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Reply [IC] Nchi'mahadhi Lands [IC]
[PRP] Make a Dancer Out of Me (Muujiza and Aapep)

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:11 am
He was back again.

But unlike last time where he'd just been randomly wandering, this time he had a purpose.

Like always he was bouncing along. Aapep never walked anywhere, he hopped, skipped, jumped or played the game where his paws couldn't touch the dirt and had him jigging from stone to stone.

His eyes were bright and shining, his little tuft of mane between his ears bouncing with each happy stride that he took.

Yes, he was here to see a friend. Mawi Mai. Though actually he had no idea where to start looking. He couldn't even remember if this was the way he had come before. Even still, he believed he was a rather lucky lion and considered it highly likely that he'd bump into the youth.

Because Mawi Mai had introduced him to music.

She'd even called his funny little gait dancing, which sounded sooo much better than...hopping or any of that lark.

And as he moved he hummed a merry rhythm to match with his odd little steps, his tail swinging high.
PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:21 pm

Muujiza had always thanked the stars that she and Juke had managed to meet Nsundu that day. The cubs had still been cubs, she remembered, and the two of them still rather inexperienced parents. Juke had always been highly concerned about the cubs' safety, and though Jiza had always told him they would be alright, inside she had always worried as well.

But meeting Nsundu had changed that. Though in her younger days, Jiza had often scoffed at the idea of living in a pride, she had come to realize how wonderful a life it was.

Perhaps she had been right, perhaps it did make slobs of lions, but there was nothing wrong with the community, and every lion still had the instincts to be able to survive if ever they were on their own again.

But most importantly, it was safe, and she and Juke had been able to watch the cubs grow up in the safety of the pride.

And there were plenty of trees.

The green lioness' ears pricked as a gentle breeze blew through the numerous leaves. The branches swayed, the leaves danced, and within that she heard the wondrous music of the leaves floating toward her on the wind. She cast her golden-eyed gaze upward, watching as the sun's light turned the baby green leaves translucent, showing all the intricate little veins.

And then suddenly, the music changed, as another little tune added itself to that of the leaves and the birds. A catchy, funky beat and a joyful tune. Judging by the sound of it, a cub perhaps, or a juvenile. Couldn't be much older than that.

Jiza took her gaze off of the leaves and peered around her. And there, headed her way, was a little brown cub, dancing like he was up there on a stage, and all the world was watching and cheering.



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:34 am
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Rogue life to Aapep was just the way of life. It was full of adventure but full of danger too and though it wasn't easy and he knew his mother struggled to find food to feed them both he still enjoyed it. Rogue life was just the way he was meant to live. Freedom to go where you pleased, living each day not knowing what was going to happen.

And yet, after meeting Mawi Mai the "Drum Princess" he had begun to think differently. He still loved being with his mother out in the roguelands but at the same time, a part of him wanted to feel settled, wanted to be amongst a pride.

Was it wrong?

He'd begun to feel guilty about it recently because he was sure his mother would be upset if he mentioned it. Or would she? Maybe she'd like to feel more settled too? Or, maybe there was a reason she was out there all alone and that was why she'd not returned to wherever she had come from.

Either way, he had said nothing to her about meeting Mawi and nothing to her about coming here today. No, best to keep it a secret for a while longer, just so as not to upset her.

Aapep danced sideways now, his humming interrupted by his giggles at how his legs got confused at walking in a different direction. Legs worked best when going forwards, apparently, not sideways! And then he stumbled and gave a little sneeze as dust flew up his nose.

And then he noticed her.

He stood stock-still for a moment, remembering the advice his mother had given to him if he came across this situation.

~Be still, be quiet, back away slowly and then run for your life.~

Adult lions could be dangerous, especially if he was found on pride lands - which he knew he currently was. Mawi's words briefly comforted him but didn't deplete the concern altogether. Mawi was nice, but that didn't mean ever lion was going to be.

And slowly, one step at a time, he began to back away, cowered over, ears flat. He looked as if he'd just been scolded for doing something wrong.
PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:01 am
Jiza watched him dance with a smile. She remembered the first time she had learned to dance - Juke had taught her how to do it. She had never before thought to combine music with movement, and she had found it so fascinating. She remembered the time they had spent with the Bahari'mtoto, and the sounds of the waves lapping at the shore. What a strange and different kind of dance it was.

Much as she had loved it there, it wasn't the place for either of them, and having returned to the savannah, she had found it much more comfortable and the music more natural to dance to.

The little cub's dancing reminded her of that. Of experimenting, and finally realizing what worked and what didn't. It was all a part of life, mistakes and learning from them, and the joy of being a cub. It was a shame, sometimes, being an adult. Being a cub was so much more fun.

And then, she realized, he saw her.

His reaction told her immediately that his was a rogue's life. Or at least, he had spent time as a rogue. She knew that look. She had grown up wandering with her mother herself, and from experience, she knew that sort of life was intoxicating. Every day was an indescribable adventure, and staying alive was the one thought that was always there.

If she could have chosen, perhaps she would have returned to such a life. But living within a pride. It was different, and in a different way, it was an amazing life.

Still, those old instincts never faded. She was always more wary when meeting a stranger, though she would never show it. She believed that all creatures were inherently good, and she had had little experience to tell her otherwise, so she treated them all as if they meant her no harm. But there was still that inkling in the back of her mind that told her she would need to fight or flee if that someone did turn out to mean her harm.

"Wait, little one," She started, not wanting for the cub to turn and run. "You're in no trouble, and I wouldn't even think of harming you."



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 1:54 am
And with her words all the worries were cast to the winds. For surely there was no living creature that could lie that good. He looked into her eyes and saw love and kindness. It was a look he saw reflected in his mother’s face, the look of motherly affection. He instantly felt at home with this lush, green lioness. For her colour was lush, it was tropical and fresh, like well-fed grass. It made his fur look dusty and dowdy!

His mother was always telling him his fur was pretty, the cute little stripes, the golden fur that hid him so well if he stayed still. But he wasn’t often still so being bright green wouldn’t really change anything.

Bright-eyed, little Aapep lifted his ears, pulling them forwards as he took a few steps closer, moving forward until there were only a few paces between them. He lifted his nose and let her scent touch his nostrils, memorising it in case he were to ever meet her again.

“I thought you were gonna be mad at me! You know, sneaking around on pride lands. Well actually I wasn’t really sneaking. I was walking…no, dancing! That’s what Mawi called it anyway. I’m looking for her, you know.” He grinned. “But…I can’t find her. I found you, though. Do you know where Mawi is? I think I might be leaving soon and I wanted to come say goodbye, just in case. I said I would.” He bobbed his head amiably. Then he suddenly realised that the flood of words had come before introductions. That was bad manners!

Looking suddenly sheepish, he pawed at the ground, dipping his ears and head. “Sorry…I’m Aapep, who’re you? You live here, right? With the pride I mean.”
PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 3:11 am
Like in most cubs she saw, this little one brought memories of the childhood days of Jiza's own children to mind. He reminded her of Gharadi, and some of Ronan too, that little grin when they knew they had wiggled themselves out of trouble.

His duo-toned pelt, that too reminded her of Ronan and Gharadi, though she knew there were many out there with such a trait. She noticed, then, the dark stripes on his coat. Such a pelt made survivng out there in the rogue lands somewhat easier, she reckoned. It blended with the grass. Perhaps, she mused, he would be a rather skilled hunter when he grew up. The coat certainly allowed for it, though hunting was definitely not always something lions liked to do. She herself was not particularly fond of the chase, and much prefered to spend time dancing and teaching her trade.

She listened as the cub began to rattle off words, smiling. Oh, the carefree days of being able to say whatever without worry for consequence, the days of randomly floating from topic to topic. She loved that about being a cub, and indeed the unpredicatable shifting of topics was something that had accompanied her all the way into her adulthood. It was only until she had met Juke that it had started to fade, and even know she would find herself drifting away occasionally.

"You might be leaving soon? Moving away from around here? Oh, but you would fit in perfectly here if you ever wanted to," Jiza said. She would be sad to see him go. She already enjoyed his company, and if she might never see him again or be able to see his dance develop, that would indeed be a shame. "I'm sorry, though, I don't know where Mawi is at the moment." She assumed he was referring to Mawi Mai. She didn't know another that went by the name in the pride lands.

"It's nice to meet you, Aapep," She grinned. "My name is Muujiza, but if you want, you can just call me Jiza. Most lions do. And yes, I do live here. I came with my family when my cubs were just little. They were around your age, I'm sure."



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:51 am
“Uh-huh. Well, I think so. Mum hasn’t said anything but I think she’s getting itchy paws. She keeps getting that distant look in her eyes.” Aapep knew nothing of his mother’s past. She had no idea about the pain she had endured. He didn’t even know that somewhere out there he had siblings, that in fact, he was actually an uncle. Maybe one day she’d sit and tell him, but until then he’d be aware that something wasn’t quite right. And so long as he could he’d be by her side. Even if he wanted to stay here, so long as his mother travelled, so would he.

Maybe, just maybe he could try and convince her to stay. Who knows. Maybe if she found a home, that look would fade from her eyes and leave them sparkling.

“You really think I’d be good for this place?” He asked. “Is it cos of the dancing thing?” He questioned. Apparently dancing was a very likeable trait in a lion. It made him proud to think that he’d come across it naturally, that he’d just thought it an energetic walk. Now he knew that it was something more, something good, something that could bring others together. It made him happy to dance.

Maybe he could teach his mother?

But he was still just a beginner himself, desperate for tutoring, but out in rogue lands, what was the likelihood of finding someone could help? No, it was clear to him that if he wanted to get better he’d need to be here. Young, naïve and desperate to shine, Aapep was already viewing himself here in the future. Whether it would happen or not, however, was completely unknown.

He smiled. “I’ll find Mawi later then. I can talk to you now, right?” He sat himself down, obviously deciding that he was rather enjoying the conversation. “So you came from rogue lands too? That must mean that the pride won’t be mad for me being here, then. Mum told me that prides don’t like us wanderers on their lands but you and Mawi are nice.” He bobbed his head. “Are you a drum lioness too? Does everyone play the drum here? Mawi has a drum, she played it and then I danced. I think I like the sound but I’d prefer to dance to it, rather than make it.” He shrugged. “What do you think is better, dancing or drum playing?” He lifted his ears, waiting for an answer.
PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:06 am
Jiza nodded her understanding, and decided it would be best not to comment. She didn't know what kind of circumstances Aapep's family lived under, and since that was so, she had no business telling him what was what. But perhaps, she thought, that distant look wasn't just longing to be on the move once again. Perhaps it was something more, but Jiza didn't let herself dwell on it long enough to ponder. If she did, she would want to know more. And that would be rude.

The green lioness smiled and nodded. "Yes, the dancing thing. Among others," She added. His positive energy and all that spirit was always something that would be welcomed into the pride, she knew. It had been a long time since she had seen such a pure, innocent little soul, and she often felt awed by the knowledge that the world could create something so beautiful.

"Of course," She said warmly, her smile widening as the words bubbled from his muzzle. Young and inquisitive. That was the life.

"We welcome any with good intentions," She began answering his questions. "As long as they don't want to cause any trouble, anyone is welcome here. And we're a musical pride, see, so all of us has our own drum to play during ceremonies and stuff, and many of us like to dance and sing."

She paused a moment as she considered his last question. Which was better. "I think I prefer to dance," She said finally. "I learned how to dance before I learned how to drum, so I think I got more attached to dancing. But then," She added. "Drumming can be a lot of fun if there are a few lions drumming together with different rhythms. Every drum makes a slightly different sound, you see, so when you put them all together, it can sound wonderful."



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:26 am
He wiggled his nose and blinked up at her admiringly. What else could he possibly be good for if not his dancing? He was a plain, rogue cub with only a mother to call his own. He had nothing else, needed nothing else – or so he told himself frequently. And yet, slowly but surely, his heart was being pulled from the ‘freelands’ to the lands of music. To this place. Here, he was beginning to realise there was more to life than wandering forever. That actually he could become something more than ‘just another rogue’ in the eyes of friends and family.

And whenever he snuggled down to sleep at his mother’s side he would find himself thinking of the music and dreaming of it again and again.

He wanted to feel the drum beating against his soul again.

He nodded. “So maybe my mother could join too? She’s a good mum. She hunts and she plays games and she smiles and laughs. Maybe she would like it here too.” He paused, listened and nodded. “So, if I joined I could make a drum, too?” His eyes sparkled, the very thought of it had his spirits soaring. “But what about lions who can’t play music well? I’m not sure if my mother could dance or sing or play the drum. Would she be able to join?” Though he was sure she could. Where else would he have gotten his talent from if not his mother?

So she was a dancer too? Finally, someone he could relate to. He wondered briefly if she had come across the art as he had, completely by accident. Or whether she had been taught how to do it, and to do it properly.

“I would love to hear lots of drums being played!” He tried to imagine what it would be like but couldn’t. The feeling that one drum had given him had been amazing, let alone a number of them all being beaten at once. The thought had him trembling. “Mawi played her drum for me. It was wonderful.” He tried to describe how he had felt that day, but words failed him – the right words anyway.

“When she beat it, I felt it in my heart.” He put a paw over his chest where he figured his heart probably was.

And then he put on a cute-face. “Jizaaa…do you think you could teach me? To dance, I mean.”
PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:07 am
"Of course she could," Jiza nodded again. "Most lions pick up music eventually," She explained. "But even if they didn't, we welcome them into the pride."

"Yep," She remembered making her drum. She had some more trouble with it than Ronan. Little Ronan, always picking up things so quickly. She wondered where he got that from, because it certainly was not from her. "Every cub that reaches their juvenile period goes on a drum quest. They get to make their own drum, and then they go out into the rogue lands and they find their own special rhythm."

"Well, they help to hunt and take care of cubs. Mostly music is for the ceremonies we have, but most of the lions incorporate music into their daily life anyway. But then, even if they don't pick up music, they can stay with the pride," She told him.

The mention of being unable to make music turned her thoughts briefly to Ronan. She knew he had always struggled with music as a cub. It seemed, somehow, that it didn't come as easily to him as to his siblings. But he had never gone to her for help, and so she had assumed that it was nothing major. What she didn't know was that in fact, her youngest son could not hear the music, and that he made music through sight and not sound.

She pulled herself back to the conversation, and felt herself smile again. Yes, the sound of drums really was wonderful. It was hard to describe, she knew. It was just a feeling she got when she listened to the pride playing music all together. A sort of tingling in her toes that made her know that this was the place she had been born for.

"Why, little one, you already know how to dance," She said with a chuckle. He had talent, this little Aapep. "But if you want me to teach you more, I would be more than happy to do that."



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 3:10 am
He sighed deeply, dreamily. Was this place too perfect to be true? Was there somewhere, beneath the surface, something bad that could ruin his image of it? He knew nothing of heaven or even of death, but he knew that this place seemed too good to be true. His heart was being pulled in two directions now and Aapep knew that even if they did leave the area, he would always be drawn back, always thinking of the place of music.

“Maybe I should try and convince her…” The words were spoken aloud but mainly to himself. Maybe his mother would like this kind of life. Maybe she’d take to music just as he had.

And then he snapped to attention, drawing himself up to stand smartly in front of her. He was keen to learn anything to help him improve, especially from a dancer with far more experience than himself. Jiza was someone he could learn to aspire to, someone to get advice and critical viewing from. She could be his teacher – for as long as he was around, anyway.

“Thank you~!” He chirped, bouncing with the sheer excitement. “Can I come see you tomorrow, sometime in the morning? Should I meet you here?” He wanted to start straight away, but the news of being ‘apprenticed’ was too exciting for him to concentrate properly. Besides, it seemed rude to suddenly take the lioness away from her peace and quiet. No, it was best to arrange. His mother wouldn’t be happy if she thought he was bothering people. Already his paws were doing their ‘happy little jig’ and he could barely keep still. He had to tell Mawi about this!

“You don’t think the pride would be mad, you teaching an outsider, do you?” He pondered briefly, his bouncy steps fading until he was simply swaying back and forth on his paws.
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:01 am
She knew what it was like to be hooked. She had felt that way as a cub, when she had first come across a tree the very first day out of the den. She had glanced up and listened to the leaves swaying and the gentle murmur of the world around it. And just like that, she hooked. She knew it was strange, her crazy love of those trees, and nobody else in her family had understood what she meant when she had told them the trees made wonderful music. So for a while, she had tried to supress it, knowing that it was strange - at least with her family - but she kept returning to those trees, and listening to them secretly. There was nothing to do to help it.

"It wouldn't hurt to try," She said, though she didn't want to say anything to intentionally push him one way or another. It wasn't her place to tell him what to do.

"You're welcome," She said with a chuckle. "Of course you can, right here." She nodded her head. There was nothing like seeing a cub's love for music. How excited they could get sometimes. But it was the best feeling in the world.

"Well, I can't imagine they would be," Jiza said, pondering his question for a moment. "There isn't much reason for them to be."



Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 6:19 am
He gave a happy little mew, filled with bubbling excitement. His eyes were aglow with joy and already it was clear he was keen to get better, keen to impress. And now he'd found himself a teacher, someone who could really show him a thing or two! This was perfect.

It seemed like fate.

"Okay, I'll be here. I won't be late, I promise. Just wait until Mawi hears about this. She's going to be so impressed." He puffed out his little chest and let his tail sway into a more gentle rhythm behind him. "Thank you Jiza."

He gave another happy little chirping sound. "Talking about Mawi, I better go find her." He tottered in a circle and then picked a direction to head towards. "See you tomorrow~!" And as quick as lightning he was off, trampling grass beneath his paws.
[IC] Nchi'mahadhi Lands [IC]

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