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Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:30 am
Out Of Guild RP (Auri)

Auri woke in the middle of the night, not by another creature... well, in a since it was because it was from a pain in her rather large stomach. It wasn't an agonizing pain, just small and sharp. After being a healer for so long, she new what that probably meant, knowing that it could also take a little while. She shuddered and laid her head back down beside Afiya, though she didn't close her eyes.

Auri had been fidgeting alot lately, so it wasn't unusual for himt o feel her moving beside him. He had been told, rather abruptly that she was pregnant. the last time he'd found out a female was pregnant he up and ran away, this time though he was tied solidly to the ground and to this female. Opening one golden eye he smiled. "Feeling okay?" his voice was barely a whisper and his mouth gaped in a yawn as he stretched out his long sleder legs. His leg had all bit healed, it still pained him occasionally, but Auri had taken very good care of him, even in ehr condition.

Auri debated on assuring him that she was fine, but then realized she couldn't keep anything from him, even if this could make him fret and worry.
"Mmm, my stomach hurts a bit... I think it might be time, but..." she replied and nuzzled him before he could move, whether he planned to or not. "It doesn't hurt that much, just yet, so I think it might be some time," she added, sitting back and rolled over a bit so that she was lying more on her side. Another pain sparked in her and she flinched, closing her eyes until it passed.

Afiyas ears twitched a little, time, time for what..."Ohhh" He blinked and looked at Auri as she rolled away from him his tail twitching spasmodically behind him. "Uhm..what am I supposed to do?" he blinked owlishly his golden yellow eyes fixed solidly on the female leopardess, the half light of dawn highlighting her.

He smiled, she looked so beautiful, carrying their children, she seemed calm, even through the pain which clearly roved her body.

Her eyes opened when it passed and beckoned to him with her paw.
"Just be near me?" she asked, smiling softly, the love she had for him, making her eyes glow. The pain hit again, coming faster and stronger each time. Maybe she was wrong about the time it would take... She flinched again and this time a highish-pitched moan was audible in her throat, even though her lips were closed.

Crawling towards her, with only slight dificulty, Afiya puurred quietly and groomed her face, watching her motions. The fur on the back of his neck rose when she called out in pain. "Is theer nothing I can do?" he whispers cleaning ehr face and ears, hopeing the gentle grooming would help to calm her. "I won't go any where. i promise. I'm here beside you Auri."

Auri sighed when he came over and started grooming her face. That felt really good, easing some of the tension out of her.
"That feels really good. Keep doing that," she replied with a small smile.

Afiya watched on in silence, occassionally pausing to whisper a few words of love and encouragement. He felt excitement, like these were tyruely his first cubs. the first cubs at least consomated by love. he wondered what they would be like. What he would have to teach them, it made him smile. "You're doing great Auri. I'm here"

Auri sighed as she brought the last of their three cubs into the world and she groomed him clean and pushed him to her side. She looked up at her mate with a small, tired yet satisfied smile. "I... We did it," she whispered. A girl and two boys.

Having watched and soothed the whole time, Afiya puurred happily and leaned down to touch each of his three cubs in turn. They were beautiful. Their tiny bodies so petite and wonderful in his eyes. he had cubs, cubs he wished to raise and see them do as well as he had in the world. "They are beautiful Auri." He puurrs turnign to look up once again at his mate and groom her face. "You did wonderfully. What shall we name them?" A sudden feeling of excitement washed through him. he was a father and it was his responsability to name and care for these little cubs with Auri. To raise them right.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:50 am
Out Of Guild RP (Auri)

Auri sat at the base of one of the trees in her family's glade. She and Afiya had decided not to leave the area until Kwini, Tamu, and Shujaa had grown a bit bigger. Of course, they had been rather large at birth, but they were still just babies. Shujaa and Kwini were snoozing in a fluffy pile nearby and Tamu... Wait, where was Tamu? Auri blinked and looked around for her second-born.

He pressed low to the ground, or attempted to, his legs still felt a little wobbly and all, but all the same, Tamu attempted his best to crouch, and eyed the little bug in the grass before him. Of course, his breathing was to loud, and when he attempted catch the little bug, he missed and went rolling. With a mewl of pure embarrassment, the kit pushed himself up and quickly eyed his brother and sister. Still asleep, good. And then he caught sight of his mom. Oh no! Tamu quickly attempted to hide, because this was part of the game. Never let the parents see you! He tried to hide in a patch of grass, as if his much older, much wiser mother wouldn't notice a ball of fluff stumbling around in an attempt to be quiet.

Auri let out a low breath and smiled stalking forward and batting him close.
"Gracious Goddess, Tamu. You scared me," she said low, chuckling a bit as she nuzzled him, keeping quiet so as not to wake the other two. Her babies may have just been babies, but the boys at least were showing a bit of their father's size. The healer leopardess had a feeling they would one day outgrow her and she smiled at the thought. Her cubs, her babies. She chuckled again and ran her tongue over his head. "Now, what exactly were you doing?"

Tamu whined as she pulled him out. Dang, he lost. The little leatah rolled his eyes when his mother said /he/ scared /her/. His mother was never scared, she was to big to get scared! But he let her silly comment slid and gave a happy little noise od delight as she gave his head a quick wash. No matter what anyone would ever say, Tamu would always think baths were the best thing in the world. He leaned against her, demanding a better cleaning then that little lick, and then huffed, "I was hunting! I wanna help! I hate sitting around." Tamu gave his mother another little nudge, nuzzling happily against her. "I almost had it too!" Bright blue eyes looked upwards, looking towards his mother, his care-giver, one of the idols of his life, and gave a little grin, "Do you think dad will let me go with him next time he goes hunting?"

Auri smiled again and shrugged her shoulders a tiny bit.
"Perhaps. We'll just have to see," she replied and lied down, curling her paws around him and running her tongue down his back. "Your father's a very good hunter, Tamu," she said in between strokes of her tongue. Shujaa didn't like baths at all and would always struggle. But her sweet little Tamu just loved it. And she had nothing against giving them to him.
"I'm sure he'll teach you to be just as good as he is, maybe even better."

"No one will be better then dad!" Tamu stated, though the thought of being just as great as his father made the little kit's chest swell with childish pride. He gave a happy purr, enjoying the warmth and safety of his mothers paws and tongue, and his tail flicked lightly. "Mama," he asked softly, his eyes drooping under the soft pressure of her tongue, "how did you meet dad?" Always curious, that was Tamu.

Auri hummed as she cleaned her son, remembering that evening.
"Well, it was just near here, and I had stumbled across a young hare in need of my healing. Your father heard the hare's cries and came running, thinking there was someone needing saving. After I freed the hare, it ran away and I brought him back to this place," se replied smiling fondly. "He was such a rogue, but I didn't take him seriously at all," she added and went back to grooming Tamu.

The kit looked out into the grasses and smiled, "I wanna help like that, too." Then again, he wanted to do /everything/. There was a moment of silence, and the young leotah lapsed into a moment of bliss, until his mother's rough tongue brushed over a spot on his back that caused Tamu to laugh, bringing him back from his state of half-sleepfulness. Now awake, the little brighteyed monster gave a pathetic attempt at a roar and rolled onto his back and playfully pawed at his mother, because, sure bathing and grooming was nice, but he wanted to play, and the others were still asleep. He grinned and then batted at her again before rolling from her secure paws and further attempted to look ferocious and brave, just like his father.

Auri laughed at Tamu's playful antics rubbing her nose against his right before he rolled away. "Such a brave little prince. I imagine you'll save your share of damsels in distress just like your father, hmm?" she asked, smiling a bit. She hoped he would be like his father, in the area of who he chose for his mate one day. She still didn't have a very high opinion of the "damsel in distress" angle, she was of the mind that most trouble you should be able to get out of yourself. But... remembering when Afiya rescued her from that crazed hyena... made her love him all the more. Hopefully her darlings would find intelligent companions as they grew.

Tamu made a face, disgusted still by the thought of girls, since his idea of girls was his sister and mom. But after a moment he continued with his game, pouncing around his mom, darting in to paw playfully at her and then leap away before she could catch him or touch him. But as it was with children, he soon grew bored of this game and flopped down beside the larger cat, and watched the trees that edged their clearing. "I am bored," Tamu complained after settling down, "Can't we do something fun? Like go exploring or something?" Tamu was adventurous, that was for sure, even though he rather enjoyed just resting here with his mother.

Auri'kauta and Shujaa
"Well I can't just leave your brother and sister here all by themselves," Auri replied, pawing at her eldest son. "And quit bugging Mom," Shujaa's deep-for-a-cub voice said from the opposite side of their mother before hoping up onto her back and then tackling his smaller, yet older, brother. The largest of the trio laughed as the rolled, gently gnawing at his brother's ear, a playful gleam in his gold eyes. Auri shook her head. "You two be careful!"

"AH!" Okay, his brother had definitely frightened him, and when that larger body pounced him, Tamu let it happen, completely shocked. Two seconds ago Shujaa had been sleeping, and now he was gnawing, albeit playfully, on his ear! "Shuuuujaaaa," Tamu complained, as he attempted to knock the larger younger kit off of him, "That wasn't fair! You surprised me!" The smaller cub batted a paw at his brother, careful not to hit to hard, but hard enough to get his brother off so he had a fair chance, "You're a cheater!" he complained, though there was an equally playful gleam in his azure eyes.

Shujaa laughed and hopped off, backing away a few paces. He was grinning, his small, baby-teeth already in and sharp.

"You should listen more carefully, then. I was sure I was makin' tons of noise," he chuckled back, letting the tip of his tongue stick out from between his teeth in amusement. Shujaa had tuned more into the rogue side of his father, confident to almost the point of cocky, and with a very wry sense of humor. He shook his head so that his small ruff waved a bit and his tail waged behind him. "You ready now, Tam?"

Tamu struggled to his paws and shook himself off, giving the larger cub a sharp glare, his little brother acted like he was such a big shot! The smaller boy pawed at his ear, and then smirked, revealing his own teeth, "You are still a cheater, Shu!" he stated, but the playful sound rang true in his insult, and his tail waved like a banner, revealing how excited he was. "Yeah, I am ready! But are you?" And with a little roar of pure joy, the smaller cub bounded for his brother, ready to show him that he could be just as tough, even if he was smaller. He could be the best, would be the best.

"I just use opportunities," Shujaa shot back and feinted, allowing his brother to tackle him. Despite his outward actions, Shujaa had a very soft heart. He knew how much Tamu wanted to be like Dad, and he knew how much he... didn't want to play the heroic warrior, despite his name. He wasn't sure he much liked his already large stature, but then it might come in handy, he wasn't sure. But he pushed those thoughts aside and grinned up at his brother, pawing at his nose.

Tamu laughed in triumph, and pawed playfully back at his brother, growling in a happy manner as he felt Shu's paw bat his nose, which he wrinkled in response. He really did enjoy playing with Shujaa, his brother was entertaining and nice, and so he kept back another teasing insult, and instead gave another growl as he attempted to pin his brother to the grin before catching the other cub's ear, biting softly, payback for earlier. This was how he wished life would be forever, full of playing and roughhousing, but he was sure things would change...but not for while!

Shujaa growled back and rolled, taking Tamu with him until their positions had swapped, giving Shujaa the upper hand. "What now, Brother?" he laughed back. Sure, his ear was caught but he had Tamu pinned for the moment. Auri watched her sons carefully, making sure they didn't roll themselves into the pond or something. Her sons... She really never thought she would be this lucky, to have a family of her own like this. She'd have to find her sister again, soon, and rejoin her, but that could wait until the cubs were a bit older and Afiya's leg had completely healed. She wasn't about to return to wandering with her cubs still young and mate's leg not up to its original state.

Tamu cried out in playful frustration, releasing his brothers ear. "I'll show you what!" the smaller of the two cried out and then using his hind legs, Tamu attempted to push his brother off him. But it was definitely not the easiest when you were barely half the size as the cub above you, that was for sure! Unlike when his sister tackled him, Tamu had a hard time getting the upper hand with his brother. It was really irritating, being small. Sometimes he felt like he wasn't going to be good enough in his fathers eyes (he was sure his mother loved him no matter his size), and with another cry of frustrated anger, the cub batted at his brothers head, attempting to knock him off balance.

Shujaa hopped off and lowered himself to the ground, grinning and panting a bit, one eye closed against the earlier battings at his head. "I yield, I yield," he chuckled, his ears pricked towards his brother. He looked to his mother and smiled before returning his gaze to Tamu. "I bet you'll be a lot faster than me when we get older. Father's going to teach you everything, I bet," he said, grinning at his brother.

Tamu got up, panting just as heavily as his brother, and shook himself out. Why did he still feel this burning in his chest, and not from exhaustion? It felt like it was burning him. But the smaller cub gave a weak smile and flicked his ears forward, tail lashing, deceiving his attempt to seem happy. It was so...irritating, being small. When Shujaa gave him a compliment, it felt nice, but there was something about it that bothered the little one. Yeah, fast, sure, but never big, never as big as you or dad. "T-thanks," Tamu panted, and padded forward, pressing his head to his brothers, feeling sorry for hitting him so hard. "You are going to be the toughest of us all." He glanced at their mother then, and grinned.

Shujaa sat down and shook his head. "Nah, I don't want to be tough. You'll be Papa's warrior, not me," he replied, raising one paw to rub the back against his cheek as his tail flicked back and forth idly. He smirked back at his brother and licked the paw. "Besides, I know Papa knows you like it more than I do," he added, winking at his brother.

Boy, if that comment didn't bring a grin to his face. Tamu laughed, and gave his brother a lick, purring happily. "How can you not want to be tough!? When you are strong, you can protect everything, everyone! You can do anything." There was glow in those blue eyes now, and the small cub laid himself down beside his brother, But still, the thought of his father teaching him everything excited the cub, and his smile grew. "I can't wait to learn everything!"

Shujaa laughed and nudged Tamu in return. "I think we were born in the wrong bodies. I donno what I want to do, really. Protecting others sounds nice, but I don't want to do it all the time," he replied. It was absolutely true. He had no idea what he wanted to do, of course, he was still young. They all were still young. He knew he liked to learn the healing arts, but didn't want to be a full-fledged healer, and he liked learning how to fight, but again, didn't want to be an expert. Could he be both? "Well, I bet you'll learn everything and beat me all the time when we get big!"

Tamu laughed and eyed his brother, his eyes half closed as they rested in the sun, "Yeah, maybe." Maybe he would get bigger when he grew too! "I am sure we will both make mom and dad happy! Even sis will! Even if she is a silly girl." The cub eyed their still snoozing sister, and shook his head with a grin.

Shujaa closed his eyes and grinned. "Yup, silly girl," he retorted, starting to doze himself. If only he knew what the future held. Wouldn't that be fun?

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:08 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Chikala)

With her body low, Chikalawingu, a small black and white lioness stalked through the underbrush, hunting for her lunch. She wasn't starving yet, but she didn't like ending up hunting for a long time hunting and ending up being really hungry by the time she actually found something. She thought she had seen some smaller gazelles earlier, but... So far she wasn't coming up on anything.

Like his sister, Safura'miezi, he tended to laze about in the sun a lot (it had been a family thing... but their family had scattered or had been killed in a random Firekin attack) and his only movement was to flick his ears every once in a while. He had already had his meal for the day, so now he was obliged to be languid. Blue eyes showed through half-open eyes as he observed his surroundings, making himself comfortable on a patch of moss. How had he ended up here again?

Chikala thought she saw something in the brush and slowed before charging towards the preybeast she had caught a glimpse of before. Of course, she probably would have gotten it if she hadn't tripped over the tail of another creature who was lying there. She gasped and tumbled head over paws into a bush, scaring off her potential lunch.

Agen'theluji shifted as he felt something step on his tail, slow to make any movements or showing any signs of pain. Of course, he was surprised, and as he sat up to turn and see what had dared to step on his tail, he was perplexed to see that he didn't--oh. Standing, he had to hold back his laugh at the odd picture that was the lioness that was upside down in the bush just in front of him, but his blue eyes twinkled with good humor. "Are you all right?" he finally asked in a calm voice, once he finally managed to control himself.

The small lioness squeaked and scrambled out of the bush and away from the big lion that she had tripped over. "Yes-no, I mean yes!" she replied and backed herself into a tree. She blinked and turned, scrambling up onto a low branch. Higher than the lion's reach, but low enough so that he could still see her, and she him.

He raised an eyebrow at the lioness's behavior, feeling somewhat hurt she ran away from him. This also confused him, because he was a lone lion. "Well, you're certainly lively enough," he commented, looking up at her as she looked down at him. "But I'm not going to hurt you or anything, it was a mistake... and I guess I might have cost you some lunch?" he asked, laughing a little. "Sorry." She was black and white, with pretty red eyes, but definitely younger than he. She also appeared to be a lot smaller than he had originally thought, now that he could actually see her, but it also made him feel somewhat conscious of his own giant size, and so he fell quiet, hoping if he just kept calm the lioness would feel safe enough to approach... maybe.

She blinked back at him and the tension in her relaxed a bit and she lowered herself a bit on the branch. "You're... really big," she said, wide red eyes growing smaller and staring into his grayish blue eyes. "I don't think I've ever seen a lion your size," the lioness said and her ears flicked up a bit. She was about the size of an adult leopardess, even though she was a lion, who should have been larger than the adopted siblings she had before she had left her parents' den as an adolescent.

"Yeah, I know," he said, chuckling. "It's part of my blood... all of my family were huge." His eyes softened slightly as he realized why she had run up the tree. "Sorry if I scared you or something," he apologized. He didn't really want to think about his family, or the reason why he had run away instead of staying to help and fight to protect them. That had been the most horrible day in his life, and he had no wish to dwell on it for longer than necessary.

"My mother said my real mother was really small. At least, that's what she thought," she replied and carefully made her way out of the tree and she sat down at the base, curling her tail around her paws. "I'm... Chikalawingu, but my family always called me Chikala," she added politely.

"Oh? That's strange, you never met your real mother?" he asked, purely out of curiosity. "Oops! I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself, and here you are being nice and polite and introducing yourself." He cleared his throat and smiled gently at the younger lioness. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Chikalawingu, or Chikala," he chuckled. "I'm Agen'theluji, but since it's so long, you can call me Agen." He flicked his tail back and forth, tilting his head curiously but stayed where he sat. "You know, you're the first lioness I've met since... I don't know, since I was a juvenile."

"I've actually never talked to another lion before, I've only seen them at a distance," she said, laughing a bit and tilting her head to one side slightly. "It is nice to meet you, though. And I'm sorry for tripping over your tail like that. I don't always see where I'm going when I'm hunting," she continued, blinking at him with her ruby-colored eyes.

He nodded. "Really? Did you grow up with cheetahs?" he asked, half serious and half joking. "Do we, your brethren, scare you so much?" he asked, looking sad. "No, don't worry about it. I probably shouldn't have just been laying around like that." He winked. "It seems I always cause an uproar! ....Ah? You were hunting? Oh, no." He shook his head. "I guess that means it's my fault you lost your prey..."

Chikala shook her head, smiling as she remembered her family. "Leopards, actually. My mother saw me being left here in the jungle and took me in," she replied and shrugged. "I'm intimidated by big things. I mean, the bigger things are the harder to fight, right? And... Well, not all of the prides around here are very nice. My brothers and sister and I learned early on to be careful. Was a big thing papa taught us." She leaned to one side and scratched idly at one ear. "And yeah, I was hunting but it's fine. I don't think I was THAT hungry to begin with."

He smiled cheerfully. "Interesting, you grew up with leopards. Actually, I'm supposed to on the hunt to find any survivors for my missing family... but I haven't found a single clue." He paused to consider her words, and nodded agreement. "That's true, I've learned that myself. Not everything and everyone is nice around here, but I'm sure it's nice to meet someone new now and again." He lay down then, tired of sitting up, but continued to face Chikala. "Like I said, though, I haven't run into any of our cousins or even our brethren for a good eight seasons, so you being the first one is very nice." Agen smirked. "Well, I'd prefer female company over male company any day, anyway." he then gave her a shocked look. "Not that hungry? Oh, my dear, please tell me you're teasing my poor ears! For someone younger than me, you'd have to have a much bigger appetite, you know!" He laughed, then, not loudly, but not too softly, either. Agen grinned at Chikala to show he wanted to her to share in his amusement, and that he wasn't making fun of her.

Chikala listened as he talked about his family, nodding when appropriate... until he commented on her age. At this, she blinked. "Younger than you?" she asked, tilting her head curiously. "Half of my nieces and nephews are half grown," she said, blinking. It was true, at least they were the last time she saw them. They could very well be in their adolescence by now. Of course, she wasn't sure how old HE was but she wasn't about to be mistaken for anything but an adult.

He grinned. "You're younger than me, all right. But I never said you weren't an adult, now did I?" he eased her. He felt he was older, given the circumstances, but then again, perhaps they were both nearly the same age... she might even be older than him, which would make him laugh later if the truth came out. "Well, let me make amends... I feel like I'm older, but for all I know we might be close in age, Chikala. Forgive me," he said, and then grinned. "I seem to have fallen under the ability to continuously apologize to you, miss." He hoped he hadn't offended her or angered her in any way, since he'd hate to lose a new friend.

Chikala giggled and shook her head. "Nah, there's nothing to forgive. I know I'm small, so it was an easy mistake. I've even had some creatures thing I was part cheetah or something," she replied, holding up one paw, pads up, as if to say 'It's just that simple!'. "And I was about to say. You don't LOOK that old, yourself. So my best bet is on us being the same age," she agreed and rolled her shoulders a bit. "So what brings you around here anyways? Just looking for your family or saw the shade or...?" she trailed off there with a small, dainty shrug.

"Okay, okay, you win," Agen chuckled, holding up his right paw as a sign of surrender. "Mostly family hunting; the only clue I have is that I know I have at least one family member who's still alive..." he ended the sentence, letting it float in the air for a bit. He continued quietly, "...My pride, my family... we were just wanderers, never settlers. Because we were, we ran into a random, rogue Firekin pride, who attacked us... and killed almost all of my family." He began to have a faraway look as he spoke. "I don't know how I got here, truthfully. I was wandering around listlessly, and found myself here. That's what brought me here... I guess."

Chikala nodded, thinking. "I don't know much about my real parents, but for what my mother saw. The lioness had the marks of a gypsy pride, one that I'm pretty sure slowly broke up. Her mate was the strangest looking of lions, she told me. He was big, much bigger than his mate, and had strange markings, all over his body," she explained, trying to convey that she knew at least a little of what he meant. She shrugged when she was finished, though. "I don't really care to know much more beyond that. I had a happy cub-hood, two loving parents, two brothers, and a sister who treated me like one of their own. That's how I learned to climb trees."

He laughed good-naturedly. "Well! I'm truly happy for you, then, Chikala. Indeed, I actually envy you, my friend; to have such a good childhood... and to climb trees! I know no lion or lioness who can climb trees!" He nodded, listening to her talk about her background, and then in kind, did the same. "My family was like your leopard one, loving, caring, and fun-loving. Only problem was that our growth stages were enormous," he winked.

Chikala shrugged over the climbing thing. "Well, I mean, the trees here have so many branches and and are really big, so it's easier to get on lower branches and they're harder to break with you on them," she replied and looked him up and down, giggling. "Yeah, I can imagine. My siblings used to poke fun at me for being smaller than even them. I hit a growth spurt right before we left home to find our own territories and after that they couldn't tease me because we were all the same size," she added, laughing. She kinda missed her brothers and sister, but then, she was also glad to have her space.

Agen decided her laughter was very cute, but kept that to himself as he smirked at what she spoke about. "Ah, the ills of being smaller... yes, yes, indeed, I actually used to be much smaller than you before my growth spurt!" He figured that was probably hard to believe, but it was true. He had actually be the runt of the litter, and now he knew, even if his brothers weren't around any longer, that he was bigger than even them. "I think your tree-climbing is a very special skill. If you've ever caught a bird, I'd like to know what it tasted like, since I've never caught a bird before," he grinned.



PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:09 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Shaha)

A solitary figure loped easily over the flattened grassland, confident young eyes locked ahead, thick shoulders rolled back, and the elaborate stone jewlery ringing from around his chest. The cheetah had decided that in a show of good faith, he'd come unescorted by any sort of body guard. A risky move, but if they were to make allys chances would be taken.

He couldn't help but smile as he spotted the solitary lion stretched out on a rock. An alliance... the union and brotherhood of two alike troupes.

"Good morning!" He called out as he smoothly stepped forward, his loping gait slowing as he approached.

The large lion, looking much like a rock himself but for the fluffy fire mane, sat up from where he was watching the surrounding area for his sister. He smiled, his blue eyes scanning the new cheetah.
"Good morning, indeed. What brings you to this area?" he asked, tilting his head a bit. The tender marks under his left eye had finally completely healed. They'd scarred, he was forever marked by the fight with the leopard right before his children were born, but he carried the marks with pride. He had been protecting his mate after all.

The young cheetah came to stand nearly a yard from the rock, yet another show of good faith- or perhaps over-confidence. The lion could easily pin him from that distance. "Rumor has spread of a great troupe of creatures- lions and leopards alike. Peace loving and rich in culture. Have I come close?"

Shaha chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest, and he blinked slowly as he nodded.
"That you have, if I'm thinking right. My family consists of myself, what my mother called a bard, my mate a cheetah like yourself and out five cubs, my dearest friend a leopard I proudly call sister and her daughter, and a young blind leopard she recently brought to join us," he replied, smiling as he listed his family. "We will be celebrating the births of my children and those of my childhood sister. So, yes, I would say that great is a sufficient word to describe us," he finished, standing and carefully hopping off the rock to the side of the cheetah, keeping his distance so as not to scare him. "I am Tembezishaha, but most just call me Shaha. And you are...?"

"Great is not determined by numbers but by deeds a wise one once told me." He flicked the tip of his tail and took careful mental inventory of this lion's troupe. Leopards and cheetahs alike! The lords of the savanah, shadow-hunters, and wind-chaisers just as himself- and hybrids to boot! True unity. "I am Taban, leader of the Chokwe troupe- the firebringers."

"And as I was once told, words may have multiple definitions, and I took your use of great as in number-wise. Forgive me for the assumption," Shaha replied, his good humor showing in his eyes. He began to grow curious over this Taban. So he was also the leader of a Troupe, and sounded very interested in Shaha's family. The Firebringers... sounded intriguing.
"You lead a troupe as well? Do you mind if I ask what about us peeked your interest?" he asked, his ears flicking at a soft jingle. Sounded like his eldest was on the move, but he kept his focus on the conversation with Taban.

"I am a straight forward type so I'll get right to the point."T he cheetah rolled his shoulders back and lifted his head, "A brotherhood. An alliance. You see my troupe seeks to bring order back to this land. We see beyond the pelt and the flesh. We pray to no god to better our lives and the lives of the prides and packs that share the world. If there is to be change it's in our own paws. However, where we are trained in the art of tact and combat, we lack caretakers and song-writers. Where we call of your aid you may call of ours."

Shaha blinked at the cheetah's straightforwardness, but nodded as he spoke. It seemed like a good idea. With the five new cubs, Ayane still a cub, and the newest member being blind, Shaha knew he couldn't protect them all should they run into large trouble. And the join with another troupe, to bring culture to these Firebringers... it sounded very interesting.

"I would have to talk to my family before I gave you my answer, as it is not my decision alone to make, but you have my approval," he replied nodding.

It was at that moment that a small, gray figure mewed from on top of the rock. Safimoto, her father's daughter in her coloring and eyes, sat there, staring with curious eyes at the new cheetah. Not even her father knew where she got the gold and leather jewelry on her paws and tail and in her ears, but her lack of speech had kept him from asking her.

Taban laughed lightly and dipped his head, "Yes! Feel free to consolt your troupe first. Afterall, tact is half of leadership."

The cheetah's ear rotated towards the new presense before he turned his head smoothly. "Ah now is this one of your lovely daughters? My my, what a fierce one. And what's your name?"

Tembezishaha and Safimoto
Safi's ears pricked forward and she hopped down, staring up at the cheetah with wide eyes. "Yes, she's my eldest, Safimoto. She doesn't form words as of yet, but she's very expressive when she wants to be," Shaha replied and kept a close eye on his curious child. She looked from her father then back to the cheetah and cautiously walked up to him, eyes blinking at his necklace and bracelets.

"Ahh I see." He dropped himself down to his belly so he'd be more at her level, "They say that's a sign of wisdom you know... listen more than you speak. You'll learn." He winked.

Tembezishaha and Safimoto
Safi jumped at his words and her eyes nearly doubled in size. Her mouth moved, being away from her father, and silently formed the words, "That's so cool." She jumped again, squeaked, and danced around back to her father, jingling the coins hanging from leather bands around one paw and tail, smiling while she did so. Shaha patted her head and she cooed up at him. "Well, I should probably go call a family meeting. Will you be here?" he asked, looking back up at Taban.

Taban chuckled and stood himself up once more. What a charming youngster. "I should return to my own troupe. The young squires should be ready for their run today." He glanced over a shoulder then back to the lion, "Say we meet back here this time tomorrow? That should give you plenty of time to discuss the situation with your family and to sleep on your decision."

Shaha nodded and bowed his head a bit to Taban. "Until tomorrow, then," he replied and paused. "We're having a celebration tomorrow, if you would like to join us." he replied, picking up Safi in his mouth, and waited for Taban's answer before walking away towards his family.

"Hm..." He nodded after a moment's consideration. "I will be there. I'll even bring along another one of my troupe if that's alright with you."

Shaha nodded his consent in turn before walking away.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:25 am
Out Of Guild RP (Shaha)

A short while ago, a blind leopard had been introduced to "The Troupe." It was practically pride-sized now, helped in part by the leopard's integration. He was unfamiliar with the feeling of so many felines in such close contact. All his life, Kucha'angaza had been alone, even as a cub. Now he was surrounded; it was suffocating. In an effort to escape the confusion, he broke off from the group as best he could and curled into a tight ball of white fluff beneath a tree. That was too much, he thought fearfully, though he was ashamed of his shyness.

"Something troubles you, Kucha," the deep voice of the Troupe's leader and creator Tembezishaha rumbled near. He had watched the new leopard leave the group for the solitude beneath this tree and couldn't help but follow. If Kucha asked him to leave, he would oblige, but he had the feeling there might be something on his mind. And generally the best cure for that was with a nice talk. He sat down a good lion-length from his leopard comrade, his smile in his voice when he spoke. "It is nice here, isn't it? Away from the constant noises of the children. They are a gift, true, but a rather persistent one, don't you think?"

Kucha's ears perked up as he heard Tawi's "brother's" voice, though his face remained hidden in the poof of his tail. These were two unfamiliar things: cubs and another male. Shaha's velvety baritone shocked him; Kucha had grown used to the subtle tenors and sopranos of female voices. But it was oddly familiar because it was so similar to Kucha's own voice. He didn't know how to act around the lion, but he lifted his head perhaps a minute or so after Shaha spoke. "The cubs are.... confusing," he said, agreeing indirectly. "And loud." Kucha laughed a bit at that, a slight friendly glint in his silver eyes.

Shaha chuckled and gave a great yawn, one that might have frightened other cats. But that was one advantage of Kucha's "handicap". The big lion stretched out himself, facing the other male.

"You're telling me. I had a bit of experience with Ayane, but now there are five at once. Sometimes I don't know what to do with them," he replied, chuckling again. The glint in his blue eyes matched the other male's and he nodded a bit. "I wouldn't trade them for the world, though. When I think about, after everything I had done in my life, that I was blessed to have such wonderful children... It boggles even my mind. I hope you know this feeling someday too, if you wish." He had added the extra part at the end, not entirely sure the relationship between Matawi and Kucha, but having a nice idea.

Kucha's eyes clouded back over with deep thought and memories. This was nothing like anything he knew. Tawi had told him about Ayane, and he had met Safi, but he was still amazed by the care in this family. The love he shows these cubs! he thought with utter surprise. "When I was young, my mother abandoned me," he said softly, turning his face away with a frown. "She thought I was worthless. Useless. Pointless, even. So she left me." The blind leopard felt awkward talking about his childhood, especially with this practically unfamiliar male. Kucha felt the need to change the subject. "So, what's it like? Family? Aside from the cubs, of course. Who is your mate?"

Shaha's smile turned sad when Kucha opened up to him. He'd never known abandonment. He had grown up in a family much like this one, traveling entertainers and sooth-sayers. He shook his head, the sound of his mane rustling with the motion breaking the silence between them. "No one is useless, Kucha. My nanny was blind, and she was probably the wisest leopardess, no the wisest creature I have ever met," he explained and looked back towards the group. "My mate is Kijivu, the soft spoken cheetah. It is nice being among family again. I've wandered many passings of the moon's face, though not as long as you have, I'm sure."

Kucha turned back to him with a thankful smile, glad to hear that his new friend had escaped the lonely fate that Kucha had as a young cub. But the news of Shaha's mentor surprised him. "You already knew someone who was blind?" he said with curiosity. Reverting quickly to the other subject, he said, "Ah, the cheetah? I smelled her near you earlier, so that makes sense. Was she a wanderer as well?"

"I did. She was our seer, and her son was just a few seasons younger than my parents. She was a very kind and gentle creature, who told me stories of the past, even farther back than my mother remembered," Shaha remembered, smiling as the image of the old leopardess curled up beneath a tree with himself plopped down in front of her between a fidgity Kweupe and a dozing Mafunde as she told them stories of old. But then Kucha asked about Kiji.
"Of... a sort. I found her one evening, broken. I helped her and she faced her problems. Then she returned to me and I knew in my heart there would never be another female like her in my life." He was careful on how much he said. It was Kiji's story to tell, not his.

Kucha found an admiration in this unknown leopardess. She was blind, like him, but she could "see" He had heard tales of seers, but never imagined what it would be like, especially for someone who was blind. The story was intriguing. Kucha himself loved stories; they were his opportunity to imagine the world without trying to concentrate on all of the stimuli he received from his tuned senses. In that way, he was able to imagine Shaha's brief story. Kucha was never able to see, except in rare dreams and response to his environment, so he could picture what he wanted. "We have something in common, Shaha," he realized with a smile. "Stories. I would love to hear more of yours sometime." He had few from his own life that he could tell, but he had heard some from other wanderers that he passed on from time to time. It could be fun. Aside from those tales, he concentrated again on the lovestory. "That's quite... romantic," was all he could really say. Tawi had practically done the same for him, but he was embarrased to confess. The pair had honestly met each other rather recently, but they had grown almost instantly close.

Shaha chuckled at that, nodding his head. "And I would be honored to hear some of yours. That is what stories are for, learning them and then passing them on to another to enjoy and learn from. At least, that is what my mother used to say. Story-telling runs in my family. I just hope someday one of my little ones will take it up," he sighed at that and his tail twitched. Perhaps his quiet little one, Safi might take the interest in stories, though it was starting to look like she would grow to be a dancer, instead. Her paws had already shown the ability and she had started humming of late. One never knew, though.

"Well," the leopard chuckled a bit, "my stories probably aren't as good as yours. But they're more fun to tell; it takes imagination to think of things when you haven't got eyes to see them." He sighed as he thought this, though he was glad he had someone to talk to. It seemed a bit easier talking to Shaha than the others, if only because they were both male and had similar feelings. "I would love to hear your stories though," Kucha said with a quick smile.

"There's no such thing as a not-as-good story," Shaha replied with a smile that was reflected in his voice as he shook his head. "All stories are different and special in their own ways. And I'm sure your imagination well outshines anything I could weave," he added and sat up so that he could scratch at one ear.

Kucha glowed at the praise, however small it was. Aside from Tawi and a small few others, no one had ever really complimented him before. "I'm sure you've had more experience in the field, what with all the cubs you have to entertain running around," he said modestly with a slight chuckle. "I just speak the way I 'see,' though that means you're probably right about the imagination." He wasn't used to practically competing with compliments.

"Well... I do, actually. I was raised to become a bard. My mother traveled from pride to pride, sharing stories and histories, as her mother before her and her father before her and his mother and so on. Each of us have had different ways of telling the stories, but in the end, we're historians in our blood," Shaha replied and smiled as he remembered his mother softly telling him stories of old, stories passed down from generations. He had loved hearing her tales as much as she loved telling them.

Kucha perked his ears in surprise at Shaha's mini-story. He had been told that Tawi's family were storytellers, but he didn't know that there was real history in there. The leopard could tell there would be much to hear from Shaha in the future. "So," he asked with a sly smile, "why don't you tell me one or two?" Kucha couldn't wait to hear what the lion had in his mind, and he knew there was definetly something to look forward to.

Indeed, everything in his new life was going to be just that: new and exciting. His new family would be there for him, and that Shaha would definetly be his friend. As the blind leopard curled back up into a cozy ball in front of the lion, ears perked eagerly for his tale, he made a truly happy smile. This was only the beginning.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:15 am
Out Of Guild RP (Barafu)

As lightning flashed across the darkening savannah and a stark white cheetah bared his teeth at the sky in rage, his ears back. He hated the rain. It reminded him too much of the night his first life ended and his new one came crashing down on him.

Barafu'moyo, the Ice Heart, ran across the grasses like demons were behind him. Lightning flashed again and he saw a large, stoney hill, with a hole in the side, big enough for him to get in.

It was raining by the time he got there and his coat was wet and dark images flashed in his head. He shivered just inside the cave, ears back, eyes wide, and limbs shaking.

Shai Teinai
Rain. Nothing but trouble hitting the ground, pittering, making mud. Breaking down the earth slowly and washing away traces of death. Shai Teinai was wondering if anyone she had known was dead yet. Family? One could only hope. She was pacing inside of her newly found home. It was snug but it did well at keeping out introuders. A happy thought that was ripped away by a male cheetah entering the small opening.

"GET OUT!" The noticably angered leotah shreiked as a male entered HER home. She was was close tot he ground snarling and spitting, her crimson eyes flared with anger, her cream fur standing on edge. "Get out or I'll let the blood drain from your throat after I've sliced it. This place could use the color."

Barafu met her challenge with a smirk, his lips pulling back ever so slightly from his fangs.
"If you think that you could bring me down, female, then you're more stupid than you look," he purred back, though he didn't move from where he was. He wasn't stupid. They were in cramped space, so power would be the defining factor in any fight, unless he took it outside. He hated the rain.

Shai Teinai
Was blind rage inherited? It seemed like it was nothing more than a twisted strand of DNA. A slip up in your blood that made it sizzle and boil at any given time for no specific reason. Shai kept her eyes locked on this new male, wanting to get him out OR on the ground bleeding. Her leopard blood made her more muscular and her heavy paws could, more or less, take him down. But not without a few battle scars. Was it worth it? To get her lovely shin scarred?

"Stupid? You're the one who wandered into my home. I could take you down." Shai hissed at him through clenched teeth, knowing that if he provoked, she'd spring. Her legs were already prepared for a launch at him. "Get. Out."

Every muscle in the scarred cheetah's body was tensed, ready to dodge if she came at him. She had spirit, something that annoyed him. A lot.
"You could try," he replied, purring on the last word, his eyes narrowing and a grin forming on his features. She'd have to really press him to get him back into that gods-be-damned weather. His head twitched a bit as thunder boomed outside, but that was the only movement that even hinted he was affected by the sound.

Shai Teinai
Shai Laughed, Loudly, Relaxing a bit as the thunder boomed. "You're deathly frightened." She was horribly observant, looking for anything that could be an advantage to her. It seemed if she didn't kill him, the weather would. it was nice knowing she had back up.

"Poor Kitty." She purred, her glare softening very slightly. She couldn't get to cozy making fun of this poor frightened male. She needed her after all. "Does babwy need a pwace to sweep toniwt?" She cooed at him, knowing she was getting under his skin.

Barafu's eyes flicked just a little wider for a moment in surprise at the gall of her comment and his grin widened, his jaw parting just a little bit. A low chuckle crept from his throat and he tilted his head to one side and back a bit, making him look down at her somewhat.

"The rain helps me remember the life before the ice. I hate it, little female, but I fear nothing. Not the rain, not you, not even death sends a shiver down my spine." He had been born with a silver tongue, a charismatic voice. And he was damn good at lying.

Shai Teinai
"You," She pushed out with force, "Are nothing but a rotten liar." She added with a smirk. "You wouldn't have jumped if your weren't afraid." She knew what she had seen and nothing that this male said would convince her otherwise. Shai took a careful step forward, making sure not to step into harms way quite yet. She knew that Cheetah's were built for speed, not power. This male had nothing on her. She hadn't shown weakness. Something that he would have to dig for.

"You Fear...Everything."

Barafu chuckled and shook his head slowly.
"Ah, but you see, I didn't jump. If I did anything, it was involuntary," he replied and his tail flicked back and forth idly. He watched her for a moment, not moving, and finally shrugged.

"Say what you will. I care not," he added haughtily and watched her with his nearly black eyes. Eyes that had seen horror and death and agony in the eyes of others, eyes without feeling, without depth. Heartless, soulless eyes.

Shai Teinai
"Then leave. You aren't afraid..." She coughed the word liar and continued, "You don't seem like you need my home." Again, she coughed the word liar. "You just don't need to be near me." The blood under her fur was reaching a boiling point. "And I know that I do NOT need an arrogant foold in my dwellings." Shai was watching him, very close. After all, she was trying to get him frustrated enough to walk out the hole in the wall, or for a fight to start. Both seemed like wonderful options. Her claws were moving anxiously against the ground and she was making sure that it was heard. He was ruining her pleasent night by herself. How rude.

"I prefer to stay dry. Unless, of course, the liquid upon my fur is the warm, dark crimson kind, freshly spilled from a stupid creature that thought they could defeat me," Barafu replied, a shiver of pleasure running through him at the very thought. He watched her as she watched him, seeing her claws flex as her muscles did. He knew what she wanted to do. And for some reason that sent another shiver through him. Could she be like him? Did she enjoy the feel of blood on her fur, of her claws and teeth tearing into skin, breaking bone?
He wasn't sure whether that pleased him or not.

Shai Teinai
"My thoughts..." She paused, sort of shocked, "Exactly." SHe stared him over, there was small traces of him being in fights, even less on her. "How would you know the feeling of taking a creatures last pleading breath?" Even while hunting Shai would torture her food before eating it. Waiting for it to beg to be killed before letting all the blood drain away into the earth. Making it stick and warm.
She was growing to appreciate this male. He knew what he was doing when it came to these things. To fighting and torture. Maybe... Just Maybe. He might do the job well.

"It's horrible. To silence the screams, to cease the flow of blood under my claws. They don't deserve an end," he replied and grimaced in annoyance.
"Death is unavoidable, unfortunately," he added and smiled again. He looked her up and down. His pelt was marred over and over by the lessons he had learned in the past, though none as old as the ones upon his muzzle and shoulder. And yet he had yet to notice a mark on her. But it was dark, he might just not see.

Still, she was young. How could she truly know the pleasure he did as he tore into another?

Shai Teinai
"It's Wonderful." She defended her way of life. Shai needed the rush to hold her together. It was the sting that bound her tightly into a malicious book of slaughter and pride. It wound around her thoughts, her heart, her words. Everything was tinged with malice and hate. She forced herself not to bow down to anything, after all, it was her that needed the apreciation for the things she felt were right.

"I'm Careful." She knew what he was looking for, and she knew he would never find a scratch on her. She hadn't gotten beaten down since being a cub and early as a juve. Most scars were covered by careful grooming, hidden by age, or gone by miracles.

"Ah, I see," the older cheetah purred and slowly approached her, turning enough to show her in the flash of lightning outside the scars that riddled his abdomen. He wore them like a badge of honor, displaying with pride the proof of the things he had survived.
"As you can see, I am not. And I rather like my battle marks," he added and inhaled deeply. He caught her scent and his eyes narrowed slightly. How odd.
"What are you? You don't smell like any creature I've encountered before."

Shai Teinai
Shai pulled away, disgusted. It seemed as if he had been the victim many times before, yet here we was, standing before her. Living, breathing, speaking. This was even more amazing. He could crawl away and bleed, yet still live to tell the tale. A qualification in her eyes.

"I'm better than you are." She said matter-of-factly, holding an icy glare with crimson eyes, tyring to pierce through his fur and shoot through him. A talent she felt she was born with. "Leotah." She huffed and added, "My mother was a fantastic fighter and climber..." a thought she wished she wished she knew. "And my father," She tried to hold back a shutter of discust, hoping it didn't show, "Was a fast and cunning creature. I am the best of my litter, better than my parents."

Barafu paced closer to her, considering her words.
"I doubt that, little leotah. These are only scars to the skin, wounds I let happen, to give them hope. Have you ever seen the look in your opponent's eyes when the hope so newly grown in them is crushed almost as soon as it blooms? It's positively wonderful," he whispered the last sentence, his voice deep and low, despite his size and thin stature.

Oddly enough, he was actually enjoying this interaction. She was very much like him, though perhaps she could learn a thing or two. Perhaps he would teach her. Or perhaps they would just have at each other and see who walked away into the world, and who walked towards the land of the dead.

Shai Teinai
"I haven't killed anything that wanted to fight back." She clenched her teeth. That was a lie. She would take down smaller things than her. Nothing much bigger. It wasn't safe. She had a dream, a plan! Something that couldn't be ruined by something as trivial as death! Shai scoffed at the thought. "I'd rather just torture them to death and collect my prize." She nodded towards a small hoard of bones and sculls, bits of beautiful bright pelts, and feathers. It had slowly grown in size and she adored it.

"I..." She started and stopped. He wasn't trustworthy enough. No, Not yet. she had to wait.

Barafu shrugged at her and sat down. He looked over at her treasures and nodded his head. He didn't have the means to take trophies from his kills. He traveled wherever his paws took him.
He returned his heartless gaze on her and tilted his head a bit.

"You intrigue me, leotah. I've never met one that takes as much pleasure out of the pain in others as I do," he said and leaned closer to her, one eyebrow raised. "I... what?"

Shai Teinai
"Nothing." She batter at his face, her paws flicked softly at him. She didn't want to anger such a nice canidate. No, then he would run and the muscle in her would never let her catch up, even if her endurance was more than able to out last him. "I don't need to share my personal thoughs with the likes of you." She twisted her face as the last word slipped through her lips and tumbled into the air softly. "It doesn't invole you, anyways." She humfed, adding the word 'Yet' as quietly as she could.

Barafu's head moved back slowly when she batted at him and he smiled softly, raising one paw, his claws extended.
"Ah, ah, ah. None of that now," he chided, a laugh in his tone. He shrugged again and smirked. "True, true. My curiosity got the better of me," he added and waved his paw idly again.

Shai Teinai
"You don't want to play that game." He flashed her teeth, a much stronger weapon in her eyes, and hissed lightly. She wouldn't be intimidated by someone whom she still felt she could beat. He had nothing but scars while she had treasures and nothing to show on her lovely pelt. She was still better.
Shai Sighed, thinking that maybe she should just speak her mind. It was a hell of a lot easier than just holding it in. "I need a guard." She looked at him with her deep red eyes, power surging under the l8ight surface. "I need someone that can help me dominate."

Barafu considered what she said, his mouth a thoughtful line and he hummed a bit in this musing.
"I see. But, now what advantage would this guard of yours have? Seems like only you would gain from that, though the thought is interesting," he replied, running the back of one paw beneath his chin. This leotah was very interesting indeed. And her ideas were intriguing.

Shai Teinai
Shai Laughed. This Male was actually thinking about it. What a shock! "You would gain Safety, You would gain meals, You would gain every last drop of blood of anything that challenges me..." She stopped. Why, on Earth, was she telling this stranger the thoughts of her twisted intricate mind? There was so much to this plot. She could just spill it all to this nameless, frightened stranger! What was she thinking? Well, that was just it. She wasn't thinking.

"Well, now," Barafu replied with that sly smile of his, eyes narrowed slightly. "That IS an interesting advantage. This guard of yours will be rather lucky, I imagine," he finished and watched her carefully. She looked like she was thinking about something, probably about her chattiness. He watched her, letting her think.

Shai Teinai
"Name, Please." She shot out. Two shot words in a monotone stacatto. A very importan piece of information had been missing. Something she needed, desperatly. She didn't speak again for a while, jsut looked at him, waiting patiently, for a name that may or may not pop out of his mouth. He was looking at her, through her, maybe... It was such an odd thing. This strange Male who shared her bloodlust. She needed him in her group. She needed him to help her and protect her as she carefully plucked cubs away from their parents and others away from their families. Someone to watch her and make sure she stayed beautiful.

The eyebrow rose again and the white cheetah turned his head a bit, ears cocked towards her.
"Oh, now are you sure you want to know that?" he asked, standing and walked around her, his fluffy tail-tip trailing across her lightly for a moment. "No one alive but myself knows my name," he said and stopped, his face closer to hers. "I am the ice heart, Barafu'moyo. And you, little leotah? What do you call yourself?"

Shai Teinai
"Well, I'm still living. And I will for a while." Shai's voice had an edge to it, trying to tell him that if he tried anything she had no problem with taking his fluffy tail down. She Thought about it for a moment. 'Full Name or Half?' She was debating giving him the end of her name, instead of the first. And extra precaution. Shai hummed lightly, and watched distant lightning crack down from the coulds to the earth. It was a wonderful distraction.
"My name..." She trailed off and waited a moment, "Is Shai Teinai." and just like a horror film, lighting lit her home, and thunder rumbled in the backround. Leaving Shai in a hysterical laughter.

Barafu smiled at her laughter, thinking her completely insane. Something he, for some reason, found endearing.
"If you're as good as you say you are, Shai," he replied softly once she had calmed enough to be able to hear his almost whispered words, the look on his face the kind of narrow-eyed smile that a predator gives its prey in the last few moments of its life. He didn't intend that message, that was just his only type of smile.
"I have no doubt you'll live for a long while."

Shai Teinai
Shai became very serious, her eyes looked more bloodshot than normal and words came out in a hissed tone, "I will Die when I have completed my purpose for living." It was a simple as that, to irraticate lion Gods and Lion hopes and dreams. She didn't have a reason to want this furfilled in her life time. But it needed to happen for her to feel complete. She had her brother backing her up and hanging on every word she spoke. "... I jusst need more followers..." She whispered, regreting that she had yet to build up an army that could help her in her quest. She needed people more than she knew.

Barafu watched her carefully, raising an eyebrow again. He wondered what she meant, what she felt her purpose in life was. Purpose in life, ha. There was no such thing. Only the day-by-day battle to live until the next morning. Anything else was a personal preference.
"More followers? You intrigue me, Shai, you and your ideas. What are you planning?" he asked curiously, his head tilting to one side as he sat back, getting more or less comfortable.

Shai Teinai
"Lions." She started, tone ominous, "Thay have their 'gods'. They have their hunting grounds. Their numbers soar above all others." She was getting herself in to a story of what she wanted to change, her face was calm. Like a water hole that had yet to be touched. Pristine and flat. "There will be blood. Fights to be fought, to be won. I want them gone. All of them away from my land. I will rise above them and strike them down until my last dieing breath." Her voice was rising and she was breathing harder, getting herself worked up.

"I want to start a revolution and destroy all that obey lion rule." And she stopped, wondering if Barafu thought her to be a crazy bat. In her mind, in her heart and soul, she knew what she was doing. She had a rough outline of what needed to be done. And she needed followers, then land, then experts on acts of war. This was a childish dream that was attatched at her spine. Removing it would cause nothing but to be paralyzed and die.

Barafu considered what she said, his mouth a thin line and his gaze calculating. He was small for a cheetah, and had been very weak as a cub and juvenile. But he had been smart, more intelligent than either of his siblings. He could help this hybrid, he knew that. He would even enjoy it, getting to kill and not have to worry about hunting for food.
But then, it could very well just be a ludicrous idea. Lions were strong and traveled in large prides. They would need a large- wait, they? That wasn't a good sign in his mind.

He slowly shook his head. "I hate to say it, but you're a fool to think you could take down all the lions of the world. Now, if you mean a specific area, then that's a different story, and very plausible. You just need to spread the word out, there are many that hate other species over others," he replied carefully, noticing she was getting riled.

Shai Teinai
"Hmph." She looked at him with her infero eyes. Barafu did have a point. SOmething she had looked over. No matter how large a group she banned together, there would always be a larger population of lions waiting for them. This could be much harder than she expected. But at least she had aninteresting person to make her realize her...errors.

"Camps." She said, a brilliant idea had hit her. "Small groups that i can travel to and get reports! I'm quick and strong. I could make quick trips to make sure little things are going well. Taking down Lions in small areas, making them slowly grow larger." She nodded at her quick thinking, trying not to look desperate for the male's oppinion.

"Hmm, perhaps. It sounds rather doable, but there are other troubles. Who would you accept? You are a hybrid yourself, would you accept half-lions, if they hate lions?" Barafu asked, raising a paw again to rub under his chin again in thought.
"And for that matter, would you kill all the lions? You may have followers who would rather have them as slaves of one form or another. What then, little Shai?" he asked, turning the paw towards her in a "ball's in your court" kind of gesture. He wasn't quite sure why he called her little. Wasn't that supposed to be a pet-name kind of thing? He brushed off the thought.

Shai Teinai
Little? She looked down at herself. Little? No. She was almost taller than him and her mass was obviously bigger. This male was crazy to say the least if he thought she was 'little'. She smirked, the thought of slaves. She had it cross her mind several times, as well as hybrid lions.

"Slaves are a delicious idea. Something that's left a sweet taste in my mouth everytime I think of it. Creatures to do the hard work that I wouldn't want any of my warriors to do. As for lion hybrids?" She sighed and shook her head. This is what troubled her. What if they had been a product of rape? Then Certainly. What if they had been out of love and raised to know that lions deserve respect? That would be horrific. "I would only allow those that relinquish claims to their lion heritage and show that they have a strong dislike for them. I would need..." She searched for the right word, "Proof."

"Well, now, they wouldn't join you otherwise, now would they?" Barafu replied and chuckled a little bit. Malicious and deadly as she sounded, she was naive.
"Slaves don't have to be only for hard labor, you know. And I promise you there are creatures out there that would not shy from... forcing themselves on subservient creatures. Offspring may be advantageous to your plans, but would you allow such behavior among your ranks?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He wasn't that kind, in fact he preferred to avoid females as much as males of any species. But of course, he felt it necessary to point out things that might conflict with her plans in the future. Why? He wasn't sure. And he really didn't care.

Shai Teinai
"My Ranks," her eyes narrowed, "Can do as they wish. BUT it might not be in there best interest to so such things. Unless I can use them as scapegoats or I may find a worthy warrior among them..." She stopped, her mind had been working so much since he had walked into her home. She couldn't do it anymore. Shai sighed and lay down, not worrying to much about Barafu being a threat at this moment in time.

Her but her face in the dusty stone ground, mumbling into it. "I need you help." She didn't want to admit it, but he was bringing up key points that needed to be addressed, but how could she do it all on her own? She couldn't. He was to smart for her. He thought ahead. HE knew what he was talking about. She didn't.

Barafu stood and walked around her again, once more trailing his tail along her side before lying down himself, curling up and placing his head on his paws, facing her.
"You are young. The things I bring up are from many lessons learned," he explained and tilted his head, nearly black eyes watching her intently.

"Actually, it might be rather advantageous for you. Any offspring born could be removed as soon as possible and placed under the care of properly trained caretakers, ones that would raise them in the proper ideals and such."

Shai Teinai
Shai gave up on watching him, watching the ground was much nicer. She just needed to use her ears now, and listen carefully for any suden moves that she needed to worry about. Barafu obviously knew what he was doing.

As the rain subsided, Shai was slowly wondering why he was still here. At least he knew what he was doing when it came to tactics. Something that she would most deffinatly need if any of her plans actually went though. He would be a wonderful addition to her team. She looked at him with a crooked grin, "Are you planning on staying the night here?" Shai asked is a harmless tone, "Like a sleep over? With more gore stories?"

Barafu chuckled, smiling.
"I'd rather sleep in here than out in the elements," he replied and looked to the back of the cave at her treasures, then to her.
"I cannot tell. How many of those pelts do you think you have? Have you ever considered spreading them out on the stone, to make it more comfortable for you. Of course, that would only be useful if you normally lived here."

Shai Teinai
"I was thinking of making this my permenant home, actually." She smirked, "I've already made so much effort to get everything in here, why not stay? There aren't any lions around for a while. I looked first." She hummed matter-of-factly. Shai's eyes drifted over to her pile and she let her eyes rest there, thinking about it. "I have a few... maybe 7 or 8 from food and other miscalaneous outings. If you'd like we could spread some of them out. Not like this is a very large hole in the wall." She didn't wait for him to reply and got up. He posed a wonderful idea and weather he wanted to be or not, she was going to sleep comfortably tonight.

She reached her pile and tugged on one of the larger pelts, even then it was only a little larger than half her size and dragged it to a comfortable spot before sitting on it.

Barafu chuckled, shaking his head and stood.
"Do you mind?" he asked, but didn't wait for her answer before walking to her pile of furs and grabbed another one and carefully brought it over to her. It was smaller than the first, but the same length. He set it beside the one she sat on and then walked back to get more, spreading them out as best he could, making a small island of varying furs for them to lie on.
"There, I think that's better," her replied and settled down a few paces from her, still on the "island", though.

Shai Teinai
Shai watched him pace back and forth with her treasures being dragged with him and slowly forming around her. Maybe it was a good thing that she had kept all of this. It had made a nice bed, even if it had taken her all day to travel from her stash and back, only making it back before the rain had settled in above her.

Shai got up and ploped down next to him, watching carefully. "I'm going to sleep. STAY." She mock ordered and snuggled her noes hear his paws. "Don't do anything stupid. I do have others that would hunt you down if you did." Others? HA. She had Ringo. And he didn't even know where she was. But Shai wasn't about to let Barafu know. "Good night."

Barafu blinked at her when she laid down next to her, one eyebrow raised again. He thought she was pushing it by ordering him around, but for some reason the anger that would normally have bubbled in his blood didn't come.
"I do believe I'm far from stupid, little Shai," he replied and actually licked her forehead without thinking before or afterwards about it and laid his head down, his eyes closing.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:05 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Barafu)

Shai Teinai
There was a light chirping of birds outside of Shai Teinai's home. She was begginf her eyes to stay closed, it had been an uneventful night from what she remembered, but, that wasn't always an acurate assumtion. She often times forgot the last hours before letting herself drift to sleep. Shai nuzzled her nese deeper into fur. ...Fur? Her eyes shot open and she jumped to her feet. Her nose had just snuggled into a strange male's paws! Who was this stranger? Why was he in her home? WHAT WERE THEY DOING SLEEPING TOGETHER?!

Shai looked down at him, her breathing ragged. "WHAT." She paused, taking a deep breath before forcing out with all the air in her lungs, " ARE YOU DOING NEXT TO ME?!"

Barafu had just been in the middle of a wonderful dream of which he would never speak of, for only in his dreams was he truly happy. When all of a sudden a loud yell snapped him back into reality. The scarred cheetah opened one eye slowly and then closed it again.

"Attempting to sleep. And don't yell at me Shai, it pains the ears," he muttered back, his tail curling around his side. Her words had not completely registered in his mind and he thought little of the tone of her voice. He had no reason to fear her, so he wasn't about to jump at her beck and call like a trained bird.

Shai Teinai
What? He knew her NAME? No, impossible. She didn't remember any life with him any givin amount of time. She went to sleep! ALONE?! Hadn't she? She could have sworn that was the case! But then... How were furs spread under her? She didn't remember this either! Had he moved her? No, that would have been to much trouble. What if he had heard her mindless babble about 'The Revolution!'?

'The Revolution.' That was it. THe mind trigger that hit her back. He knew everything. He had come up with better ideas than her, the maniac with a brain with far greater mental compasity than she had. "Wake up, you lazy bum." Shai hissed, feeling utterly stupid that she had forgotten, even for a short time.

Barafu's tail flicked a bit and he huffed.
"And you think you can order me around, because...?" he asked, stretching his paws out briefly before returning to his original position. One eye opened again and he smirked up at her, the eyebrow raised in questioning. It WAS a valid question, after all. He had pledge no allegiance to her, and he certainly had yet to follow any of her commands.So why start now?

Shai Teinai
"Because," She strted of in a smart tone, knowing to would fade as quickly as if had come about. "I am a princess and you are in MY castle." She looked down at him, trying to give a menacing smile that failed horribly and miserably. Looking more like a child's play thing than a would-be queen. In all reality, she'd never be a princess. Why she had said that was beyond her and sounded dumb even to her ears as soon as her lips let the words drop onto Barafu. Maybe, just maybe, she should learn what a good reasoning was. HA. No. Way. That required to much insight and thought.

Barafu closed his eye and actually chuckled a bit.
"Well, then, I can't argue with that, now can I?" he asked, almost playfully. He stretched again and sat up. He might as well humor her, she'd let him use her cave and her furs and besides, he probably wouldn't be able to get back to sleep anyways.

"Rude awakening, your highness?" he asked, giving her that smirk again. He was finding it amusing, teasing her, if just a little bit.

Shai Teinai
Shai let a low rumbe escape from the back of her throat. She knew he was mocking her, purposly making her frustrated and wanting to slice open his face open.

"I woke up... To YOU in my face. Why were you snuggled so close to me?!" She dememnded. It seemed very logical to ask, and the answer would have left her a bit more sound of mind, but you never knew. With Barafu's mind only a little less twisted than her own, she could only imagine the horrible things that might have gone on. What if he had stared at her? THAT would be a creepy thought. Shai shivvered and awaited his answer.

Barafu looked at her in mild disbelief and blinked.
"You honestly don't remember? You lied down next to me and told me to stay, so I assume you laid there to keep me from moving without your knowledge," he replied and leaned towards her a bit, tilting his head slightly. Had she not been fully awake during their encounter? Or did she honestly not remember? For some reason, the thought of her forgetting him that easily pissed him off.

Shai Teinai
"I'm sorry that the thought of you was so disturbing that my mind blocked it out." She shuttered. Had she really snuggled up to this oaf? Thats the way it looked.... What had possesed her to do such a thing? So strange, especially for her! It was never in her best interest to be a social creature with strangers. Shai knew nthing of him, other than his name. It was disgusting. "If you would have left, it wouldn't have bothered me to much. then I would only need to feed my mouth, not the both of us." Shai recalled part of their deal if he stayed, but no the whole encounter. It may be days before it was clear in her mind, twisted to what she wanted it to be.

Barafu frowned at her remark about blocking him out. He liked to think he was rather rememberable, at least to his opponents, and the thought of this young hybrid forgetting him after the amusing discussion they had had the night before, well it was rather annoying. He wasn't sure why he was so put off by her reaction, but his eyes narrowed slight, nonetheless.

And then his frown eased back into a smirk and shook his head with an amused sigh.
"Ah, little Shai. Do you honestly think a creature that takes as much pleasure out of a kill as I do would rely on anyone, much less YOU, to hunt for them? Of course not. So put THAT thought from your head," he replied, holding himself up regally and looking at her with that questioning look he was beginning to make a habit of using.

Shai Teinai
Again with this 'little' trash! She was bigger than him! Pound for pound, she KNEW she was bigger than him. The lean boney cheetah had no right to call her 'little' in all honesty. The gap in their age, though shai didn't know how old he might be, couldn't have been that large? Could it?

"I'm a better hunter. You get tiered after a small birst of speed, 'little' Barafu." She was mocking him now with a noticable flirt with a not-so-dangerous cheetah. He was flufy and had yet to attack her or show he could kill for himself. All she had seen were scars and nothing more. 'Battle wounds'? In battle it was much easier for a quick enough take down so that they wuldn't get their claws on you. This male was nothing but full of hot air.

Barafu stood and turned from her, flicking his tail beneath her chin.
"Ah, now how could you know how I hunt?" he asked, walking towards the cave's entrance and the bright world beyond. He paused right before stepping out, though, and glanced over his shoulder at her, a sly look on his face.

"I don't have to prove myself to you, in fact, I don't even have to let you live. But your ideas interest me, and I know I'll be hungry soon and more so after taking something down, so if you would like to see what I can do, you have my permission to come along. Who knows, I might find something large enough to share."

Shai Teinai
Her eyes rolled, noticably. Shai was hoping her would see her, so he would know how farfetched she thought he was. He was crazy. Her teetch snapped, trying to catch his tail as it touched her. She didn't want him touching her while insulting her. The crazy fool. Her crimson eyes followed him to the entrance of her home and watched him leave, only barely watching past the opening of her little cave. She was surprised that he didn't burst into flames as soon as the sun touched him.

"Whatever. I don't need your invitation in orer to follow you." She huffed, only moving from her spot in hopes of getting a free meal. It wasn't usual for her to go after something until the sun was lower, making the African Savannah much easier to run about in seach of her lunch.

Barafu turned and was in her face before she could blink, the look in his eyes deadly.
"Do not misunderstand me, leotah. If you followed me without my permission, it wouldn't be a prey-beast I'd bring down," he said menacingly before turning from her and starting off in a direction where he suspected he'd find food, towards a small lake he had seen that would attract herds. His patience was really tried by this female. She had been amusing the evening before, but now she was a downright nuisance. What had happened the the creature he had met before? And he thought HE was mentally unstable.

Shai Teinai
"Then I could have SHOWED you that you don't have anything on me. It would an interesting fight, now wouldn't it?" she teased him, knowing that she was etching her way to his last nerve. If anything it was become a game to ger. She how angery the cheetah would get before she had to throw him down and leave more scars on his pretty little face. Ha. Pretty? He was hardly pretty at all. He was mained and unapealing to the eyes. It was his mind she was after. She wanted it in her group, a taction would be fabulous! Someone to help her with war plans! Of it was a sweet as sugar thought. But she'd need to keep Barafu ander close watch if Shai could get him to come with her, which was proving to be a tidieoud task.

Barafu ignored her as he got into his mode, crouching low when he got in sight of the water. Sure enough, there was a small group of antelope near it, mostly females, a few younglings, and three bucks, one older than the other two. He saw what he wanted, the perfect set-up. A rather old female stood near another, old enough to bear young but with none around her. Not much reason to fight as he tried to bring her down. He looked back to where he had last seen Shai, the look on his face saying that he would maim her if she caused him trouble.

With the sun glaring down upon his white fur, he was nothing but a streak of glaring sunlight as he leaped into a dash at the prey once he had stalked close enough, sending them into a frightened run. He singled out his prey and ran her down, springing on deceptively powerful back legs to sink his jaws into the flesh where neck met her shoulders, pulling her to the ground. He jumped out of the way of her kicking legs and released her for a split second before clamping down on another part of her neck. Her movements ceased, but the awful sounds coming from her throat continued as the white cheetah looked up and around for Shai.

Shai Teinai
Shai watched him. She was obviously uninterested. He wanted to best her, fine he could try. He wanted to make her feel smaller and insignificant? Fine. He could do that too. Because right now, it didn't matter. She knew that she was better than he was. And that was the end of that. She didn't need to show off to prove it.

It was impressive, no doubt. But it was something so trival to her, taking something down. So easy. It was first nature to her. Something that couldn't get ripped from under her paws. Shai padded down to him, watching as the life drained from the meal. Something that made her blood pump a little faster. The sweet, sweet sound flowed in her ears. "Don't ruin her fur." There was an edge in her voice, "I want to keep it." She hissed and licked her lips. More carpet, sweet.

Barafu smirked at her and dipped back down again to lick at the blood seeping from the wound on its neck and let it run over his paw.
"I wouldn't dream of it," he replied, his tone slightly mocking in its formality, but he could have cared less whether he had intended it or not. He carefully stepped over the gurgling creature and offered the paw to Shai, for tasting. He didn't think twice about the gesture, he just did it.

Shai Teinai
She looked at him, confused. He wanted her to lick his bloody paw? How strange. Shai had never been around long enough for anyone or anything to offer something so strange. Was it normal? No, it couldn't be. He was anything but normal. A creepy male that had wandered into her life. She eyed the paw, feeling it may be better just to bat it away and lick anything that came off onto her own paws. Yes, That seemed much better. Less awkward.

Shai batted at him quickly, licking her paw soon after, trying not to look to pleased.

Barafu smirked at her after she batted his paw away, not missing her licking the blood from her own and the slight look of pleasure on her face.
"Take the pelt. I'll admit I don't know how to do it myself," he said, turning back to the kill and stepping on the animal's throat. How it was still alive, he wasn't quite sure, but it made him smile.
"Would you like it dead first?"

Shai Teinai
Shai Wandered towards it, eyeing it. She didn't want to rip to much of it's fur, Bringing back pieces was so much harder and messier. Her eyes flipped towards Barafu, then rolled smoothly back to his kill. She had to admit, it wasn't much of a prize if she didn't win it herself. Something she needed to get over. "I don't mind either way." No emotion. Just careful eyes and quick claws ripping the skin away. White strands of muscle clinging to it was it pulled away, smoothly. It didn't matter to her if it was dead of not. It was a lower being. Made for her to eat and enjoy.

Barafu watched as she tore the pelt away from it, pressing his weight onto the animal's throat. He felt the pulse slow and stop beneath his paws.
He nibbled at the parts of the kill that had been stripped of fur, watching her at her work. It was an interesting thing to observe .
"Well, well, that is a very interesting thing to see. I don't think I would have considered taking trophies, even if I had a single place I came back to," he admitted. Why was he being so honest with this female, he wondered. Maybe it was because they shared a common taste for violence and torture.

Shai Teinai
Muscle clung to the skin, spiderwebs of tearing tissue, blood lurking eerily under the tussue, waiting for a little slip that would send it gushing through and into a puddle, staining the lovely peice of art that Shai wished not to ruin. They were facinating. The anatomy of all the creatures the skinned. Every little bone was so eaisly broken, organ easily damaged and considered useless. It was something aweworthy. A study she wished to persure. A needed value if she continued to gain support from other on the savannah. War was built on bitter spite, but injuries were a miserable price to pay. It was easier to die fighting than get injured and lose a limb or an eye.

Shai Laughed. A real one. Not forced through her teeth to please anyone or trick them into following her. "Well, if you stay with me, I'll show you how easy this is. It just takes..." She claw slipped over the meals leg, a part stripped of it's skin, and blood gusseh everywhere. "... Practice"

Barafu continued to watch with mild interest until she laughed. For some reason, her laughter made him smile. And for once it wasn't his "I've found something to exploit" smile. This one was more... sincere, though his eyes were narrowed and his ears fell downwards just a bit, and not in sadness in the least.

"Everything in life takes practice, little Shai. That something like that would take practice surprises me not."

Shai Teinai
Shai huffed, there was something awakward about this male. SOmething she couldn't quite put her paws on... It was so different. HE was differnt, or maybe it was herself. Something of critical change was wrapping around inside her intestines. Was it the way he watched her? Like she was a prize that he had won? No. Couldn't be. He didn't even realise it, or did he? This was so much to take in! So many possible wrong answers, wrong questions! What could she do? Stall?

"Maybe you're watching is making me..." She ripped through the tissue of the poor creature more, enfisizing he movements. "Slip." She purred and licked her bloody paw.

Barafu chuckled and shook his head.
"I don't see any error in your work, at least to my untrained eyes. Aired out and dried, it will make a wonderful addition to the cave," he replied. He used the on purpose, wondering how she would react to his blatant disregard to who it was that "owned" the cave. And in truth, he didn't care. In his mind, no one did, if anything they shared it, at least for the moment. He'd never shared anything but pain and a womb in his life. Sharing with this young female was a novel thing indeed.

Shai Teinai
"MINE." She corrected, rather forcefully. "You're just staying in it. You have yet to earn ownership with me." Her tone was firm and un-wavering. She didn't wish to scare off this potential helper, but if he wanted to take something that obviously belonged to her, there may be problems. The pelt was off compleatly by this point, little rips formed where her claws traced over it's lifeless body. This would be such a miserable death.

Barafu's smile deepened slightly and he chuckled. Just as he had expected she would respond.
"Very well, yours," he replied and tilted his head, tracing purposefully sharpened claws over the skinned leg of the dead antelope. He tilted his head slightly and looked at her with a calculating brown eye.
"And what might one have to do to earn ownership of it?" he asked, teasing in his voice.

Shai Teinai
Shai grinned, he was easily swayed into saying what she wanted, maybe it was the mere reason of he needed a place to stay and she offered one. She straightened up and stared at him, studying him as he watched her. Such an awkward moment. "How to Gain ownership? She paused and thought a moment, "I need a body guard and a start to my own family." Shai wasn't offering or hinting at any thing, only stating that she needed someone that help strenght in their genes. After all, only the strong survive.

Barafu sat there, pondering her words. He'd only ever looked out for himself, and he wasn't certain he wanted a family at all. But the body guard idea was something of appealing.
"I might take you up on that, the body guard part. May not be so bad," he said with a small shrug before dipping his head to have some of the kill.

Shai Teinai
Shai laughed to herself. Of course he would think she wanted something more from him. Males were all the same, dumb and confusing. They weren't worth the time and effort that it took to teach them anything. They were so hard to live with and they got on her last nerve, as most things usually did, but there was something different about this one. She had yet to rip his face off. Simply amazing.
"I never dreamed of anything more." her words were lucid and smooth, a trait she undoubtably inherited from her mother, the leopardess that she still had to meet and haunted her dreams at night. Shai folloed after him, nibbling at the kill and humming.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:57 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Barafu)

Barafu walked up to Shai's cave in the dark of the night, his spirits high and light. he had just kidnapped his nephew, the son of his brother, and he was quite pleased with himself. Not only did he grab a cub that would most likely do whatever he and Shai told him, but he also most likely caused his brother so much grief. It was a happy day indeed.

A smile on his maw he stuck his head into the cave.
"Oh Shai? I have a gift for you, if you would come see," he crooned into the darkness, hunting for her perfect, cream-toned form with his dried-blood eyes. He had left little Pich fast asleep under a tree not far from her cave and would take her to him.

Shai Teinai
Shai's eyes shot open as she heard her name. A vicious sound errupted from her throat and her eyes narrowed. She rose to her paws and moved quickly to his side, eyes probing for hints of where he had been. There was nothing. Nothing noticable at all. That was to bad. She didn't want to be an inquisitive leader. There was so much more pleasure in seeming all-knowing with that edge of being frightening.

"this had better be good." there was an edge in her voice. Barafu had not waken her from her sleep, yet she felt as if she had been shaken until her eyes opened. "I want to know. Now."

Barafu's grin grew despite her hard edge and nodded his head.
"Oh, I'm quite sure you'll be pleased," he said smoothly and turned towards the tree that his little nephew slept beneath.
"If you'll follow me?" he said and took off at a slow lope towards the tree.

He stopped beneath the tree and moved some low branched out of the way to reveal the slumbering brown and white form of his young nephew. He looked up at see Shai's reaction.

Shai Teinai
She sighed and followed. Surprises were one thing, but was was so secretive that it needed to be hidden away from her? There was a feeling of tension in her belly, as if something horrid of compleatly wonderful were about to happen.
Shai stopped behind him, trying to look dignified, as he moved the branch. "A cub?" her joy was un-hidden. An amazing sight! Shai moved towards it, prodding at it to see what would happen. "Where did you get it?"

Barafu smiled as he gently patted her paw away.
"Wouldn't want to wake him up, just yet Shai," he chuckled softly as he sat down, his tail curling around the sleeping cheetah.
"He's my nephew, Pich. I ran into him and lured him away with promises of greatness. I do believe he'll do whatever we tell him, as long as it's justified," he whispered and his eyes flicked back up to the female before him.
"Does my gift please you, then?"

Shai Teinai
resentfully, she stoped and put her face up to the sleeping cub. Harsh eyes looking over every inch of him. He looked stable and strong, she hoped he would be. In times of hate, the weak crumbled to the wills of others. That was just it. This cub had crumbled. But, was it the promise for power or a weak soul? It was to hard to tell while the cub slept.
"you're nephew? You stole you're own nephew?" There was no shock her her voice. Barafu was the sort that would do something low to hurt anyone. There was no promise that she would never steal from her siblings or her father. Oh, she would adore to steal from her father. "yes.," The small word held meaning "Yes. It does."

"I did. The promise of becoming strong and fast and powerful was too much for him. Apparently he wants to become the greatest in his family," he said, not caring at all that some creatures might think his cruelty towards his brother and sister was too much. He did not, and what he thought was what mattered.
At that point, what mattered was why he was so... high spirited at Shai's pleasure from his gift. Normally an impulsive creature, he leaned down and rubbed his cheek against hers briefly before straightening up.
"I do believe he'll be a formidable force as he grows, with our... guidance behind him."

Shai Teinai
"He's just like me." She gasped and reached her paw out to him, patting him gently. There was some bit of pride knowing that barafu had picked the brightest of the littler to steal away. Her face twisted into a smile, the malice in her eyes shining through. This little baby was so perfect for her, for what she wanted.
"Thankyou for this little one." Shai mused, not minding that he had touched her. It was becoming a normal thing for him to get close and stray away. Something she didn't mind to terribly much. "Yes...." She laughed, "Guidence."

Barafu chuckled again and brushed his nephew's ruff from his face.
"Good. Now, to other things..." he said, trailing off as he glanced up. There was determination in his eyes, among the ice cold depths. Unusually, though, they had a type of warmth, something that would more than likely be reserved for her and the cub between them.
"I have thought of it, and have decided that I am willing to be your bodyguard, should you still want one."

Shai Teinai
Her heart stopped. She'd forgotten that he was thinking of it. It semed that the whole time thats what he had been. What would have happened if he hadn't come back? Would she have waited for someone who would never come. Shai shook off the thought and concentrated on the young one in front of her. "Yes, I think I will. Especially if you would take away this... thing away with you. What's his name again?" She geunuinly couldn't remember if Barafu had told her or not.

"Pich, his name is Pich," Barafu replied and nodded. "I think we should take him back to the... your cave now," he said and carefully picked up the young cheetah by his scruff. He was still thin and seemingly weak looking, especially next to the larger, more muscular Shai, but he had built the strong muscles within his body over his lifetime and was quite strong. Besides the fact that his nephew was still small, made to be carried.
The snowy cheetah gave his leotah companion an expectant look and then began walking back towards her cave.

Shai Teinai
"Pich?" Shai asked, cluelessly. "Why not something with more... Spark?" She asked again. Pich seemed so plain to her. Sighing, she nodded and followed after Barafu to HER cave.
"My cave... My little hole in the wall..." She looked after him with softened eyes, maybe it was the little cub that was melting her heart just by sleeping sweetly. "How long were you planning on staying with me?"

Barafu shrugged as he set Pich down on the furs that carpeted the hard, cold floor of the cave.
"I doubt that's his full name. You may ask him when he awakes if you wish," he said and looked over his shoulder at her other question, a look of sly questioning in his gaze.
"As long as you want me to stay, I suppose. I might leave from time to time, but I'll admit it's rather comfortable here, and the company is rather interesting, so I doubt I'll ever be gone long," he replied honestly with a shrug to show he really didn't care. Now why did part of him start to worry that she would want him to stay?

Shai Teinai
Her eyes shifted involentary as she sighed, nothing the way her heart stopped. "It's nothing, Really. But as long as you plan to stay..." She stopped short and inhaled. This was much to hard. Everything was hers for the taking, not hers to 'share'. Even the word seemed to poison her lips. It may have been easier fer her to run out and into the water and drown.
She started again, "As long as you plan to stay, Then it may be your cave, too." Her throat closed as the words escaped. Poison, yes, Poison.

Barafu smiled when she said it, catching how much she hated to say that. He walked away from the corner where he had set down his nephew and walked around her slowly, his tail trailing against her paws. How alike they were. Proud to a fault, hating to share, sadistic and violent. He had never thought he would find a creature as much like him as he was. His eyes narrowed as his blood heated. By the gods, he wanted her.
She intrigued him, frustrated him, amused him. Few creatures ever managed to get his attention as she had. The same ice-cold flame burned within her, and he wanted to posses that, own it. Many creatures might have seen her as some abomination, being a half-breed as she was. He merely saw her as a challenge. One that he was certain to conquer.
Whether any of the emotions that ran through him reflected in his eyes, he knew not, nor did he care.

Shai Teinai
Shai stopped and watched him. There was tension, awkward tension as the silence produced a hum and the sound of breathing was all there was. Her eyes flicked to the young cub and back to Barafu. How strange. Her breath quickened. Had he ever looked at her that way? No... Maybe she was imagining things.
What was this!? Other than strange thuds of her heart and sharp senses.
"What are you thinking?" she asked uneasily, gaze not faltering.

Barafu looked up when she spoke, the heat evident in his gaze. Such tension between them. However had that happened?
"You sound so disappointed, Shai. Did it really hurt that much to part with your full ownership of this cave?" he asked lowly, softly. He stopped in his circling, by her side and raised one paw, placing it beneath her chin, the top of his white paw brushing against her gray-cream fur.
"Perhaps we can find a way to make it easier for you, hmm?"

Shai Teinai
"There is no such thing as easy. There will never be anything 'easy'." Shai took a step back and glared at him. Letting down her guard, even around someone she felt comfortable with, couldbe a leathal change in her demeaner.
Why was it she cared of nothing but herself and her own needs untilo she met this fool that felt the need to stick around and keep her company? Why didn't he leave when she was still so indifferent towards him? Well, either way, it seemed like it was to late now. With a sigh Shai asked, "So. How were you planning to make it... 'easier'?"

Barafu's tail twitched a little in disappointment when she pulled away and glared at him. But then he smiled, for that was Shai and he wouldn't have it any other way.
He shrugged a bit and his smile melded into a smirk.
"Oh, I don't know. I do not know how things work with others, I'm usually on my own..." he replied, pausing and regained that step she had taken from him, head tilted a bit to one side.
"I have, however, heard that couples generally feel comfortable sharing things," he added smoothly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Shai Teinai
She kept her distance andstared at him, jaw opened slightly. "Awhaaa?" Her words got lost in the throat. Did she imagine hearing what he was saying? Or just reading to far into his words?
"What are you sugesting, sir?" She choked out, hoping she didn't seem to be blabbering on and on like an idiot. Her crimson eyes flicked towardsthe little cub that was still dreaming sweetly while her mind was broken into little puzzle pieces trying to put to gether what may or may not have been said. Why was a small sentance making her this flustered?

The older cheetah chuckled as he continued to back her up. He'd back her into a corner if she kept this up.
"Ah, little Shai. Are you really that naive?" he asked and grinned.
"I've never met a creature like you before. Over and over again I meet creatures, all prey to me. I leave my mark on them and live to carry on my work. But never have I met another with a mind as cruel and twisted as my own," he paused there to chuckle a little bit, "If a little absent-minded at times. Together, you and I could stain the savanna red. I can help you, I can counsel you. But in return, I want you. If I have to kill every male on the savanna, I'll do it." And boy, did he mean it.

Shai Teinai
Forward. Very forward. It was times like this that Shai wished that she had a mother. Maybe she wouldn't have left if she had a mother. Her stomach dropped just thinking of it before her brain forced the thought out of her head. Mothers were for the weak. Mothers took care of those that couldn't liveon their own.
She held her ground and tried to look intimidating, masking what she was feeling at that very second in time. "You have no idea what my mind is spinning." Her voice was hushed. "And red can be such a pretty color... I don't think I would mind turning my world into one full of color..." her voice drifted off. She was truely shocked.

"That's not exactly a yes or no, Shai. And I will have an answer," Barafu shot back, a little more forceful this time. Her attempt at an intimidating pose was lost on him. At that moment, he was the dominant one, and he'd be damned if he let her intimidate him. Sure, she was more or less bigger and stronger than he was, but he had gained some control in this conversation, and he was apt to keep it.

Shai Teinai
"I give up." She sighed and flopped over onto the ground. There was just to much going through her mind to fight with him over something so trivial. She couldn'teven think of a witty way to say the word, "Fine." Shai huffedand saidit again, "Fine. Fine. Fine. There's your answer." She stared at the ground and put her nose into it, groumbling against the cold floor.

Barafu couldn't help himself. He laughed.
After a moment, he settled down and bumped his nose against her head and then lightly nipped her ear.
"No reason to sound so sullen, Shai. Think of it as... an ally who won't leave your side," he suggested in an attempt to lighten her mood on the subject.

Shai Teinai
Shai was simply to tired to fight with him over this. Such a small little thing to fight about, really. He cared about her enough as to sick by her side while she suffered with small bits of rage and madness when little triggers set her off. She lifted her head and stared into his cold eyes and growled quietly before curling into a ball and hiding her face in her thick fur, keeping her dark eyes on him.
"Fine." SHe repeated. It seemed that it was the only word that wanted to come out of her mouth.

Barafu chuckled and moved to curl himself around her. But then he paused, frowning for a moment in thought, and then stood and walked over to where he had left his nephew. He looked down at the sleeping cub for a moment before carefully scooping him up and bringing him over to Shai. He set the slumbering cub down and then curled around Shai, smirking a bit at her.
"Go to sleep, Shai. We have a long day ahead of us, with Pich."

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:57 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Hana)

A gray cheetah sat still, unseeing eyes closed, ears twitching every now and again, and tail swaying gently behind him. If you looked carefully you could see his chest moving every so slightly, perhaps the only sign that he was indeed alive. The adolescent was trying (and failing..) to find even the smallest hint of water. After another minute or two he finally gave in and heaved a sigh. "Not even a tiny pond..."

Hana had taken a time away from her patronizing and negative family members, her pink fur standing out against the world around her. She was a flower in monotony, and yet it was her differences that made her uncomfortable among her family. Her mother and father were mostly white and black and green. And so were her brothers and sisters. She, however, was not. She paused in her strides, looking up as a new scent hit her senses. Ahead of her, a cheetah sat, so gray and still she might have thought him some carving of the gods had he not moved slightly. Uncertain of his personality, she approached carefully, in case he was evil. "Hi... Do you need help?" she asked when she was close enough, her voice soft and somewhat high pitched. If she ever had the inclination to sing, she'd probably have been a soprano, but she wasn't much of the musical type.

Garai's ears twitched in the direction of a voice so reminscent of his mother's, yet there was a very subtle difference that he caught. He sniffed the air in the direction of the voice and caught the scent of a female - definitely not his mother though. Her question made him quirk a brow, then frown and sigh defeatedly. "Sadly, yes," he said, his tone of voice obviously lacking in confidence. He didn't like when others noticed that he needed help. It might not have been a problem if he wasn't handicapped, but he felt that much more useless when someone pointed out that he wasn't capable to handle even the smallest situations on his own. Not that she said anything.....

Hana tilted her head a bit at his tone as she stopped a few paces from him, expecting him to continue. But when he didn't, well, she blinked a bit. "Can I help? I like helping when I can, if I can," she asked, carefully touching a paw to the cheetah's. He was bigger than her, so probably older. Maybe he was lost. She kinda knew the area, so maybe she could help with that. If only she knew what it was he was having trouble with.

The male pulled his paw back at her touch, not used to close contact with strangers...even if she was offering her help. He kept quiet, wondering whether or not he should ask for her help. He was never too keen on asking for help from anybody, even when he really needed it...but he was getting desperate. He'd gone much too long without water, and he'd probably die before the day was done if he didn't get some anytime soon. With another defeated sigh Rai blinked several times before nodding. "Maybe...do you know where I can find some water? I...really need a drink.."

"Oh, um..." Hana replied, looking around, one paw at her mouth as she tried to remember where that lake was, completely ignoring his pulling away of his paw. "It's kinda far from here, but not overly. It's... That way, I think," she said, point in one direction before turning back to him. "I can take you there if you follow me. Oh, I'm Hana, by the way," she added with a smile, her tone light and friendly.

He almost smiled. Almost. He wasn't used to being all on his own, but from the way she sounded she was probably younger than him by a bit. There was nothing more embarassing (to him) than getting help from his minor. "Uhm...my name's Garai. Everyone just calls me Rai though.." he said almost too quietly. A part of him wanted to just go along with her to keep from her finding out about his handicap, since he kind of liked not being pitied. But the other part was a little too prideful... "And uhm...which way?"

Hana had turned in the direction of the water, frowning in thought. "Oh, this-" she said, turning back and paused as it hit her. Could he... not... see? She paused for another breath before she continued. "Just follow me. I'm sure it's in this direction somewhere. And if it isn't... I'm sure we'll find something," she said and began to walk. "Do you mind if I call you Garai? Or do you prefer Rai? Did your family come up with it?" she rambled on a bit, talking to give him something to follow in her voice. "My sister has a couple things she calls me, but you wouldn't really call them nicknames, and, well, I don't really like them, so let's talk about something else, hmm? Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

She paused mid-sentence, and his expression immediately dropped. She knew. His last question probably gave it away. Garai sighed rather defeatedly and shrugged at her question. "I don't know...Garai is fine. Whichever you want I guess.." he answered while getting up and beginning to follow her voice. It was probably the only reason she was talking so much - so he would have something to follow. Helpful, but next to her he felt so...useless. Even someone younger than him could find their own way to a water source. And yet he, an adolescent and nearly fully grown cheetah, coluld not. His ears drooped further and further the more she talked, only half-registering her questions. "Huh? Oh...yeah. I've got 2 brothers and 3 sisters, and my parents recently had another litter before I left home, so there's more than 6 of us now..."

Hana giggled at his answered even though part of her worried that she had upset him. And she always hated upsetting others. He must really couldn't see, she thought to herself but didn't let either her worries or her thoughts come to voice. "I've got two brothers and two sisters, but we don't really get along. Sometimes I have fun with one of my brothers, but I'm always fighting with my sister because she likes to be mean to the others and that's wrong and I can't abide by that. But the others don't stick up for me when she goes after me, so it doesn't seem fair but at least I'm doing the right thing, right?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder as she walked. She never really told anyone this, but in truth this was the first nonfamily member she had ever met. Sure, she knew what cheetahs and leopards and the like were, but that was from stories of her parents and them pointing out the other creatures in passing. She'd never talked to one or anything like what she was doing. "I think I like Garai. Do you know what it means? My mother says my name means bliss."

His head hung low as he listened to her ramble slightly. She reminded him of his own sister...which made him homesick, which made him sigh a bit depressedly once again. Something about being mean...his brother, something about fights...his other brother. Everything she said somehow led him straight back to family, who he started miss more and more the longer she went on talking. He huffed thankfully when she asked a question pertaining to his name. "Uhm...my name? Garai...I remember my mom telling me it meant something like calm. Don't remember exactly though.." Garai lifted his head for that one moment to answer, then lowered it again to its usual position. "Where's your family anyway?" he asked, now just realizing that she was probably moving around on her own when she ran into him.

Hana shrugged again. "Nearby. I go off sometimes on my own. I'm almost old enough to leave my family if I wanted to, but sometimes I think my parents need me around. To keep the peace, you know?" she said and walked up a low rise, stopping at the top. "What do you know, I remembered right! It's just ahead... Watch your step, it's a little, woah," she warned as she started walking down the slope and slipped a few paces. "Steep..." she finished, laughing as she blushed. Attempting to change the subject, she reverted back to the name subject. "I like it. It has a sort of... charm to it I guess. Garai."

Garai quirked a brow as he listened to her answer. She was still young, why would parents need her to 'keep the peace,' as she put it? There wasn't one in his family anyway. Or...maybe there was but he never noticed. He was too busy learning about the world around him by other means. He stopped when she mentioned for him to be cautious. It wasn't as though he could watch his step, so he took a seat and grumbled a bit. "I can't make my way down steep slopes," he said with a grunt. "My mom or dad used to guide me down these things." The male sighed deeply and waited quietly for an answer. "And, as far as my name goes, it isn't all that interesting. Just...a name, but thanks...I guess?"

Hana looked back up and blushed again. How thoughtless! "I'm sorry. I should have been thinking better," she apologized as she made her way back up to him. She stopped when she was right in front of him, made even more shorter because of the hill, though she wasn't that mush younger than him. "Um... How do your parents normally help you? I wish I was smarter so that I didn't have to ask, since it's not something I'd want to talk about if it were me, but, well... Yeah..." she replied, watching him.

Rai sighed deeply, not exactly thrilled about having to think about his family. He missed them....he really did, even if he constantly denied it. The male thought for a moment about her question, since when he was younger his mother or father would easily pick him up and carry him down. She couldn't do that since he was significantly bigger than her, so that wasn't a possibility. And since finding the coalition he avoided having to go to ditches and such to grab a drink. In fact, his family had settled nearby a small spring of sorts that was easily accessible for him. "Well.." he started. "They used to carry me down when I was younger, and recently they haven't had much reason to help me out in this type of situation...so........"

Hana paused for a moment, thinking. "Well... Okay, then, I can't think of anything else," she said and nudged him around so that they could walk down the less steep side of the small rise. There was an easier way to the water on the far side of the lake, of which she headed towards, talking as she walked. "You do a good job hiding it. I didn't catch on at first... Did I do well at not bring it up? I should stop talking about it, shouldn't I? I'm sorry..."

Rai followed close by her, not exactly comfortable with being nudged constantly so he could make his way around, but figured he'd deal with it just so he could get a much-needed drink. "I always hide it," he replied a bit quietly. He didn't wanna talk about it, but if it'd keep her talking so he could follow he'd deal with it for now. "And no, you didn't. You brought up again, but I appreciate the effort." He stopped walking for a second when she apologized and sighed. "No need to apologize, most of the folks I meet don't know how to talk to somebody with a disability, it isn't anything I'm not used to.."

Hana turned to look at him when he stopped.
"But... But you're like most everyone else besides that, so... Well, your coat is nice. I bet it looks just like your mom and dad's. Not like me," she replied, advertantly turning the conversation away from his difference to hers. Her gold eyes flicked downward and she sighed.
"I don't look much like either of my parents. Sometimes, my brothers and sisters call me..." she trailed off, not really wanting to repeat any of it. And then it dawned on her. He COULDN'T see what her coat looked like! And she had just gone and told him she was a freak. Good job, Hana!

He smiled a small smile, grateful for her attempt at making him feel a little better (it didn't really work, but she didn't need to know that), then went on walking, moving slowly as he felt the ground beneath his paws for anything that he could trip on. "I like being unique, but it would've been nicer if that uniqueness didn't come at such a huge cost to me," the adolescent sighed, ears twitching for her voice. Rai sniffed the air and noticed the faint scent of water, and his smile got a little bigger. "How far are we from the lake?"

Hana never thought about it like that, really.
"Well... I think I'd like being different more if I didn't get negative remarks about it," she replied, leading him around the lake.
"It's right to our left, but the bank's really high here. There was a little part on this side where the water was away from the bank, but it's better on the other side, anyways," she explained and smiled at him, the small look of happiness reflected in her voice.
"I like your smile, Garai. You should smile more," she added softly.

"The way I see it, others say negative comments about unique individuals because they're either jealous, or they don't know how to appreciate something out of the ordinary. You should be happy you're different, it means you stick out." Rai looked to his left, and almost stepped forward to get a drink, but decided against it and followed her instead. "And uhm...thanks, I guess. It's hard to smile when you can't see anything, but I guess I can try.." Rai never noticed that he could talk so much, as he's never made much of an effort to have a conversation before. Usually he'd say as little as possible, then be off on his miserable way so he could be alone again.

Hana stopped, as they'd reached and easier place, then, but also to let his words sink in.
"There's no bank here, so... Yeah," she said, walking to the lake's edge and sitting down, watching him.
"Well, there are other things to smile over, like... A funny story or spending time with someone nice or a happy thought or just because. That's why I smile, because it feels better to smile than to frown," she rattled on, smiling a little and shrugging.

He heard the faint sound of the juve taking a seat, so he assumed that they were finished walking. The gray cheetah slowly made his way toward the edge of the lake, feeling the ground ahead of him so he didn't fall in. When his paw touched the surface of the water he stopped walking and carefully lowered his head, lapping at the refreshing liquid for good while, taking in his fill. Once he was done, he was in more of a good mood, and he sighed contentedly before taking a seat. "I'm not much of a socializer, so I've never bothered to listen to a funny story or hang out with someone nice. Unless family counts, but even then I didn't really spend time with anyone but my mother or father, and even with them I said little to nothing. I never really frown either, I think I usually have a...neutral expression?"

Hana watched the water as he drank. She was quite sure there wasn't any danger in the water, however she was just being safe.
"I know what you mean. I spend a lot of time by my self, too," she replied, avoiding adding the 'believe it or not' at the end. She didn't know what to say about the expression thing, so she let it go.
"When I spend time with someone, it's usually my dad," she added. She liked spending time with her father, she wanted to be strong, like her father. She wanted to grow and protect others in need.

"Both my parents worry too much about me, so it got a little annoying to be around them all the time. That was when I started going off on my own a lot, so here I am." That was all he could say about his parents, actually, since he didn't really know which he took after more, or which he preferred over the other. "You know, it's a little hard to believe that you spend a lot of time alone," he commented on her statement. "I mean, you're pretty nice, and aside from looking different like you say you do I don't see why you'd want to be alone a lot." Rai stopped there, not wanting to say much else in case it'd be prying into a more personal reason.

Hana sighed.
"Well, one of my brothers and one of my sisters are not the nicest in the world, and well... I don't like to see others hurt or teased or anything, so I usually stick up for my other siblings. But my other siblings think I think they can't take care of themselves, so... It kind of exiles me," she replied softly.
"I'd rather be by myself with only my thoughts than with the taunts and jeers of my siblings."

Rai shuffled his paws a little bit, feeling the conversation was getting a little too...what's the word? Personal? For a conversation between acquaintances, anyhow. He'd probably think the same if he were having the same conversation with somebody he grew up with. Either way, the look on his face made it pretty obvious that he didn't want to keep on the particular topic. So he cleared his throat, stood up, and stretched a bit. "I'm the same, I guess," he said when he finished. The statement had a tone of finality in it, and he hoped she'd understand. "Right, so I guess I should get um...going. It'll take a while for me to accidentally run into a place to sleep, so it's best I get to it before it gets too cold out." He turned to his left, ready to leave. "Thanks for the help, Hana, I really appreciate it. Um...hopefully we run into each other again soon.." It was an awkward sort of goodbye, but he figured that was as good as it could get as far as his goodbyes went. So with that he started off again, and slowly but steadily made off for....well, actually he didn't know.

Hana smiled a little bit as he awkwardly said goodbye. She could have offered to help him find a place to sleep, but he was the only creature she knew that she could even come close to calling a friend, and she didn't want to drive him to dislike her as well. So she kept quiet, just nodding a bit.
"I hope to see you again soon, too. Good luck in your search Garai," she returned, waving her paw a bit, though she knew he couldn't see. She watched him leave, watched him until she lost sight of him. She should be getting home soon, too, but... well, she decided she'd rather sit there just a little longer, sit and think while she watched the wind softly push the water back and forth.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:16 pm
Out of Guild RP (Jivutatia, Mwandani, & Kijeshi)

The sound of soft paws on rough bark was all that heralded the coming of the shady Jivutatia. She had learned her mother's ways probably the swiftest of her brothers and sisters, taking to the trees like, well, a leopard cubs rather than a lioness. She was off exploring on her not-so-own again, her best friend and protector wrapped loosely around her frame.

"We really shouldn't be traveling thissss far from your father'sss territory, Jiv'," Mwandani hissed softly in her friend's ear, gaining a soft chuckle from the young lioness. The young cobra could only sigh. Jivu alway went her own way, no matter what, and 'Dani could only go along with it and make sure she didn't get in too much trouble.

"You worry too much, 'Dani. Where's your sense of adventure?" Jivu asked softly back, grinning as she hopped down a branch so that she could walk from one to another, heading into another tree.

'Dani hissed out a laugh.
"With my feet," she replied, gaining a soft laugh from her friend again.

Kijeshi stretched as he finished off the small gazelle he had taken down that morning. He was feeling a little lazy now because of being full, and thus walked over to a shady spot away from the bare remains of the carcass for the scavengers to have at, intent on taking a nap.

But then he heard the soft sound of voices, and looked up, wondering who it was this time that was roaming around his land.

"Stop being such a scaredy-snake, we're not going to run into any trouble," Jivu chuckled back as she slipped from the tree she was in, landing not two leaps away from a very suspicious-look-giving leopard.

'Dani hissed angrily as Jivu, whom she was curled around, jumped back in surprise. She lifted her head up above Jivu's staring through narrowed eyes at that leopard before them.

Kije tensed as the small lioness and her snake landed virtually in front of him, the lioness jumping back in surprise and the snake hissing at him. He made sure to keep relaxed. There was no telling what kind of snake that was. Might be poisonous.
"Don't you know better than to wander around another beast's territory, little one? Might get yourself hurt, or worse," he said smoothly, hoping his loose tone of voice would calm the pair.

Jivu originally took on a fighting stance, ready to lash out at him and then flee. But when he stayed relaxed and calm, she reciprocated.
"I can take care of myself. Besides, how was I supposed to know? It's not like you mark your territory up in the trees," the young lioness hissed back at him, smirking a bit. Snake on her paw, snake around her, there was even a snake in her voice.

'Dani relaxed slowly, the hood that had started to flare out receding and her head going back to resting on Jivu's. She didn't trust the leopard, but he wasn't threatening them, so she wouldn't provoke him.

Kije snorted in laughter and shook his head.
"No, but you should still be able to tell. Besides, there are certainly things out there that would jump on the easy opportunity for a meal," he shot back, narrowing his eyes and grinning a bit at her. That wasn't on his mind at all, but it was better to warn her about it if her parents weren't going to.

Jivu snorted.
"You sound like my mother," she snerked, sitting down and playing with her companion's tail a bit.
"We're perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves, getting out of our own mischief," she added haughtily, tossing her growing mane out of her face.

Kije couldn't help but laugh at the cocky youngling. Thank the gods this wasn't his brat. He shook his head and growled a bit at her, though he was still smirking right back at her.
"Well, I don't want to have to deal with your mischief. Go bother someone else before I track down your parents myself and tell them what you two've been up to," he snapped back, lunging at them with a short, almost playful laugh.

Jivu jumped back with a laugh of her own, spun in her leap and ran off into the forest laughing.

Kije chuckled as he watched them go. They were a funny pair, a mild and fleeting amusement and now they were gone. He wasn't much of a fan of children, the reason he ran that one off. If he let them stay for too long, they could get comfortable, think him soft, want to come back and bother him. All things he didn't need.

With a stretch, the brown leopard stood and walked closer to the edge of his territory, stopping near a small, steam-fed pond and climbing up into the nearby trees.

"Well, that wassss eventful," 'Dani hissed good-humorly into Jivu's ear, smiling and chuckling with a hissy laugh. They were thankfully heading back towards home, a thing that she approve of greatly. She didn't want to tell Jivu what to do, as it was Jivu who had found her as a lone egg and raised her. But every so often, she really wanted to start telling Jivu what was probably the best course of action.

Jivu giggled at she walked.
"Yeah, it was. What a grump, though, am I right? We should pop in to bug him again sometime," she giggled mischievously as the pair faded into the shadows of the jungle.

Mischief managed...

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:30 am
Out of Guild RP (Kweupe & Malaika)

Kweupe stretched out under a tree, her adorable little Zikwi curled up next to her, sleeping. Well, he wasn't so little anymore, in fact none of her children were young anymore. They were all growing up and she couldn't help but smile. They weren't as energetic as she, though they all had their own quirks and she loved them all. She'd miss them if they weren't there, and little did she know that something like that was just around the corner.

Malaika sighed and padded slowly up to her mother and eldest brother. Zik was sleeping, or at least he looked like he was sleeping, so she paid him little mind. Malai was more interested in her mother at that point. What she was coming to tell her would be hard, but she hoped her mother would understand and be happy with it.
"G'afternoon, Mom," she said in her own cheery way, sitting down across from the smiling cheetah.

Kweupe smiled at her youngest daughter, winking at her.
"Afternoon, to you, too, Malai. What's up?" she asked, tilting her head up at her daughter. Malai was her little angel, at female after her grandmother's heart, from what she remembered of her. Things were a little fuzzy, but Moto and Buizo would tell her stories of the amazing pair her parents had been, in their fighting and leadership abilities. She saw Hewa's fire in Malai's crystalline eyes, and she liked that.

Malai's smile turned uncomfortable and she ran a paw over the scruff of fur on top of her head and sighed.
"Mom... Remember when we had that celebration, with Uncle Shaha, and those others came and the troupe joined them? Well... Han and Shahara and I want to go join them too..."

Kweupe listened to Malai and her smile faded away with every word. Three of her babies wanted to leave? There's no way she would stop them because she wanted them to be as free-spirited as she was but... still, it made her sad within.

The look on her mother's face made her sigh regretfully, but Malai wouldn't change her mind. She brightened a bit at Kweupe's question and shrugged.
"Han and I want to be warriors like Grandma and Grandpa, and Grandpa-Moto. And we think that that's the best place to learn. And..." She shrugged again. "Shahara just wants to come with."

So that's what it was. Kweupe couldn't help but smile at that one. Han was as good as his namesake and Malaika had her grandmother's spunk. Apparently Shaharazad was growing much like her uncle Shaha, following the two trouble-makers through hell and back, just for kicks and to no doubt keep an eye on them. It made her happy.
"Well, that sounds really thought out. You're not leaving now, are you?" she asked, making a defensive face.

Malai's grin returned and she quickly shook her head.
"Oh! No, not at all. Han and Shahara will want to say goodbye, of course and... well, we don't want to make a big deal about us leaving, but we want at least one more night with the family before we go."

"Well, it's not like we'll never see one another again. You'll come visit, won't you?" Kweupe replied, tilting her head again. She hoped her children wouldn't cut all ties with her, and was fairly sure she had raised them better than to do something like that, but it looked like having children made her something of a worry-wort when it came to their affairs.

Malaika nodded.
"Of course, Mom. And, I mean, there's always the chance of just running into one another every so often. I'll try and get a bird to send out and track you and Zik and Ini down every once in a while to tell you how we're doing, okay?" She was glad her mother was okay with this. In truth, nothing would have stopped her from going, but she felt better that their mother approved. She had a feeling that if Kweupe disapproved, her brother and sister would choose to stay behind. Now that she thought about it, she didn't much feel like going if it meant without Shahara and Han.

Kweupe smiled and sat up, barely jarring Zikwi as she did. She held one paw out to one side, inviting her youngest daughter into an embrace.

Malai's smile grew soft and she scooted into the hug, purring happily.

"I'm going to miss you three. But I'm happy for you. I see great things in you and your siblings, and I'm so proud that you've decided to go out and learn to be great warriors. I'm sure someday, your uncle will sing of your adventures, and I'll be there to laugh and sigh, gasp and maybe even cry," Kweupe replied softly as she wrapped her paw around her little angel's shoulders. Soon, Malai and the rest of them would probably be bigger than her. But she didn't care. To her, they'd always be her little babies.

She slipped her paw off of her daughter's shoulders and grinned.
"How about one more hunt before you go? Just you and me and Han and Zad?"

Malai's pride swelled at her mother's words, almost bringing a tear to her eyes. But she never was one to cry, so they simply grew a little misty. And then Kweupe mentioned going for a hunt.
"That sounds great," she agreed, grinning as her mother ended the embrace.
"I'll go tell them," she added and ran off without another word to where she had last left Han and Shahara.

Kweupe watched her daughter go, a tear slipping from her eye. This wouldn't be the last time she would watch Malaika take off away from her, but the very thought of it... Well, every so often, mothers just have to shed a tear for their babies.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:35 pm
Out of Guild RP (Hana, Baridi'vijicho, & Barafu'moyo)

Hana couldn't help herself. She couldn't stand the ridicule she received from her brothers and sisters for the way she was. She loved her mother and father, but for the moment, she had left her family to be on her own. She wasn't sure if she would return or not, but for the moment, she just walked across the savanna, the evening light playing softly on her coat.

Baridi was riding high. He had caught a small hare all by himself and was taking sadistic pleasure out of petting and nuzzling the soft fur he would soon attempt to skin. It shivered under the cub's touch, tears streaming down its bloodied cheeks. First, the leotah had broken its legs, so it couldn't run away. It had screamed so much, the cub's blood had raced, banishing any possibilities for a vision. He had learned the first time he went hunting with his father that when he was completely calm and his heart slowed that he could see things others could not. Pity he was rarely like that.
Much as they gave him pleasure to hear, he grew bored of the hare's screams, so next he carefully broke its jaw and stamped a paw down on it to keep it shut. HE could still hear the muffled shrieks, but they were easily ignored.
"So soft," he purred as he rubbed his face against the fur. "How does it feel, to know yer gonna die, knowing how slow it'll go?"

Hana paused as she heard something that made her blood run cold. Screams.
The protector in her had her running as fast as she could in the direction she had heard them coming from. They had since stopped but she did her best to remember the direction, hoping that she wouldn't be too late.
What she saw made her blood run cold as the ice on the mountains she had once heard about.
There was a small, tan cub, nuzzling the shivering, broken body of a hare. She could almost feel the pain the poor creature was in and hit struck her like a physical blow. How could any creature DO such a thing.
"What... What are you doing??" she asked, her gold eyes wide in horror.

Baridi's silver eyes opened slowly as he raised his head a fraction to see a large lioness standing a few paces from her. She had a look of unbelieving horror on her face that made his blood burn and his smile grow. Oh, if only his mother was there to see her. She would love this one's pelt.
"Isn't it pretty? So soft and weak. So easily... broken," he replied, twisting the suffering creature's head until he heard an audible crack upon his last word. Father had already taught him how to skin a pelt from a kill, though he had found that though they took less time, smaller animals were a lot more difficult.

Hana couldn't move.
She had never seen anything like this cub in all her life. How could anything be so cruel, so... so heartless? This cub was completely insane and... And she couldn't do anything about it. He was still just a cub. She didn't think she could bring herself to hurt him. And yet a part of her had a good feeling that he would only get worse as he grew. The best thing would be to take him out of this world young, so that any future victims would be saved.
At war with herself, she finally settled on the only thing that she could do.
The pink lioness fell into a crouch and lunged at the cub.

Barafu liked the dark.
He wasn't very good in hiding in it due to his white coat, however he still liked it. He saw better in it, the world was quiet. And in the dark was when he and his mate had the most fun.
But it was still light out when he left the cave to go hunting for his son. Baridi was notorious for wandering off to practice on his own and though both Barafu and Shai admired the cub's spunk and enthusiasm, Shai worried her head off over the little brat and Barafu was always the one that went out after him while Shai took care of Tei and Pich.
This evening, he found Baridi with a dead hare, which instantly made him proud of his son. Some day, he would be just as powerful and his mother and father. But what set him off was a pink lioness, staring at his son in horror at what he had done. Intending originally to just chase off the younger female, something in Barafu snapped when she lunged at his only son. With an angry snarl, he sprang to intercept her.

There was no fear in the dark grey eyes of the sadistic cub as the pink fool sprang at him. He had seen part of this and knew that he would live through this incident. What the cub didn't realize was that his visions were only one possibility. A single heartbeat could change the outcome.
But, to him, it didn't matter anyways, because there was nothing and no one stronger than the cheetah that knocked her aside, growling as he put himself between the lioness and the smirking cub. Baridi's paw gently stroked the hare's fur as he watched his father tear into the lioness.

One minute she was about to kill the hybrid cub, and the next thing Hana knew, she was knocked away and staring into the dark eyes of a male cheetah. She'd never seen a more frightening sight. He was small and lean, but the scars along his hide told her he was, if anything, a survivor. He wore a jackal's pelt along one side and a band around his throat and one leg held various teeth and claws. And the look in those black eyes was deadly.
A part of her knew she could take him, she was larger and stronger. And yet another part to her to run. This cheetah had a fire in him and she had never fought another before. Not like this. By his appearance, she knew that unless she ran, she would not walk away from this fight unless the cheetah was dead.

Barafu circled the lioness, careful to keep Baridi behind him. She looked scared, he could almost taste her fear. He hadn't managed to do more than shove her away from his son, though that would not be the last thing he did to her. Her screams for mercy would echo long into the night for threatening his cub.
With a feral snarl, he lunged.

Hana did her best to avoid the attack, but the cheetah was much faster and limber than she had realized. When she moved, so did he, twisting so that he could scrape his claws against her back. She cried out in pain and rage, her eyes darkening as she turned on him with a ferocity she didn't know she had. Something had come apart within her and all she knew was that if she didn't fight back as hard as she could, he would kill her.
Her back legs propelled her forward and one huge paw came out to strike him, black claws extended.

Barafu had been so blinded by rage that her change of tactics didn't faze him a bit. She did, however, manage to connect with his face before he could dodge, but her claws did little but tickle the skin as they grazed off. He twisted and sank teeth and the claws of one paw into her shoulder, tearing at the flesh there until she screamed.

A pain she had never experienced shot through Hana as the cheetah tore into her right shoulder. She twisted as best she could and slashed at him trying to get him away from her. Her paw connected with his thin legs, cutting through skin and muscles. The cheetah reared back with a howl of pain, taking flesh from her shoulder with him.
Before he had a chance to recover, Hana turned and ran. She didn't know where she was running to, but all that mattered at that moment was getting away from the cheetah.

Pain seared through Barafu's back leg as the lioness clawed him. He reared back and watched angrily as she took off, blood flying from her torn shoulder. He could still taste the metallic sweetness in his mouth, his lips stained with blood. His leg badly injured, he knew he would never catch her. Besides, Shai and the cubs needed his protection, so going after the b***h wasn't the brightest idea.
So he simply turned and limped back to his son.

Baridi watched as the cowardly lion fled, half-expecting his father to make chase. But he didn't. Instead, his father walked back over to him and bent to pick him up. Baridi quickly picked up the dead hare in his teeth before his father could do similarly with him. He was quiet as his father carried him home, though his mind raced with the thrill of watching his father in combat. One day, Baridi would know that thrill first hand. And how he relished the thought.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:03 pm
Out of Guild RP (Hana)

Hana walked herself into a limp as the world grew dark around her. She didn't know where she was and at that moment in time, she didn't care. All she cared about was that she was alone. That that cheetah hadn't followed her. Her shoulder burned in a blinding pain as she limped towards a clump of large rocks. The world was black around her, not even a moon in the sky to light her way. Clouds covered the sky as she finally worked her way among the stones, falling down once she felt she was concealed properly. Well, that's what she tried to tell herself. In truth, she just fell over, unable to go any farther.

Weakly, she turned her head and did her best to look at the wound on her shoulder. It looked horrible and it hurt so much that she turned her head and carefully licked at it. A moan left her lips as she let her head fall back to the ground. Licking just made it hurt more.

She should have known that the cub wasn't alone. Despite having caught a hare, she should have known that it had a family. One that was protective of him. The gleam she had seen in his father's eyes told her all she needed to know. The cheetah was protective of his family, but she also saw the pleasure he took as he fought her. She got the feeling he was just as bad as his son. Probably worse.

How could there be a family like that out there? Worse, how many of them were there? At the very least, there might just be those two. She had never thought there could be creatures like that in the world. Sure, her siblings were mean to her, teasing her for her pelt and questioning her heritage. But they weren't... Well, she didn't know that much about her brothers and sisters, in truth. She stayed away from them as much as she possibly could. It hurt that when she tried to protect the more timid siblings, they didn't acknowledge it. And all that did was bring Kito's wrath and biting remarks. Vry seemed to be the only one she could count on.

But he wasn't there with her right then. She was all alone, with the chilled wind biting at her wounds and her mind slipping between waking and unconsciousness. All part of her wanted was for someone to come along that was right. Someone who was kind and would accept her despite how she looked. Deep down, she wasn't much of a sociable lioness, so she'd never met many others. The only creature besides some of her family that had never looked down on her because of her coat had been that cheetah, Garai. But that thought didn't make her feel any better.

For one, the cheetah she had met briefly had been blind. So for all she knew, he may very well have snubbed her if he had seen how ugly she really was. In truth, she knew there was no chance of her ever seeing him again. He had been... nice, but she knew he hadn't liked her presence so much. She had unloaded a lot on him, something she probably wouldn't have done had he been someone she considered running into again.

Was as easy for others as it had been for her to unload on a stranger? It seemed the easiest way. Why tell someone who you knew well and live beside of your deepest thoughts when you could tell a complete stranger? At least when you vented with a stranger, there was a very good possibility that they would brush it off, forget about it, and never see you again. Should Hana tell her family... One might use her insecurities against her or another accidentally let it slip to one who would. She couldn't be weak among her brothers and sisters. There were too many of them that she couldn't trust not to crush her at the first chance. Maybe she was too paranoid. Or worse, maybe she was right.

A heavy sigh fell from her lips. Okay, so it was a really weak sigh. Hana couldn't get much out of her poor, abused body. She didn't know how else it could get any worse than it currently was.

No sooner had that thought crossed her mind, that a heavy drop of water landed smack between her eyes. Thunder rumbled above her and she looked up at the sky, the moon and stars walled from her vision by fat clouds full of rain.

"The gods must truly hate me," she whispered as the rain began to come down upon her, first as a light drizzle, but soon growing into a heavy downpour. The rocks did little in the way of shelter, there were no overhangs to hide beneath. Though, it really didn't matter, she was too exhausted to move.

Her body aching, her body growing colder with every passing minute from the rain and the soft chill in the night air, Hana fell into blissful unconsciousness. She barely had time to wonder whether or not she'd wake up from it.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:22 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Hana)

It was his temporary home, actually. Sort of.. he considered it as such anyway. But he'd been gone for almost a day, so a part of him expected it to be occupied by someone else by now. Still, he couldn't keep himself from making his way back to that particular cave. He used his scent as a sort of trail to make it back, though he knew that doing that probably wasn't the greatest of ideas. He liked the place enough though, so he didn't really care.

After several hours of tracking his own scent (most of which had disappeared because of the rain) he finally came upon the cave again. Or...a cave, actually. Maybe? It could've been his own, but there was the scent of another lingering in the air now, so maybe he'd been right in assuming that there was a new occupant now..

The large cheetah made his way in, eyes closed and ears listening for any sounds that would hint to another occupant. What he noticed, instead, was another peculiar scent. He'd never come across this particular scent, actually, so he followed it carefully for a few seconds before his nose came in contact with another body. The sudden contact gave him a start, so he stepped back, not sure what it was that he'd hit - a dead body or otherwise.

"Are...you alive?" he asked. It may have been a stupid question, but he really couldn't figure out what to say at the moment.

Hana shuddered as something jarred her out of unconsciousness, her eyes slowly opened as she groaned from the sharp pain in her shoulder. The world was fuzzy for a good couple of minutes before her gaze focused on what had run into her. Her memory sparked and she blinked at someone she wasn't sure was really there. She mentally slapped herself. Of course he was there, he had woken her up by running into her. But that fact was a little too much for her mind to get around.

"Garai...?" she asked softly, confused and tired, aching and sore. If it really was him... It certainly was unexpected.

It knew his name? The male raised a brow curiously at whoever it was that he'd run into. The voice was familiar, somewhat...but the memory was hazy. He did, however, manage to gather himself enough to step forward and have a seat nearby the other. By the sound of her voice she would be too weak to fight if she was hostile, and if anything she probably needed some help. "How do you know know my name?" he asked, going back to investigating the metallic scent that seemed to loom over the female.

"We met... once. I helped you find water..." Hana replied slowly and then realized how ridiculous it sounded. Of course he wouldn't remember her! How stupid did one have to be to think otherwise? It hadn't been something spectacular and memorable. Of course, that had been something of the point. Tell her worries to a stranger never to see him again and never having to worry about him using the weaknesses against her. The gods really DID hate her.

Bits of pieces of the memory came back to him as he continued to hover over where there was the most blood. Rai had finally figured out that she'd been injured - and badly. The male furrowed his brows as he smiled a somewhat lonely smile down at her. "Hana....right? I remember that day.." he said with a sort of nervous laugh. "What happened to you?" came his next question, though he didn't actually mean to ask it. It kind of just..came out. He was worried for her, so he didn't bother to take it back after it slipped out.

Hana closed her eyes and sighed. She was too tired to hedge around things.
"I found... I found a cub who was doing... something horrible. I'd never seen that much malice in my life. I couldn't help myself. All I could think of was the innocents he might hurt later on if I let him live. But his father came and fought me off. He was... He was wearing a jackal's pelt and strings of teeth from other predators around his neck and leg..." she shuddered as she remembered it. Was she right or wrong? She'd never been more uncertain.
"I ran away before he could kill me, or worse. The look in those black eyes... I don't want to know what he would have done to me if I'd fallen..."

Rai had never been a fight in his entire life. It wasn't something he was capable of handling on his own, after all, and if he ever got mixed up in a scruff of any sort he was sure to lose. So he avoided conflict like the plague. Not everyone shared his misfortune though, so with a sigh he leaned down and started cleaning the wounds. "Don't think about it then.." he said between licks, hoping she wouldn't mind that he went on ahead and started tending to it without her permission. "Just try to relax, okay?" and he went on cleaning in silence, hoping she'd just do as he says for the time being.

Hana blinked and turned to look at Garai as he started licking her wound. It... actually felt better. It still stung a bit, but it was soothing and, well, not really something she had expected from him. From what she remembered, he had been rather distant. She kinda liked this new side of him.
"That... makes me feel a lot better. Thank you," she sighed and relaxed as he told her too. She focused on rythmic licking to take her mind off everything else.
"So, what are you doing around here...?"

After a while the taste of blood had basically disappeared, so he figured it was clean enough at that point. It'd take quite a bit of time to heal though, he knew that much. Not that he'd ever seen a serious injury, but there'd been a lot of blood when he only just started cleaning. "I was just wandering and got lucky, I guess," he said with a small smile before standing and taking a step back just to distance himself a bit. He was done cleaning her wound, so there was no need for him to be that close to her anymore. "When did you get here?"

"Last night, just before the rain started," Hana answered. She attempted to stand but found that it was too difficult, so she curled up instead, as comfortable as she could be in her condition as she watched the older cheetah before her.
"Thank you, for cleaning my wound. It hurt whenever I tried... You've changed a bit, since we met, Garai. You're a little more... friendly I guess," she added, trying to project her small smile in her voice. She was glad he had come along.

Her comment made him smile a bit as he lay down onto his stomach. "I think I can take that as a compliment," the male said with a chuckle. "I realized that I couldn't afford to be the way I was when we first met, so I decided to change myself a little bit." And that was true, though the change sort of just happened. Traveling alone demanded absolute independence, after all, since there was no one around that he could rely on. With his disability he couldn't afford to steal his meals from those capable, so he developed a sort of friendly disposition, and accepted help from those that offered if they felt so inclined. Not wanting their pity, though, he kept his eyes closed so as not to reveal that he was blind and incapable of catching decent meals all the time. Some were kind, others not so, but he learned to live and deal with it. "It's good you found this place before the rain.."

Hana smiled back at him, their friendly chatting making her feel a lot better.
"Well, I meant it as a compliment," she returned and glanced up. Oh, that's what it was. She had inadvertantly fallen right beneath a hole in the roof of the cave. Great job, Hana.
"It didn't help me much. There's a hole in the roof here. The rain made me completely soaked. It was so dark, I didn't even think there was any shelter here. Then again, I'd probably been to weak to move myself anyways."

Rai gave a small laugh when she said that she'd fallen through, not bothering to glance up since he wouldn't have been able to see anyway. "It's good, then, that your fall didn't injure you even more." At that the cheetah scooted a bit closer, deciding that it was about time the girl rested. He wasn't right beside her, but he was close enough to share his body warmth with her. "You should get some sleep though," he said quietly, lowering his own head to his paws. "You might be able to move after a bit more rest, alright?"

"I didn't fall through the hole, I collapsed underneath it," Hana explained before closing her eyes. Garai was right. She needed her rest and sitting around talking was the exact opposite of that. She reached out her uninjured paw and gently placed it beside his, touching the smaller paw ever so slightly. Cheetahs were so different from lions. So much thinner, agile, quick.
"Rest does sound like... a good... idea," she added as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

He made a sort of 'oh' shape with his mouth when she explained, then smiled. Rai felt her touch his paw with her own, and he sighed as he moved his paw to cover hers. "Good night then," he murmured, then drifted off to sleep as well.

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

Reeshie Hack

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:57 pm
Out Of Guild RP (Hana)

Hana stood and left Garai's side. It had been two days since she had run into him and though she wasn't completely heled, she was good enough to walk, maybe good enough to hunt. He had been so kind and helpful to her while she was recovering, it was the least she could do, catching a meal for him. She doubted he would ever ask her to get him food. She wouldn't have if she had been in his place, but she would totally accept it. So her goal was to get something, bring it back, and share it with him.

It was a lot of work, and her wound started bleeding a bit again, but she managed to bring down a small gazelle. But her shoulder was hurting again and she'd gone far out to find it. She'd never be able to drag it back on her own. And she'd have a helluva time trying to defend it if someone challenged her over it. So she sat, breathing heavily, as she tried to figure out what to do.

He'd hoped it'd be another normal day. Solitary, quiet, and lacking any social interaction whatsoever. After helping out that lioness a few days before the exhaustion from using his powers too much at once was still getting to him. And while he was strong enough to defend himself, he didn't like that he felt as though he was completely out of energy. Tarik walked on though, and when he caught sight of a young lioness just ahead he turned in another direction. The scent of blood, however, came to him (as if on purpose) on a gust of wind, and with bared teeth he turned back around and headed for her.

"Is something..wrong?" he asked, almost forcing the words out of his mouth.

Hana turned sharply as she heard a voice behind her. It was another lion, about her age. She blinked at him, processing his question before shaking her head.
"Not, not really... Well, kinda, I guess. I want to get this back to my friend, but I'm too weak and sore to drag it back by myself. And it's really frustrating..." she replied and inwardly smacked herself. Great, Hana. Now this unknown lion will know you're weak and can't defend yourself or your kill. Which wasn't exactly true, but close enough for her remarks to have been considered rather stupid.

"I see.." he said, almost shrugging. Lucky for her he wasn't really all that hungry, so he wouldn't run off with her catch. Tarik took a moment to examine the other lioness before saying much else. He noticed that she had a rather bad injury on her shoulder, which explained why she was both weak and sore. What made him curious was why she wanted to bring this back for her friend despite her injury. The male didn't bother to ask though, and with much ease he hoisted the kill onto his back. "I'll carry it then, just lead the way.." He kept his eyes focused on the ground beneath him, not wanting her to see how frustrated he was with himself. He wanted to move on, really he did! But somehow a part of him just couldn't leave her like this. Not after seeing the injury, anyway.....

Hana's eyes widened as she watched him pick up her kill like it was nothing. Well, it kinda was, but still. He didn't look to happy over it, but he was doing it anyways, a fact that made her sigh. She wasn't big on being helped with every little thing, as she was used to doing things for herself. But in the past few days she'd been unable to do most things without aid. And worse, did it always have to be nice males? She felt like she was indebted to them. She didn't want to be the kind of female that relied on males to do the heavy-lifting for her, so to speak, and yet here she was, needing all this help.
"Thanks," she said, her tone low and just a little sullen as she led the way towards the place where she had left Garai. "It's not too far from here, I promise."

"Don't worry about it," he said after some silence. Somehow, in recent times, he'd done more charity work than he thought he'd be capable of doing. That was all he said for a time, and it was silent as they walked. At that point he glanced toward the lioness, raising a brow in curiousity when his eyes landed on her injury. It didn't seem to be bleeding anymore, which was a good sign. He wouldn't have to go through the whole cleaning process again like he did with the last lioness. The wound, however, did bring a few questions to mind. "So," he started, clearing his throat before continuing. "Where'd you get that injury?"

Hana sighed and shrugged lightly, a sore twinge coming from her shoulder, though she ignored it as best she could.
"I got into a fight with an older cheetah. I have a little problem with trying to keep the world safe from evil and aparently evil's a bit stronger than I am, sometimes," she replied, her gold gaze focused on the rocks in the distance. In truth she'd only learned to perhaps pick her battle a little wiser.

Talk of keeping the world safe from evil brought a somewhat amused smirk onto the male's maw, and he couldn't keep from chuckling at the idea. "I'm.. sorry for laughing," he said once he'd gathered himself. "It's just that trying to keep the world safe from evil is like trying to separate green from the grass. It can't be done." With that Tarik went quiet again, eyes focused on the path they were taking. "Anyway, so your friend. Did he get hurt during the fight too?"

Hana laughed, herself, at his comment.
"Yeah, but I sleep better at night knowing that I helped keep others safe when some wouldn't," she replied and bit her lower lip at his question. Garai didn't like his handicap, nor did he really like others knowing about it.
"No, he helped me after he found me wounded. I figured I'd repay the favor by getting food while he was sleeping." She chose not to elaborate any more than that. In fact, she really didn't need to go into any more detail. It was straight truth, after all.

"Well I guess that's another way of looking at it," he said, rolling the thought over in his his mind a bit. At last he shrugged it off and smirked at mention of her friend helping out. He wouldn't pry, of course, but he couldn't help but smirk slightly. "Nice of him," the male commented as he stopped for a second to straighten out the kill on his back. It'd gotten into a weird position somehow so he had to readjust it. "Though I think by trying to repay him you might've given him a bit more work since you hurt yourself again."

Hana hadn't thought of that one.
"Well... Damn. I hadn't really thought about that... But this time I can tend to it, so I guess I didn't really give him any more work..." She went back to biting her lip uncertainly. She just hoped he didn't worry about her. Garai had gotten so nice. Would he worry about her? Part of her, actually felt good at the thought of him caring enough to worry.

Tarik gave another shrug as they walked, half hoping that they'd get to wherever they were going so he could be on his way already. "Thoughtlessness, it happens. Usually because you're so eager to please whoever it is that's on your mind. Anyway, since you're well able I guess it's okay." At that Tarik glanced back at the lioness, his eyes still focused only on her injury. It really wasn't all that bad now. It just looked like a horrid wound earlier because it was bleeding, but now it didn't look so serious anymore.

Hana nodded at the rocks that weren't much farther away from them.
"That's where my friend is. It's not much farther," she told the lion that walked beside her. He looked uncomfortable and felt a little bad that he was helping her. She had a feeling that he may not exactly WANT to be wasting his time, but couldn't resist helping a female in need.
"My name's Hana, by the way. I don't think I introduced myself earlier."

He looked ahead and almost smiled when she said that they were almost there. His mood was significantly lifted, though it did feel nice to help a female in need. It just wasn't something he'd do normally...not before, anyway. As of late he'd been helping a little too much, though that wasn't something he'd admit to anyone. "I'm Tarik," the male said, resting the kill atop one of the boulders once they reached their destination. "Bit of a reversed conversation since I'll be leaving now, but that's alright."

The male gave her a small smile and turned to walk off on his own again, not really wanting to stick around for the lovey dovey stuff he assumed was gonna happen when she gave her friend the food. "I'll see you around, maybe.." he called back, though he didn't turn around. And with that he started walking calmly in the opposite direction, not really paying much attention to where he was going. He just needed to...go.

Hana smiled at him, converting name and face to memory. She really was good at things like that.
"Farewell, Tarik. Safe travels!" she called to his retreating form and then dragged the kill off the stone, taking it to where she hope Garai still was. For some unknown reason, she was nervous. She just hoped he liked her "gift".
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