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Reply [IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]
Of gods and mortals [Shisi x Dath]

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:17 pm
AIM Log between Felyn & Safaia
Ipentshisi & Dath'charukai

It was not a particularly active day in the Kusini lands, but then again, when could Ipentshisi ever claim to have seen a truly exciting day in the pride? It was a very laid back place, with few threats and great hunting opportunities. The matron goddess kept the land fertile, and at this point in the seasons, one never truly had to go very far to find a meal. That was probably why it was so surprising for any member when they came upon Shisi on the borders, so far from everyone, away from most herds. She did not care so much for the company of others, and she had already had a meal earlier in the day.

She sat comfortably atop a large boulder, though she did not appear to be lazing about. Her eyes, a bright cyan set against the peach tones of her face and a striking sight against the maroon of her hair tuft, gazed out towards the distant horizon. The sun was setting low, and in her mind, she was counting down the hours. With her sister secured at her side, they would be leaving come morning, and Shisi's heart was aflutter with the idea of finally beginning her life's dream.

Dath'charukai had temporarily grown bored with his new alias. The lion he had started to mask himself under had no name, but was quite the irritant to any mortal that he had come across. Sometimes it was fun, but he was through with that game for now. He would go back to it only when he would grow tired of being himself.

Strutting across lands that were foreign to him, he let his gold eyes scan the horizon. He was 'hunting' now, not for food, but for company. Company of any sort would do, even if the other half of this company might not want him there at all. Dath would never even think about that; everyone should feel blessed with the time he shared with them!

A pause. "Oh? What is this?" He wasn't quite sure with what he saw, but it was definately something. He 'stuffed away' the black firelike illusions that normally danced around his paws, rolling his shoulders so his chest stuck out, and slowly made his way towards where he thought was a lioness. Not directly, no; he wanted her to say something first. It was always more fun that way.

Very few things passed her attention unnoticed, and when these things happened to be large and winged, it was safe to say that they were very, very unlikely to be missed or ignored. Her eyes fell upon the form, studying it at the distance that lay between them. A few first thoughts passed across the surface of her intricate mind, but the most obvious was that this was a god. A god that, perhaps, she could use for the purpose she had recently decided upon. Not too bad a specimen either, she would say, though she had never seen a god before and could not quite readily say what a good 'specimen' for their kind was. He was big, and strong at first glance and that was surely enough for her.

"Hello there," she called softly, her voice drawing a sultry tone to it as she straightened up into a rather statue-like position. "What would bring such a great figure such as yourself down her to the lands of the lowly mortals?" She was a master of suger-coating words, of stroking egos and feeding pride. She needed something, from him, and she would stop at no costs to get it.

Dath had been letting his eyes wander away from the area where the lioness laid. Not to the degree that he looked occupied, but that a bird had perhaps caught his attention, or the sounds of preybeasts calling to one another. His ears caught her words like they were the only sounds, though, and his head soon followed to the direct location of the lioness, his golden eyes staring directly at her.

The sounds of his breathe, and the sounds that the grasses made as she brushed through them were the only things he could hear for the moment after he spoke. It was that praise that he hadn't recieved, something that even Laana didn't coat as well as she did. It almost gave a little bounce in his step.

"Well," he slowly replied as he shortened the distance between them. "It seems that some still know of Gods." He paused where he was, his wings folding themselves neatly behind him. Why? It was such a simple question to him, but if he didn't answer correctly it might seem foolish. "The matters of mortals amuse me, and it is best to observe it when you are in the middle of it all."

She relaxed slowly upon the rock, eyes settled upon him as if she had no attention for anything else that surrounded him. That at least was quite real, even if some of her other surface actions were not. She had never seen a god and he quite intrigued her to a degree that very little else did. Not only did she have need of him, but she was sure that it was unlikely she would ever really get this chance again.

"We here praise one, and though she is our matron, I have long since known that all gods are of a great importance. To not believe in them is foolish." She shrugged her shoulders slowly, head tilting as she let her eyes flicker up to his own. They were a startling color, to say the last, against the black and red of his pelt. "I do not feel I will belong here much longer, so I must find another in which to place my faith. You can not have faith in something in which you do not know." A delicate smile curled her maw at his, eyes dancing with the emotion of it. She could be appealing when she felt need for it.

"Amuse you?" she said with a soft laugh. It was not mocking, or rude, but just a cute and amused touch of mirth. "I find most of our habits rather boring, but I suppose what is different to one may amuse them. Perhaps some things you do and find boring would seem great and powerful deeds to me."

She smiled agian, eyes fluttering and downcast as she dipped her head in greeting. "My name is Ipentshisi, great god."
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 8:08 pm
Dath let his eyes wander over her body, of what he could see. She seemed young, but it was obvious that she wasn't young. She was...what did they like to say? In her prime. He slowly stretched out one of his wings, letting it slowly reach all the way out, and return to rest on his back.

"Oh?" he questioned, rarely knowing of gods that actually watched over prides as their own. Interesting, was this some sort of new fad that he did not know about? The idea never tickled his fancy, though, especially as Dath was anything but responsible. The fact that she was going to leave meant little to him; he came across so many doing whatever their heart desired all the time, what would be different about her?

"I must disagree, Ipentshisi, as the affaids of mortals are quite amusing, especially everything that relates to emotions." He wouldn't admit it was because it reminded him of Laana, and he wanted to know more about how she might actually feel. He never realized that he watched in such great detail because he wanted to know how he felt towards her. Dath would never admit it until it would be too late.

"Dath'charukai," he mentioned casually. "Though I realize it can be a handful to speak all the time, so Dath works fine for me." He let his tail flop behind him idly. Next would probably be the question of what he was, as it normally was.

She was fairly young if one set her aside a grown, fully mature lioness, but where her youth made her appear so her mind made up for it. At least, she liked to believe so. She had no time for the silly nonsense other adolescent dwelled upon, for she had other purposes in life. To accomplish what she wished, she needed to have a adept mind and a strong heart, and at least the first of these was quite uncommon among the other females of her generation.

Her eyes drifted to the wing that stretched, turquoise depths watching it intenty. It intrigued her, though she could not say the rest of him was not appealing, truthfully. It was always those things that were different that truly stole her attention, however.

"The harvest goddess," she said quietly, shrugging her shoulders as if the pride's concern were truly little matter to her. She knew why they felt a kinship to her, thought it was a wise decision with the way of their lands, but she did not plan to stay here and thus did not feel any true connection to her. She'd not been seen in quite some time, to tell the truth. "Though she has not graced our mortal eyes in some time, actually."

"Emotions?" she said softly, her eyes drifting up to his through slightly lowered lashes. "Emotions intrigue me. Those that drive sinners, criminals. I mean to puzzle these out one day, to stop them in a manner." That was the tip of the iceburg, but it would do.

"Then it is quite the pleasure to meet you, Dath. If you'd rather call me Shisi, I would not object. Don't want to cause you to twist your tongue by any means." Her smiled brightened, a slight touch of a smirk mingling in it. It gave her a vaguely devilish, devious appearance - but that was probably her intent.

Interesting how where this Shisi was from, they still believed in this goddess even if no one had seen her in a long time. What made mortals keep their faith? Gods thrived off of the faith that mortals had in their 'domain', and so it seemed odd that she didn't show herself.

Not that he really cared, though.

He raised an eyebrown at what intrigued her specifically. Something that he had been told were 'dark' or 'evil' thoughts and emotions. Obviously she did not know who stood before her, but he wasn't going to tell her unless she asked. Why give out more than you had to? "Things that tie mortals together. Whether they be hate, love, whatever. I've never understood it, and probably never will, but it's a good laugh when you see them waver." He liked ruining things, it was part of his nature. "And Shisi it is, then," he added on with a nod, taking another notice in how she presented herself to him. It was...interesting, but pleasureable.

She was just as pleased to drop the conversation of the harvest goddess as he was. She had no doubt the goddess thrived somewhere, perhaps hiding to test the pride's beliefs and see whether they stuck true to her. She had nothing to offer this female, however. She had no need of her gracing the lands Shisi would visit, for lands would never hold her down again. She needed a male god, for one simple reason, and any domain and any soul would do for that. She didn't truly have high expectations when one thought about it. Just have to be male and immortal - and it had turned out easier than she had imagined thus far. She'd set the bait, now she simply needed to hook him.

"That's interesting," she said softly, tail flickering slowly behind her as she stretched out a leg for sheer comfort, though knowing it exposed more of her form. She was new to manipulation in this sense, but if his mind operated in any similar sense to a mortal male's, it shouldn't be a problem for her. "I've no need of love or friendship," she said with a soft smirk, shrugging her shoulders. Truth was, love meant very little to her. She loved only one soul, and that was her sister. A bond of blood as much as love.

"I suppose my intention aren't just to study, though, and it's certainly not for amusement. I mean to treat sinners with a steady paw, one that they're not likely to forget. To bring them punishment, though, I need to first understand them." She shrugged softly, tilting her head at them, "though I suppose youre own means of entertainment can be quite amusing."

Dath grinned. What she had said was something that made a piece of him, somewhere inside of him, smile wickedly. A game slowl developed in his mind, and his wings couldn't help but shiver for a moment at his building excitement. It all played out so beautifully in his mind, laying itself out like a map of the lands he had wandered. He would see if she would take the bait; he didn't realize that he was being baited as well. All he could tell was that there was something interesting in it for the both of him, and he would wager on the fact that something would happen.

"To bring punishment?" he said, beginning to vocalize his thoughts with a laugh. "Well, I think I have an offer you might like." He let the idea of this offer linger in the air for a moment as he let his grin grow on his face. "Gods don't normally call me Dath. To them, I am Chaos." Not quite a flat out 'evil', but sure, it wasn't always a good thing, and he was far from innocent. "If you have any questions for me, sure, ask. I'll help you understand what sinners might think about as they go through these actions I assume you do not like."


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:12 pm
She saw that grin on his maw, eyes fluttering as she let a quick gleam of some emotion pass over her face. Somewhat sultry, with a touch of a faintly seductive gleam. It was quick, and shown in such a manner that it was not quite understandable by mind. It would be instinct, if anything, that drew him to it - and that was what she was meant. She was good at games, at masks and deceiving. She could probably stir up chaos among males if she tried - that would be interesting enough for him to watch, wouldn't it? Though that mattered little.

"Chaos?" she said with a soft smirk, a flash of admiration passing over her face. It was a mixed domain - not truly evil, not truly good. She shifted on her rock, more to the side that was closest to him, and let her tail dangle off the side and twitch just above the ground beneath it. "What an interesting domain," though outwardly she was pouring out sugar-coated words, inwardly she was somewhat amused that she gotten him to tell her without asking.

"I must say I don't know quite what drives others to do these deeds, for I've never actually seen them, but I have a feeling it has something to do with raw emotions. Tell me, though, what the real reason is behind these things?" she quirked a brow at him, a purr on her words, "for one day I mean to be karma's instrument of justice. I am, by no means, fond of these types."

Her questions were something that he could expect, but Dath still wanted to answer them correctly. He was amused with her plans, and thus, would feed into them, answering as best he could. "Well, it's actually quite simple. I'm sure you've been on a hunt or two before, correct? The thrill of seeing your prey, being able to plan out exactly what you are going to do as the other does not have a clue...that starts it." He could feel his own exciement growing. To him, that was the best part. Just sitting and thinking about what he could do was usually enough for him. Lately, though, it had to be just a bit more than that....

"Those emotions are addictive," he admitted with a chuckle. "Tense body springing onto something unsuspecting." Hmm. He waves a paw in the air. "Perhaps I'm getting off of the subject. But there's a thrill there, really. It's just as satisfying as filling your stomache up with fresh meat; it's something that you need. Well, at least that's how it is for me."

He paused for a moment, letting his eyes linger over her own. He wanted to try and judge what she was thinking with that. Some didn't care, while others reacted to it stronger, in favor of it or not. The idea of justice returned to his mind, one that he couldn't help but snort at. Oh, another that swung to his sister's side of things? That was never fun to him.

She listened to his words, though she could not deny the very faint glimmer of distaste that sparked in her eyes. If he saw, it mattered little to her. She was not fond of the actions, and having him explain it in such a manner to her did not make it anymore appealing. In fact, to think of another lion as a prey animal was somewhat revolting - but she had better control of her emotions to let it become blatantly obvious. She needed him, and even if he was amused with her reaction, she felt it would change things too much to have him see this.

"Is that what intrigues you, Dath?" she said, finally, laying her head down and gazing up at him through her eyelashes, as she could do nothing else at such an angle with him. "To hunt everything like prey?" Oh, there were a hundred hidden meanings in those words, and probably most of them intentionally implied. She didn't want to dwell on the subject - she wanted to get down to business, basically.

Though he thought her ideas swung more into his sister's domain, it would perhaps intrigue him later on to see her and her true actions. To say the least, her ideas upon justice were extreme, and probably a little too much so for the majority of society.

"Hunt.....I don't think what I do should be considered hunting," he replied, a bit miffed. Not that he let it show much. He waved another paw as if it was nothing. "Sometimes when you cannot get the attention of another, that's the best way to do it. There's a thrill to it like there is anything, though." It seemed so simple to him, and it was hard for him to think that not everyone would understand just why he did what he did. "It's easy to view lots of things as prey, but I don't always 'hunt'."

He settled himself more comfortably in his sitting position. "I have a little more respect for you then that," he assured her, a smile on his face. And he did, for no real reason at all. Most of the things Dath did he had no real explination for. He would be almost kind in one moment, and anything but in another. "You merely tickle my curiosity."

"Perhaps not, but it carries many similarities to hunting, so what else better to call it?" She smirked, turning her head away for a moment to glance towards the horizon, though her eyes soon flickered to stare at him from the their corners. "No matter the name, I'm afraid I still do not like it, though I don't think I could punish you very well unless you let me." It implied things that were better left to imagine than to bluntly say. More toying with words, more games. She'd not found this sort of toying very fun with anyone else. Though.. she'd not been looking for it anyone else, to tell the truth.

She shifted so that she could look up at him again once more, drawing little circles upon the rock with her paw, seemingly out of her idleness, but she paid not attention to it. "Well, I shall take that as a compliment, then. If I can tickle a god's curiosity, then I must be doing something right, hmm?" Her smirk flashed once more, sweet and devilish all at once, and the humor danced in the depths of her turquoise eyes.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:31 pm
"Oh, so are you interested in punishing me?" His own idea of punishment obviously was twisting into a different way. He couldn't help but let his thoughts drift that was, as it was obvious by the way that she was carrying herself. Oh, sure, they were made to look subtle, but he was catching nearly every single one. The smirks, the way her eyes looked at him. How she pretended to be interested in other things, yet not as he was standing right before her. He wasn't stupid, no, and even if he was falling into something she was trying, what could she do to him? He was a god, and she was a mortal. That was as far as his mind would go on that matter, as he never heard anything about a mortal going against a god.

"You say that you must be doing something right since you've got my attention, but since some of my normal habits might go against your own ideals, are you really?" he teased, drawing his face a bit closer to hers. He let one of his eyes widen a bit, the snake-like pupil of his eyes much more evident now. He was enjoying her company immensely, especially as it let him think a little, but not too much, as well as getting an ego boost. As many males, he was always up for that.

"Perhaps," she said with a soft laugh, reaching out to brush a tail across his leg. Just a quick, flickering gesture. "It depends on what your definition of punishment is." Oh, she meant for him to see, to catch it. She meant to imply things, to twist his thoughts. She meant it all - it was a waste to tease with no promise. A waste of time and effort, in her opinion. She did what she intended, even if she danced around a bit in the process.

She had to admit, despite the devilish tendencies he had revelead to her, she was intrigued by him. Anything that intrigued her was worth her time, and since she truly had a need of him, she found this game they were playing quite worthy. "You're not doing a thing to me with these 'normal habits', are you? Besides, what can I do about a god's will? I plan to serve the gods, to be justice where they will it, smite mortal thorns in their paws." Which was the truth. Her justice was reserved for the mortals - why defy a god when she meant to be their mortal vessel for justice?

As he leaned closer, she noticed the pupils, and her eyes narrowed just slightly to study them. Well, that was certainly quite interesting. A slow, intrigued smile spread across her maw and she flickered her tail closer to his form - though didn't quite touch this time.

Honestly, it was everything he could do to hold himself back. She was playing with him, but at this point he just didn't give a damn. He kept telling himself, over and over in his mind, that he had to play it calmly. He had done too many rash things lately, and the last thing he wanted to do was catch his sister's attention. No, for now he would have to play it cool. If that was what she wanted, well, then she was going to get it as soon as she laid it out in front of him.

"Serve the gods? Girl, I must admit, you tempt me so," he said, shaking his head with a chuckle. It was almost getting a bit obvious for him, but there obviously was something else there that he didn't know. As long as it didn't bring any harm to him, he wouldn't care about it. And Shisi seemed far from plotting his demise; she barely knew him! Everything in this situation was safe to him. A green light.

She smirked as he echoed her words, pushing herself up onto her paws slowly and giving herself over to a good, well-deserved stretch. As much for her comfort as his eyes. She stepped down lightly, brushing herself against him, tail brushing along under his chin. He'd been a good sport to play with her this long.

"Do I?" she said, in a voice too innocent to match the devilish glimmers in her eyes and the smirk spread across her maw. She turned, to look at him over her shoulder, one eyebrow quirking slowly. "I serve the gods as they see fit, and for now, the only god come to use my services is you." She put an emphasis on the word, eyelids lowering slightly so she could peer at him through her lashes once more. "So temptation is yours to act upon as you.. see fit."

He was a bit surprised when she began to rise off of her perch, as it was sooner than he had expected. That didn't mean that he didn't welcome the change in her location though, and even more so when she teased him with a light touch of her body, well, he decided to forget all of his barriers he had put up for himself!

"Well, if it is a service that you are willing to give, then by all means, Shisi, I might just request it." She knew exactly what he was asking for, he would bet, and so if it had to be verbalized, then he'd be the first to ask for it! Ask? Well, ask might not be the right term. He would get it. He pulled himself up on all fours, following her for a few steps before stopping to offer her a wide grin.

She let her smirk fade slightly, turning to look up at him now as he stood looming over her. She saw his grin and let her own cross her maw, mimicking it. Oh, but this almost seemed too easy - she was getting what she wanted, and much sooner than she had every planned. She let out a soft laugh at the thought, but managed to make it quite soft despite and simply added to it by brushing her tail under his chin. "Then I will be obliged to fufill such a request," she said lowly, then, without any further toying, she began to lead him along the path to a much more.. secluded area.  


Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]

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