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Ja-aku Kitsune

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:26 pm
It was night time when Kuro'kage had left his mother's den and headed back towards his own den. He didn't want to intrude on his mother too much, and plus, the night time was his favorite time of all. His eyes gazed up at the nighttime sky, watching the stars twinkle. His face lit up with a smile. He blended into the nighttime more thant he day time with his darker colors. Him and his sister were the nighttime members of his family, with their dark pelts.

Pua'lani had bade her mother farwell as she set off towards her own place. She had spent a couple of days with her mother, mother-daughter quality time. She didn't know when the next time she would get to see her mother would be afterall. Plus, she wanted to learn as much as she could from her mother about life on her own. It was such a big adjustment to her. She didn't have a pride or anyone else to rely on but herself. Though, she liked it like that, because everything came down to her. She couldn't blame anyone else for something that she failed to do.

He was lost in thought, thinking about meaningless things before he caught on to a strange scent. He was curious, this scent was rather soft and sweet. Where did it come from? Well, he was going to find out. He crouched low to the ground, blending in quite nicely with the dark background. He was alert as he traveled towards the scent, it getting stronger and stronger. He then spotted a lioness not too far off, she stuck out very easily with her bright coat. He then stood up and made his presence known to the female, "What's a lioness like you, traveling a lone at night?"

She was caught up in her thoughts that she wasn't aware of the cheetah that had stalked her. It wasn't until he called out and stood close to her that she jumped, not of fright but of surprise. She didn't expect anyone to be out here, at this time at night, at least. Which was a reason why she had decided to head to her den now, rather than during the day. At the male's words, she smiled wistfully, "A lioness like me can handle herself, Dear Sir." She spoke in a silky voice to match the cheetah's, "I am surprise to see someone out here, at a time like this. Surely the night's beauty is far beyond that of the day?"

His face lit up at the female's words. Oh, she was a sweet talker too, like himself? This should be rather interesting then. He let his gaze linger on the pink lioness, "The moon's beauty can only pale in comparison to your own, Beautiful Lioness." He bowed forward on one leg, "I humbly beg to know your name, to know who's radiance I am basking in." She was very lovely to look at, very pleasing to the eye and he couldn't help but like her instantly.

The male's words made a large smile light up her face. Oh! Someone she could flirt with! What fun! What a night this would turn out to be! She turned her head slightly, pretending to be bashful, "Oh, Dear Sir, you are making me blush at your words. I am surely not as beautiful as the moon, her beauty basks us both." She then glanced back at the male, "I am afraid I cannot lend you that information just yet. You shall know of my name when the moon deems it so." She was a tease and she had no shame in admitting it.

He chuckeld softly at the lioness' haughtiness. It wasn't very often that he ran into someone who was smart and intelligent as this lioness was. He shook his head, "I wouldn't think so lowly of your beauty, Beautiful Lioness. It is very stunning and pleasing to look at." His smile got wider at her words, "Oh? Well then, tell me what is required of me and I shall effortlessly do the task in order to learn of your name! It torments me so, to know that I do not know what lovely name is bestowed to you."

She was enjoying herself at the moment, she couldn't be like this with her family...especially her brothers, they would think that she is weird. But she takes after her mother in some regards afterall. Playfulness is definitely one of them. "Dear Sir, if you inquiry about such a request, then I would have to ask the same. I would surely like to know what name you behold, I should think that it is very befitting for a handsome male as you are yourself."

He stood back up and flicked his tail happily. This had turned out to be a rather fruitful night and he was glad to have left his motehr's den when he did, or else he might not have ran into this beautiful lioness that he was clearly captivated by. At her words, he replied, "My name is nothing special or befitting to me as I'm sure your name it. But since you request it, I shall honor your request, Beautiful Lioness." He stood up tall and proud, "I am known as Kuro'kage, it is very much my pleasure to have ran into you on this very lovely night."

She was grinning from ear to ear on the inside, she had the male's name and that gave her an advantage over the male. With a gleeful flick of her tail, she spoke softly, "Kuro'kage. Very unique...it rolls off the tongue rather nicely, I like it." She nodded before turning around to wander away. "Dear Sir, I am afraid I cannot take any more of your time as I am on my way back home. But, I do think we shall see each other again. Good night!" She glanced back at the male, winked at him and then continued forth on her journey back to her den.

He stood there rather stunned at what had just transpired, he has no idea to be rather honest. One minute, he thought he was going to get the lioness' name but the next, she twisted the conversation in her direction and took the information with her. He stood there, frozen as he just watched her wander back to her den. He shook his head, what a night this had turned out to be. And yes, she was right, he would be out looking for her again because he wanted to know her name! It was gnawing at him now. But, now was not the time as he needed to head back home. Once he couldn't see the female's figure any longer, he turned and headed back in the direction he was heading in. He walked forward, he was heading home.
PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:06 pm
As morning rolled around, the meeting from the previous night with the male cheetah was still fresh in Pua'lani's mind. She had had quite a few dreams about the male, some of which were quite shocking to her. She had no idea she had such an overactive imagination. She stood up, stretched and shook her head of any lingering thoughts. Today was a new day, one of which she could accomplish something new.

As the sun beamed down on his dark form, Kuro'kage pawed at the offending light, willing it to go away. He wanted to sleep some more, and continue the dream he was having. It was just getting good and the sun had to ruin it for him. He noticed that it wasn't getting any darker, so he took that as his que to get up. He slowly got up and stretched, blinking away any lingering sleep in his eyes. He looked around, wondering what he should do today, although he knew what he was going to do anyway. Look for that lioness! It still bugged him.

She made her way to the watering hole that wasn't too far from where her den was. She bent forward, took a couple of laps of the water before she had her fill. Her eyes looked around, but to her dismay she didn't see any dark figure on the horizon. Was it all just a dream? It felt so surreal to her, like it couldn't have been anything but a dream to her. But nevertheless, she pressed forward, glancing every now and then for a sign that the male cheetah had came this way.

He wandered around with no particular destination in mind. He wasn't actively looking for anything in particular, but his eyes still scanned the horizon for any signs of the pink lioness. He was going to get her name! He pressed forward before something in the distance caught his attention. A figure...could that be her? Well, it was time to find out wasn't it? He jogged slightly until the figure grew more distinct and he could feel his heart beating a bit faster. It was her! He called out to her happily, "Beautiful Lioness, I see I am graced by your presence once again. And I must admit that your name has been gnawing at my insides all night. You must help me with my inner turmoil by telling me your name!"

She let out a soft sigh, who was she kidding? She wanted an adventure, some fun in her life but at the moment, everything was dull and boring. Except for last night, her mind kept on telling her. She shook her thoughts away, telling herself to stop hulcinating. Her ears perked forward as she heard a voice speak to her, the same voice that her dream spoke...so it wasn't a dream afterall! She turned around and smiled at the male, "Ah, what a pleasure to run into Kuro'kage once again." She teased him by calling him his name. She flicked her tail, "Now what fun would it be if I didn't let your inner turmoil continue a little longer?"

He pretended to be hurt, placing a paw over his chest as he shook his head. "Beautiful Lioness, you have stabbed my heart with those claws of your's. How could you say such a thing? I am nothing but an innocence admirer of your beauty and my innocent request cannot be that significant to you." He gave her a cheeky smile, "Unless you wish for me to give you a name to call you, and I'm sure I can come up with quite a few pleasing names that would fit you..." He left the threat open-ended, not having any intentions of calling her something insulting.

She laughed softly, "Well, if it torments you so much, I guess I must comply and help heal your pain then, Kuro'kage." She smiled widely as she decided to introduce herself properly, "I am known as Pua'lani, but you, Kuro'kage, may call me Pua if you please to do so." She then looked at him with pointed eyes, "I hope that is enough to calm your pains, Kuro'kage."

He listened to her, and inhaled at her name. It was just so lovely! "Pua'lani...it has such a magical ring to it, it surely does out-do the moon with it's beauty!" He spoke honestly about that, she was just lovely in many aspects. He nodded, "My heart has been healed by the knowledge of what to properly call you. And, I will only call you Pua if you will call me Kuro, it only seems right that I should shorten my name for you as well."

She smiled before glancing away from the male, "Now, with that knowledge, I am sure that you shall be content and not in any more turmoil." She giggled softly before looking back towards the male, "Well, now that we are well acquainted with one another, how about we go off and spend some time getting to know eah other better? I would really like to know more about you, Kuro?"

He nodded, "Oh yes, thank you very much for your assistance, Pua!" He smiled widely to her before replying, "Oh, that would be wonderful! I know just the spot where we can get more acquainted with one another!" He turned and headed off towards his right in the direction where a few trees gathered in the savannah. He glanced back every now and then to make sure she was following. When he saw that she was, he just continued forward, with her following close by him.

As he spoke about going to a place, she followed close by him. She didn't want to lose him afterall. "Alright, I'll follow you!" They walked off into the horizon, towards a place where Kuro knew and she didn't. But that didn't bother her, she was having fun and that's all that mattered. The two walked into the horizon and wandered off side-by-side to start another chapter in their newfound friendship.

Ja-aku Kitsune

Ja-aku Kitsune

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:36 pm
The sun was setting below the horizon as the stars were starting to come out and twinkle. It was nighttime and Kuro'kage was tired. He had spent a good portion of the day getting to know Pua'lani together, and they had discovered that their families knew one another. He was pleasantly surprised. He was curled up on the ground, resting next to the lioness with a smile on his face. He turned his head to look at her, "What are you thinking about, Pua? You've been quiet lately."

She was gazing up at the sky, watching the colors change from bright blue to dark blue to black as the stars all twinkled brightly. As Kuro asked her a question, she turned to look at him, "It's nothing, Kuro. Just admiring the stars...they twinkle so brightly, they look happy." It seemed life was easy for the stars, but for her, every day was a struggle to do something that made her happy. She was very confused about a lot of things.

He gave Pua a gentle smile as he shhed her, "Don't say such things, Pua! The stars could never compare to your beauty. Your smile lights up the whole area. Your eyes are like gems, they are precious and nothing can compare to their luster." He flicked his tail lightly, "If you must know, today's been one of the best days I've had in a long, long time. I wouldn't trade this day for any other day of my life!"

His words comforted her, she had been alone for so long that she missed having company. His company was very much wanted and welcomed. She smiled slowly at him, "Of course you haven't, because you've been missing me in your life!" She teased him lightly as she batted a paw in his direction. She could be so carefree with him that it made her cubbish in a lot of regards, "But don't forget, the moon is still the most beautiful of all! Even the stars are envious of her shine."

He just shook his head and laughed. A nice way to take the tension away from the air. "Ah, Beautiful Lioness, that is where you are wrong. The stars are not envious of the moon's beauty, the are all envious of your beauty. Don't you see how much they twinkle this very night? They are all vying for a good view of your face!" He pointed towards the twinkling stars to emphasize his point.

She gazed up at the stars, admiring them. She had always liked the nighttime and now she very much enjoyed this time now. She giggled softly, "I think you have it all wrong, Dear Sir. They do not envy my beauty but your beauty. They are envious of why you blend so well into the night while they cannot. They stand out too much in the dark sky, and they twinkle so brightly because they want to know what your secret is!" She played along with his game, liking it very much.

He laughed loudly at her explanation of why the stars twinkled so brightly. "I am sure that cannot be the case. I am just an ordinary cheetah, there is nothing special or unique about me!" He stole a glance at the pink lioness, now she was beautiful in many ways and he liked that. She was just so different from Shimah, but at the same time, there were a few similarities.

She spoke softly, as if they were going to be overheard at any moment, "I am sure that you are wrong, Dear Sir. The stars are very much envious of you. They have seen so much of me that a new face is a breath of fresh air for them. I am but a recognized member of the night, whereas you, you are something wholy different." She paused before catching the male's glance at her. "Or perhaps, you have tricked the stars into twinkling so brightly as to distract me from your intentions!"

His eyes widen in surprise, "Oh really? Now where is the proof in such a claim! Surely I, an ordinary cheetah, cannoy command the stars to my bidding! I am not beautiful enough to make such a command!" He chuckled softly before leaning against the lioness gently as he playfully spoke, "But you never know...I could have my ways and the stars could be on my side, tricking you this whole time. Though, if I told you this then surely you wouldn't believe something as crazy as this when it comes out of my mouth!"

She felt the male lean into her and she returned the gesture with a slight lean against him. She replied, "Oh is that so? Then I guess I don't know what to believe, you or the stars! Though, I don't think the stars can be as devious as you can be!" She was starting to feel bold, and for some reason, she was quite taken with the cheetah male. Perhaps, she was just looking in all the wrong places for someone to spend time with. She gave the male a soft lick on the cheek as she spoke coyly, "How about we call it a night, as I am getting rather sleepy..." She let her voice fade softly. She was getting rather sleepy, looking at the stars and all.

He just shook his head playfully, "Oh such harsh words against me, Pua!" He chuckled softly before he heard her request. "But of course. I have to admit that I am getting rather sleepy myself." He placed his tail gently around Pua's tail and leaned his check against her. He took in her scent, wanting to bask in it as long as possible. Softly, he whispered in her ear, "Have a pleasant dream, Pua." He closed his eyes and let sleep slowly take over him.

As Kuro rested against her, she rested her head against his neck and leaned into him. She had a soft smile on her face as she closed her eyes and wished the male a good night as well. "Good night, Kuro."
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