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Reply [IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]
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Adorable Lionheart

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PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:01 pm
-- AIM Rp between Nili and Sewti ((DFA & Felyn))

Sewti sighed softly as she walked along the beach, her eyes drifting over the waves that lapped at her flower-marked ankles, the vibrant pink depths of those orbs concentrated upon nothing. She had left Kisi in the den they had been sleeping in (she'd likely wake up and come screeching at her soon, being that they were in a pride packed full of lions) so that she could have a bit of time to think. It was such a big change, although not unwelcomed, and she was going to need time to get used to it all. She was used to being on her own, even though they'd been travelling with Panu for a time, and so many new faces at once was a touch overwhelming - there were more lions here than she'd seen together in her entire lifetime.

She yawned to herself and let her eyes flicker up to the pale morning sky, then shifted to head back up the beach, to the dryer sand and away from the cool waves that licked at her paws. She flopped down comfortably in the warming grains, laying her head upon a dry portion of her legs, and sat there staring at the early morning sun.

She missed the cove, she couldnt say she didn't, but in reality the beach pride wasn't so terribly different. She had to admit she had found a great friend in Panu, and companionship other than Kisi was good for her, and good for Kisi as well - even if she didn't want to admit to it. A soft laugh spilled from her maw, a little rougher than one might expect from a female with such a delicate appearance, and she let her mind wander back to other thoughts. She would grow used to everything with time, she was sure. She just wished Panu would get up already so she'd have some company.

Nili was having similar problems, albeit in a diferent fashion; there was relief at knowing his (******** of a)brother was, in fact, okay. However, the relief the young male was washed away with the feeling of awkwardness. After the initial excitement had disipated, he'd slipped away from his familly to think; he'd seen the female that panu had brought, and his mind had dirfted instantly to Kapuki. No offer had been given when he'd been present as to whom the white female had been, other than the fact she was 'Panu's friend'.

Still, time to think was a good idea, and thus no sooner had he slipped away the night before, he'd secluded himself away for the night, away from the main core of the familly. Thanks to the fact he'd grown up (even if his body was conciderably smaller than Panu's and his mane was nothing spectacular, coming down in wavy curls that more resembled a female than a king's mane), he'd been allowed to drift away from the pride for long periods of time. He liked to take breaks from the others, seeing as how he wasn't particularly socialy... enlightened. Day-break had found the young singer by the ocean's shore, sitting as he watched the sun emerge from the depths of the earth. Opening his maw, the male allowed a soft tune his mother had taught him while he was still a cub, emerge from within; the tone of voice he used was femenine and had it not been for the fact his mane indicated he was, in fact, male, one could have been fooled.

Unaware of Sweti's presence just up ahead down the shore, the male sang on.

For a time, Sewti sat there staring at the sun, letting the sound of the waves crash over her, lull her into a peace as with a song. Panu had told her the land here was peaceful, that the muses (whatever those were, she still wasn't quite sure) spoke. It wasn't until a few moments later that she realized that there actually was someone singing, and her ears perked and swivelled until she determined just what direction it was coming from.

She pushed herself up onto her feet slowly, her brows furrowed, her curiosity obviously getting the best of her though there was something quite more that spurred her onward. The sound of the voice was beautiful, endearing, almost as if it called to her in a way. As she stalked along the short distance and finally came into view, she was quite surprised to find that the source of the song was actually a male, if a very feminine one at that. Slowly, she made her way down the shore, afraid to make too much noise, lest she disturb the song. Somehow, it simply seemed wrong to interupt him, so she simply stood there watching, listening, close behind him.

And then, after a while, the song came to an end and the male closed his eyes; there was a peaceful expression written over his features, as if he truly were at peace. It lasted mere moments however, for suddenly, his head snapped to face Sewti and a scowl came to cover the previously peaceful expression; there was nothing kind about the male's face now. In fact, if one could describe it, it would surely have been downright disgruntled, in an almost femenine fashion, "What are YOU looking at," it wasn't even posed as a question, but as a snark, a sneer covering his maw as he lifted his head an inch, "Wench."

The last word was grumbled under the male's breath, silent anger seeping through him; of course, there was no way for poor Sewti to figure out the boy was distressed because he thought she'd replaced Kapuki in Panu's heart. The reaction had been to lash out verbally towards the newcomer. Still scowling, Nili looked away, his tail swaying over the water that lapped over his paws; the pelt there was soaked to a grey, rather than the priscine white of his flanks. Flowers still adorned his frame, here and there, seashells hangind from around his neck, "Who ever asked you to come here anyhow," he snapped as he faced her again, "You're gonna mess it all up! Now Kapuki's gonna be upset!"

"Isn't it a bit early for name calling?" she said calmly, though a smirk was etched upon her face as she flopped herself back down comfortably into a sitting position. She had no idea who the boy was, although she had to admit that he seemed somewhat familiar to her. That was, of course, silly, since she'd never met any of the lions in the pride besides Panu. "I was looking at you, of course, since you decided to grace the morning with such a pretty little song. Curious by nature, I'm afraid, and you just happened to catch my attention." She shrugged, as if he hadn't insulted her in the slightest, and even offered him a little smile.

"Panu asked me to come here, actually, after he met Kisi and I." She smirked as she eyed all the flowers and seashells that were strung about his figure, then glanced down to the semi-wet fur around her legs, where the flower markings had been imprinted since she could remember. It was amusing to her, to say the least. However, when he started yammering on about that other girl, she raised a brow and let her eyes drift back up to him. "Who in the world are you blabbering on about, and what in the world am I going to mess up?" She had no idea of anything that was going on between Panu and the other female, and as far as she was concerned, Panu was probably the last male on the planet she had any romantic interest in.
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:03 pm
"Hardly," he scowled again, "Any time is good to express my extreme discontement with your general..." he paused, narrowed his eyes and continued, "Exhistence on the face of the earth," harsh, but then again, Nili hadn't even been particularly good with others. Even as a cub he'd come off as haughty and prissy; now that he'd grown up some what, it'd only helped to accentuate this. To the point he sounded bitchy, rather than haughty; of course, it didn't particularly matter to him. Now that Panu was back, he could take on the king position and Nili himself could go back to his flowers.

And ******** riddance.

"Hmph!" the noise was offered as the male threw his head up into the air, nose wrinkling somewhat, "My brother's a ******** moron, bringing you here. I thought Panu was smarter than all that! Seeing as how the reason he left was he thought I was trying to keep Kapuki! The smartass runs away and comes back with YOU!" a pause, although just brief as he sneered; it was obvious the thoughts running through his head were more than nasty, "I don't want your praise!" however, despite this, the boy had lowered his head a tad, his ears flopping back as he shifted his weight from one paw to the other, as if awkwardly uncomfortable.

Why wasn't she getting angry?

Of course, despite his less than apt social-skills, Nili was sharp, and swiftly caught onto the fact the girl seemed to not understand a WORD he was saying, "Are you Panu's lover?" blunt and to the point, if just barely snarled under his breath.

Sewti seemed to only grow more amused as he continued to insult her, shaking her head a bit as she watched his attitude grow more and more.. well, she could only describe it as a bitchy, really. She was probably mostly amused because she had never met the male before and he had already assumed so many things about her, or had at least already developed a general opinion of who she was. "Suit yourself," she said amusedly, even going so far as to laugh a bit, though not unkindly.

"Brother?" she said slowly, narrowing her eyes on the boy in front of her. Well, that would certainly explain why he seemed so familiar. Staring at him now, they did seem to look quit a bit alike - similar markings and all. Then, of course, it hit her, and her eyes widened slightly. "You're Nili," she said happily, realizing just now what Panu had meant about his 'brother' not really being a brother at all, but more of a sister. He certainly was quite feminine. Of course, everything else that was said she simply dismissed. She had always assumed Panu had left for a good reason, but she had never forced him to tell her, and she didn't want to hear it from Nili. Panu would tell her if he wanted her to know.

Of course, then he had to go and ask that ridiculous question, and before she could even think about it, a wide grin spread across her maw and she let out a short laugh. "Lover?" it was said as if she could hardly believe he had asked, and she shook her head, "I do believe you have the wrong idea here. Panu and I, we are friends, very good friends, but nothing more." She chuckled lightly and tilted her head up to look at the sky, staring at the brightening hue of blue, "your brother really isn't my type, to be honest. He's more like another brother, to me."

A pause from the male, confused swiftly eclipsing the anger he'd previously felt, "What?" he blinked a couple of times, tilted his head to one side and wrinkled his nose, "What?" he repeated, "You know my na-" haulting himself, he snorted, soon enough figuring that OF COURSE she'd know his name. She'd been travelling with Panu, after all. However, during the brief moments the confusion had clouded his features, Sewti had been allowed a glimpse of what really lay under all the... protective layers and anger the boy seemed to express for the outside world, "I'm Nili. Or Maua. So what?"

Amusingly enough, it was becoming harder and harder for Nili to maintain the scowl upon his features; instead, he looked torn between confussion and mild frustration at the turn of the events... hints of relief washed in between the mixture of emotions, like the waves of the ocean that still lapped at his feet, "So you're not his-" he snapped his jaws shut, tight, and blinked several times, as if trying to clear his thoughts. Despite the fact he'd been wrong in his asumptions and 'the code of conduct' demanded he apologise to her inmediately, the boy offered Sewti a deadpan look, "I'm not apologising," he told her sourly. So there, he thought to himself with a frown, his ears flopping back awkwardly.

"Oh, nothing, it just cleared a few things up for me that Panu was talking about." She shrugged, though her smile never faltered, and she watched him quite comfortably from where she lay. The falter in that exterior of his had been amusing, and did indeed remind her quite a bit of her little friend. Being so close to Kisi probably had a lot to do with her ability to ignore general bitchiness, although she'd never been one to ever get riled up easily.

"Then don't apologize, I certainly never said you had to," she said with a quirk of her brow as she glanced back down at him. She watched him in silence, her smile in place, though her eyes didn't really give away too much. "I do think you should probably talk to whoever this Kapuki girl is, though. Panu's never mentioned her, and I never asked him about his past, because it wasn't my business, but if she takes it as badly as you, well, I don't want to deal with some girl and her hurt feelings right now." Well, Nili was almost a girl with hurt feelings it seemed, but she was sure it would be a completely different story with this other girl.

Another frown from the pale purple boy; he opened his maw, obviously about to ask JUST what Panu had told her about him, but suddenly seemed to think twice and snapped his jaws shut with a 'click'. For once, Nili looked like he was at a loss with the gerenal direction the situation was heading for; usualy, when he was nasty, others would snark back, or leave. This girl however, was doing neither and thus, confusing him deeply. For a brief moment, he concidered asking her if she was mentaly challenged, but soon enough decided against that too; he had the inkling of a notion she was going to smile that smile of her for all answer.

He was.... well, not upset anymore. Or angry. He was... frustrated, he decided. And extremely curious, too, though he was trying to hide that fact even from himself. Trying not to ponder on things too much, the male lion lifted himself from the ground and approached her. Taking into account she hadn't lashed out yet despite his general attitude, chances were she wasn't going to, after all.

"Hmmm..." the small humming noise was all Sewti got at first as Nili approached her. Seating himself down beside her, he took the time to look her over, his head tilting in an almost childish fashion before his gaze paused upon her paws. The intrinctuate details there swiftly caught his attention, and for once, the small male had to actualy refrain a small squeal, least it ruin his finely carved image; they were FLOWERS. The girl had FLOWER patterns! He wanted those!

Staring down at her paws, he hadn't even noticed that he'd taken the moment to lay down and had his nose practicaly pressed against her paws, "Pretty," it was said almost as if he were pondering to himself, however, the sound of his own voice drifting to his ears snapped him out of it and the male recoiled a bit from her, looking awkwardly confused with his own actions. Pausing to blink, he fixed his blue gaze upon the girl again; his eyes so much like his brother's "I'll talk to Kapuki later," his voice has smoothened out somewhat after the previous outburts, though it held a particularlty brattish tone to it still, "You're so strange. What is WRONG with you anyhow. Why are you still here? Why are you smiling at me? What's your DEAL, lady?" well, from wench to lady, it was progress.


Adorable Lionheart

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Adorable Lionheart

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PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:04 pm
She had watched him as he moved over to sit down, studying him calmly in the silence that had settled between them. She'd have said it was awkward, but it wasn't, it was just a silence that seemed to settle from a mutual lack of words. What happened during that silence did, however, become a little awkward, and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

Him sitting next to her hadn't bothered her in the slightest, and neither had his examination of her. That seemed to happen from time to time, especially when someone was confused over her conflicting personality and appearance. When he began to get closer, and ended up almost pressed against her paws, her brows quickly rose. The muttered expression caused her to frown slightly - the term always made her slightly uncomfortable.

At his random flurry of words, though, she almost laughed. She was strange? Well, she wasn't going to call him out on it, but alright. "I don't think there's anything wrong with me at all. I'd rather smile than scowl, after all, scowling isn't very pretty at all, now is it?" She quirked her brow at him, her smile becoming more amused, faintly smirkish, and a soft laugh rolled out unstoppable. "I'm still here because it's either stay here or go back to the dens and risk waking up Kisi, and I've had enough words from a sharp tongue right now."

Another flash of confussion across his features; he seemed to be honestly, at a loss, "Why?" it was the first question that peeked through the haze in his mind, "Why would you rather smile?" when he scowled he was left alone and in peace to talk to the flowers. Actualy, Sewti was the exception to the rule; everyone else had left, "No one ever smiles when they're scowled at; why do you do it?"

Of course, no sooner had he spoken, that the boy narrowed his gaze and edged closer till the he'd pressed his nose against the female's. It was a shameless act, but for some reason, it lacked sexual tension; of course, it had to do with the fact Nili had always thought himself more female than male at any rate. The gesture was reminiscent of the one he'd bestowed upon a female cub, long ago; he'd rescued her and had checked her temperature to see if she was sick. He'd liked her, even though she'd vanished shortly after.

The gesture held meaning to him though and as he pulled back, his eyes still narrowed, he looked away, "I guess that's fine. You're not all that bad," an ear flicked before he turned to face her again. This time, his expression was unguarded, very diferent from his previous masked ones, "Whose Kisi?"

"Why?" she blinked slowly, then shrugged, as if she had never really thought about it. "Why not? You catch more flies with honey," she said, quoting something she had once heard her mother say. She never really saw the point in being mean to someone just because they were being mean to you. That really got you no where, in the end.

As he moved closer to her, she furrowed her brows in confusion, utterfly confused by his constant changing of attitude towards her. What she really didn't expect was for him to press his nose to hers, and her eyes widened noticeably before he pulled away. She reached up with a paw to rub her nose, then shifted her gaze to him with a bit of a confused gleam in her eyes. Now she was beginning to think he was a touch odd.

"I'm glad.. to have your approval," she said, her smile returning, albeit a bit weaker than before given her sudden unsureness. She did offer a laugh, however, and dropped her paw back to the ground. At his question, though, she smirked, glancing back in the direction she knew Isokisi to be sleeping. "Kisi would be.. my muse." She used the term that Panu had mentioned, because she knew that would just be the easiest way to explain their relationship to Nili. It seemed to be more common here for a lion to be so close to a preybeast.

Why not indeed? It was the million dollar question, so to speak, "I rather flowers over flies. I dislike flies..." he personaly thought they were nasty, but after all, despite his mildly antisocial ways, he'd been brought up to believe that belittleing any muse, no matter which, was a grave ofense. Thus he kept his thoughts to himself, even if they were clearly writen upon his features, "Why would ANYONE want to attract flies. You're so weird," turning his head he reached out to grasp one of the many flowers that littered his fram, snapping it from the vine between his teeth. This done, he offered it for her to see before dropping it at her feet, his expression dead-pan, "See? Much better than a fly."

Odd didn't even beging to describe the boy. There was certainly something .... off about him. Somehow managing to resemble Panu yet also managing to be his extreme oposite, "You better," he sniffed uptightly again, his clear gaze turning back towards the ocean. At the mention of Kisi, the male looked at her out the corner of an eye, offerning her just the ghost of a smile; the first she's seen from him, actualy, "You have a muse?" it was a rethorical question, and then a glint of his eyes, "One guess at which is mine, then?"

"It's just an expression," she said with a chuckle, eyeing him, that weakened smile growing stronger once more. The fact that he seemed to take everything so literally was both amusing and almost worrisome. "I've never really found much need for flowers, to tell you the truth, considering I've always got them no matter where I go." She waved a paw at him, the black-stemmed flowers easily visible in the morning sun.

"That's what Panu says she is, although I always thought she stuck around so other lions wouldn't eat her," she dropped her paw, smirking lightly to herself at the thought of Kisi being anywhere else in the world. As he asked her, she narrowed her eyes upon him, thinking over what she had seen. Well, he had been attracted to her paws, had told her that flowers were better than flies, and was covered in loads of flowery jewelry. "I would say flowers, just.. a wild guess."
PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:09 pm
"Flowers are lovely," he told her matter of factly, as if honestly, it simply could never have been ANY other way, as far as he was concerned, "I like them. They're delicate, and beautiful, all on their own. Yet some have thorns, and the plant eatters can't eat them because of that," as she waved her paw, his eyes were drawn to it again, childishly so, as if mesmorised, though the effect lasted just a few moments, "I've got them no matter where I go too," and he offered her a full smile this time; more of a smirk as he shook his head, some of the flowers resting on his mane rearranging themselves around the black stranges of hair, "That's not to say they should be taken for granted."

A small sneer, though it lacked the venom the previous claims had, "Aren't you a smart one?" this said, the male stood from where he'd been sitting, taking a moment to lick a paw clean of sand and dust. He seemed to be ignoring her, however, the moment was short-lived, for his turned another scowl on her, as if trying to see right through and failing, "Whatever," this said, he turned around to leave, padding away from her form. Even then though, Nili paused in his step and turned to look briefly over his shoulder, "Also, you shouldn't sneak up on me when I sing. It's rude," ironic choice of words, "If you want to hear me sing, next time, ask me to. Don't sneak around," then, he continued on his way down the beach, probably to seek out Kapuki, no doubt.

However, most amusing were his last few words. Was that an indirect invitation?

She smirked as he stood up and took back on that huffy attitude of his, changing face yet again, so that she wasn't quite sure what to think of him. He really did seem to be more female than male, after all, and she could see why Panu preferred to refer to him as a sister rather than a brother. "Whatever you say," she called gently, laughing under her breath as she pushed herself to her feet.

She gave a good stretched, a yawn, and turned to look in the direction she had left earlier in the morning. She needed to go find Kisi, before she got upset that she was left alone for too long in a pride of lions, and then perhaps she could find Panu and talk to him about his brother. With a little glance over her shoulder at the strange prince, she started to walk away as well.


Adorable Lionheart

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[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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