As Kyo sat down in the seat beside him, Tony grinned once and raised his hand up giving a quick-involuntarily cast high-five to his somewhat oversized best friend.

"'Sup man? Check out the emo freaks, heh."

A chuckle spread through his form as he pointed out the girl who had recently entered the classroom along with another male of the same "fad". Tony didn't really care for the emo crowd, or any crowd other than his own, he tended to remain neutral towards the majority of groups unless he was in front of Kyo or one of his football friends. Because, of course, you can't allow your respect for others to hamper others respect towards you, that's the way high school worked.

"I'll tell ya one thing, Kyo, man, I will never understand some people. I wish life could be a lot more like the gridiron. More raw passion, less of this fragile, fantasy, back-stabbing BS of: 'I wanna be popular! YAY!'."

"Mr. Maxworth, if you are quite finished, I believe it's time for class to begin," the teacher, Mr. Hayfield, called out over his tirade.

Tony shrugged and slumped back into his chair, even though he could tell that Kyo, among others, were trying their absolute hardest not to laugh.