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Eskevar Fire Cross

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:21 pm
Welcome to a Calamity from the Skies RP
This takes place 2,000 years before the game.

Jenova has descended to the Planet wounding the north and burrowing into the planet like a festering parasite. The ancients and those sensitive to the voice of the Planet have heard its screams. Many have seen the comet burning across the sky. All feel a strange premonition, as if the Planet itself teetered on the edge of a cliff. Strange phenomena have begun to happen disappearances are rampant especially in the north, and other things have appeared. Monsters, and strange people with unnatural abilities have been sighted in more than a few places. A creeping, malady is spreading from the epicenter of the impact. Sensitive individuals and children are the first to fall victim to the sickness which is beyond the skill of any healer. A steady stream of refugees makes their way to the city of the Ancients, many of them racked by the mysterious illness, hoping against hope that the Cetra can cure this plague. Others set out towards the source, the festering crater created in the north for adventure, for greed or for curiosity. Others wend their steps to the city of the ancients hoping that Cetra have some plan, some comfort or intent on creating a plan.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:28 pm

Four shadows whispered through the sleeping forest on velvet paws. A flash of white, a glimpse of red and then gone. They were traveling with speed not stealth, their paws ached and muscles burned but they kept on. The elder had sent them with all speed and they were in sight of their goal. Sadira surged ahead of her brothers in her eagerness. Her heavy color of tooled leather and gold thumped against her surging chest and the green tassels hanging down tickled her legs, the familiar feelings of travel. She could hear the jingle of her brothers' beads and the swish of their run behind her. Badr called out as he sighted the city of the Ancients, Sadira squinted her eyes but she could not yet make it out through the trees.
She smelt the city long before she saw it. The city smelled different than in times past, there was fear on the wind and the smell of sickness. Even here they were not immune from the effects of the meteor strike. With a mighty leap she landed on a high outcropping at the edge of the forest. She flicked her flame tipped tail with satisfaction even as she squinted in the light. " The City of the Ancients," she breathed. She looked back to where her brothers were just emerging from the forest black Badr, crimson colored Ariel, and golden Rayhan.

" Come Sadira," called Badr, " No time for sight seeing." Sadira surged from the rock and hit the ground running. They would reach the entrance soon, already even she could make out the shell-shaped dwellings of the Ancients.

Eskevar Fire Cross

Miss Nella

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:42 pm
The smell was piercing, almost painful. This was the smell of the lifestream. Saqr always carried the scent with him now. Wind whipped past him and through his mane as he looked down from his vantage point high atop the ridges of the newly formed crater, a spot of silver against black. His keen blue eyes descried a small group of humans scrambling over boulders towards the crater. His flaming tail flicked with excitement, more foolish humans offering themselves to the Goddess. He leapt nimbly from rock to rock. As he traveled he consulted with the Goddess who was now ever present in his mind. " Yes, my lady," he answered her inaudible order outloud, " with pleasure."  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:51 am
Carmine Anguis woke slowly and painfully, His scales rasped against the rubble which buried him. Rising his serpentine head he viewed the wreckage which was his home. The once proud and towering mountain, beautiful in it's snow-covered glory was now a smoldering crater. Carmine stared in astonishment, and despite the bruises he could feel under his scales he heaved his bulk from the wreckage. Rocks steamed and smoked from the intensity of the meteor crash, the plant and animal life was ruined, and the only reason Carmine had survived was his armored scales and the depth in which he had slumbered in the mountain. The great Darkol, threw his head back, releasing a great keening wail, mourning the loss of his second home. If he could cry like those mamilian two-legged weaklings, he would have. Instead he puffed, hissing through his teeth, keening even as he stumbled away from the cavernous hole. Little did he know this place would soon become the key to survival, for him and generations for thousands of years to come, ... or the fact that he would likely die in what was once his sanctuary. In little time at all he slid into the water which surrounded the continent. Tracing the land as he swam easily through the dark ocean. He would not be so foolish as to make an easy target of himself, he remembered what humans could to to the Darkol... he still bore the scars from his last encounters with them...  

Ermak Lorde

Eskevar Fire Cross

PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:23 pm
The Ih'rabi family loped down the main street of the city. The four great cats were an impressive sight to behold with their flaming tails and bright coats, but most of the pedestrians seemed to preoccupied to mark these new guests. The Ih'rabi's keen eyes noted the alterations, less children playing the streets, more window curtains drawn. The adults that were out hurried about with faces showing strain. If the ancients were this worried than the situation was dire indeed. The Ih'rabi's connection to the planet was not acute, but even they felt it's pain how much more the sensitive Cetra. They padded through the city quickly, surprised their greetings to those on out was only a curt nod or hurried words. The wound their steps towards the west side of the city to the house of a certain ancient known as Aerin. If any could give them news it was him.

When they arrived at his spiraled abode the ancient himself was sitting at the door as if waiting for them. He stood slowly, " So it is, the Lion's Paw has come to the City of the Ancients. The Planet told me of your coming, only I did not think you would arrive so soon. The world is not a safe as it once was. Come inside children, " he finished motioning them inside.

Once inside and seated (Aerin would say nothing until all were comfortable and given refreshment) Badr began, " We have come seeking the wisdom of the Cetra, and offering our services." Aerin nodded, and Badr continued,
" Our tribe is anxious, the Elder fears that it is not merely the impact of the meteor that has caused such ills."

" Your elder is wiser than some of the Cetra, he sees what some refuse too. I too believe there is more to this meteor than meets the eye, I feel a malevolent will at work."

" What is to be done?" piped up Sadira.

Aerin chuckled, " Always speaking your mind, eh Sadira?" The young cat dipped her head a little in embarrassment under the glares of Badr and Ariel. " You speak to the heart of the matter. I do not know as yet what is to be done, but there is a council set for the day after tomorrow. The leaders and emissaries that have come to us and the Cetra will decide upon a course of action then. Until then, children, I advise you rest."

Ariel nodded, " Yes, that is best." Sadira flicked her tail anxiously, the day after tomorrow seemed rather long to her, and she wasn't really that tired. It would be a day of absolute tedium, and even the council itself would probably be a dead bore. Just a bunch of stuffy old guys talking and not doing. She let out a sigh, it felt kind of anticlimactic.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:31 am
Saqr descended deeper and deeper into the wounded Planet. Steam and mako hissed from fissures creating a faintly glowing fog all around. The planet had begun to draw more and more mako here, it was just as her ladyship had wished. He minded neither the heat nor the mako, this was a great day. His heart thrilled with irrational joy as he leaped across chasms slowly drawing closer to the center of the crater. The Lady would emerge today, she told him so herself, and he was to be the only one of her servants to witness it. He came slowly, reverently to the core of the meteorite. Like a massive geode that had been shattered into multicolored fragments the center lay scattered about. Some larger pieces were large enough for dwellings. In the center there was the largest piece surrounded by a wan blue light. Inside a shadow moved as if the center of the crystal was alive. As Saqr watched it grew cracks. The cracks expanded at an alarming rate and soon the noise of the shattering overtook the hiss of the fissures. Mako streamed from the cracks, or at least it smelled like mako it had taken on a the same sickly blue as the crystal. In a fantastic crescendo the crystal split apart and there she stood. Saqr bowed low, " You honor me, Goddess by appearing to me personally."

The beautiful being stepped forward lightly and sinuously. She reached out and caressed Saqr fondly, he shivered at the caress. " Your lady is pleased with you, young Saqr," she purred. "It is quite pleasant to find oneself on a planet so rich as this. As you can see I have taken the form of one of its inhabitants, those that call themselves the Cetra."

" Yes my lady, it is wise to take the form of your enemy."

She laughed a ringing silverly laugh, with an edge of malice. " Ever the tactician," she ruffled his mane in a way that was not unpleasing. " Yes, the Cetra must be dealt with, and quickly. You are the one who will do it. We will cut off the head of our serpent. I will await you here, take the best of the servants you have collected and go to that City they are so proud of and kill the elders."

Saqr's eyes gleamed with a feral light, he would certainly prove himself to her. He would bring her the heads of those pompous old fools in no time. He bowed again after the fashion of his kind and retreated slowly, unwilling to look away from her. He did at last and was soon leaping and bounding out of the crater. As he ran he reached out with his mind to the servants he had crated. They responded willingly and quickly and their shadows joined him as he ran. He had quite a force behind him when he emerged again into the light. He did not pause but rushed onward, relaying his orders as he ran. The blood of the elders would spill as an offering to his goddess.  

Miss Nella

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:30 pm
Carmine swam for a long time, pacing himself to conserve his strength and chaffing at the lack of speed. Methodically he weaved his bulk through the water, much resembling one of his serpentine cousins. Even as deep as the ocean was at this point, the glistening crimson ridges on Carmine's back were visable from the shore. The great dragon was not concerned however, imposing mountains rose just past the stretch of sand, blocking the sea from mortal eye, and conversely blocking Carmine from pausing to rest. So it was that after the lengthy stretch of swimming around the small continent and past the mountains which bordered it's eastern edge Carmine was very weary when the mountains finally gave way to forest and plains. His claws sank deeply into the soft sand as he heaved his bulk from the blue depths. the fine stone particles clung to his wet scales painting him the uniform tan wherever he touched them. Too tired to seek out a proper hiding place Carmine dropped and rolled around on the beach, pulling himself out of reach of the waves before half-buring himself in the sand. with just his nose uncovered, and that tucked under a partially submerged foreleg he drifted off to sleep.

Carmine only allowed himself to nap for a short time. He had not been in this area in many years, and he knew that humans traveled the length and breadth of the land despite the dangerous monsters. Hefting himself to his feet the Darkol took a moment to shake himself, stretching to loosen his tired muscles, after a moment of thought he turned around and splashed back down into the surf of the ocean, drenching his body with the salty spray. Then loped back up to the sand, laying down and rolling in the fine almost-powdered rock, until he was a pale yellow color all over. The disguise would not last, but perhaps he would be able to reach his destination before any humans spotted him. Heaving a sigh he started plodding forward, this would be a long journey, especially for Carmine, but there was no other option at this point... he had no home to return to ... the bridges had been stolen, not burned.
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:04 pm
" Sadira, wait!" Ariel called from behind. Sadira slackened her pace slightly, she chafed a little bit, but Ariel was not a runner. The forest loomed ahead of them cool and inviting after sitting in the warm amphitheater all day listening to old men argue. The meeting that Aerin said was supposed to solve something didn't seem to be solving much to her, everybody seemed to agree something ought to be done but nobody could agree what. Ariel would probably have been fine if the wretched discussion had lasted until nightfall, he was the most scholarly of the siblings. He was catching up and when he did Sadira matched his long easy stride.

They entered the coolness of the forest then. Sadira sighed with relief, her paws had been itching all day for some good exercise. Badr had made her wait until the talks were in recess and then he had made Ariel come with her for safety. She quibbled a little but he was firm, he felt the world was too unpredictable, too many dangerous monsters. Sadira didn't think it was necessary, and she knew Ariel would rather be talking to the Cetra.

Eskevar Fire Cross

Janus HighPriestOfPlayer

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2008 12:28 pm
JENOVA smiled to herself as her faithful servant departed on his errand. Minds such as his were so easily manulated. Once he was gone her form melted away, resuming her true shape. She considered Saqr's words. The Cetra would have to be dealt with, and she didn't feel like taking chances with them either.

"Diablos." She spoke into the darkness, knowing her oldest servant would hear and obey. "Saqr may fail. He is confident, but the Cetra are powerful, in their way. However, his attempt will prove the perfect distraction. I want you to ensure the Elders die, do it yourself if you have to. But I want you there to back him up, is that understood?"

Ramuh had spend most his day listening to the deliberations of his mentor as the Cetra council discussed the meteor and the portents which had come with it. He was not an elder himself, though he'd seen his share of years. He was at least respected enough that his voice would be heard, but mostly he allowed the others to talk, speaking up only if he had something important to add.

It was a bit frustrating, but he understood how these things went. They couldn't force each other to agree, that would contradict everything they believed in. He was at least consoled by he fact that the elders all seemed to feel the weight of time as well. None of them wanted to delay, and there had been many compromises already in the name of expediency.

As he left after many long hours he felt hopeful that something would be accomplished. Some plans had already been put into action. He was not a healer himself, but rather a specialist in black magic. But, he was also a tactician and a scholar, and had been honored to be assigned to work with one of the lead groups dedicated to researching this plague, and the circumstances around it.

He didn't really care about the promotion in responsibility, or the honor that went with it. He hoped only that his insight would help serve the greater good.
PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 8:38 am
As the day progressed Carmine's pace began to slow, the great Darkol was not built for stamina, and the glaring sun sapped his energy, Darkol generally lived deep in the earth, in caverns and caves, their eyes were attuned to darkness and the bright light of the noon-day surface world burned at his eyes and heated his metallic scales to scalding tempuratures. The sand he had coated his hide in, while a much needed protection, was managing to wriggle between his armored plates, itching at the sensitive skin they covered. Hot, Tired, and generally irritable is where Carmine was when the sounds first reached his sensative ears. The soft rustle of the underbrush, and gentle footsteps on the forest floor would have been inaudible even to most of the local predators. But Carmine was a Darkol, they hunted in the dark and silent places, the pads of his own feet picked up the vibrations like they were a thundering herd of beasts. Acting quickly and quietly Carmine curled into a ball, tucking his head under his tail and coiling himself until he appeared as little more than a mound of sand. his eyes peaking inconsicuously in the direction of the approaching strangers.  

Ermak Lorde

Eskevar Fire Cross

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:03 am
Ermak Lorde
As the day progressed Carmine's pace began to slow, the great Darkol was not built for stamina, and the glaring sun sapped his energy, Darkol generally lived deep in the earth, in caverns and caves, their eyes were attuned to darkness and the bright light of the noon-day surface world burned at his eyes and heated his metallic scales to scalding tempuratures. The sand he had coated his hide in, while a much needed protection, was managing to wriggle between his armored plates, itching at the sensitive skin they covered. Hot, Tired, and generally irritable is where Carmine was when the sounds first reached his sensative ears. The soft rustle of the underbrush, and gentle footsteps on the forest floor would have been inaudible even to most of the local predators. But Carmine was a Darkol, they hunted in the dark and silent places, the pads of his own feet picked up the vibrations like they were a thundering herd of beasts. Acting quickly and quietly Carmine curled into a ball, tucking his head under his tail and coiling himself until he appeared as little more than a mound of sand. his eyes peaking inconsicuously in the direction of the approaching strangers.

As they walked through the forest paths, something quite out of the ordinary caught her eye. It was a mound of sand, but there was no sandy ground around it. She jogged over to it curious.

" Sadira, what are you doing?" Ariel questioned when he noticed she'd veered off the path beside him. He too followed when he saw what had attracted her attention. " How odd," he commented.

" Yeah.... I don't remember this when we came, " Sadira replied as she began to walk around the mound sniffing cautiously. " It smells funny too, different from the rest of the forest."

" Well, we could have come a different way you know," Ariel replied to her first point. He too investigated the interesting mound. He then came across a series of large shallow depressions. They seemed natural for a moment, but then he noticed that the vegetation in the depressions had been squished. He realized then that the depressions were footprints. He shuddered to think what kind of beast those feet belonged too, perhaps it was one of the new beasts that had begun to show up and judging from the tracks the beast had not passed her long before. " Sadira, I think we should..." Ariel froze mid sentence when he turned and apprised some very unfortunate facts in a very short time. One, Sadira was on top of the mound, and two the footprints ended in the mound, meaning three Sadira was on top of the monster. " Get down from there!" he yelled urgently.

" What?" Sadira called back to him from the top of the mound.
PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:24 am
Carmine was rather surprised to realize the approaching beings were none other than the great cats that roamed the surface world. He had made the aquaintance of a few of their kind before he had been forced to reliquish his ancient home to the humans. At first he had been perfectly content to allow the inteligent quadrapeds to travel onward unimpeded, but the great Darkol's mind changed quickly at the tone of alarm in the male's voice. He had forgotten just how curious the surface felines could be, very different from the variety he tended to encounter in the deep tunnels. With a quickness belied by his bulk Carmine uncoiled, reaching one foreclaw over his shoulders to snatch "Sadira" from his shoulders, Pinning her gently but firmly within his talons he turned to her brother, "What is your business here Cat?" His massive crimson head, half covered with sand swiveled between the two siblings.  

Ermak Lorde

Eskevar Fire Cross

PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:31 am
Ermak Lorde
Carmine was rather surprised to realise the approaching beings were none other than the great cats that roamed the surface world. He had made the aquaintance of a few of their kind before he had been forced to reliquish his ancient home to the humans. At first he had been perfectly content to allow the inteligent quadrapeds to travel onward unimpeded, but the great Darkol's mind changed quickly at the tone of alarm in the male's voice. He had forgotten just how curious the surface felines could be, very different from the variety he tended to encounter in the deep tunnels. With a quickness belied by his bulk Carmine uncoiled, reaching one foreclaw over his shoulders to snatch "Sadira" from his shoulders, Pinning her gently but firmly within his talons he turned to her brother, "What is your business here Cat?" His massive crimson head, half covered with sand swiveled between the two siblings.

Sadira scarcely had time to mewl in surprise before she was underneath the talons of the "mound." Ariel crouched ready to attack when the beast spoke!

" Yikes! It talks!" he exclaimed. Ariel's eyes moved swiftly over the creature, he recognized that form from ancient texts. He was a creature that had walked the Planet long ago and even the Cetra had given up for lost. " Y...y....you're a Darkol! B-b-but that's impossible!"

" A Darky-whaty?" Growled Sadira, struggling to free herself. " LET ME GO!" she yelled up at him with exasperation. " I'm sorry I climbed on you!"
PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:46 pm
Ramuh was traveling swiftly on a floating daias, hovering above the treetops to the north of the Cetra Capital. He'd been sent on a scouting mission, to gain information on the coming crisis. He's spent all morning preparing, and shared the flying disk with several bags carrying his provisions and tools.

He paused as movement caught his attention, redirecting his vehicle to veer to the east a little ways, moving over what appeared to be a sand covered dragon tangling with some of the warrior cats who'd recently been in the city.

"A Darkol!" He gasped in wonder when he got close enough to realize what he was seeing, realizing too late that his words would give away his position. It'd been so long since the Cetra had encountered one of the deep dragons, he wasn't entirely certain if they were allies at the moment, or not...

Janus HighPriestOfPlayer

JENOVA's Witnesses

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