Here you will learn how to become a Paladin. Be it you're stuck on Zorbak at the start of your journey or are trying to smash the Lich at the end, I'll help you. (Note: You must be a level 5 knight and a lvl 5 fighter before you can be a Paladin)

Becoming a lvl 1 Paladin: I got stuck on this when I was lvl 35-40. The frogs are easy enough, it's Zorbak thats tricky. As I remember, I kept on hitting him with light spells. The Light Sevus is a good weapon to have because of it's powerful special. He gets easier when you're past level 40.

I won't list how to become a Paladin at every level, because every time you go to gain another level as a Paladin it's basically the same monsters. I'll just list the powers you get at each level:

lvl 1: Bless Weapon
lvl 2: Holy Rage
lvl 3:Increased Elemental resistance
lvl4: Summon Dayimo
lvl 5: Summon Steed
lvl 6: Lay on Hands (healing spell)
lvl 7: Holy light (powerful light attack)
lvl 8: Increased defence
lvl 9: Holy Might ( Powerful melee attack)
lvl 10: Resurrection

Beating the Lich Queen: I was a high level at this point so I just kept on pummeling her with light spells and using my custom light weapon. If you aren't a guardian or don't have a custom light element weapon use a strong light weapon like the Light Sevus or something more powerful. She shouldn't be too hard if you are a strong level and have lots of good spells.

I hope that whoever has followed this walkthrough has a good idea of how strong the Paladin class is. I hope more people become Paladins because they are really strong against the undead.