This is what's happened in my Sims 2 world smile It's like a catchup to present style of thing. Hope you enjoy it lol redface

Simon and Prudence Crumplebottom along with Victor and Gretel Goth would be devastated if they were alive to see the state that their family house and name had degenerated to. While Bella Bachlor wasn’t much in the way of financial standing, she was a decent woman who could keep Mortimer and their two children Cassandra and Alexander in line. Then, Bella disappeared.

No one knows where she disappeared, it’s rumoured that the Caliente girls Nina and Dina had something to do with Bella’s sudden vanishing. A few months after Bella had disappeared both the Caliente girls were spending a lot of time around Mortimer flirting, trying to get his attention. Dina was after a few drinks finally able to seduce Mortimer.

Dina became pregnant, overjoyed that she would be financially stable for the rest of her life since she was having the child of none other than Mortimer Goth. Cassandra and Dina did not get along at all, this was made even worse when Dina moved in and had a shot gun wedding. Alexander’s grades fell and he struggled to get them back up. As soon as he could, Alex left to go to college and hasn’t been heard or seen of since.

Cassandra had asked the love of her life Darren Dreamer and his son Dirk to move in with her, never in her wildest dreams did she imagine the lengths that Dina would go to in order to corner her beloved father away from her. Attempting to ignore the negativity within the house Cassandra and Darren got married in a beautiful ceremony. During the ceremony Dina began to give birth. Furious that her special day had been ruined, Cassandra moved out with her new family the next day. It wasn’t until a few days had passed that Cassandra knew she was pregnant.

Not wanting to be upstaged by Cassandra, Dina seduced Mortimer and again became pregnant. It was as though Dina was a baby pumping machine having four children to Mortimer, Sean, Lilly, William and Eve. Dina wanted to ensure that her future would be taken care of and any previous children couldn’t claim the bulk of the Goth funds when Mortimer died. While Mortimer was an old man, the situation around his death was suspicious but not enough for the police to find any one at fault. Dina was now in control of the Goth family funds.

Dirk’s half sister was named Bella, after her grandmother and grew up to be smart and pretty with no sense of style, just like her mother. Sadly, in a sudden accident Cassandra died.

Dina now had a purse full of money and attracted the attention of a young widower Bee, who’d recently lost his wife and son in a house fire leaving only him and his daughter. Bella flashed around her cash and eventually the young father struggling to make his way for his daughters school funds was living the life. Unexpectedly Dina became pregnant with her 5th child, Yonda Donaldson.

The Goth family was in total disarray. The funds were being abused daily and depleting quickly. The amount of tomb stones outside the house grew, cranky ghosts who frequently haunted the house. Dina had thoughts of moving to leave it all behind. It was then that she turned in to an old woman and the thought of moving became an extremely difficult and tiresome task.

Pepper Shortland was the daughter of Mark Vijaykar and Amy Shortland. The Shortland family were the second richest of all the families within Pleasantville. Being the best friend of Lilly Goth, she spent a lot of time over the Goth family house. She got along well with Bee when he arrived on the scene. Growing up in to a stunning young lady, Pepper instantly fell in love with the long blonde haired, muscle man who paid attention to her like no one else did.

After some flirting, Bee kissed Pepper. Eventually they ended up inside the photo booth and then in bed. This resulted in Peppers becoming pregnant. She didn’t tell any one and didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t until she started showing that she had to tell her parents what had happened. Amy and Mark were free spirits and didn’t care about her age, or that she was pregnant to a married man, just as long as she was happy and that having the baby was something that she wanted to do. Other wise they’d support her with her choice.

Pepper wasn’t sure, she knew that she didn’t want to have an abortion so went along with the flow and had the baby putting her studies on hold for a while. All she wanted to do was spend more time with Bee. She gave birth to twin babies that she named after her grandparents Sandra and John. Bee came over for a visit and was there for the birth. Sadly Peppers parents Amy and Mark died of old age shortly after the twins had their first birthday.

Dina fell down a set of stairs and died as a result. Unable to live with her father and his cheating ways Holly moved out. When she moved she offered Eve, Lilly, Sean and William a place with her. None of them wanted to leave their home. They were orphans now in the care of their step father who didn’t love their mother who simply stayed with her for her money, and ended up having an affair with one of their school friends.

It was then that something happened no one saw coming. Alexander came back to claim his house and to look after his nieces and nephews. He ran towards Bee and threw a punch towards him. While Alexander didn’t look like much of a fighter, he had a high body skill and knew how to land a punch. The pair fought in the attic with pepper watching, scared that the estranged uncle would turn on her next. She couldn’t see through the dust who’d win. Alexander lost, but dove back in for another round, and again until he won a fight. Bee didn’t want to play big daddy man to 4 teenagers that weren’t his, so he took Yolanda and moved out that night.

Within a day Alexander had people in to redecorate the house and had the kids to work cleaning the gardens, catching up on their home work and cleaning the house. He even made them all get jobs of their own in order to help them learn the value of money. There was a complete turn around in the Goth children’s ethics, a much deserved kick up the back side.