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Age: 89

Sex: Male

Height: 6ft

Weight: 175lbs

Build: Very fit, slim yet muscled

Race: Kathe

Pets: None

Profession: Melee

Bio: Born and raised in a military family Zebidiah comes from a very long line of famous Kathe snipers and sharp shooters. By the time he was Four years old he was taught to fly, it was a greatly needed attribute in this world if you were going to survive. It was no surprise to anyone that he eventually showed great skill in his families line of work for their society. Moving quickly to the top of his class, becoming a skilled sniper and an almost perfect soldier.

So many years of training has passed and now he has the opportunity to travel this strange world and become even more, and one day he will return home and join the forces of his people to help protect those he loves and cares for. Being a very proud man he will defend his people and himself even it means taking someone down a notch, obviously he does not win every argument or fight...but he does try. Now during his travels he is willing to help anyone who is in need of it.

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-Descriptive Stats-

    Hair: Blonde with black and white streaks
    Eyes: Forest green
    Skin: lightly tanned
    Wings: White with brown speckles and splotches, like something you would see on a hawk

    Bow, dark black colored wood with green designs on the ends

    Black tight undershirt
    Dark green over shirt sleeveless with gold colored clasps at the shoulders
    Brown belt with Gold buckle
    Black glove made of the same material as under shirt on right hand
    Brown pants made of a light weight material

Abilities - Level One: Melee
Speed Burst- “Sebesség Robbanás”
Movement speed is increased by 50% for 30 seconds. Reflexes not effected.

Marksmanship- “Lövészet”
Gain the basic knowledge of how to effectively use bows and crossbows.