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Reply [IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]
=[AIM Log]= Pridelander ...=[AIM Log]=

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Mila Farrell

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:19 pm

Imara, eldest daughter of Inari and Eusi had chosen to do this, do this when her mother and her other sister had chosen to go on their own little journey. Of course, her father had offered to go along with her, but no, she wanted to test herself, her strength, her intelligence, her endurance. She remembered what her father's golden eyes looked like, how they longed for her to ask him to join her, but no, she couldn't always be daddy's little girl. No, she would soon come into adulthood, and she knew, as well as her father, that she might not stay in the pridelands all her life. Imara believed she was destined for great things, ever since she had seen the God of War, she longed for a calling that would sooth her heart, fulfill the purpose a warrioress dreamed of.

Her paws clamored against sheet rock underneath her weight as she made her way up a ridge, eyes peering about she took a breath, pressed on further. Nature would not stop her and her confidence, no terrain would keep her from where she wanted to go. The sun beat down on her pelt though she felt hot, blood rushing in adrenaline as she pressed on further venturing deeper into this unknown territory. A grin was splayed across her maw though, none the less. She would not be stopped, no, she was Imara, she was strength.

The Ethiopian Highlands were a daunting presence in the north; beautiful, rugged terrain like and yet very unlike the African savannahs below. Not only were the grasses and vegetation strikingly different, but the creatures that lived here, as well; odd antelope, wild goats, monkeys ... and, now, the more common sight of lions, a cheetah, and a meerkat graced these lands. Life was still very young for the Tianxia pride, but they were slowly coming together. Once they had more members, Afu would call together a celebration of sorts; a first festival in the lands. Hopefully it would become traditional ...

The lioness in question mused quietly on a huge boulder that looked to the south of the lands, giving her an unparalled view of the earth below. It was a beautiful place to sit and watch for any intruders; she did not fear the north, as much, not with Sheng and her sister there, but the south was from where danger would come, she was certain of it. The lands, although hard to access at the best of times, had too many openings toward the south where individuals could sneak in, unawares. And so it's that her sharp purple eyes fall upon Imara below, and the female slowly gets to her paws, standing out stark black against the grays and browns and greens of the background. Her posture isn't threatening; but neither is it particularly friendly.

Imara wouldn't have noticed the elder lioness above her her until for some reason she let her eyes trial upwards towards a boulder, a ridge again, and then saw her. Imara stopped for a moment, a moment, and continued to trek upwards to get to the top, a flatland of this wretched place, wretched, daunting, but wonderful in its own disastrous way. A defense mechanism in itself, what a wonderful thought. Imara kept her head held high, but low enough to acknowledge the other lioness for indeed if she was trespassing at all, at least she would be showing some respect, Imara knew that those older and wiser deserved respect, and nothing less.

Imara stopped several meters below the black lioness's place, her stance strong and unflinching, and Imara mimicked it, puffed her chest out slightly, as males would do to make themselves look more threatening, not weak, and she le her eyes peer upwards towards the lionesses. "Who's lands does this shale and rock so gracefully protect?" she questioned, unflinching, unmoving.

Well, this one was bold as brass; but well-spoken, and Afu proceeds cautiously, but relaxes slightly, taking a brief moment to survey the lioness before her. She was young, but looked in good condition; not some misfit vagabond, but perhaps a former pride member ... or a current one. The black feline did not want competition for these lands, but they were hardly the best around. Surely, if someone was seeking ownership of lands, they would attempt to overthrow someone else down in the sunny southlands first.

"The Emperor and Empress of Tianxia, Ahali'bagawa and his mate, Afu," she responds, omitting the fact that she was one of these, and watching the newcomer carefully for a reaction, and matches the other for pompousness in her next query: "Who are you, and what business do you have at the gates of these lands?"

"I am Imara, daughter of Inari and Eusi of the pridelands, and I am on my journey to test my strength ane endurance," she said with a defined nod, flicking her tail not in annoyance or agitation, but curiosity. "I do not mean to intrude or cause any mishap with my wandering," she hoped that this older lioness would understand, understand why she had pushed herself this far. Though, in truth, she had never heard of this pride, and was curious to know of it, its members.

"What is this pride? If I may be as bold to ask."

Another Pridelander? Like Sheng's relatives ... she wondered if they were related, although there was nothing in outward appearance to show that they did. Interesting.

"This is the Tianxia pride," Afu said, raising a brow; she had stated so before. "A relatively new pride, consisting of the Four Houses - North, South, East, and West - as well as a central house where the Emperor and Empress reside. All the lands north of here in these highlands belong to Tianxia. I have heard of these Pridelands; our northern Lord, Moto'vianzio, has kin there."

Imara listened to her words, ears swiveling to be at attention, her eyes never moving from the dark pelted lioness, she was a fine talker, she was curious to know what type of rank she held. Interesting. A pride consisting of that many individuals to make four, no, five separate groups within in? All too interesting. Though the mention of a Lord having relatives in the pridelands made her curious, "Perhaps then I know his family, or he knew my father, perhaps, if anything, knew my great great grandmother who was queen," she said with a nod. She loved the stories she heard of her great grandmother, and wore her pelt color with pride. "Might I ask why you are out here alone? Are there no other guards, warriors here?" she asked curiously.

She smiled thinly. "Perhaps. You should speak with him; I think he would be pleased to hear about his kin, should you know them." Her ears swivel about, curiously; this one was long-descended royalty. Not ruling royalty, but descended from it, at least. It explained partially why she was allowed out of the lands, free to wander, at such a young age.

At the question, eyes narrow ever-so-slightly, then relax. It was an innocent question; she doubted whether this Imara was in charge of a force to try to take over the lands, but old habits were so hard to break. "The same Lord I spoke of is in charge of the North House; they are our warriors. However, even warriors like to settle down, and he was graced with cubs not long ago; he's caring for them, so I and my mate have been looking out to our borders. But no, there are not many of us yet. " It vaguely unsettled her to think about that; they'd need to find some, and soon. Curious about something the adolescent had said earlier, she continued: "Did you know where you were going, when you started your journey, or are you simply wandering?"

"Ah I see, a congratulations to your Lord then and his family," she said with a nod, "If he is a fine warrior he will be sure to teach his children of strength and courage as my father had taught my sisters and I," she watched the black lioness still curious, forever curious. At her question, she smiled, and shook her head, "No, well, yes, in a manner of speaking. I knew that I could not find my purpose, where my strength would truly belong by staying within the pride, I wanted to test myself, perhaps with not set destination of a specific nature. But have my journey lead me to where I might be useful with what I have been taught." Though she wodered if she would understand her reasoning, perhaps, she hoped so, Imara had so much pride in herself. "Everyone must find where they truly should be, yes?" she said with a smile.

Yes, he would ... Afu just hoped Mwana didn't get her claws too much into the children. Otherwise, she'd have to worry about her own offspring. But she nods. "He will ... it's the nature of his House, after all." She smiles at that, genuinely, then carefully seats herself, bobbing her head to Imara and indicating that she may do the same.

"You are a fighter?" She could scarce credit it; this was an adolescent, after all, and a female at that. Although Afu believed in the power of her own gender, she was still used to males being the brute strong ones; female, the intelligent gender, but not particularly strong. Still, this 'adolescent' came all the way out here, where few pridals went ... maybe she's doing Imara a disservice. "It makes sense to go beyond the boundaries ... pride members on the savannah often get lazy and complacent, one reason my mate and I decided to relocate here." She had lived in the desert before; Afu would never be one to fatten up. She laughs at the last rhetorical question, flicking a tail. "Indeed they must; for some, fortunately, it is easier than others. You are, then, in need of employment."

Imara nodded simply at her comment about being a fighter, and sat back on her haunches after she had. She wore a smile, almost a grin at the statement, "Indeed, my father trained me well since I've been a cub. I've even met the god who's feather adorns my father's ear as a tribute to the god's strength," yes, she liked to believe that Mrost believed in her as well. He was one to respect, definately one to respect. "Not many, at first glance, believe me to be what I clai to be, for in prides, there is gossip that can be unavoided, but so goes it in such an area.

Though this place, it seems wonderful, even nature herself has created a defense with the rock and shale, wise choic of pride placement for one who would want to break away from others." Yes, wise choice in her opinion. Emplyment? Her ears perked up, she smiled, "Did you ahve something in mind...?" she realized she never got the other females name...

Gods ... they were something she had little experience with. But she had met them ... and, unknowingly, had met the very god who Imara had been talking about. He had been subservient to her and Nyekundu at that point, perhaps believing that they would be a great force for his own domain. But that had crumbled when Afu had left and Nyekundu was murdered. But gods now ... gods were something Afu had some more interesting ideas about.

She was mystified as to what sort of 'gossip' the youngling was speaking of, but shrugged it off; perhaps Imara had had trouble on that front before. Sheng had said that Pridelanders were fierce defenders of their kith and kin. Perhaps this Imara could be useful; but getting her away from that selfsame kith and kin might be problematic.

Afu seemed amused by Imara's conclusion of their pride territory. "It is easily defensable; to those who don't know much about it," she said, dryly. "It is kept that way by keeping non-pride members out of the lands, largely." Otherwise, to those who knew the area well - and the Tianxians were still learning about it, the highlands were filled with valleys, crevices, hidden lakes, and the like - this could easily become an excellent place for ambush. "We are looking for members. It would be helpful if those members were fighters, at least initially. Each of the four Houses has a particular group of talents, you see ... but they shall all need guards of some sort. If you wish to stay in the lands until you decide, that may also be arranged." She stretched. "We will be having a festival come full moon; if you are interested but want some time to make a decision, you could stay until then."

Imara listened to her offer, her words. What would her father think? Perhaps she could find a way to send a message, where was that pesky avian when she needed her? She sighed, would her father be proud or lonely, proud she'd suspect, for her gaining such a place, such a rank, something that would suite her well,s oemthign, somewhere where she could show and where her training her father had bestowed upon her with pride.

"Guard, sounds quite interesting, tempting," worthwhile, but she kept that little detail to herself. Imara would have no problem being a guard, defending somewhere, others, especially those she would become fond of, loyal to, would show respect to. "I would appreciate it if I was able to stay until that time, perhaps by then I can send a message to my father, of course, I wish disclose no information pertaining to the name or placement of this pride, for security," she said with a nod. Imara knew her values, and knew what was important to a secluded individual, or pride.

She nods.

"That may be no hardship; I can send a messenger there if you don't have a way to send one." Or at least, she hopes she can; she's in need of a messenger, but between the four Houses, they should be able to come up with something. Messengers are so vital to her eventual plan. Again, that thin smile; "And I appreciate that. Eventually, other prides shall know where we are; but for now, it's best to stay quiet about it while we get our footing." Not that she fears overly much ... Wei and Sheng are both enormous, and have past histories that make them ferocious in a scrap ... willing to fight dirty. She doubts either of them have an incredible amount of honor, but they have enough, and she'd rather have them by her side than any noble knight.

"I'm pleased to hear that," she says, looking the part, and getting onto all fours. "Would you like me to show you around?"

"Of course," Imara says in relating to secretive areas, she liked to keep things simple, and keep things from getting too chaotic, even with those she knew in the pridelands.She stood as well, smiled, "Yes, I'd love to see more-...now that I think of it, I do not have your name," she said in the most polite of ways Imara could think of. She wanted to see more, but also wanted to know who to thank at the end of the day as well.

The black lioness's lips curve, slyly. "Afu." Of course, she had a pridal name as well; but those were kept secret from outsiders, and she's not about to let Imara know that yet. She quietly threaded her way back up to the higher ground - they were currently about halfway down the slope - and veered left, onto a well-traveled track. "I'll take you to see the South House first; Lady Tama rules that area, although I doubt we'll see her today." She, too, had newborn cubs, and Afu felt that with a slight pang that surprised her. She hadn't been very motherly - her first cub had been abandoned to goodness-knows-where. Ah, well. Someday soon.

"How is it, living in the Pridelands?" she queries back to her new charge, and there's nothing but open curiousity in the question.

Imara listened to the black pelted female speak her name, and she smirked, so the Empress herself liked formal introductions later on after meeting an outsider? Very wise of her, quite wise indeed, Imara should ahve thought of that sooner. "Even so, if I can meet her at another time, that is well too, just seeing the lands here will be thrilling on there own." Imara wanted to see what else this land held within its bounds. "The pridelands are a wonderful place, plentiful food, water, a lot of life everywhere. There are families closely knit together, cubs running about. Though I feel, like I said before, that perhaps the Pridelands do not hold what I long for."

She nodded, without turning; it was impossible in the thick undergrowth. Instead, Afu had gotten used to talking to another while walking in a straight line, rather than side by side. "I'm certain that can be arranged," she says, trotting further up the slope; she knows of a rather impressive viewpoint from higher. The trail takes a sudden steep curve, until they're climbing almost vertically, but for two in-shape felines as these, it should present little problem.

An ear flicks back to Imara. It does sound like Paradise; of the wrong sort. She doesn't mention, however, that such paradise is usually difficult to hold on to, because others will want it ... and therefor Imara's skills might come in handy there further down the road. She'd like those skills for herself. "Perhaps; there is indeed no way to test your limits if you have everything all the time," she agrees, before turning the last curve and bringing them to a looking point out over the lands ... part of them anyway.

Click for a view. xd

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:06 am
Imara followed behind the dark pelted lioness as they seemed to somewhat slither in a straight line up to harsh terrain. Yes, she agreed with Afu, if she did have everything all the time, how could she test herself, how could she know how strong a lioness she had become? She followed quickly behind Afu, and as they seemed to reach to pinnacle of there journey to this spot, Imara's eyes gazed out over the vast landscape before her. Green, yes, here and there, but it was uneven, hidden in a manner, slate rock as walls and rough hazards for defense. She smiled to herself, Afu indeed had chosen a wonderful place to house a pride.

"Wonderful, truly, wonderful," she spoke with a flick of her tail.

Perhaps she need not wait to decide to stay, her father would be proud of her choice, she was sure of it.

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[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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