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Reply [IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]
[PRP] Manipulation (Ipentshisi & Ainra)

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:32 am
(( AIM RP ))

Ainra was all in all your average lioness. She was sweet, innocent and fun-loving. She took each day as it came with a laid-back, peaceful attitude. She was the fish content to be carried along by the current, with no intention of ever trying to battel against it.

Her ambitions for life were nil. In fact, as far as she was concerned, hanging out in the Kusini and lazing around, playing games, was her idea of a good life. She paid no thought to having a mate, nor for having cubs, though it was clear that one thing she did want was to spend more time with her family.

So, deciding that for a moment in her life, she'd do somethign constructive, Ainra was out searching for her sister, calling out in a soft mewling sound that she hoped would be recognised.

Compared to fun-loving Ainra, her sister Ipentshisi was certainly not the easy-going type. All of her life she had sought to be the best she could, struggled towards her goals and come out on top more often than not. With a quick wit and a sharp tongue, she was definitely the less 'sweet' of the two sisters.

Ipentshisi usually spent very little time at home these days. Most of her days, and a lot of her nights, were spent wandering just outside the Kusini borders. She spent time drilling anyone on locations of other prides - which direction would lead her where. She was preparing to set out and accomplish her ultimate life goal, the one thing that she had been sure was her purpose ever since she was a small cub.

The mewling sound reached her ears, and Shisi paused mid-step. Flashing cyan eyes back in that direction, she cocked her head slightly to the side. The sound was recognized in an instant, and Shisi stopped her movements all together. She could make time for Ainra, at least. "This way," she called out, relaxing into a sitting position as she waited.

"Shisi?" Bouding towards the sound of her sister's voice, Ainra couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of spending time with her sister. "Wait up!" She pushed herself through a thicket, wincing as the branches snatched eagerly at her face as if determined to keep her away.

Battling them with equal determination, Ainra soon broke free and was trotting across the expanse of land towards her sister.

They were very much alike in appearance, the same colour. In fact from a distance, the two sisters would look almost exactly the same, except for Ainra's tufty fur was strung with cream.

"Over here!" She called cheerfully, trotting over eagerly. "Where've you been, sissy?"

Shisi frowned slightly as she watched her sister from the distance, the batting branches obvious even from where sat. Of course, bits clung to her fur even as Ainra bounded her way, making Shisi wince slightly. It looked like the poor girl had tumbled through a briar patch, almost.

She pushed herself up gracefully to her feet as Ainra neared, moving over next to her sister, leaning to pull out a stubborn clinging branch from the other's mane tuft. After discarding it, she gave a very light shrug at her sister's question.

"I've been gathering information, actually, about other prides and where they all are," she said it calmly, as if it were nothing but idle conversation, "I think, perhaps, I may leave soon."

Giggling as she realised the state of her fur, and giving Shisi an appreciative smile. The girl shook her fur vigorously in an attempt to make herself look a little more presentable. Then, she turned her attention fully to her sister, blinking curiously.

"Information? Leave?" These were all very new things for Ainra, who hadn't even considered there might be a world outside to explore.

"Oh Sissy, do you really think there's anything that wonderful out there?" She waved a paw in the general direction of 'there'. "I mean, we have all we could ever want here and, well, really.." She hesitated. "It's more bother than it's worth. Can't you just stay with me? I don't want to be left all alone." She pouted slightly.

Shisi nodded rather approvingly at her sister's shaking - most of the loose twigs fell out, scattering on the ground around their feet. She had long since learned that there was probably no use in getting Ainra to clean her fur to perfection - she would probably just go and do the same thing all over again. It did have a certain innocent appeal, though.

"Of course there's something wonderful out there," she said softly, turning her eyes to look towards the distant horizon. Shisi's true reason for leaving was not one she would readily admit to Ainra at the moment, or to anyone. They would find out soon enough. "Haven't you ever wondered what other lands look like? A beach, a jungle?" She managed to make her eyes grow slightly wider with each word, her voice whispery. She was truly becoming a master of the art of manipulation.

"Come with me then, you don't have to stay here alone," she said finally, a soft smirk curling the corner of her mouth, "come see all the new places with me."

Ainra didn't really know what a beach or a jungle was, but she nodded and tried her best to look interested. Besides, the way Shisi spoke about them in that whispery way made them intriguing. Ainra could almost imagine odd, magical lands just from her sister's way of speaking.

She watched her tail tuft twitch as if it had a life of it's own, letting her thoughts wander.

"Go with you?" Her voice was almost detached, as if she wasn't quite sure what was being asked of her. She thought of Tiruan then and her smile faded a little. She did have a purpose here, small as it might be. She was teaching him to play!

"You'd really want me tagging along? I might just slow you down and...well...it all sounds a bit frightening." More frightening than being alone?

"Would we come back here?"
PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:34 am
Shisi studied her sister out of the corner of her eye as she awaited a response. Ainra was a good soul, sweet and caring, but a touch too persuadable. She was almost afraid of leaving her alone, to tell the truth. Who knew what kind of troubles the girl might find herself in then? Shisi always tried her best to be protective of Ainra.

Her own tail fluff flopped lightly against the ground, mimicking Ainra's, and her eyes drifted to it in the silence.For a moment, she stared at it, then with a slight frown on her face and a crease over her brows that usually signified some form of worry, she turned her gaze back up to her sister.

"I really want to go and see all these places, Ainra but.. I'm too scared to go alone. If you come with me, I won't be so afraid," she finished with a soft smile, tossing her head slightly to move the curling mane of crimson fluff from her eyes.

"Of course we could," she said softly, glancing around at the surrounding trees as if they truly meant something. To Shisi, they were nothing, but she knew her sister's attachment well. "We could come back and see it again."

"Really?" So it wasn't just Ainra who was afraid after all! Just knowing that made her feel better and it also gave her a sense of purpose! If she came along she could be useful. They could protect each other from the dangers and that's what mother would have wanted.

"I would love that. I'm sure other places will be beautiful but this is home and I'd be sad never to come back." She smiled. "Besides, the world can't be all that big. It probably won't take long to have a look around."

Seemingly persuaded, Ainra looked quite excited about the prospect now. "Where were you thinking of going first?"

"Yes, really," Shisi cooed, her smile in place, though behind it her eyes danced. Going with someone else made leaving easier, and the fact that it was Ainra was all the better. Now she wasn't so afraid to take the leap - not that she had truly admitted that she was afraid in the first place, at least not to herelf.

"Well, then we'll come home," she said with a flicker of her tail, her eyes drifting once more to the horizon in a dreamy manner. "I'm sure the world cannot be but so big either," she murmured, though she knew what the leopardess had said. She'd seen so much, parts Shisi could only dream of, and she said she still had not seen it all. No need to tell Ainra that right now.

"First?" Shisi said with a blink, turning surprised eyes back onto her sister. Well, she'd told the leopardess she wanted to go to the pridelands, and that seemed as good a place to start hunting as any. "The pridelands, actually. I've heard others talk of how beautiful it is, and how all the lions are made of gold." She knew it meant they were simply gold-furred, but saying it that way seemed more magical and would probably heighten Ainra's interest all the more.

Ainra had been so easily persuaded. Feed her the right words and you'd have her eating out of the palm of her hand! She had no heart for adventure or wandering, but she loved her sister and didn't want to be left alone. She was a simple creature. All she wanted was enough food and her family around her. And since she hadn't seen mother or her brother in a while, Shisi was her only option! Not that she minded. Having a girl her own age to talk to was far better than a brother, or a mother who was...well...a parent and not really a friend.

"This is so exciting Shisi!" She wriggled happily. "Made of gold?" Her eyes widened, became as round as the moon. Ainra loved stories and in stories anything was possible! Was it that she was living in her own real life story?

"I would love to see the gold lions!" She was on her paws, bouncing with excitement. "How far is it? Will it take long to get there? Do you think we could make friends with them? I hope they aren't mean or anything!" The questions bubbled to the surface almost instantly.


Fuzzy Kitten


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:01 am
Hooked. Shisi knew it the moment that Ainra finally decided that it'd be a good idea to tag along. The corner of her maw flickered in a smirk, her attention on Ainra but out of the corner of her eye. Pushing down the smirk and bringing up the pleasant smile once more, she turned to give Ainra her full attention.

"That's what the stories say," she said with a breathy whisper, shaking her head as if she were in awe. "Big lions, made of gold, and when they die.. they become stars!" She laughed at herself inwardly - she'd not have gone through this much trouble if it were anyone else. The look on Ainra's face, though, was enough to make her want to. She truly was a perfect form of innocence.

"It is.. a couple of day's walk, the leopardess told me," she shrugged, her tail flickering behind her as she watched her sister. "I hear they are very friendly, so I'm sure you could make friends with them."

"Stars..." Her eyes rose up to the sky as if suddenly the stars would appear there, summoned just by the mention of them. The sun was there. The stars weren't.

Her green eyes flicked back to her sister, hooked, just like she had thought. Shisi had her now, completely. She truly was an easy target. "I wish we could become stars! They're so beautiful! And we could see everything from up there! Twinkle~ Twinkle~" Her paws padded with the rhythm of her voice and it seemed impossible for her to stand still.

"A couple of days?" She blinked. "That sounds like a long way Sissy. Do you really think we can make it? I hope we don't get lost! That'd be awful! Maybe we should take some food with us. Like a dead bird or something. I can carry it in my mouth!" She bounced, desperate to prove herself useful. "That way we won't get hungry! Or we could offer it as a gift to the gold-starry lions!" She beamed.

Shisi laughed softly as Ainra looked up at the sky - she knew what she was looking for. It wasn't truly mocking, but more a manner where one would laugh at a clumsy cub.

"It's really not that far," she said with a smile, tilting her head as she looked to her sister. "I hear there is another pride along the way as well, but I don't know if they are mean or not. Still, if there's a pride near, there must be prey right?" However, she did manage a smile for Ainra at the mention of carrying a bird. That would truly be a good idea in case they didnt see any prey for a while. She wasn't sure of prey habits outside of Kusini. "That is a good idea!" she exclaimed, laughing happily as she did to reassure Ainra of her thoughts.

She tilted her head and glanced once more at the horizon, then back to the Kusini land behind them. "I want to leave tomorrow though," she said finally, then turned her eyes upon her sister's, "will that give you enough time to say goodbye to everyone you need to?"

Purring with joy at proving herself worthy. Ainra made mental preparations to catch the fattest, most bestest bird in the whole of the Pride! She'd stalk it for the rest of the day if she had to! That way she'd be guaranteed to make her sister happy.

"Tomorrow?" She peeped, looked troubled, but then pasted the smile back on her face. "Nope no problem. I just need to find Tiruan. He probably won't be sad to see me go but I should probably let him know anyway." She didn't mention who Tiruan was, there'd be plenty of time for chatting on their journey.

"But if we're going tomorrow! I better start looking for the meal for our journey." She smiled. "Where should I meet you?"

Shisi smiled and gave her sister a nod, not bothering to ask who Tiruan was. If Ainra wanted her to know, she would tell her. Of course, Shisi figured this meant she'd find out all about him on the way to the pridelands. She foresaw quite a lot of talking between the two of them. Well, bonding was a good thing, right?

"Well, if you go catch that bird, I'll see if maybe I can find a small rabbit that wont be too hard to carry, ok?" it would be good to take as much as they could carry - but being adolescents, that probably didn't mean they were going to be able to carry a whole lot at the moment.

Turning slowly towards the Kusini, planning to go ahead and start her hunt, she paused at her sister's question. "How about right here, ok?"

"Kay!!" She blurted. "See you tomorrow Shisi!" And with a wide smile she turned and dashed off back the way she came, crashing back through the thicket and splashing clumsily through the stream on the otherside.

She wasn't the most graceful of lionesses but her heart was in the right place. Who knows, with a bit of determination and some luck thrown in for good measure, she may find herself with a meal before the day was out.

Humming merrily, Ainra set off to the place she usually chased the birds, hoping to bump into Tiruan on the way.

Shisi couldn't help the small smile that spread across her mug, shaking her head slowly as she heard first the crashing of brambles and twigs, then the inevitable splash that followed. She made her own careful, graceful way through the thickest part of the woods, careful not too make too much noise.

Ainra and Ipentshisi might have been different, and though Shisi herself had very little patience, they seemed to be a good balance. Shisi knew that she wouldn't have tolerated anyone who acted in such a manner unless they were Ainra. Not even her own moodiness could break that sibling bond.
[IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]

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