as teh title says, this subforum ish teh place to post your "I'm new" and "It's my birthday!" and "I'm a camwhore!" threads 3nodding most guilds simply have a thread where everyone posts this info, but we felt that you should have your own thread ~ that way, your welcome conversations can be longer, discussion of your lovely self can be more involved, and your b-day threads can double as your b-day PARTY thread, if you like wink it is all here to give you more flexibility! decorate your thread in any way you would like, it ish yours!

1. same rules as teh rest of teh guild apply here ~ KNOW THEM WELL!! twisted
2. if you simply want to post a pic of yourself, but don't plan on posting dozens of them, we have a thread dedicated to teh simple "I look like this!" posts - use that, so that your pic will be easy to find in teh future wink
3. have fun! 4laugh