Race:Reaper (also half rabbit half human)
Age:16 in Rabbit years (that's 120 in human years)
Looks:Normal Reaper cloak with brown belt on it with a shotgun hanging on it,grey fur,pink nose,big red eyes, long ears that flap down one ear has a peice cut out of it.
Powers and weapons:explosive punches,power kicks,Scythe, multi-weapon in the form of a one barrle shotgun (can be any weapon holder choses),teleports,also a few weapons form other reapers he killed.

Info:Rabbit was a normal rabbit until he got run over and died but lucky him the truck drivier did to so a reaper came and got the driver and was nice enough to guild Rabbits soul as well, but then just as he was ready to guild Rabbit it was the reapers time to pass on! and all his powers were given to Rabbit,for the longest time Rabbit was one of the vest reapers till it was time to go after a human friend of his then he went awol.At the same time another reaper came to kill Rabbit for his power only to die at his hands and making Rabbit a rough Reaper now he must fight the Reapers.

(more details later