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Reply [IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]
Done with you [Kapuki & Tau]

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:35 pm
AIM Log - Felyn & Kisoni
Kapuki & Tau

He was growing larger, seemingly by the day. Still young, yes, but long days of play upon the cliffs and shores, and good steady meals had caused the male to grow faster than what some might deem normal. Already his bulk was enough that he'd begun to feed himself, little by little, and wander further and further away from the pride. Wandering wasn't something that the Kizingo'zaa ever spoke against, but he never told his parents he was doing this for fear of their forbidding him. If there was one thing Tau had learned, it was that he had a 'place' at home that they wouldn't be willing to let him leave. He despised it as much as he loved it.

All together, the feelings of confinement and contentment were at such a bitter war that they left the youngest perpetually confused about his life. Such things spurred his feet ever onward and so came the day where he found himself at the northern most boundary of the pride, about to cross into the slight gutter of rogueland between they and Bahari'moto.

As he had a habit of doing these days, Willy was scuttling along in the sand after the run-away pre-teen, cursing under his bubbled breath the entire time. Tau paid him little attention--he couldn't, for the life of him, understand why the damned crab had decided to become his shadow, but nor could he escape the little creature. or, for that matter, the others of Willy's kind.

"What'er y'lookin' fer anywhoo?" Willy asked, snapping warningly as Tau's tail flicked a little too close to his shell.

"Eh... stuff."

Willy rolled his eyes. "Stuff issit nao? damn teenage welp, dun'er kinnit when they've gotit gud."

Kapuki didn't always go to the Kiza pride. She found that Tau's fighting against the ocean's will was tiring, especially now that he was getting older. His will was strong, and though she had come to admire that, it still meant that he often tried to push himself away from her. When would he ever learn? Probably not until it was too late, she figured, but there seemed little she could do about it. He was getting too big for her to fuss with over such matters - he needed to learn on his own.

"I know," she said softly, laying upon the shore, just outside the borders of the Bahari. The waves were washing up the beach, purring deep whispers as they grated the grains of sand. Her eyes remained shut as she stretched out against the beating sun, tail flopping softly against the warmer, dryer and, letting the ocean's breeze brush her face. It was a pleasant life, the one she led.

She tiled her head, as if listening to something, then let a soft smile spread across her maw. Oh, the secrets she knew she never told, but she knew them none-the-less. She laid her head back down upon the sand, letting the soft white grains coat her dark cheek. This was a day she had chosen to take alone. No Chozi, No Tau - though she wouldn't have minded Nili quite so much.

"Shut up!" Tau whined, already annoyed with his 'companions' grumpy, prevalent chatter. "Shut up, shut up shut uuuuupp!!" The male huffed and continued his way down the white shore. His eyes were shut, though, as if that could somehow block out the sound of the crab's continued cursing and beratement.

And then when he opened them again he was almost on top of... well... Kapuki. Wonderful. "What are you doing here?" He demanded, as if he hadn't nearly trodden on top of her.

She heard him, taking the moment to measure the tone of his voice, the demand with which he spoke to her. A rather loud roar of waves washed up upon the shore, bringing the water closer than any before then, but for the moment all she could do was sigh.

Then, in an instant, her eyes had flashed open and settled upon him like two pale pools of ice. "This land is closer to my home than it is yours, Tau, so maybe I should be asking what you're doing here?" Her jaw set tightly, eyes narrowing upon him. No, he'd not get away with talking to her like that - not here, at least.

"Well we're still--" He paused and really looked around them then. The male lifted his head and sniffed, ears swivelling this way and that. Okay so.. maybe he wasn't as close to home as he thought. But still! "We're in rogue lands! That doesn't count as either of our homes!" Boy was that defensive.

The crab at his feet rolled his eyes and gave the best nod he could manage to Kapuki. Willy was fine with the female, to a point, but wasn't much inclined to talk to her.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:40 pm
"Then that means I have just as much right to be here as you do, and you have absolutely no right to be demanding questions of me[/]i." She smirked, her previous tone dulled down somewhat, and her tail back to flopping lazily behind her. "Besides, I've had just about enough of your snapping at me and I think it may be time very soon to have a talk with your father." She wouldn't not unless he really pushed her, but no need for him to know that.

Her pale eyes drifted down to Willy, giving him an inclination of her head, eyes shutting briefly as she did so. She had no problem with the crab, really - he was quite amusing when he took to snapping at Tau's tail, in fact - but she was not drawn to him in the slightest. He was part of the ocean, in a sense, and for that she held some vague liking of him, but nothing again to the great blue itself.

Tau snorted. Why did females all have to be soo.. sooo.. UGH! He frowned further and sat down heavily in the sand so that a bit of it puffed up from underneath him. His sulky gaze rested on her as she continued to sunbath. "You think you're sooooo smart, don't you?"

She laughed softly at his words, shutting her eyes again and letting her head relax back into the cradle of warm sand beneath her body. "Compared to you, I'd say so," she said calmly, tail flickering, as if it didn't bother her in the slightest to grind his gears. Of course, it really didn't. "It's not my fault you let yourself be verbally outdone so easily."

"I'm not outdone!" He yelped, completely offended and, of course, totally able to defend himself as she was one hundred percent right. "I could defeat you in.. in.. a.. battle of.. verbage any day!"

"Battle of garbage mo'loike."

"Stuff it Willy!"

She laughed, eyes still closed, not even needing to see him to know that he was worked up - his voice gave enough of that away. "That's not even a word," she drawled, her smirk growing by the minute, "how can you 'battle' me if you can't even use real words?" She opened an eye to peak at him, examining him with it, then shut against with soft giggles on her lips.  


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:42 pm
"it has to be a word if i can say it," He sulked, looking away from her. Damned girl.. always so smug. He hated her, he knew he did! His ears flopped back and shoulders humped as his head sunk down into them. "Besides, I'm better than you at lotsa things!"

She smirked, letting her eyes flash open, completely ignoring his rather irrelevant and childish first statement. Stupid boy. "I didn't say you weren't," she said, for a moment acting as if she were taken aback, then let it fade into an amused grin that left her eyes dancing and made it pretty obvious the first expression had been entirely falsified. "And what is this sudden obsession with being the best, hm?"

He snorted, "I am the best, what are you talking about?"

She snorted then herself, rolling onto her back and letting out hearty, amused laughter. After a few moments, she turned her head to the side to look back at him. "Do you really think that? Are you truly that cocky?" Oh, she would believe it of him, certainly, but to hear him say it was amusing.

Tau sat up straight again, raising his chin a bit. His tuft of mane fell over one eye, giving him a more girly appearance than even the pink did... but other than that, he already had enough muscle on him to at least look slightly regal. "Why not? I'm awesome!" He blatantly ignored the snickering crab at his feet.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:44 pm
She put a paw to her belly at his newer statement, eyes squeezed shut as she took another moment to get over the giggles she could no longer help. Oh, but he just kept getting better and better! With a few deep breaths, she pushed herself into a sitting stance, wiping the back of one paw across her eyes. "Awesome you may be, but there is more to a prince than cockiness. Ever try being humble?" She quirked a brow, her face still amused.

"Humble?" He asked, without the slightest inflection. Slowly Tau rose an eyebrow as he stared down at her. "..... I'm not a bee."

She giggled again, shifting her eyes down to Willy for a moment. His snickering had drawn her attention, and for a moment she simply let her amused smile rest on him. Well, at least he'd be there to guide the boy in.. some form. He needed his help. Then, she shifted her gaze back up to Tau. "Not bumble, you silly twit, humble." She let her tail bat lightly against his leg, all too amused with this conversation. "Not bragging about your qualities, but presenting them without showing too much pride."

"Why should I do that?" He snorted. Once more his chest puffed up, "I'm the best cliff climber in the pride! And I'm bigger and stronger than my stupid brother! I bet I'll be the Nganolinda when my dad steps down, too! And then they'll all have to look up to me!"

"Gods save you all," she muttered at his words about being 'Nganolinda'. She knew enough about his pride to know what that meant, and at this point in time, she couldn't think that'd be a very wise decision on his parent's part. "Good cliff climbers do not necessarily become Nganolina." She shrugged her shoulders, a grin on her mug, "your brother is smarter than you - what makes you think he wont be?"  


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:45 pm
"He's a sissy boy, and he's NOT smarter than me." Tau snorted with a frown. Was Nili smarter than-- no. He wasn't. Tau just.. hated it here. As much as he said he was going to be..... he didn't want to. The boy frowned. "Good cliff climbing means.. i can... i can.. i can climb high and see things! Bad things! If they come to us, y'know?"

She quirked an eyebrow, tail twitching slightly, "I thought you had someone else to watch out for 'bad things'?" Oh, she didn't doubt he was good at cliff climbing, or very strong, perhaps even really quick. She really just liked to mess with him, which was exactly what she was doing.

He snorted, "So? A good Nganolinda sees everything, so he can teach it all to the pride later on." Well, at least Tau knew that much. "Nili is too much of a chicken. All he wants to see are his precious, vain, stupid flowers. He wont' even leave his flower patch unless you make him."

She shrugged slightly, tail flickering against the sand. The fact that he was insulting Nili was putting her at odds with herself. Part of her wanted to give him a good smack, but part of her was reminding that he belonged to her, and she had just as much loyalty to him as she did Nili. "Oh, I don't know, Nili leaves his pretty little garden to come see me all the time. Maybe he just doesn't care enough to leave it for the likes of you, hm?"

"He comes to see YOU?" For some reason that shocked him to his core. ... and... he frowned. Something else. He didn't like that.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:46 pm
She burried the smirk she felt spreading on her maw, instead managing to look calm and rather surprised. "Why, you didn't know? Nili and I are the best of friends." She let a small, affectionate smile shine, a purr on her tones as she spoke once more, "we look for seashells and flowers and all sorts of things."

"Prolly to make him more jewelry," He replied sourly. Oh no, he did not like that at all. Especially that little LOOK on her face! How.. how dare Nili! Tau wasn't really sure what Nili had done, exactly, but he was still bloody outraged.

"Of course," she said with a small grin, tilting her head at him, "why else? Of course, we make jewelry for me too. He found the prettiest seashell for me the other day, I can't wait to wear it." Oh, she was pushing it on purpose. Nili and her truly were really good friends, but to tell truth, she felt he was more like the sister she had never had than anything else. Tau didn't know that though, and that was what was so amusing about it all.

"Why do you even bother wearing pretty things?" Tau replied, ears lowering flat against his skull. "All they do is emphasize how ugly you are."

She sneered at him, eyes narrowing, and teeth slightly bared. She was getting damn tired of his childish words and insults, especially since that's the only way he could deal with anyone outdoing him in anything. "Grow up," she hissed, then reached out to aim a hard smack towards his face with her outstretched paw.  


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:48 pm
It hit, because he hadn't been expecting it. You just didn't hit anyone else where he came from, not even if you were mad at them! The boy reeled back and took a few steps away from her. He hissed, feeling the blood trickling down through the fur of his cheek. "Better watch it, Kapuki, that face might stick. Lord knows its bad enough normally."

A familiar pinch registered at his tail, and his body tensed and fur puffed out like a ball. Tau didn't make any sound of noise, though his jaw did snap shut.

She narrowed her eyes upon him, slowly pushing herself up to her feet. For some reason, the blood was't as satisfying as she thought it was. In a sense, she was ashamed of herself for letting him let her get so worked up. She'd not let him see it though, she'd not show him that. Her jaw gritted, watching him, before she finally turned away.

"I'm done with you," she said softly as she went, already letting herself fall into a rhythmic step with the ocean's waves, "next time I hope if just drowns you." That was all she had to say. She was done with his royal cockiness.

"yeah well.... GOOD RIDDANCE!" He yelled back at her. He'd finally gotten what he wanted... hadn't he? The crab let go, and willy scuttled back up to his side.

There was silence on the beach as the young lione--almost a teen, really--and crab stared at where Kapuki had gone. "Ye've rally dun it nao, Panu."

"... .. panu?"

"Panu Panu." The crab looked at him, as if it should have been obvious by this point. "Oi'd loike ta say it means 'idiot' but it dun't." With that, Willy turned and began to scuttle his way back towards Kizingo'zaa. After a few more minutes, Panu Panu followed him.
[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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