It was a nice spring day in Gaia. The Gaiaholics were out and about playing and frolicking. Everything was nice and stable. Almost everyone was going to go for a nice holiday at Isle de Gambino. Swimming, Volleyball, the fresh air, the sea water, a dead body, ice cream, Liams' hot beach bod..wait..dead body?
The beach was crowded that day, everyone wanted to get a nice tan. On one part of the beach there were about 13 people. All having a good time. A helicopter comes from overhead hauling a sign saying "Lanzers Diner Now Open - Come or Die!". Pft. That is comforting...
Over the loudness of the helicopter and everyone staring at either Liams hot body or the Lanzer sign a faint shot was heard.
Everyone didn't notice until some people began to carry on.
Lucky Charms Pancake was walking by when it happened supposedly staring at the Lanzer sign he says "I didn't even notice it happening.." basically he just walked by when the body hit the sand. But the person who came up and discovered the body was Flappert. Saying, "I saw the poor person fall and thought that they had heat stroke or fainted. When I flipped the body over...I saw blood..I cried for help..."
The person shot was soon recognized as Luke Schmuke, a local with not that much of a reputation. Nice, kept to himself...or did he. Police found that he had several "Questionable items" on his body but refused to give a statement. Who shot him? Why?
The beach was then shut down and declared a crime scene. Names were taken and everyone was put in a local apartment complex under house arrest. In the conjoining rooms it didnt give much space but they were under constant surveillance under the new law of the state. They did not want to let this killer get away...
Well I think that it was a good plot for this round :] Sorry luke, it was for
the best D: maybe you will be luckier next time -feels bad when someone
is ejected from the game-

Some Questions you need to ask yourself, what "Questionable items" were there on the body? What does this mean? Are you safe in the room with everyone?

Please stay up to date with announcements!

The thread will open shortly!