AIM RP Log: Tikiti and Tafuta

Despite Tiki's vast number of siblings, he was bored and having a hard time fixing that. Besides, being smaller than most of them usually made it harder for him to keep up- and the one who was his size was competitive enough. So he was taking a break, wandering away from the little area his large family inhabited and looking for something to occupy his time. He had no idea what it would be, but there were plenty of lions around- especially in his family- so he didn't doubt something would pop up sooner or later!

Tafuta was out wandering around. She hadn't seen Ajabu in a while and so she had gone looking for him. He was fun to be around and she liked fun guys. He was a good friend and that was good enough for her. It meant she could play and mess about without having to worry about what anyone else thought or said.

As she wandered about today looking for him her eyes landed on a different male who had the same pink as most of her nephews and neices. All of which were older then her. He much be one of them though she hadn't met any of them, just seen them from a distance so there was a chance he wasn't.

"Hi!" She called over to him, heading in his general direction.

Tiki was walking along and though he was keen on finding something to do, he wasn't paying near enough attention to the things going on around him. His red eyes were stuck mostly on straight ahead of him, and so when the dark little lioness called to him, he started and stared in her direction. She, like he, looked very familiar though Tiki found himself completely unable to think of who it was exactly. Of course he figured it was a relative of his, sometimes to the young lion it seemed like everyone was one of them. Instead of helping her out and walking towards her, he stood still and tried to think.

"Hey," he greeted her when she was so close that he couldn't avoid saying anything any longer.

Tafuta looked at him slightly weirdly. However any thought that may have been going through her head soon left.

"Hey, I am Tafuta. Are you one of my brothers kids?" She just expected him to know who she was talking about. She had a lot of siblings though and so if she was wrong and it was another one of her siblings it wouldn't make her look silly. That was all good for her.

Tiki wrinkled his nose at Tafuta at the weird look she gave him, not caring much for it at all. He noticed that she was younger than him, and that she was not too much small than her. Not as much as she would have been compared to one of his brothers, anyway! At her question, he blinked and didn't think about it too long. He only had one dad, after all, and if it was him then they could figure that out pretty easily. Looking at Tafuta again, he thought that maybe she did look like his dad- though he couldn't be sure it wasn't him mind trying to make sense of it. And he could have sworn he'd heard the name before.

"My dad is Taabu," he said, puffing up proudly as he often did, both to make himself seem slightly bigger and important.

"Yeah so you are then." She wasn't really very polite and got bored most of the time when talking to people. It's why she like Ajabu he understood her.

"So what do they call you then?" She needed to know a name after all she couldn't really call him thing all the time now could she?

Tiki smiled, not at all caring that she wasn't very polite- he wasn't the type to be terribly polite either, so they were even as far as that went. He was a bit disappointed to realize that yet another close relative was bigger (or would be) than him. But then again, it was his mother that was so small and his dad was so big.. it was probably his father's family that would be bigger than him for the most part. He'd just have to learn to deal with it, and as long as no one bothered him about it, he did.

"Tikiti," he introduced himself, "That's my name. And you would beee.. my aunt. Aunt Tafuta."

Hm. Sounded kind of strange.

It did sound strange.

"Aunt Tafuta? Weeeeeeeeird." Was her only real response to that just because wow he was older then her but she was his aunt? That made her sound really old.

"Just call me Tafuta. Aunt Tafuta just sounds weird and makes me sound oooold!"

"Tafuta it is," he agreed with a grin, though he did make a mental note about calling her aunt. Good teasing material, if ever he felt so inclined. For now, though, he knew it might come off less good natured than it could. He might enjoy being loud and obnoxious sometimes to make up for being so small, but he did have some manners, however few. "You have other brothers and sisters, don't you? Kind of funny that we never really run into each other around here, it sounds like we're related to like everybody but I never really talk to anyone."

Tafuta nodded.

"To be honest I try to avoid family members. Get's somewhat annoying when you live in a pride of nothing but family. Meeting someone who isn't related is always a big plus!" She smiled happily and then realised that might sound a little insulting as he was family.

"Though meeting family members isn't always boring and annoying though." Trying to patch it up there.

Far from being offended, Tiki agreed with her with a nod. It made things more interesting, since finding someone you weren't related to was such a rare occurance. But then where he'd managed to avoid most family before now, too, it wasn't so bad finding them occassionally either. It was nice of her to try and make up for saying it though.

"There's a difference in meeting a relative and meeting a completel stranger," he agreed, "Both fun for different reasons. I suppose you and I were bound to meet eventually, especially if you go looking for something to do around here. Have you ever gone near the borders?"

Tafuta nodded as he spoke. Yeah it was true.

"The borders? No not really." She didn't see much point in going to the borders. She didn't really have any intention on leaving the pride and she thought by getting close to it she might change her mind and want to explore.

Getting bored of standing and figuring that he might as well get comfortable, he took a seat and curled his tail around his feet. When she said she'd never really gone out near the borders, he glanced off in the distance. He hardly knew which way would take them from the lands the quickest, as he'd never really ventured away either. It just seemed to him like the best place to look for someone who wasn't family, if that's what your aim was.

"Just seems like the easiest way to find someone outside the family," he explained with a shrug. But then, with a family so large, their were probably some way out outside of the Kusini anyway.

She nodded.

"True that would make more sense wouldn't it?" She laughed.

"I don't know the borders seem a little strange to me and I guess kind of scary." She tried to avoid any obvious signs of fear. She didn't want to show just how much the borders scared her. Ajabu hadn't even got her close to the borders yet and she trusted him completely.

For a young lion, especially one of his size, Tikiti should have been more willing to accept there were some things that should be scary. Fear sometimes kept you safe. However, he already felt self-conscious about how small he was. He was not about to admit to any other faults!

"Strange, maybe," he agreed, "Not scary, though! I bet I could be scarier than anything I met out there." He jumped up, looking off in the direction he assumed the nearest border was. Tiki was no expert on his hom, but this was the direction he knew the least about from this point so it made sense that it would lead to a border sooner than the ones that went past the dens and everything.

She didn't believe it wasn't scary, at the borders it was big and wide and so big but in the pride it was smaller and so much safer so of course it was scary!

"I bet you couldn't. You are just too soft!" She looked at him and stared. Yep she was right for sure he couldn't be scary it just wasn't possible

"Am not!" he argued, making a face and looking back from the distant border to his aunt. He had to prove he could be scary, so jumping back he lowered himself and made the very best scary face he could. At best he was comparable to the silly little stories you might tell a cub when they were young to try to scare them, and the forced growl only made the dramatics sillier.