someday things will be easy again, someday.”

"Oh, I'm sure it will be...bad things don't last forever." Compassion welled within the young one and without thinking, she reached out to place a paw by Zimran's in a comforting gesture.

"Mother's just need to love. And love is easy. Hopefully your problem will go away and then the love'll do it's work and you'll end up a momma!"

She smiled brightly at the youngling and purred, nodding. Such youth never had to worry about life and its ups and down, it’s daily rights and wrongs. That’s what she loved about cubs. They were so pure.

Her nose wrinkled and she smiled and spoke again.

“I’ll hold you to that, you know! Though I’m sure things will get better soon. All you need is love; after all, you are right about that.”

Zimran was thankful to have been able to talk to her, she was such a smart girl and so young!

“Should I walk you back to your family before it gets too late? Or?”

"Can we stay here just a bit longer? Please?" She pleaded, with that toothy grin cubs used so often to try to get their way. She was relaxing and knew eventually she'd be a able to sleep, but now she was curious about Zimran.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I was wondering...is that horn jewelry? Because it's really striking and pretty and I was just curious."

“Oh, you silly thing you. It’s a horn, it’s apart of me. I’m a Goddess, the Goddess of Purity, to be exact. Have you never seen a God before?”

She questioned, forgetting that not everyone was aware of her status.

"Wow, really?" She blinked. At first she'd considered it being a really real horn, but she'd never ear heard of lions having them.

"...am I supposed to bow or something? Are Gods like royalty?"

“No no! No bowing, I don’t consider myself anything of the sort, so there will be no bowing.”

She smiled and poured.

“Though I’m sure there are other gods that would like to consider themselves royals among the rest, but I can assure you, we are just like you, just with… domains and longer lives.”

"Are their many gods? What's a domain? Is that the Purity thing? Isn't that how clean water is?" Nasibu had a whole bunch of questions now! She hoped Zimran wouldn't mind. She was a curious youngster and this was soooo interesting. Now, see, she'd taken a good chance coming to meet the stranger rather than running away!

Zimran thought to herself before replaying.

“Well, yes, a Domain is something like that. I hail over the Domain of purity, I can purify all things poisoned or tainted. There are many gods, like the Goddess of Fire and the and God of Water. They all hail over there Domain and so do the powers that they have."

"Sooo, if a poison snake bit me, you could make it better? that is weird. In a good way." Nasibu mused, looking at her paw and imagining what'd be like to be bit. She wasn't an elegant ickle princess but the bouncy cub knew enough to not get bitten. But was nice to know someone out there could do something if someone was.

"Are there gods of everything? Are you family gods?"

She smiled and nodded.

“I’d heal you if you ever needed it.”

At her question Zimran smiled and spoke out.

“My mother and father were gods, and my mate is one also.”

"So one day when your problems go and you're ready, you'll be given god cubs to love?" Aww. So they were like lions and leopards and had families like them. Plus fire and water and purity jobs and stuff as well. But still basically the same.


RedEarthFire (4:41:41 PM): “Mmmhmm.”

She nodded and smiled with a yawn. This little girl had worn Zimran’s mind out. She was so tired. Her tail twisted as she made a funny face and lower herself to lie in the grass, speaking out.

“Now look what you did! I’m tired, good job.”

She teased.

"Mm...good. You should get some rest. Problems always are easier to work with when you're wide awake." Sage nod.

"I'd better get some too. And get back to my momma." She smiled and bounced sleepily to her paws. "Do you live near here? Would be nice to come talk to you sometimes."
RedEarthFire (4:45:21 PM): “Come back anytime and you’ll find me. I’m always around.”

She smiled and nodded at her new friend.

“Now hurry back to your mother before she worries herself sick over you.” go on now~”

Someday she wished to have cubs as bright as this one. Someday.

"Sweet dreams!" She purred and waved a paw, then vanished swiftly back into the jungle, back to her beloved family. She come see Zimran again one day.

She was her goddess now~