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JUNE 2008

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May was kind of quiet - there were quite a few of our members who were busy with end of year exams. We did have several new classes start up in the Academy, lots of interesting topics. If you haven't had a chance - you should go and check it all out! We've got a great newsletter for everyone this month, lots of new stuff. I am also adding a monthly rune article, which will be the focus point for an actual class on runes - details are in the Runes section in our newsletter.

June brings us the Summer Solstice (Winter for our friends in the "South") and again our Gatherings subforum will be open for a great Sabbat celebration (Litha and Yule) sure to join us for lots of fun! We will have discussions on the sabbats, games, contests and lots of prizes for everyone!!! The celebration will run from June 14th to the 29th. We'll miss you if you aren't there crying

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1: England's Witchcraft Act of 1563 goes into effect
3: New moon at 3:22
13: Birthday of Gerald Gardner in 1884
15: Father's Day
15 - 22: Pagan Spirit Gathering (Southeastern OH)
18: Full moon (Strong Sun Moon north) (Long Nights Moon south) at 1:30 pm
20/21: Litha
20/21: Yule (Southern Hemisphere)

22: England's last Witchcraft Law is repealed in 1951
27: Birthday of author Scott Cunningham in 1956

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Dates: May 21 -Jun 21
Element: Air
Quality: Mutable
Symbol: The Twins
Nature: Positive, Masculine
Day: Wednesday
Metal: Mercury
Gem: Agate
Color: Yellow, Rainbow
Governs: Arms, Shoulders, Lungs and Nerves
Key Word: Communicate, Adaptable
Positive Influences: Versatile, adaptable, inquisitive, intelligent, quick to learn
Negative Influences: Superficial, short attention span, restless, nervous, conniving
Ruler: Mercury


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Litha is the Summer Solstice. It marks the longest day of the year. Litha is the classic time for Magick of all kinds. Believe whatever is dreamt of will become true for the dreamer. This is a time to celebrate passion and success. Litha is the opposite of Yule. On this day of the longest daylight, life and light are abundant. This is the time when the Sun God has reached his greatest strength. Seated on his greenwood throne, he is God of the forests. The powers of nature are at their highest point. Bonfires are lit to represent the Sun God and to rouse love, purification, health, and fertility. Litha Eve is also special for adherents of the Faerie Faith.

Other Names: Midsummer, and Leetha.

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Blue, Green, and Yellow.
Foods: Fresh Vegetables, Summer Fruits, Pumpernickel Bread, Ale, and Mead.
Symbols:Dried Herbs, Potpourri, Seashells, Summer Flowers and Fruits.
Incense: Frankincense, Lemon, Myrrh, Pine, Rose, and Wisteria.
Candles: Blue, Green, Gold, and Red.
Gemstones: Emerald, Jade, Lapis, and Diamond.
Deities: Ra, Bast, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Father Sun, Father Sky, and the Oak King.
Herbs: Lavender, Chamomile, Roses, Daisies, Cheekweed, Apple, Vervain, and Lilies.
Animals: Butterflies, Caterpillars, Sea Creatures, Wren, Robins, Horses, Cattle, Satyrs, Faeries, Firebird, Dragon and the Thunder Bird.
Work: Herb Drying, protection, luck, health, transformation, career, and relationships.
Tools: Drums, Rattles, Bonfire, Mirrors for reflecting the sun or bonfire, Earth circles of stone energies.

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Yule has the longest night and the shortest day of the year. It is the time when the Goddess gives birth to a son, the God. Witches and Wiccans celebrate the Festival of the God’s Rebirth. It is a time to honor the Holly King. Accomplishes of the past, love, togetherness, and love are also celebrated. These things are celebrated by burning the Yule Log in a bonfire. A portion of the Yule Log is always saved to light next years Yule Log. The Yule Log is usually oak. It is kept throughout the year to protect the home as well.

Other Names: Winter Solstice, Christmas, Alban Arthan, Finn’s Day, Festival of Sol, Yuletide, Great Day of the Cauldron, and the Festival of Growth.

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Red, Green, White, Silver, Gold, Yellow, and Orange.
Foods: Roasted Turkey, Nuts, Eggnog, Cookies, Fruit, Pork, Ale, Roasted Apples and Mulled Wine.
Symbols: Yule Log, Evergreen Boughs, Wreaths, Holly, Mistletoe, Gold Pillar Candles, Baskets of Clove Studded Fruits, Poinsettias, Cinnamon Sticks, Ivy, Wheel, and Fir or Pin Bows.
Incense: Bayberry, Pine, Cedar, Rosemary, Juniper, Cinnamon, and Frankincense.
Candles:Red, Green, White, and Gold.
Gemstones:Ruby, Cat’s Eye, Blue Zircon, Turquoise, Serpentine, Emeralds, and Diamonds.
Deities: Athena, Attis, Dionysus, Fates, Frey, Freyja, Hathor, Lucina, Norns, Osiris, Woden, and the Horned God.
Herbs: Bayberry, Blessed Thistle, Evergreen, Frankincense, Holly, Laurel, Mistletoe, Oak, Pine, Sage, and Yellow Cedar.
Animals: Reindeer, the Stage, Mouse, Deer, Horse, Squirrel, Phoenix, and Bear.
Work: Peace, Harmony, Love, Happiness, Banishing Disease, Seeking Past Lives, Meditation, Singing Around the Hearth Fire, and Goals and Accomplishments.
Tools: Bells.


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Melt and pour soaps are easy to make, and it's lots of fun to be able to customize your own scent. Supplies can be easily found at most craft strores, so why not give it a try!


melt and pour soap base
large glass measuring cup
microwave oven
spoon or stirring stick
essential oils/fragrance
additives (herbs, spices, honey, glitter, dried botanicals, etc...)
measuring spoons
individual molds (try a fun shape!)

The basics are prepare the mold, melt the soap base, add your goodies, pour it into the mold and take it out when you are done.

Now for the details:

1. The first thing that you need to do is to determine how much soap base you will need. An easy way to do this, is to fill up your mold with water and pour the water into a measuring cup...subtract about an ounce from the total and that is how much soap base you will need to make your soap.

2. Melt the soap base in the microwave. Start by heating it for about 30 seconds, stir carefully to avoid getting air in the mix. Continue heating in 15 second intervals until the soap base is completely liquid.

3. Add a few drops of colorant (if you choose to do so)

4. Then for each bar of soap that you are making (multiply amounts as needed), add in the following items of your choice...1 tablespoon of warm honey, 1 tablespoon of dried herbs (if you want them), and 6 - 10 drops of fragrance (depends on your taste and the strength of the fragrance). Stir carefully and gently to avoid air bubbles. Pour mix into individual molds and allow to cool completely before removing from mold. If you have trouble removing the soap from the molds, try tapping them firmly in your hand, or running them under hot water for a few seconds.

Now you are ready to use your yummy new soap!!!

Source... The Crafty Witch: 101 Ideas for Every Occasion by Willow Polson

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I found this in a favorite book of mine “Circle Round” by Starhawk, Diane Baker and Anne Hill. As Yule is the longest night of the year – is there ever a more perfect time to seek guidance along the path of life from our dreams. Originally this was set up to be more of a group ritual (can you say pajama party), but can easily be adapted to suit those of us who are walking the solitary path. It is an all night ritual – but don’t worry – you won’t miss our on your beauty sleep!

Dream Incubation

A peaceful mood is the key to the successfulness of this spell. Whatever you need to help you achieve a calm, peaceful, relaxed mood – use it. If you are doing this as part of a group you want to have your sleeping bags set up so that everyone is sleeping with their heads towards the middle of the circle. In the center of the circle should be an altar (any small table will do) with a large bowl of water, dream and birth images and a candle. You should also have art/journaling supplies (and a small flashlight) nearby so if you wake up in the middle of the night you can write down your dream. Participants may come prepared with either a question to “put” into the water or an object symbolizing something in their lives they would like dream help for. Once you are ready for bed, light the candle and say the following:
Winter Solstice is the celebration of the birth of the Sun, the divine child of the Goddess. In our own lives, this longest night can be a time of divination, of journeying deep into our inner dreamtime, to bring forth a dream that can help us in the year to come.

Speak over the bowl of water:
Sacred water, you who pass from the womb of the Mother into the rain and rivers and back again, you who nourish us and quench our thirst, you who can slip though cracks and erode even the strongest of obstacles, help us now to dive into the depths of the darkest night and ask for a dream. We ask for a dream of healing, a dream to show us where to go in the coming year, a dream to show us what we need to see. So mote it be.

Everyone in the circle takes a turn with the water, speaking their question into the water, dipping objects (or body parts) into the water or doing what ever they feel moved to do in asking for their dream. After everyone has had a turn, it is time to put the lights out. As everyone is beginning to drift off to dreamland – you might want to talk quietly about past dreams and what you have learned from them or share Solstice stories. In the morning (or whenever you wake up) write or draw your dream before getting up and leaving the circle or speaking too much. After everyone has finished writing about their dreams – you can choose to share your dreams, possibly offering comments/insights into the dreams of the others who are with you. Once everyone is done and you are ready to leave the circle, give thanks to the water:
Blessed water, thank you for easing our journey into the night and back again. Thank you for our dreams and visions, thank you for the light that is born from the womb of darkness. As we send you on your way back to the Mother, we bid you hail and farewell.

As soon as possible pour the water into the nearest body of running water(for some of us this is the kitchen sink blaugh ), to keep it cycling on its way. Pictures, poems and other artifacts from Solstice dreams can be kept by the bed throughout the year.

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At Litha we celebrate the sun, and as the sun is a symbol of protection it is the perfect time to cast a little protection magic to keep you and yours safe within your home.

House Protection Spell Bottle

Items Needed:

glass jar with cork stopper or lid
½ to 1 cup salt (depends on the jar size)
3 cloves garlic
9 bay leaves
7 tbsp dried basil
4 tbsp dill seeds
1 tbsp sage
1 tbsp anise
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp fennel
1 bowl

In the morning, assemble all items. Place salt into the bowl and say:
Salt that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the cloves of garlic to the bowl and say:
Garlic that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Crumble the bay leaves, place in the bowl and say:
Bay that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the basil and say:
Basil that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the dill and say:
Dill that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the sage and say:
Sage that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Add the anise and say:
Anise that protects, protect my home and all within it.
Add the pepper and say:
Pepper that protects, protect my home and all within it.
Add the fennel and say:
Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within it.

Mix together the herbs and the salt with your hands. Through the movement of your hands and fingers, lend energy to the potent protective items. Visualize your home as a shining, safe, guarded, secure place of sanctuary. Pour the mixture into the jar. Seal it tightly and place in your home with the following words:
Salt and herbs, nine times nine
Guard now this house of mine

Your house is now protected.

Source: Spell Crafts – Creating Magical Objects by Scott Cunningham & David Harrington
Source: Sabbats – A Witch’s Approach to Living the Old Ways by Edain McCoy

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I know that it is a little bit late, but I saw this while I was browsing another site and thought I'd share it with you all...

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Setting Up A Sacred Garden Space
by Bella

To set up your sacred space, mark your four cardinal directions or points. If you need to use a compass, then do so. Otherwise put your back to the rising sun one morning and hold your arms straight out to your sides. You will look like a human letter T. Here is how you mark out your cardinal points. Your back is meeting the east. Your left arm is the south. Your nose points the way to the west, and your right arm is facing the north. Get it? You could make yourself a set of permanent garden markers to help you remember where the directions are. Try using small decorative rocks or polished stones. You may mark each cardinal point with the stone of some other type of natural garden accent. Try painting four smooth stones to use as quarter markers. Paint one green for the element of earth and the direction north; yellow for the element of air and the east; red for fire and the south; and lastly, blue for the element of water and the direction west. Then place these markers in the appropriate spots to designate your sacred space.

Don't like the idea of using a rock as a marker? How about a separate container garden to mark each of the four quarters instead? Here's an idea...all red flowers, like salvia or cockscomb, grown in a container for the southern quarter. This would represent the element of fire beautifully. The flame-shaped blossoms and the hot color would be complementary to this quarter's energies. Other colors of plants and flowers that you could incorporate might be earthy green foliage and ferns for the north. Blues and purples for the watery west, and airy and soft yellow and white flowers for the east. What other kinds of flowers or herbs do you imagine you could use? As long as we are discussing the four quarters and the elements, let's add a natural representation for each of the four elements as well. This will enhance your garden and your natural magick, as it will help you to link more closely into each of the four magickal elements.

For earth, you could incorporate stones and crystals. To acknowledge the element of air, you could set out a few fallen feathers that you have collected. To announce and celebrate the breeze as it blows through your garden, hang up a set of wind chimes, or you could place a bird feeder in the eastern quarter. For the element of fire, try garden lanterns or candles, or perhaps some decorative garden lighting. Finally, the element of water could be represented by a small fountain or water feature, such as a bird bath or even a small saucer filled with water for the birds to drink from. Encourage the birds, squirrels, and beneficial insects to live in your garden. Make it a happy and safe haven for them and for you. Now that you have your sacred space all set up (or at least planned out), we should supply you with some spells and charms for this occasion. This elemental trio of charms is to be used to designate your new sacred garden space and to bless your magickal garden and plants.


Announcing Sacred Space

"I call the Spirits of Nature, the Great Mother and Father.
Assist me now, by the powers of earth, air, fire and water.
Merge your magick with mine, circle around this place,
As we now announce the creation of a sacred garden space."

Blessing of the Elements

"Come water, earth, fire and wind,
To me, your sacred powers lend.
This garden of mine is now sacred space,
By the elements four, I bless this place."

A Garden Blessing

"Through the seasons of rein, sun, and snow,
May these plants and herbs happily grow.
Winter to spring and summer to fall,
Lord and Lady, bless them one and all."

The things that all sacred garden spaces have in common are they are outside, so magickal herbs and plants are close at hand. The sacred space has a working area - a place to sit and a small table or safe surface to work on. The four elements are somehow represented. And finally, the sacred space is consecrated, blessed, and relatively private.

Even if it may be bare bones in your yard right now, don't be discouraged. It's okay, you have plenty of time and opportunity to build that garden. Instead, think of the possibilities! Come up with a plan. Decide what you can do yourself to improve your landscape and future magickal garden over the next few years. Start small, with an eye on expanding the garden's boundaries outward later on.

Note: Just a note about marking the directions using the sun (without using the compass) - depending on how far north or south you are, the sun will rise and set at different places throughout the year. Close to the equator this makes little difference, but the further you go north or south this change can get quite dramatic. In this case, the most accurate time to mark compass points is around the equinox, in either spring or autumn when day and night are the same length and sun should be rising as close to due east and setting as close to due west as possible.


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The topic of runes seems to come up on a fairly regular basis. I for the most part tend to stay out of these discussions, for the perfectly logical reason that...I know absolutely nothing about them! So why in the world would I be writing a monthly article on a topic that I know nothing about - and more to the point...why should you read it? Well, here's the thing. My husband is currently studying Asatru and the funny thing about those Norsemen...they like their runes. Of course he keeps asking me about runes, and of course I can't help him. So what's a poor girl to do - study the runes. Now I am a firm believer that misery loves you get to study runes with me! Lucky you!!! If you didn't already know, one of the best ways to learn about a topic is to teach about it - so I proudly introduce the Monthly Rune Article.

If you want detailed information on the runes presented (and if you want access to the rituals and meditations) I suggest that you purchase a copy of Taking Up the Runes by Diana Paxson. I cannot say enough great things about this book. I started out with a copy from the local library (thinking..."Hey, how hard can this be?" gonk ). I now have my own copy - I'm sure it will be well used by the time I am done. Now you may be asking yourself why I didn't just create a class in the Academy? Because I want you to read our little newsletter blaugh ...just kidding. Seriously though while there will be a class discussion thread there for questions/debate and such, this will be a slower moving class. As the lessons are set up in the book - it takes about a year. By sticking to this format and posting 2 new runes a month - it gives everyone plenty of time to not only absorb the information, but also gain their own insight by working with each rune as it's presented. Alrighty then...let's get down to business.

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In this series of lessons, we will be looking at the Elder Futhark. The Elder Futhark consists of 24 runes, and although the runes can be studied purely as a magical alphabet, to use them effectively for any purpose other than simple inscription, it is necessary to understand not only their literal meaning, but their symbolic/spiritual meaning, as well. These lessons will take about a year to complete, but you can likely study the runes for many years and still discover new insights into how they will work for you.

As we continue on this learning journey, I ask that you keep a journal (notebook), so that you can write your experiences, comments, questions and also that you can work through some of the exercises that I will give you. If you feel like sharing you may post these things in the Discussion Thread, but since everyone’s experiences may be personal, this is not required. I do ask that if you have any specific questions related to the lesson’s that you ask them in the Discussion thread. If you want to PM me the question first, that is fine, but I will post the answers in the thread for everyone to be able to benefit from them (unless it is a personal matter - then obviously I will respect your privacy). I will also suggest that you might want to get your own set of runes. (A method of making and consecrating your own is posted in the Discussion Thread.)


As we begin, take a few moments to write down your understanding of what the runes are and your goals in studying them. You may find that what you write now, can be very different from what you write later as you finish your lessons. Again feel free to post your thoughts in the discussion thread.


Since we are all just staring out, the following are a list of things that may be useful to you in your course of studying the Runes. You can use the time between now and the July lesson to complete those items which you may feel called to do. Some of these activities will be ongoing throughout the course of the lessons, but I have included them here as a preview of what to expect. Remember to record you experiences in your journal after each activity that you do.


A rune altar can be as simple as a section of a dresser or a shelf covered with a plain cloth on which you can set a candle, your runes and other items that you feel called to add (such as representations of a rune’s meaning). Obviously if you already have an altar, this may not work for you, but it is a good idea to have a separate space where you can work with your runes.


The runes must not only be studied, but internalized. One of the best ways to do this is to meditate on each rune. Spend some time over the next month practicing your meditation skills. It’s true what they say - practice makes perfect, and the more often you meditate the easier it becomes.


One way to internalize the runes is to physically inscribe them on your body (I did not say run out and get a tattoo). But seriously, a good way to begin a runic meditation is to inscribe the rune on your skin with consecrated oil, water, saliva or even with just your fingernail. Work with only one rune at a time and inscribe the rune over your “third eye”, the base of your throat, you solar plexus and the palms. Take a moment to feel the shape of the rune on your skin. As the sensation fades, draw it inward and absorb the rune shape into your own essence.


Making Rune Cards
Draw or paint the rune (usually in red on a white background) large enough to be seen clearly from a few feet away. You can make your cards as we go along, or you can make a whole set all at once…it is up to you.

As you study each rune, we will be making a set of rune cards. These are useful in a variety of visual activities.

1. Stare at the rune card intently; then cover it with a blank piece of paper, and wait for it’s complementary image to appear there.

2. Stare at the rune card for a few moments, then shut your eyes and visualize it on a blank background.

3. Once you can maintain the image internally, imagine it pulsing with light - then changing colors. Practice changing if from one color to another, until you can do this at will.

4. Hole the image of the rune in your mind. Visualize it first pulsing, then expanding…until it becomes a doorway. At first you may do no more than look through the doorway and note what you see, then shrink the rune to close it again. As you look through this doorway quiet your mind and allow images to appear. Don’t try to force it or worry about if what you are seeing is “right”.

Later with practice you may be able to step through the doorway and explore the world to which the rune is a portal - but that is for another day!


Runes are both sounds and symbols. To internalize the sound of the rune…sing it! To chant a rune, visualize it, take a deep belly-breath, and let the outflow of air carry the sound.


You can also internalize the runes, but literally taking it into your body. Inscribe the rune on something that you are eating - even better if it is something relative to the actual meaning of the rune. Visualize the rune as it enters you body and feel your body absorb the rune into your own essence. Remember to always that intention is an important part of any activity that you do.


Now obviously you can google runes and come up with dozens of places where you can purchase a set of runes with little difficulty on your part. Point - click - done! However like any magical tool, those that are handmade and infused with our own energies can be that much more powerful. I am including a link to the Discussion Thread here so that you can access more detailed instructions on creating and consecrating your runes. The runes that you make can be as simple (pieces of cardboard) or as elaborate as you feel called to do.


No matter if you buy your runes or craft your own, be sure to consecrate them before using them. If you have Diana’s book, you can do the rituals listed for Chapter 1 (starts on page 263). I will recommend you do the Journey to the Worldtree meditation to find your runes. If you follow a path other than one of the Norse ones (or if you don‘t have the book), simply meditate on a journey in which the runes are revealed to you.

If the above seems like a lot to do…it is, and this is why this course is spread out over so much time. I could have just as easily posted some pics, written a short description, or given you a wiki link. But I’m pretty sure that is not what you are looking for. So take your time this month, record your experiences, ask questions, and prepare yourself for next month when we start with our first two runes!

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Well it should be a great month! We're looking forward to seeing everyone hanging around. If you are looking for a great way to get some extra gold be sure to check out the Bump Contest - if bumping is your thing...thisis the place to be!!! I also encourage everyone (if you haven't already) to really explore the subforums - there are a lot of things going on that you might miss out on if you never move off of the main page blaugh - not to mention we'd love to see you there!!! Also if you have any articles, art, poetry, trivia, or anything at all that you would like to submit for the next newsletter please feel free to PM it to MidnightLetter. If we use your submissions in the newsletter you will receive payment for your work - amounts will depend on type of work submitted.

Well...take care and have a blessed June!