In this here forum, you will assume one of three roles:

1. The GM, responsible for creating and maintaining the world in which the players will Role-play in.

2. The Player-Character, responsible for playing in the world and making the stories what they are

and lastly...

3. The Reader, responsible for enjoying the stories as they progress and adding commentary at their disgression.

...basically your general Open Role-Playing Forum. While I'm a leniant guy, there are a few things that I expect of those using this area of the guild.

1. Obey the TOS, but that's a given

2. No Flaming, No Trolling: If the player did something selfish or rude in-character in a context in which it fit, there's little you can do. If the behavior was assinign and rude out-of-character, I'll investigate and have a chat with the offender. If there are any issues, report them to either me or a Global Mod.

3. No Cybering, No Yiffing: if, god-forbid, it fits into the context of the adventure, keep it literate and either below or at the TV14 line. If you truly wish to go into detail, white-screen it so we have the option of not seeing it.

and lastly