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Reply [IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]
[PRP] - At the Border

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Adorable Lionheart

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:12 pm
-- AIM Rp between Baala and Mundoo ((Krysin & DFA))

It was becoming increasingly less rare for Baala to be seen without her red companion by her side, but tensions between the lioness had grown ever since Baala's decision to leave her cubs with that Kanunda'Nakhun. Never before had such a strain been placed on their relationship, but for obvious reasons Kiuma had wanted Baala to keep the cubs in order to raise a family together, while Baala's life as a rogue lioness told her that her cubs would have a better life settled down in a strong pride. There was no guarantee that Kiuma and herself were ever going to settle down, and Baala simply refused to put her children through the same experiences she had been put through. Rogue life, as she saw it, was not one in which to raise cubs in. Out of necessity Baala had abandoned her daughters and left them with Kunanda, or at least that was how the black lioness viewed.

She had strayed farther from Kiuma than she had originally intended, but the distance between them was much needed. Every time Baala saw Kiuma's swelling belly she cringed, because while she loved her daughters, Baala had never been a mothering kind of lioness. To imagine, as well, that Kiuma had gotten with cubs for the sole purpose of Baala and her having a family together only made it worse. Baala still was in disbelief of it, that Kiuma would do such a thing for her sake... and she was also in disbelief that despite what Kiuma had done for her, she had still left her cubs behind.

With a sigh, and a mind full of troubled thoughts, Baala settled down in the shade of a tree, intending to wait out the worst of the day's heat. She'd travel again once the sun settled lower into the sky, and maybe she'd go back to Kiuma finally. Then again, she may wait a few days so that the other lioness knew how appropriately pissed she was at her.

Mundoo himself had been a rogue for a grand part of his life; persecuted for his pelt and viewd a bad omen due to his mere looks, he'd been run out of many pridal lands. It'd only been recently that he'd settled into the gypsy pride that lived by the ocean. Kizingo'zaa; the name still tasted new in his mouth as he mouth it to the wind, during his patrol round, but at least, he was slowly getting the hang of it.

His fram was small, and thanks to the way he moved, te male was able to blend rather well with the jungles. It wasn't till he padded out to walk around the outside border that the small, ghatly lion became visible to others. Others had thought him a ghost in the past, a spirit, but there was nothing spiritual about the beast as he moved, sniffing the plants. It was his duty to keep the lands safe. He knew of the warrior pride up ahead; the one that lived within the jungles beyond their land... but they would never hurt the Kizaa people; the warriors were above hurting the gypsies. Mundoo had no fear they would ever break their word, for while indeed, warriors, they held honor.

It wasn't till he was just about ready to head back towards the beach that he noticed the small lioness laying under the shade of the tree; she was much too small to be for the warrior pride, and something told him she wasn't from the neighboring ocean pride either, "Oi!" he called from the distance, while he was white as a ghost, with haunting eyes, she was sooth black. It was quite the contrast.

She had just begun to doze off, and idle daydreams of better days filled her thoughts, when Mundoo's voice broke the peace. There was no way the black lioness was going to rest underneath the midday sun now, but truthfully she didn't mind. No longder did Baala want to dwell on thoughts of Kiuma and the cubs she had just given away to a female dominated pride she knew little of. A distraction was needed, and even though she had always been naturally wary of strangers, her need for said distraction was great enough that she shook off her natural apprehensiveness and resolved to meet with the startling white lion.

From what she could see, his color and his eyes gave him... a haunted look. Baala imagined that she could scare cubs at night herself, not for being a ghost, but for her black pelt blending in with the darkness of the night, and the yellow monster marking on her shoulder glaring out at little cubs. Well, that's one way to get rid of parenting issues, Baala thought with a grim smile. "Hello!" she called back to the white lion, simply letting the other know that she was interested in some conversation.

Shaking her head and clearing away her thoughts, she began to close the distance between herself and the white lion. His appearance didn't disturb her, Baala had been more frightened of lions that were larger than him. She was small herself - rogue life had taken a harsh toll on her, and her growth had been stunted. It made her slightly more comfortable that he wasn't huge... and menacing looking.

A tilt of the male's head; he was more used to rogues growling and walkin away thank answering his conversation. Idly figuring it was better to make a friend than a foe, the male padded nearer. There was nothing to threaten the lioness except his appearence; he wasn't large, really, and the pridal life had made his pelt lush and thick once more. It helped that he also had Aviva to care and tend for him, but... he was going to put that thought aside for a few moments, lest he start acting extremely awkward, as he tended to do whenever he thought of colorful lioness, "Not from around here, are you?" he paused, sniffing the air, and seemed to nod, "Not from that other pride either, are you?" he motioned to the jungle, not that far away, "They don't bother us. You're free to rest here in our land, by the way, if you're just passing by."

She shrugged her shoulders casually in response to his question. He knew the answer, so there was little use in confirming it. "I'm just a rogue, so I really won't be staying long." Of course, she just wasn't going to let the conversation die away. This was her only hope of getting away from her own thoughts. If she started up an interesting conversation, there would be no need to think of Kiuma and the children she had so recently lost. Her heart yearned for her daughters still, but she was content knowing that they were in a safe place, even if Kiuma did not agree with her. "Thank you for your hospitality," she continued on with a soft inclination of her head. "I'm Baala." Introductions and other such necessities were always best to get done and over with quickly, or at least that's what Baala believed. It opened things up for more interesting conversation more quickly.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:26 pm
Indeed, he did know the answer, but it was only... routine to ask, in a way, "It's of no matter; you're welcome here," he'd been told those same words, when he'd first reached these lands with Nyoni, hadn't he? Had it really... been so long ago?

It was then the male noticed the way she looked; the way she TRULY looked. Something... had her bothered, that was for sure. It was almost as if the lioness were grasping for straws to get away from her own demons; Mundoo figured he'd comply. It hadn't been long ago that he too had needed the solance of random conversation to get away from his own demons, so whom was he to judge?

A hrug of his shoulders, "No problem; Kizingo'zaa welcomes all travelers that mean us no harm. And you look like you could use a..." he seemed to pause, as if seeking for the right word, "A helpful ear, perhaps. I've nothing to do but patrol the border. Feel free to join me? Perhaps the exercise will clear your mind, eh?" this said, he turned around and started padding slowly towards the beach; he wanted to keep an eye on the cubs that were no dout frolicing there, "Name's Mundoo," he called over his shoulder, "What brings you here?"

He was perceptive, but the truth of the matter was that she did not know if she wanted to talk about the situation between herself and Kiuma to a complete stranger. Mundoo had been able to discern that something was wrong, but she wasn't entirely sure he would even want to hear what she had to say. Her relationship with Kiuma wasn't... typical. It was love, most certainly, but the fact that they were both female usually unnerved others. Baala didn't care much, except that she did need this distraction.

"Perhaps I do need a helpful ear," she conceded, and when he offered for her to join him on his patrol, she saw no reason but to go along with him. The small black lioness padded up alongside Mundoo, her head inclined slightly in his direction. The heat of the sun was quickly becoming irritating. Her dark pelt soaked in the rays of sunlight, and perhaps walking along the edge of the beach and the edge of the ocean would cool her down, if she decided that she wanted to be near the water for a little while.

"I needed to get away from my current partner. We had a... difference in point of views, and it led to a conflict." She wasn't going to elaborate, not yet, not until she was sure that he wouldn't be terribly bothered by listening to what she had to say.

He'd been able to survive as a rogue by being perceptive; when one had such a small frame as he did, one had to resort... to methods that didn't include brute force to get along. As such, he'd been very much forced to be able to watch and truly see; how ironic that when it came to his own personal matters the white male could be so BLIND.

It wasn't his place to ask her about it; in fact, he'd just offered himself, even though truthfuly, his ears weren't all that helpful. After all, he was rash, and he was male; he lacked the delicasy that Aviva or Misae had, and it was probable that had either the frog pelted female or the Kizaa queen been present, Mundoo would have directed Baala towards them. As it was, he had no one to offer but himself though; it was better than nothing. Specially if all what she wished to do was idle chit chat.

Idle chit chat to distract her, he could do.

A chuckle from the male as he flicked an ear, "Mine ain't all that helpful, but they'll do, eh?" He padded through the jungle till the trees gave way to the beach ahead; multiple cubs played here and there. His daughter, the new royal cubs, and the cubs from another litter. All in all, it was quite the sight.

As they padded by the water, he paused, slidding his eyes towards her, "Ah," he said, as if suddenly all made sense, "That's complicated, but getting away and letting you both cool down might just be the right thing; good for you."


They weren't exactly what she wanted to see, and looking at them now made her long for the daughters that she had so recently lost. Of course, she had given them up willingly, had done it out of her own violition and thus shouldn't be feeling so bad. But, even so, losing a child was hard. The knowledge that they were in a better place did little to soothe the ache in her heart, and the fight with Kiuma had only made her more sore. It had been a hard enough decision that she didn't need Kiuma's anger to worsen her mood.

It was good to hear that chuckle, and tearing her gaze away from the playing cubs (and preventing her face from taking on that sad look) she smiled at Mundoo. "Yes, they'll do fine. Ears are only made to listen, and I imagine that you aren't hard of hearing." Of course, if he had a sudden solution to her issue she would gladly embrace it. If there was something that could drive the pain away, Baala would do everything she could to have it.

"You know..." her gaze found itself back on the cubs, as if she could not help but stare and be reminded of her willing lost. "I have cubs, two little girls. They really are darling. One's red, and the other's yellow. I gave them up to that female dominant pride a little ways away. It's a better place for them. My companion didn't agree." That was the root of her issue, and the only cure seemed to be making Kiuma come to accept and understand Baala's decision. But, she doubted that would happen.

"I agree. Getting away from my companion is the best that I can do for myself. She only worsens everything... and I can't stand it. I'm glad for the distance between us right now. But, I'll go back eventually. I always do." Kiuma had saved her, had aided her and was now the most important thing in the black lioness' life.

A pause from the male as he watched her, "Pardon the pun but... you look haunted," it was visible in her eyes, and her body language, but he couldn't have known the cause. Not in a million years would have he guessed what Baala was going through but at the same time, he'd have fully understood. His daughter's mother had been a rogue that left; she'd later come back to bring him his daughter as a small cub. Nyoni had left that cub in the pride and then returned to the rogue life, having decided that her daughter's safety and life would be further secured in the pridal lands with her father... rather than outside, in the roguelands, where anything could happen.

"Too bad more often than not mouths acompaing them," he told her as they padded the shore, "And mine tends to have a life of it's own at times, I swear," he tsked loudly shaking his head before focusing his attention back on her. It was his mild, pathetic attempt at lightening the mood about her. Hopefuly it'd work; he so disliked seeing a sad female. He'd spent such a grand part of his life bitter and angry... he wouldn't wish it on others.

His eyes followed hers, settling ont he playing cubs, "Cubs always are," he told her, allowing her to continue. It was then he picked up a singular tidbit; she kept talking about her 'companion', why not her 'mate'? "Is your companion your mate?" a pause, "Well, if he was the father, and you decided to give away his cubs, I could see why he would be irritated... but if you did it thinking only of their safety and wellbeing... he'll come around. Give it time; sometimes we say s**t we don't mean in the heat of the moment," of course, she continued talking and the word 'she' stood out. Another pause, and the male blinked, his mouth forming an 'o', "Huh, well, that's a bit more complicated than I initialy thought, but regardless, it makes your decision your own; yours only... if you felt it was the best thing to do, SHE will come around. In due time."  


Adorable Lionheart

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Adorable Lionheart

4,575 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:36 pm
A humorless chuckle was coaxed out of her with some effort, and as she turned her blue eyes to him she gave him a ghost of a smile. "If I look haunted, then perhaps I am haunted. It's simply logical." Haunted? Well, that was a new way to consider things. She was haunted by the memories of her cubs, haunted by Kiuma's disapproval and anger. All she had ever wanted was to somehow be all that Kiuma envisioned her to be, but giving away her cubs had shattered whatever chances she had of becoming that person. Baala wasn't sure she wanted to try any more to be what she believed was the perfect lioness for her companion.

"A wise mouth isn't so bad," and the smile she gave him was more lively, "but I appreciate the warning that your mouth has a mind of its own." Already she could begin to feel the effects of simply having someone to confide in. Her heart was growing less heavy, and she was becoming a little happier in his presence. In the end, she hoped that this encounter would give her enough strength to go back to Kiuma and face the red lioness. Baala had to stand up for what she did - there was no taking it back now.

"Good question," she told him, a pained look coming onto her face when she realized she did not know the answer. "I do not know any more. We might've been at some point, we might be now, or we might not." Oh, she was amused by the assumption that Kiuma was a male, but she had expected it. Still, it was good to have that little bit of humor at this moment. When he finally realized that Kiuma was indeed female, she chuckled softly. "Yes, now you see where it gets complicated, and she's heavy with cubs, cubs she wanted to raise with my own. It's definitely complicated things. My life used to be quite simple, really. It was centered on surviving. Now... it's so much more."
[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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