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now class! it's time to assign you projects!
  aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's the apocolypse! *run away*
  cool! i love projects! *run up and hug teacher* thank you!
  zzzzzzzzz........... *wakes up suddenly* huh? what's going on? oh well, i'm going back to sleep...
  *poll whore*
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:23 am

So what's the coolest school projet you've ever had? Was it a group project? Individual? Optional?

The coolest one that I can think of right now is my Rock Group Project. It was for English 3 AP, and it was my final for the year! It was so much fun to do! Of course the video editting was a killer, but other than that it was so much fun! My group got a 100 on it.

Now it's your turn! You have to list:
What it was for
What it was called
What it was about
What you had to do
(Details if any)
Group or Idividual
And last but not least... WHAT YOUR GRADE WAS! Letter or number grade, doesn't matter.

So who wants to go first!

MY PRECIOUS LITTLE HATCHLINGS! (who need clicks to survive and mature)
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MY EGGYS! (who need clicks to survive and hatch)
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:17 pm

What it was for -> English II
What it was called -> IDK
What it was about -> Julius Caesar
What you had to do -> Reenact a scene from Julius Caesar in any way you could
(Details if any)
Group or Individual -> Group
And last but not least... WHAT YOUR GRADE WAS! Letter or number grade, doesn't matter. -> Passed. XD


Dapper Fatcat

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The Evil Lunchbox

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:51 pm

What it was for - Drama
What it was Called - My Final Projecct
What it was about - Exactly how I felt about my Bible Quoting teacher
What you had to do - write about something our teacher said that affected us the most
Group or Individual - Individual
Grade - In the Process of doing it.

I just have to put a quote from this psycho teacher.

"If you have 100Percent Faith in God, and Love yourself 100%, then, If you have HIV, You will be cured!"

god, she made students cry because their family members died of HIV
PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:09 pm

What it was for - physics
What it was called - Legomania
What it was about - build lego robots to complete an obstacle course and objective
What you had to do - navigate a maze or go over a ramp to get to a 100gram weight, hoist it up and drive back to the start and drop it into an elevated hole to light a bulb.
(Details if any)
Group or Idividual - group
And last but not least... WHAT YOUR GRADE WAS! Letter or number grade, doesn't matter. - 100


Fashionable Raider

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Captain Grace OMalley

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:09 am

what was it for- government
what was it called- Throwing Magnets
what was it about- thowing magnets sideways trying to get them to stick to lockers while not getting caught by the teachers.
what you had to do- throw magnets at lockers and act innocent as teachers came by. Also, the middle schoolers were geting a tour of the high school so couldn't hit them.
group or individual- group
grade- Ummm, I'm not sure about the grade, but our teacher seemed to be in a mood when he came to the hall and saw us doing this instead of the court case project we should have been doing...... So does that count as an A?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:14 am

Godly Treachery
What it was for - Drama
What it was Called - My Final Projecct
What it was about - Exactly how I felt about my Bible Quoting teacher
What you had to do - write about something our teacher said that affected us the most
Group or Individual - Individual
Grade - In the Process of doing it.

I just have to put a quote from this psycho teacher.

"If you have 100Percent Faith in God, and Love yourself 100%, then, If you have HIV, You will be cured!"

god, she made students cry because their family members died of HIV
Remember. Most people who have AIDS/HIV die from secondary, or third infections, not the virus itself.

I keep forgetting that my Chem II teacher made us do some wacky crap towards the end of the school year, such as watching a gummy bear implode itself, lighting oxygen and helium balloons on fire, and making ice cream with liquid nitrogen. None of those were graded tho...


Dapper Fatcat

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