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We're looking for people who have been here since before 2005...

As for a little synopsis of our guild, here is it:

Okay, just so there's no confusion, I'll go ahead and spell out what this guild is about.

First of all, most of the down-with-the-noobs stuff said in here is meant to be somewhat humorous and definitely not to be taken seriously. However, some things that get discussed in here may seem to have negative connotations, but they're merely things we, as older Gaians, have noted over the course of Gaia's history.

There will be a lot of reminiscing about the "good old days" in here. Much of that will be before the so-called Noob Takeover. There will be a lot of discussion about what we think has gone downhill and why we think so. To be honest, a lot of things have gone downhill because of noobs.

Now, what's a noob? Not all noobs are new to Gaia and not all new Gaians are noobs. We have a philosophy that being a noob is more or less a state of mind. Now, that state of mind does tend to be seen in newer Gaians, that's why all those who are here are older Gaians. Anyway, noobs are those who are only out for change and don't want to think about how it will impact the Gaian community. Noobs don't chat or come up with any sort of conversation. They limit themselves, to bumping, spamming, and trolling. Basically, if most of your life on Gaia is conducted in negative ways, you're likely a noob. If not, then you're probably not.

Even older Gaians are advocates of change, but we've usually thought about it in most conceivable aspects.

At any rate, forgive the wall-o-text. Hahaha! I just thought this might clear up some of your inhibitions. While we will sit around like old fogies and reminisce about a different time in Gaia's history, we also want to have fun and enjoy Gaia. That's ultimately what this guild is about. So, it would behoove you to fully understand what this guild is about before making any sort of remarks.

Beso Beso

Oh, and as a general rule, we Old Gaians are advocates of using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Not everyone is perfect, but some attempt at appearing literate is always appreciated.