RP Count: 31

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Age: 28

Sex: Male

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 180 lbs

Build: Medium, broad shouldered.

Race: Arthorian

Pets: N/A

Profession: Magic

Bio: Casseko grew up in a group of traveling nomads of which his grandfather was the patriarch. Cousins, uncles, aunts and the occasional outcast were all seen as one big family whom worked together for one goal and purpose. Through this atmosphere Casseko learned unity and how to take orders. More importantly, he also learned the art of magic.

Casseko’s grandfather was an old white warlock who spent hours teaching the children if they would listen. Casseko became one of his prize students and tried to mimic every move his grandfather made. He grew up as his grandfather’s apprentice and rumors began to spread that Casseko might even take over as the new patriarch after his grandfather’s death.

Casseko was smart, almost a genius. He could outwit any of the other children, always seemingly a step ahead. He was carefree and never thought that his world could fall apart. A good family, wonderful opportunities and no one could bring him down, he was on the top of the world throughout most of his childhood, but this was soon to change.

Unknown to the rest of the nomads, their patriarch was growing more ill every day. Casseko, being fourteen at the time, overheard this bit of information and suggested going to the city to get medicine. The tribe refused. It was against all policy to venture into the city because the city was seen as a vile place to their tribe. Casseko, being headstrong, didn’t listen. One night he stole away to Vanya under the cover of night, he talked to a shaman who he brought to his tribe to try and heal his grandfather, but when they arrived it was already too late. His grandfather died. Suspicions in the tribe grew, whisperings about Casseko bringing an outsider in. Before he knew what happened, Casseko was accused of murdering his grandfather and had to flee for his life. Knowing it was the only thing he could do, he fled to Vanya, where he knew his family would never venture.

Casseko now had to make a life in Vanya, a place he had been taught to loath since he was a child. He eventually met a man who ran a dying toyshop, Casseko taught the man how to invest in high risk investments, earning the man enough money to expand and make new toys. Together they created an unbeatable team and the money came rolling in.

By the time Casseko was seventeen he had enough money to own his own home, to buy expensive perfumes and dress in the finest. He spared no expense in what he wanted, reaching out to take whatever was within his grasp.

One night when walking to the toyshop he noticed that the windows had been busted in, he immediately ran inside to find three of his old kinsmen holding his mentor to the wall by his throat. They threatened him, exposing that Casseko was believed to have murdered their patriarch. Casseko was stunned, in his shock he knew nothing else to do than to protect the man. He used his magic abilities, slaying each one of what use to be his family. Dropping to the floor, blood staining his clothing, Casseko began to speak in wild tongues. Something within him broke.

Running out the door, Casseko’s cries turned loud. He ran through the streets, knocking things over, smashing in windows in his outcry. Four guards finally found him in an alley petting a dead cat with a crazed look in his eyes. Subduing him, they took him to court where he was found to be insane. They locked him away in a hospital where he spent eleven years until they finally found him to no longer be a threat to society...

Additional References: N/A

-Descriptive Stats-

    Hair: Red-orange
    Eyes: Amethyst (purple)
    Skin: Pale orange


    -Spark- “Neisti”
    Energy Shocks the target numb upon physical contact with caster.

    -Warp- “Vindingur”
    Warp short distances, maximum distance of 5ft. Can only warp to a destination in casters field of view.

    -Demoralize- “Znemravnit”
    Sap the energy of your target.

    -Whitewash- “Očistit”
    Flash of Light envelopes area blinding those close by, making for a easy escape. Caster and those around effect will be seeing spots for a good 20 minutes afterwards