hi pplz! Check out this Naruto RPG Game :3
NOTE: you can change the theme of the site to your favorite character ^^
example, if your favorite charcter is Kakashi, you can change the theme to Kakashi
if you want Rock Lee, you can change it to Rock Lee!

also, there isn't much pictures, it's mostly text but you should still check it out! It's very fun!
You can be a ninja in the Naruto World. Talk to and Kill Ninjas :3
You can also join Clans, increase your experience to be an awesome ninja.
It's very fun and it's purely a role play game example: *hug* and stuff like that ^^

if you want to add me, my username is Baycee
and if you need help, tips, and all that just Private Message [PM] Me :3
i'll be glad to help! ^^ just tell me that you're from Gaia :3