Name: Toyo, Yuki (meaning plentiful, snow) User Image

Age: 15

Chakra Element:

Main: Water

Rank: Genin


Demon Powers:

Village: Konoha



Ninjutsu Techniques:

Henge no Jutsu, 変化の術, literally "Transformation Technique"
Bunshin no Jutsu, 分身の術, literally "Clone Technique"
Kawarimi no Jutsu, 変わり身の術, literally "Body Replacement Technique"
Shunshin no Jutsu, 瞬身の術, literally "Body Flicker Technique"
Kakuremino no Jutsu, 隠れ蓑の術, literally "Cloak of Invisibility Technique"
Nawanuke no Jutsu - Escaping Skill
Jibaku Fuda: Kassei, 自爆札・活, literally "Exploding Tag: Activate"

Genjutsu Techniques:

Taijutsu Techniques:

Rasen Mizu Handou~ meaning spiral water kick, Yuki generaly uses this move when in mid air and the opponent is armed. she gathers her water based chakra into her legs to give her a more powerful kick and aims for the hand in which the weapon is held, resulting in disarming her opponent

Surudoi Mizu Tsuppari~ meaning sharp water thrust, Yuki uses this move when an opponent is open. she gathers her water based chakra into her palms and jabs them into her opponent, usually the stomach area.



Weapon Technique: none as of yet


Missions Completed: (Only Missions you have completed In Game)


Yuki was born and raised in Konoha. At the age of 4 she began her training to become a ninja and was trained by her father Toyo, Hiroshi (Plentiful, Generous), a jounin of the hidden leaf village. Her mother Toyo, Yumi (Plentiful, Beauty) was a jounin as well and sometimes supervised Yuki's training if her husband was on a mission. At age 5, she enrolled in the Ninja academy. By the age of 6, Yuki could hit a target right on with a shuriken and her speed accelerated as well as her accuracy. She could even out compete her older brother, who was a chunnin at the time, Toyo, Jin (Plentiful, Jewel), at shuriken throwing. When Yuki reached the age of 8, tragedy struck hard. Her mother Yumi was sent out on an, seemingly easy, A ranked mission and was killed by Rouge Ninja. Distraught and lost of hope, Hiroshi abandoned his two children and left Konoha without so much as a word. It was then up to Jin to take care of his little sister. He grew extremely protective of Yuki and had her continue her studies at the academy. At the age of 12, Yuki had graduated the academy and became a genin. she continues to go on missions and train as a genin seeing as her brother had yet to allow her to participate in the chunnin exams. Yuki loves to train and read as well as relax and kick back. She has taught herself to fight with a katana, her most used weapon and is strongest with her taijutsu and ninjutsu, she prefers to not use genjutsu being as it is her weakest.