"Getting eggs was hard. " Xian commented. In fact, it had been hard. He'd gotten pecked by an angry momma bird. Usually he wouldn't need to go after so many nests, but here there where no ostritches. With them he only had to steal one or two! Now.. he did feel a LITTLE bad for the mothers, too, so he always left an egg (its not like more than that usually survived ANYWAY. Dumb birds, killing each other as chicks). He also had honey, which Dongo had gathered earlier.

Since arriving here and meeting Ahali, Xian poo had become something he.. rather liked. Some.. beautist or something. Because of his.. strange skill, he'd been around to mix up his usual stuff and make Afu, or Tsu Hsi's fur nice and pretty. Ahali occasionally too, though usually it'd need his mate to want him to, him not being particularly vain. It was probably good for the two, he though. The better they looked for their "subjects", the more respect they'd earn.

"This will stink, Tsu Hsi. " The leopard said, finishing breaking the eggs open and starting to separate the yolk. "But it'll help your fur grow. " That was good in a cold place like this. "Aand we have this other mix later so you'll smell better. " He smiled. He was working next to a smaller pool that branched off from one of the lakes in the highlands, there was something of a stone floor and three "bowl" like shapes in them, as if large paws had just reached in and scooped out a nice portion of stone. It was a fortunate arrangement for him, way better than tree bark all the time. Though emptied out coconuts worked too..stones were just nicer. And harder to move, but that was beyond the point. All "bowls" were separated from each other, one was at the corner of a small ledge just as high as his shoulders, one, the shallowest, was closer to the water, and the deepest was to the right of the first, and thats where he was putting the yolk. "If you don't want to I can sue it myself. " He grinned, he could use some thicker fur. He hadn't been here for too long, and it was chilly.