It was the morning of Day 7, the room was silent with the 7 gaians left.

Suddenly, the door opens and a guard comes in and tells Salmay she is free to go. She walks out rather quickly trying to get away from everyone.

Daisybug quickly runs after her and goes up to her, a gunshot is heard. A guard shot Daisybug as she was going to embrace Salmay as a way to say goodbye. This was translated to the guard as if she was trying to kill Salmay. Out of shock Psycho Kamikaze Penguin went and tried to help Daisybug but also got shot before the guard realized what he had done...

It really didn't phase anyone, another two dead body. Everyone just got really silent and when everything was cleared up conversation began.

But then Alex walked in and began talking with them.
"I apologize for you having to go through all of this...but the truth of it all is that 2 of you are not guilty and 2 of you are murderers. We will catch you and we will stop this.." he trails off with his sentence and just walks out of the room.

Everyone ended up staring at each other. Alex was very upset that no one showed signs of being the killers. He didn't want to have to prepare another corpse for the tomb...