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Reply [IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]
The lost prince [Sewti/Kisi x Panu]

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:16 pm
AIM LOG -- Felyn & Kisoni
Sewti, Isokisi & Panu

A good distance down the coast from the two sea prides lay a small cove, perfect for hunting fish and sunbathing, and quiet enough that one could do so in peace. Sewti found it quite relaxing, despite some of Kisi's protests over having no one else to talk to. It just so happened that today she had abandoned Kisi in the little clearing they shared to go hunting. She loved the girl and all, but damn if she didn't need some alone time.

Standing almost shoulder-deep in the waters of the cove, the tide not quite so heavy here as it was in open land, she was poised quite perfectly still. Her eyes concentrated upon the salty, fairly clear waters until she saw a flash of silver - a glimmer that danced in the water. In one quick motion, she had captured a fish and was on her way back out of the waters.

Plopping down, careless of the sand sticking and clinging to her wet fur, she smirked over her dinner. Kisi wouldn't quite approve.

He'd left the mountains far behind, but he was still no where near home. Yet the first sight of the sea, since that day he'd left so many months ago, was like a homecoming regardless. He'd seen his giant mother, and now again here she was spread out to the horizon and far behind. Panu smiled slightly, the darkness of his heart easing just a little further. Though the shame still squated there like a stubborn tenant in a broken home, its foundations were beginning to crumble. That first blast of good, stiff sea air was as welcome as any slap of good sense would have been.

Slipping down the rocks into the cove he'd stumbled across, he thought it might be good to stop for some lunch when he wandered right across a rose-marked lioness seemingly of his own age.

For one who'd spent many months in isolation, and not raised to such things, the appearance of another was both a welcome and wonderous thing. "Oh! Hello." He said softly as he stopped just out of the forest line.

Sewti had been quite lost in her meal, indulging in one of her favorite foods. Prey animals were tough from their hard lives lived in the savannah, and in the jungle they were a lot smaller besides. Fish, on the other hand, were lean and fresh - a few healthy, large ones a day and she content for the time being. Kisi might turn her nose up at the meat, but she knew she prefered her to eat fish above other little creatures - like klipspringers.

As she heard someone approaching, her bright eyes shifted upwards until they came across a figure with fur as pale and contrasting as her own. Her maw was tainted red by the fish laying half-devoured between her paws, and said paws were a match. "Hello there," she said, drawing her tongue across her fur in a slight attempt to clean away the juices. "I've not seen you before." She tiled her head at this, then shrugged and went back to the meal between her paws.

A moment later came a grumbled, half garbled question of, "you from around here?"

"Sort of," Came the easy reply. Tau licked his chops at the sight of the fish. That smelled good and it was obviously fresh. He kneaded at the sand shallowly, as he considered what to do. "i'm actually from.. up the shoreline a bit. One of the pride's there... are you?"

After many months in isolation his conversational skills had somehow diminished past what they were. Then again, he'd also been something of a bully and a brat as a child--what did he know of 'proper conversation'?

Finally choosing his course of action, the lion turned from the sands and began to make his way out into the water. Fiiiiishhh..

Her tail flickered as she glanced up at him, licking her jowls once more as she considered him. "Nope, I'm not from either of them," she shrugged her shoulders, relaxing a bit more against the sand. "I'm from all over, I s'pose you'd say. My parents traveled, and I traveled, but I've been near this little cove here for a bit. It's got some pretty good, easy fish.

Sewti had grown up with her brothers, rough housing and fighting, and there had never really been much room left for conversation outside of that. When they'd all gone their seperate ways a while back, she had taken off and come across Kisi. The girl'd made her a little less rough around the edges, a little more socially able, but she still usually just minded her own business and didn't bother asking too many questions - it meant others didn't stick around long. With a slight frown, she recalled Kisi fussing at her to make some friends, and she figured she might as well start now. "So which one are you from then, eh?"

As he turned away from her, she watched him, eyes on his pale figure as he made it down to the water. If he was from the ocean prides down the ways, then he must have been a pretty decent hunter. Figuring this meant he didn't need any help, she went back to her meal, making quite a bit more noise and mess than one'd expect of a lady.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:44 am
In a few minutes he was back with a fish. Some of his old lifestyle had never changed, even with his venture inland, and fishing was one of the things that he'd always keep.

Panu depsoited his catch upon the shore and settled down to eat it. He'd kept a comfortable distance from the girl, as no lion no matter how gentle was inclined to eat close by a stranger, but they were still within speaking distance. "kizingo'zaa," He answered finally with a smile. "I'm a traveler too, right now. I'm on my way home, though... i've been gone a long time." For a second his smile faltered, but it was back soon enough. Somehow smiling made him feel a little better, even if it was slightly forced. "Still, my pride's ancestors traveled a lot. Its good to get back to your roots."

As she finished cleaning the fish of its meat, she pushed the mangled skeleton away, and began to lick her paws clean. Her eyes drifted up to him as he settled with his own catch, a slight smirk on her maw as she realized his own skill at fishing.

"Ah," she said slowly, brows furrowing as she thought back to the two prides. She'd had a brief run-in with a few lions from both of the prides on her way through, but she'd not stayed for chat. "I'd probably be heading home soon if I had a home to head to," she said with a little grin, though her eyes shifted out to the cove. "As it is, I don't, so I think I might just settle right here. Good a place as any to call home, don't you think?"

Her ears swivelled as she heard a noise behind her, and her head twisted around just in time to see a small deer creature come trampling out of the woods.

-"Wasn't that just fine of you, Sewti!" came the call, a slight hiss on the words as the pale eyes of the black stockinged creature fell upon the paler, larger figure. "Just get up and leave me there in the middle of the jungle! What would happen if some big old brute decided I looked like a good meal? Fine bodyguard you a-" She halted, frowning, as she noticed the male. Her tail twitched, but she plopped herself down at Sewti's side.

"I thi---" There was a pause as the klipspringer interrupted and Panu's head swiveled to greet the herd beast when it came through the bush. Unlike other lions he didn't seem to react in any large way other than to smile and allow his tail to wag in a slow, contented manner across the sand. "Hello there! ... Sootie, then, is that your name?"

Sewti snorted lightly as the klipspringer fem plopped herself down, and at the silence that followed. It wasn't often that the girl shut her trap, and she figured the only reason now was because of the larger lion present. "Uh.. yeah," she said with a blink, turning her eyes away from her companion and back to the male. "Basically, anyway," she smirked as she spoke, amused with his pronunciation of the word, but figuring it didn't matter too much. "This loudmouth is Isokisi," she nudged the little creature lightly with a paw, which earned her a grunt and a glare but she paid little mind, "though I don't know your name."

"Hullo," Kisi muttered, leaning back into Sewti. She was prefectly fine to be loud mouthed and bossy around Sewti, who she trusted, but she didn't want to get eaten by another brute and she had no idea of knowing what the other's intentions were.

"oh.. i'm T-- Panu Panu," He chuckled sheepishly at his own mistake. True, he had been going by his own name for quite some time still. It was a mixture of habit and the feeling that he hadn't been qutie worthy of his new name... now, however.. well he'd have to get used to it, just as he'd have to face the one who'd given it to him.

"Its nice to meet you two." He dipped his head to devour a few more bites of fish. The male licked his chops clean, though they were still pink stained with the fish's blood, before he spoke again. "I haven't run into many lions about the shore... or your kind either, Isokisi. That always seemed odd to me."


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:25 pm
She quirked a brow at his hesitation over his name, but she didn't really have any reason to ask about it. She simply nodded, "nice to meet you too, Panu." She shortened his name out of sheer laziness, as she didn't really feel like saying the whole thing every time. Besides, he called her Sootie anyway.

Isokisi twitched her short tail, relaxing slightly with his conversational tone, though she gave an annoyed glare in Sewti's direction for her lack of comforting. She knew she was nervous, and the girl just sat there with that smirk on her face! Regardless, she gave a slight shrug, using a hoof to prod at a shell in the sand before her. "My kind aren't really made for seashores. We're usually out in the plains - I'm only here because Sewti is."

A grin spread across her maw as she used a paw to pat the klipspringer's head, "isn't she just too sweet?" Though she did a good job of ignoring the deathglares Kisi was sending in her general direction.

Panu blinked at them, and then laughed softly. "Well.. i suppose the sea isn't for everyone. I rather liked the plains myself.. but this is my home. And yes, i rather think she is." He winked at Isokisi in a conspirital manner. Might as well turn the teasing into a compliment of sorts. Besides, she was a muse... and Sootie's muse, by all appearances. he wondered if the lioness knew.

He finished off his own fish then and did much the same as she had with the carcass. "Well.. albiet there's a lot of space here and only the three of us, but you don't mind a guy resting weary paws here for a bit, do you?"

Sewti nodded at his words, her own tail flickering, batting lightly at Kisi's side in amusement at the way her little jab was turned into a compliment. "I like the plains alright myself, but I like the jungle here best - especially with the ocean here. It's got everything I could ever want."

Kisi frowned at Sewti's tail, batting at it with a hoof, before finally just pinning it down lightly with an accomplished nod. "That, and there's less lions here. It means I dont have to worry about coming across a hungry rogue that thinks I look tasty."

Sewti let out a hearty laugh at this and shook her head. She had no idea that Panu considered Kisi a muse, or her own muse for that matter. Hell, she probably had no idea what a muse was at all. "Of course we don't mind. We don't own the ocean, after all."

That was an amusing notion. He didn't laugh, though the urge was there, and rather just smiled and nodded slightly. "Aye but.. my father had to beat some manners into me." He laughed a little at that, and knew they'd have no idea how much he'd deserved it. "And true that, Miss Kisi. Though... now that you mention it..."

He lowered his head, reminiscant of a pouncing pose, and gave her a wicked grin before winking and falling out of it easily.

She let a small grin spread across her maw at what he said, though she had no idea what the story was behind them. "I'm sure you couldn't have been that bad of a cub - you seem pretty alright to me," she shrugged it off, but she knew that a lot could change between cubhood and adulthood. She figured she had changed, was probably still changing.

Kisi jumped up quickly at his sudden pouncing pose, though she simply narrowed her eyes when he fell back down. She stomped a hoof, but leaned on Sewti with a sulky pout on her little mug. It was her pride injured more than anything, to be honest.

Sewti let out a peal of laughter, shutting her eyes as Kisi scrambled up. Her chuckles faded away, though her eyes were still shining from amusement. "Oh, Panu, I think we're going to get along really well."
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 1:05 pm
"Well, Mother got ahold of me." He replied easily. It wasn't meant to be cryptic, he merely didn't think about what he was saying.. and the fact that most wouldn't understand accurately. Yet it would likely seem a perfectly reasonable explanation to anyone, despite the difference in meaning.

He grinned at Kisi and rolled over onto his back, stretching himself out as he smiled at her. It was apologetic, somewhat, if mischevious still, "Don't be like that, Miss Kisi. I wouldn't eat you."

She smirked and nodded at his admission, as if she knew all too well what is was like when 'mother got ahold of you'. She'd bee scolded her entire life for playing with the boys instead of being a lady. She simply nodded with an all-knowing gleam in her eyes and pushed herself up to her paws. "I know how that can be." She glanced down at Kisi and nudged her with a paw.

Kisi huffed lightly and turned her eyes back to him. "I'm sorry," she muttered, "it's fine. Just stop calling me 'miss'." It was as polite as she could manage with her sulk still in place.

Sewti simply chuckled and shook her head, glancing back towards Panu. "Well, we'll leave you here to rest your 'weary paws'. We'll see you around though, yeah?" She half turned, but paused to wait for his answer. He was an amusing brute - she wouldn't mind talking to him some more. Besides, Kisi always says she neded more friends, and what better than one that teased her as much as Sewti did herself?

"sure," He laughed, "i kind of like it here.. and i'm not ready to continue on. I should see you around." He flopped back over onto his stomach and gave her an easy grin before curling up on himself. A nap in the sun and salty wind would do him good.

Sewti simply nodded, smiling, and nudged Kisi in the direction of the fallen log they had been using as a den. A nap sounded good to her too, but she could never quite fall to sleep with the rush of the ocean in her ear. "See you 'round then," she called, and disappeared off with the little klipspringer badgering away at her side as they went.  


Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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