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Reply [IC/OOC] Gods' Haven [IC/OOC]
You too huh? (Luck and Darkness)

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:41 pm
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She stretched her wings out and yawned as she got up. She'd had a nice nap and everything seemed to be starting out to be a good day. Hopefully it would stay that way and she could enjoy things for the time being. Being away from the whispers and the talk of the mortals did wonders. Now that she wasn't listening to them she could happily enjoy her time.

Well maybe not happily. She still was a bit bored since she didn't have anyone to talk to but she could get over that. At least she wasn't being hunted down for causing pain to someone for something she would probably know nothing about.

Getting settled she padded off toward somewhere. At least if she was walking she could let her mind wander. Hopefully it would wander somewhere good.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:20 am
The havens were the only place Roho felt safe at, the only place he dared venture out of the shadows. He could remember a time when he hadn't been such a coward, but then again, going back to those times meant facing his own inner demons. Sadly, he wasn't prepared to do that just yet, and it was posible he wouldn't be prepared to do so even withing his lifespan.

Despite his strange thoughts, the god appeared almost threateningly from a a patch of shadows, his head held high in order to survey the surroundings. The only figure he could see, however, was that of a female goddess he'd never spotted before. Then again... that wasn't really rare; despite his fear of mortals, he was more prone to spending time on earth than within the gods' haven.

The memories of running into the red and black god were still fresh in her mind as she wandered off from her napping place. It was that more than anything else that caused her to jump slightly at what almost appeared to be that again. The large shape of another god appeared out of the darkness.

Eyes wide she sat back, wings curled around her, and waited. This god wasn't the same, there weren't the red wings or the single horn. Taking a deep breath she smiled. "Hello." Maybe he wouldn't be as ... mean as the other one.

Indeed, there weren't single horns on him, or even red, for that matter, however, instead, a skull adorned the top of his head, long horns protuding from within the mass of white mane that fell over the skull, making his eyes almost invisible within the shadows of the ornament he wore. Despite hacing such a threatening appearence though, there was hesitation within his movements; no sooner was he addressed that he seemed to pause, looking towards his left, and then towards his right, as if not quite sure if she really was talking to him.In his defense, Roho was not particularly used to be addressed, "Greetings..." again he hesitated, unsure of how to go on, "Are you alone?" suddenly, he wanted to find a tree and hit his head on it; of course she was alone! Socialising was just... not his thing. He felt like an idiot, that much was clear by the way his ears flopped back into his mane.

"As far as i know..." She nodded slightly as she moved so she could sit more comfortably. The bones around her front legs clicked solightly as they shifted. The braids that fell from her head draped easily over one eye, obscuring her view.

"I dont run into others often up here. Lonely seems to go with the heights."

"Does it?" he frowned, though it was hard to see from under the skull, "I don't come here often," no, his favorite passtime was to stay in shadows watching the mortals from affar. Though he feared them, he also felt he owed them for what he'd done, so long ago. It was an of, contradicting feeling, "I'm sorry. You may call me Roho, by the way," and this said, he approached her form, picking a spot to lay down at, "I am in charge of... darkness."

"I haven't run into that many." She nodded slightly. She'd only met Momo and ... whatever it was she'd met yesterday. "Iprefer staying up here, it's safer."

She watched him come closer and took in the look of him. He seemed like something that would have come out of nightmare but he was nice so far. "I'm Kitu .... Luck would be my forte"

A small snort was offered as he flattened his ears, looking away, "I would be inclined to agree with it being safer... but at the same time, I can't hide well, here," were he confronted, Roho would have rather hide in the darkness than fight back. There'd been a time where he'd been cocky... when he'd looked for a fight, rather than avoid it, but the time was long gone. He'd gone from one extreme to the other, "I don't know. Bellow, they usualy don't see me. And I don't seek them out," them, obviously being the mortals.

As he settled himself down, Roho noticed her watching him, and he offered her a smile, which turned out looking like a creepy smirk, "Don't worry. M'not going to touch you, m'lady. I'm not that type," he'd lived long enough to know there were that type of gods out there, "You're safe, lady luck."

"I can't really hide from them out there." She had never been good at disapearing so she had no way to get away other than being faster, and that only worked if she was faster. "There's not much here to hide from. All this space and it seems like none use it."

She looked slightly sheepish as he caught her watching him. "I had an unpleasent meeting not to long ago. I didn't mean to seem like i was presuming"

"It's fine... I know I don't precisely look charming, or enchanting. It comes with the domain, I'm afraid. The things that mortal thinks lurk in darkness... it's incredible," he tsked his tongue over his fangs, shaking his head mildly, "There more to fear from the mundane... from that what you'd never think to be dangerous, than from the darkness. There's usualy nothing ever there," turning to gaze around him, the god rolled his shoulders slightly into a shrug, "I'm not the best as.... socialising. The few I've come across, haven't been quite as nice as you, m'dear. Some gods attack first, ask later."

"I have seen a bit of that myself." She figured that only chance had kept the god she'd met before from attacking her. "I've never found reason to be, well, nasty. It does't get you that far in life." She paused a moment before she smiled. "Mortals have a habit of attacking what they fear too. Thinking if they can best it that way that it will leave them alone"

"I've lived long enough to know to keep away..." he murmured casualy under his beath; after all, he'd never been that good a judge of character, and honestly, it was only chance that he had even dared to pad close enough to the female and talk to her. Then again, taking into account the domain she ruled over...

After a moment though, he turned back to her, frowning slightly, "Who would ever attack you? No one should be idiotic enough to attack lady luck, hmmm?" he waved a paw mildly, as if trying to dispell her words, "Mortals can be... well, they're mortals. They never live long enough to really learnt all they should. But they are not usualy stupid enough to attack a god. Specialy not Luck herself. I could understand them glaring at me, m'dear, but not you. Mortals are... fascinating. But not all that bad," this from the god that was scared of them.

"Those who believe that lady luck has crossed them." She sighed softly, ears drooping a bit. "They dont always appericiate what di do. Bad luck is my fault after all too .... even if they bring it on themselves." She really did try to do what was best but some times she just couldn't twist things enough to make everyone happy.

"and there was another black god that threatened me, but he seemed the sort to threaten everyone so i suppose he doesn't matter"

"Hmmm..." he shook his head slightly, the crimson glow of his eyes becoming dim, "You make your own luck, and they'd be fools to believe otherwise, m'dear. Besides, it's also Karma's job to ensure that. You are not to blame," as she described the other god, Roho wrinkled his maw, "I've never been in favour of attacking a lady... maybe he was simply insane. Inmortality or one's domain can drive one into insanity," a small snort of a breath was released, his eyes hooding under his mask, "Look at me; a shadow of what I used to be. I hide in darkness and have developed a rather inmense fear of the mortals I look over."

"Not always." She grinned slightly. "I'm not always really nice when crossed" She had tried not to do too much in the way of changing others luck but occasionall they deserved to be taught a lesson. "You aren't the only one to fear those you look over at least ..."

"Well, who in their right mind is 'nice' when crossed, m'dear?" he looked almost amused, however, it was hard to tell, what with only shimering red lights for eyes; they did seem to twinkle with something akin to mirth though.

At her words, he frowned, mildly surprised, "Surely you do not fear them too? Why ever would you fear them?" furely she'd not done something terrible in her past like he had. Surely not.

"I'm sure there's someone out there who would still be nice." It was just odds. There had to be at least just one with how many souls there were out there.

"I do ..." She nodded, braids swinging slightly. "They curse me often, curse my name for what i've 'done' to them ... i fear what they would to do me should they catch me"

A small shake of his head was her answer, "No... it just depends on where one's breaking point is. Everyone breaks. The diference is the time and effort it takes to break them," a sad smile followed his words, spoken softly, "No one is perfect. Not even Gods."

After a moment, he shifted his weight slightly, tilting his head to one side, "This is true. They curse me too, and children are afraid of me.... it's the weight that comes with our power. I'm hardly in a place to tell you what to do, but mortals... they are not all that bad. I doubt they would harm you," another smile as he curled his tail around his body, "See, you and me; we're diferent. I'm afraid of what they think... not of what they'd do to me."

"You're also bigger than me." She shifted and stretched out her wings a bit. "I doubt they could do as much damage to you as they could to me. I have seen some with harsh thoughts that i am sure would have just as harsh actions."

She sighed softly as she settled back down and curled her wings against her sides. "There are some i do not fear .... but they are few now."

At her claim, and following her lead, he spread out his wings, noting the size diference, "As it should be... you should not have to deal with having to fight, in the first place," a small smirk came to grace his features, irony flashing in his eyes, "You'd be surprised how prone I am to step ... away from a fight, rather than engage. You could say I'm a coward," sighing softly, he folded his wings against his back, "I do not deny them being... brutish. But not all of them," the smile was gone, replace by a somewhat nostalgic look, "Not all of them are like that. And many have things to teach, even to a God."

Then again, what she didn't know, was that Roho had long back, taken a mortal for a mate, and it'd been his carelessness that had brought her to an end, "They're fragile too. So brief."

"They aren't frail." She shook her head. "I have seem them come back from things that i know myself could not do." She had watched a pride flurish from the ruin of others. "They are much stronger than we are. They have to be, they only get one chance at it"

Her words made sense, and he found himself smiling like he hadn't in a very long time, "That be true," he murmured, "Tht be true. Alas, they really are brief. I sometimes wish one could change the past, even if it's no more doable than making light and darkness dance together," a small sigh escaped his maw, but the smile did return, "Such wise words, from someone that claims to be scared m'dear. I thank you though. I've not really had a thought as... enlightening as that, to smile to in a very long time."

She smiled. "You're welcome. And do you truely think light and dark can't dance together? Without one you would not have the other." She looked up toward the clouds for a moment. "They dance together eternaly, a perfect match for each other."

"Not truly, never together.... the exhistence of one destroys the other when they're together. Sides of a same coin, destined to live against eachother, but never at the same time," the smile was still there, obvious he was enjoying the conversation, "The same way the sun can not charm the moon."

"True, but i'd still say they belong together." She liked the conversation herself. It had been a while since she'd found someone that she could talk to.

"Ah, perhaps they do; the exhistance of one, defines the other. Without light, there would be no dark. Without dark, there would be no light," a pause as he waved his paw, "But look at me; I've been talking away and you probably have things to do, I'm sorry. It's just been so long... usualy no one bothers for idle chat with me."

"No, it's fine." She shook her head again. "I enjoy conversation and i dont get it often. It's lonely up here when everyone is off watching their charges."

"What, exactly, is keeping you from said charges, by the way? Surely not the fear of getting hurt, I'd wager," he tilted his head to one side, and for a moment, if one could get over the way his eyes gleamed, he could have looked almost childishly innocent, "There's something more, is there not? "

"... it is..." She chewed on her tongue slightly. "I fear what they will think of me, and what they will do to me if they don't welcome me." She had heard such nasty things from them that she'd hid herself.

He closed his eyes at her words and took a long time to reopen them, "I'm hardly one to talk... I rarely let myself be seen. They're so swift to judge..."he offered her a rueful smile at then, then continued, "But do not let a minority keep you from enjoying what the mayority would offer."

"I am not sure many would offer anymore...." She did have a pride she could look in on but they may hate her too now. She hadn't seen them in so long, what if they too blamed her?

"Luck is something dual in nature. They can't curse it for long, m'dear. Sometimes bad, sometimes good. That's the beauty of a domain such as that," his domain wasn't nearly as versatile as hers, after all. It was what it was; it never changed, "You are rather lucky indeed to have such a domain," he chuckled, "Even if you do not think so."

"They like to blame the bad luck on others than themselves usualy though. It is always my fault ... and the good is always their own doing." She looked back at the other god and flopped down. "I do love what i am ...."

"Don't we all.... we like to blame bad luck, rather than ourselves; it was just bad luck, we say," he tsked his tongue over his fangs lightly, "They say that, but deep down, most know that this is not true. You do know that, right?"

"Some times. I have delt out my share of it to those who deserved a lesson." she had also warned those who didn't deserve it how to change it. "It is just so hard to change ways .... i've been hiding so long"  



Adorable Lionheart

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:24 pm
"Indeed," he let out a small sigh before looking off towards the distance, the light within the skull's eye sockets dimming mildly, "Live and learn," he told her, "Live and learn," he slowly pushed himself up on all four, his wings stretching out slightly as he looked at her, "I will take your words to heart then, lady luck. See what the future holds for me."

That said, the god left her side, no doubt to continue his roaming of the mortal world.  
[IC/OOC] Gods' Haven [IC/OOC]

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