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[PRP] The Quiet Ones [Jumuu + Binafsi]

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Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:21 pm
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Binafsi rose with the sun that morning, setting out on her walk. It felt so good to be home, back in the lands where she was born. She had missed watching the sun come up over the escarpment, and the breeze off of the lake, but most importantly, the feeling that she belonged somewhere. This was where her family lived for generations and generations, living as huntresses under the Malenga. And now she was home. She had taken up the mantle left behind by her ancestors, and eagerly awaited the time when the youths would come back from their drum quests. They would begin their apprenticeships then.

The huntress knew there was a rather large population of females in the pride, which meant that some would be apprenticing under her. She would also be in charge of those who chose not to apprentice, and would live as huntresses under her. It was an important job, and something that Binafsi looked forward to. The lioness smiled to herself as she walked along, enjoying her thoughts.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:46 pm
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Jumuu had yet to finish her drum quest, much less go on her journey. She was thinking very hard upon the matter, knowing that it would soon be her time to go but the little cub was afraid of the future - where would she go when she left? What sort of song would she sing? What sort of dance and rhythm would she discover? Given, the little one found their new pride absolutely fascinating. . . .

She did love the music, and the dances, and did secretly enjoy watching others participate. She attempted to join in when she could, but sometimes preferred to sit back and watch. She knew she didn't dance as well as some, and as for singing . . .well. . . perhaps that too wasn't her strongest point. But she was young yet, and would soon grow in to her own. But where that would bring her the little lion cub plum didn't know!

Perhaps that's what kept her from completing her duties. . . . Fear. That emotion often ran her life and she didn't quite know how to get rid of it. She was cautious, but that was only because life was dangerous - especially outside of the pride!

Still . . . . . the young cub also understood she was missing out on a lot of opportunity. And she most importantly didn't want to shame her family by not completing the quests! Oi ve. . . Whatever was a girl to do?

Step by step, head lowered and tail dragging behind her, the young cub hardly noticed where she was walking. Most importantly, she didn't pay much attention to the brown and cream lioness not far opposite of she. Like a little black shadow, Jumuu caught Binafsi' scent only when it was too late to turn and hide. Glancing up, freezing in her walk, the golden eyed girl cast a wary glance at the stranger. She didn't know her well. . . in fact, outside of her immediate family, she didn't know very many in her pride all that well period. But she didn't want to be rude, and she certainly didn't want to upset the adult. Not daring to approach any closer, she sat firmly down and offered a shy smile. ". . . . g-good morning."



Shy Mage

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:03 pm
Unlike Jumuu, Binafsi was very much at home here in these lands. Though she was a relatively new member of the pride, she knew that she would get to know all those in the pride eventually. Nsundu had told her about those she had never met, and thus while she did know the names, she did not know the faces that went along with the names. Still, there was always time for such things. It was not in Binafsi's nature to rush, especially not into social situations. The time would come when she would know all the pride's youth.

It seemed that today was going to be one of those days. Binafsi watched, with a rather bemused expression on her face, as a young lioness made her way towards her. Apparently, her path was not by choice, seeing as she didn't seem to be paying attention. The lioness chuckled inwardly, waiting to see if the youth would notice her. What a funny little girl. When she was noticed, Binafsi simply smiled at Jumuu, head tilted at the wary look she was getting. Was this young one shy?

"Good morning to you too! How are you?" The lioness tried to look as calm and unthreatening as possible, hoping she wouldn't scare this one off. "Are you one of Juke and Muujiza's children?"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:17 pm
There was a moment's relief as she realized that the much larger brown and tan lady wasn't going to bite her head off or reprimand her! That was good and the girl looked obviously relieved. One couldn't ignore the smile that was offered her, and her own shy expression turned in to something a little warmer and a little more receptive. Maybe this wasn't a bad time to meet a new one after all!

Tail swishing lightly behind her, Jumuu relaxed some as her expression brightened considerably. Did this stranger know her parents? Well, logic screamed at her, of course she did - they were all in the Pride together, were they not? The adults probably knew everybody, so it made sense that Juke and Muujiza were remembered. Still, the little black lioness puffed out her chest ever so slightly as she nodded in affirmation. "I . . I am - I have three other siblings too!" It was said before she could stop it, and for a slight moment the cub almost looked guilty.

Maybe she was talking too much?

Still, it would be rude not to answer the stranger's question, or clarify which of the four cub's she was. "I'm . . .I'm Jumuu, miss, and it's nice to meet you." There. Wait, she was forgetting something, wasn't she? Oh right, right! Something about how she was. Stealing another glance up at Binafsi, golden eyes gleamed brightly as she added, "I'm doing all right, thank you. I - I hope you're well too!" And she did - it wasn't good to not be well, even for strangers!



Shy Mage

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:53 pm
Binafsi's earlier suspicions were proven correct when Jumuu looked relieved. She was probably a rather shy young lioness, and was uncertain about approaching an adult. Admittedly, the huntress was rather new to this pride, and so Jumuu had probably never seen her before. The fact that she had stayed and had not run away from a stranger was a good start, however. And besides, a little conversation with someone trustworthy would help boost this young lioness' confidence. She would try to make their meeting as enjoyable as possible.

"I thought so. You remind me of your father." She had never met Juke, only seen him off in the distance when Nsundu had pointed out the other pride members. "Three other siblings? Wow, that must be nice. I had a brother when I was younger, but he left many years ago. You have two brothers and a sister, right?" Binafsi could not remember the names off the top of her head, but no doubt this little one would introduce herself soon enough.

At the introduction Binafsi nodded, putting the young one's name and her face into memory. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Jumuu. I'm Binafsi. I am glad you are doing well on such a fine morning. It is good to enjoy your life when you're young, am I right?"
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 9:00 pm

The young black and white spotted lioness flicked her tail slowly back as she watched the brown female before her. Jumuu didn't like to think of herself as shy so much as a thoroughly cautious; the world was a scary place and one could never truly trust what might be out there. She was petrified of her drum making quest and having to leave the lands to discover herself and her rhythm; it was something she was afraid to admit to anyone. . . .

What if the pride found out she was such a scaredy cat? Worse - what would happen if her family figured it out! Oh, but they had to be suspicious, even a little bit. It wasn't if she was superbly outgoing and incredible. . . far from it! So in all honesty, perhaps everyone did know how skittish and vulnerable she felt over everything. . . .

Oh both. Did this one know?

Whiskers twitching, the young one turned her golden gaze back up to the stranger. Binafsi. She repeated the name, hoping to not so soon forget and offered a whisper of a smile. There was something calming about the tan adult, something Jumuu intrinsically liked. At the question of her family, the little cub couldn't help but be a bit more excited. "I do have th-three others," she added softly, "Gharadi, Ronan and Laszlo!" That way the tan lady would know and remember. . . . somehow she knew her Father - wait, they were all in the same Pride remember? - so now she could know the rest of their family too! "And my mother's Muujiza." There. Now Binafsi could take pride in the fact she had everyone's name!

Tilting her head ever so slightly, the young cub almost cringed at Binafsi's greeting. Uh-oh. . . enjoy ones life? When they were young? Her expression turned serious and the little cub couldn't help but look down at her toes. Wriggling them lightly, she hesitated before answering, guilt suddenly crossing her voice. "Well . . . one can enjoy life but. . . but I dunno. There are lots of big things out there that can eat one of us for being so young, you know."



Shy Mage

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:41 pm
The huntress had been forced to leave her home before she had even been of age to go on her drum quest. Disease was destroying the pride, and the Umshayi at the time had tried to get rid of as many healthy individuals as she could. Cubs who were barely growing into their juvenile bodies fled in groups, hoping that they would find strength in their numbers and be able to survive. Many of the adults were either sick or dead, and Binafsi's group had been lead by her older sister, a young adolescent at the time. The wilderness seemed far too vast and full of creatures more powerful than her. But times were different now, and Binafsi did not fear the wilds as she once had. They nurtured the prey that she hunted, and thus she could not be afraid of them. She simply worked with them.

"Gharadi, Ronan and Laszlo. Such pretty names. I would very much like to meet them, if given the chance." Binafsi smiled. It was nice of Jumuu to tell her all of their names. She would love to meet each of them one day, whether because she would take them under her wing or simply because they passed each other one day. She was truly interested in everyone in this pride, especially those who had been born outside of it. They shared a similar life to the one she had led, and thus Binafsi felt a connection with them. They had had a different experience from those who were born here and only left on their drum quests. "And Muujiza is your mother. A lovely family."

The lioness tilted her head at Jumuu's change of demeanor, but allowed the young one to speak. "Of course, there are many things out there that wish to do you harm. But at the same time there are many good things out there. Things have to be balanced out. You do not need to live your youth in fear. There is very little that could hurt you here."
PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:24 pm
((I fail sometimes. ; ; Sorry for the superbly long delay. I'm not usually this lame when it comes to response times.))

Jumuu listened to the adult, a slightly surprised expression crossing her features. Binafsi wanted to. . . to meet her family? Though it wasn't surprising that the members of the pride had yet to meet everyone, for some reason the young cub had never thought as her family. . . interesting. No one had ever admitted a desire to meet them - they weren't anything special, they were just her family! Still, it pleased her to know that her brothers and sisters were desired. . . . It made her feel happy and proud. Unable to resist a small smile, she puffed her chest out ever so slightly and grinned. "Well, I know them very well - and should you ever want to meet them I . . . I can get them! I know their very best hiding places." And she did, for the most part.

Jumuu hated hide-and-seek. She hated it because it meant being alone and not knowing where her siblings had gone. What if they got in trouble during their game? What if they were so far away they couldn't cry out for help? Because of her fear, she had made sure she followed the scent and trail of her siblings; because of her fear, she made sure she knew the best hiding places so her siblings couldn't stay out of sight for long.

But as they spoke of life and how there was little to hurt her, the black and gold eyed cubs expression fell. She returned to her thoughtful and serious expression, and her brows knitted in concern. "Well. . . we're safer here than we were before, true," she admitted, pawing lightly at the fluff at the end of her tail. "But . . . But what happens when we all have to go on our drum quest? We won't be here anymore, and . . . and what if something goes wrong when they're alone?" She didn't mean to admit her great fear, it just . . . happened. But it was the truth - Jumuu had refused to go on her quest for the moment because she was afraid of such great separation.

There was a lot of good out there. . . . but the bad was still incredibly intimidating and overwhelming for the little girl. It was hard to appreciate the good when she could only see the negative.



Shy Mage

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:25 am
Binafsi resisted the urge to chuckle at the young lioness's pride. Perhaps she had thought that meeting her family was not a very exciting thing, and was proud to know that the huntress desired to see them. The lioness found every family who had willingly followed the young Nsundu here to be interesting. Obviously they had had enough faith in their leader to follow her all the way out here. Binafsi had heard that Juke and Muujiza had lived in the Southlands, which was a good walk from where the Nchi'mahadhi pride lands were. For them to bring their family here meant that they obviously desired to be here, and for that the huntress was interested in them.

"Do you? Knowing their hiding spots is very handy! I'm sure I could always meet them while they're out on a walk, just like I did you. Besides, if I sought them out it would let them know that someone had told me about their hiding spots. A casual meeting would be much better." She liked meeting the youth of the pride when they were simply out and about. It was much easier to strike up a conversation, not to mention she didn't feel like she was interrupting something.

The huntress tilted her head as she listened to Jumuu speak about her fears. So she was afraid to go out in the world on her drum quest? But what was she afraid that would happen to her? Perhaps it was in her nature to be so shy and frightful. "Things can always go wrong. Knowing that things go wrong and still doing them is risk, and sometimes we take risks in order to get what we want. When you take your drum quest, you take a risk by leaving the pride lands, but the risk is worth it because you come back having discovered yourself. And that is why we all leave the safety of the pride so that we can see who we really are, and accept it."
PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:25 am
The young cub listened to Binafsi, glancing shyly up at her now and then as she spoke. It was true Jumuu was a little disappointed that she couldn't be more helpful and introduce the huntress to her siblings, but sometimes that's just the way things worked. Perhaps she might spot the elder lion out and about when she was with her siblings, when they weren't hiding, and she could better introduce the all then.

Yes. . . that would work. Assuming Binafsi still harbored such a hope to meet them! "Gahardi can be kind of loud," she admitted with a sigh, "And a bit of a handful. She . . . She likes to run off and not listen." Best warn the lion now..... just in case.

But their conversation took on a more serious tone and two black ears pricked with interest. Jumuu didn't want to be away from her family or the pride. To her there was a great responsibility on her shoulders to keep her family safe and she didn't want to let them down. Furthermore. . .it really was a scary world out there and the little cub was uncertain whether she was strong enough to handle it. Binafsi was right in explaining what she'd discover with her drum quest. . . . But she still felt a little panicked at the thought. "But what if you never discover yourself? Has that. . . . could that . . . happen? I . . I don't know much about me and I'm not all that great with rhythm." She didn't like admitting it but it was true; she was a scaredy cat, that much was obvious, but 'finding oneself' seemed like a dreadfully difficult task. Especially when she wasn't all that talented with music. She loved to dance, sing and beat the drum but her family and the other cubs of the pride seemed so much better.

"I'm afraid of failing." She finally whispered, flattening her ears and shutting her eyes in shame. Now she'd get in trouble for it. . . . Worse, Binafsi would probably tell her parents and then . . well. . . then they'd know their daughter really was a scaredy cat.


Shy Mage

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:22 pm
Binafsi would always like to meet any members of the pride. Even though the majority of her friends that she had been forced to leave behind because of the plague were no longer here, these were still Nchi'mahadhi lands. Old friends may be gone, but that just meant she had to make new friends here. After all, they all shared the same enjoyment of music and belief in rhythm. If that wasn't a good start for a friendship then the huntress didn't know where to begin.

The lioness's eyes twinkled in amusement when Jumuu admitted that her sister could be kind of loud and a bit of a hand full. "That's perfectly alright. Some cubs can be more unruly than others, but that allows them to bring a different rhythm to the pride." Gharadi would learn her place in time. Cubs were not expected to feel the communal rhythm as acutely as those who had become adults in the eyes of the pride.

She sat quietly and listened to Jumuu's concerns, a soft smile on her face. So this young lioness was worried that she might not find herself on her drum quest. Were not all the youth afraid of that somewhere deep in their hearts? That they would return and not know their place in the pride? When Jumuu had finished, Binafsi nudged her gently with her muzzle. "Rhythm is not about being great or not great. You are born with rhythm inside you. Before you even take your first breath you are already one with the rhythm. Your heart beats without you being good or not good, does it not? You know more about rhythm than you think you do.

The drum quest is not about making the best rhythm or the loudest rhythm. It is about finding the part of you that makes you you. No one can fail a drum quest. You are already unique, it is just a matter of letting go of your thoughts and finding the place inside you that belongs to you and only you. That place will be where you find your rhythm."
PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:46 am
The little cub had yet to tear her eyes away from her paws, her little nose flushed with embarrassment. Honestly, the young cub was stuck between a rock and a hard place - she wanted to be strong and confident so she could protect her family and those within the pride.

But there was also so much out there she didn't know or understand; there was a strange fear that often gripped her when she thought about the unknown or when she began to logically point out everything that COULD go wrong! There were so many larger predators out there that could destroy her siblings; or even the leaf-eaters could buck or kick or stampede . . . Not to mention famine, plague, infection, disease, dehydration in the deserts, a roll down a hill or gorge could mean broken bones. The list of dangers was huge and the young lioness feared for her family everday.

Especially her loud mouth sister and brothers. . . . . Sometimes they just plum didn't think! It was no wonder the little cub was half-frantic and terrified of the world. She had yet to learn that worrying about the what-ifs did no good. Preparation was one thing. . . . but letting fear overwhelm you made one incapable of doing anything with their life, for better or worse. But she'd figure it out one day. . . .

Preferably sooner than later.

But Binafsi spoke truth and Jumuu could be receptive to it. When the lioness nuzzled her, it certainly caught the little one off guard. Turning her head up, she peeked shyly back up at the female but couldn't resist a grin. So . . she wasn't in trouble because of her fears? Binafsi wasn't going to tattle to her parents and tell them that their little daughter was a failure? It . . . it was as if a great weight was lifted form her shoulders. It never occurred to Jumuu that other cubs might be afraid of the unknown too. . . . . Obviously she had to be the only one!

". . . Well that . . . . that doesn't sound quite so . . difficult." She slowly responded, her tail twitching as her brow furrowed in thought. "Or at least not as bad as I'd imagined it would be. . ." Honestly the little cub didn't know what would happen on her drum quest. It would be the first time away from the pride and her family, it would be a big step for the little cub. "But I'll do it. I . . .I have to do it and maybe . . . maybe I'll figure things out there." Like learning how to not be such a coward. Like learning how to not worry so much. Like listening more to the music of the world around her, the rhythm in her heart, and finding out where that rhythm would lead her.

. . . . it would be a big step for such a little cub. But if others before her could do it, and if her siblings were forced to as well, it only made sense Jumuu had best be the first and get on with it. That way she'd know what her siblings might fact, that way she'd know that if she could make it they could make it. "Maybe it's not as scary as I thought. . . ." She murmured.


Shy Mage

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:19 am
The huntress would have been quite surprised to hear that this young lioness had such a list of fears. Though she remembered her mother had always been concerned for her safety, she could not say that she had ever met another lioness who worried over so many things. What would have bothered Binafsi the most would have been Jumuu’s fear of things that were not under her control. Life was like hunting. Sometimes you were successful, sometimes you failed, but you always got up the next day to keep going because you knew that other people depended on you. Perhaps Jumuu would come to understand that one day.

Binafsi gave a soft chuckle at the little lioness’s choice of words. She had never thought the drum quest to be a bad or difficult thing, but she supposed that if one was as frightened and nervous as Jumuu they might see it as a great looming threat. “I am sure you will figure a great many things out when the time comes. As always, sometimes life’s lessons can be hard, but you will always have you family and your pride to return to. This is not such a pride that it would not welcome any of its members back, especially from a drum quest.” There was a pause, before she added a few more comforting words.

“If it would make you feel more secure, I can tell you that nobody is ever left behind. If a youth does not return from their quest then someone is sent to find them. Neither you nor your brothers and sisters would ever have to worry about getting lost out there. We would always find you.”
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:14 am
The little cub listened to Binafsi, drinking up her every wrod desperately. The drum quest was something Jumuu hadn't entirely understood, but thankfully the pale brown lioness was beginning to make sense of everything. Perhaps she wouldn't fully understand the quest until she was out there on her own, searching for her rhythm, her beat, her muse. Hopefully she'd find it. . . . But then, there was no reason she couldn't or wouldn't.

At the older huntresses words though, the little cub seemed to relax immensely. Her golden eyes brightened and her stance became much more confident. "Oooooh - I thought. . . I thought if we got lost or turned around, we'd be lost forever!" Perhaps there was great shame with getting 'rescued' from some potential hazard or plight, but shame was better than death as far as the little cub could comprehend. They would always have a place within the pride, they would always have someone to watch out for them. . .

She had remembered being without a pride when she was very young and while on a very long journey. It was what stemmed many of her fears, a knowledge and intelligence that told her of all the dreadful things that could happen to a rogue. Beaming up at Binafsi, the little cub gave a happy purr and seemed much more pleased about the entire ordeal. "I won't have to worry about Laszlo and Gaharadi anymore!" Great success, as far as she figured. . . . Even if they did get turned around or struggled finding themselves, they had an entire pride to fetch them if they took too long to return!

Feeling quite inspired, the little cubs tail wagged back and forth. Golden eyes were fully bright and she felt incredibly inspired. "You know. . .I . . . I think I can actually do it now. Make it on my own and not have to worry. Because, because there's a pride to fall back on, to help when one is lost." So excited, the little one gave Binafsi's leg a bump with her head.

"Forgive me but I . . . I must be on my way. My siblings won't be so worried anymore, you know. . . " And most importantly, she wouldn't be either. Having taken up much of Binafsi's time already, it was with a broad and proud smile that Jumuu bolted.

She could do this drum quest thing. . . but first she had to let her siblings know that all would be well. There was hope here in the Nchi'mahadhi. Great hope and that meant many of her initial fears were put to rest. Like a black bolt, the little cub darted away, all thanks to the patience of a brown huntress, Binafsi.


((Figured that would be a wrap after all this time. ;P ))


Shy Mage

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