Since it seemed that more folks on here know how to knit than crochet, I decided to post another tutorial. These aren't fishnet gloves like the other ones, but you could probably modify the pattern to make it so by doing [Knit 1*wrap yarn over once, k2tog* Knit 1], repeating in between the stars until the last stitch on the first row and then knitting the entire second row normally, then repeating. Dunno how that would work out for the thumb gore, though...

You will need size 4 or 5 double pointed needles, 4 of them, and medium weight yarn, either one or two colors (if you want zigzags, that's what the second color is for). I used Vanna's Choice, Lion Brand, acrylic 4-ply, but I've also made them out of wool yarn and the result was about the same. These gloves are sized to fit my hands, so you might have to add or subtract a few stitches to make them fit (but make sure whatever number of stitches you use is even).

Main color will be denoted by MC, secondary color will be SC.

You also need stitch markers, a stitch holder or spare yarn, and a tapestry needle.

Pictures soon, I promise!

TO START: Cast on 42 stitches in MC and distribute evenly among three double-pointed needles.

The wrist will be knit in rib stitch. This is *K1, P1* all the way around. Do this for eight rounds.

For the next three rounds, just knit regularly. (rounds 9-11).
If you want plain gloves, continue knitting regularly for eight more rows. If you want zigzags, get out your secondary color.

ROUND 12: *K1 MC, K1 SC* entire row.
ROUND 13: K SC entire row.
ROUND 14: *K1 SC, K1 MC* entire row.
ROUND 15: K MC entire row.
ROUNDS 16-19: Repeat 12-15.

Round 20: Knit.
THUMB GORE: Get out your stitch markers. If you don't know how to use them, look it up. stare

Round 21: K1, place marker, K4, place marker, knit rest of row.
Round 22: K1, *inc 1, K stitches between the markers, inc 1* (there should now be 6 stitches in between the markers) K rest of row.
Round 23: K regularly.
Round 24-31: Repeat 22-23. By the end, there should be 10 stitches in between the markers.
Round 32: K1, slip the stitches in between the markers onto a stitch holder or a spare scrap of yarn, cast on 4 stitches, K the rest of the row.
Round 33-34: Knit.
Rounds 35-42: Do the zigzag pattern or just eight regular rows.
Rounds 43-?: Continue knitting until gloves are the length that you want them to be. Bind off.
Thumb: You could just bind off the stitches on the holder, but I knit a few rows.
Round 1: Place the stitches onto two needles (5 each). K, then pick up six stitches along the top of the hole and place on your third needle.
Rounds 2-4: Knit.
Bind off the thumb.

THE FINAL TOUCH: Use the tapestry needle to weave the ends into the glove. Add buttons, ribbon, whatever to accessorize.

Note: For the opposite glove, the instructions are almost exactly the same, except that the thumb gore will start five stitches from the end.

and... you're done! xd