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-Discussions of the Future-

+Sephiros Immortal+
Long story had been a long day. Mora'era had informed him that she was to have cubs...a lot of them, or so she said, and he was inclined to trust her. Wonderful...that had been the intent, after all...for the pride to grow through reproduction, but the duty of father was starting to weigh on him. Really now...he rather thought his brother would have see Verge overwhelmed by a prideful of cubs. Blue eyes lidding, he climbed up onto a rocky outcropping, lying down on the warm stone. It was nice here, in the cool of the evening, and perhaps now he could take some leisure.

After Iar's little talk with Drathir, however... the dark Aran'shale had been thinking. And he thought that perhaps it was time he and Verge talked over some things. Such as the very question Drathir had indirectly raised... as well as exactly how they would run this little pride of theirs. And so he sought the other out, and when he found him, Iar also climbed up, padding up behind the other. "I think there are a few things we need to talk about ..."

+Sephiros Immortal+
He tilted his head slowly to watch the other, blinking blue eyes at him that held a vague sort of annoyance. "Do we now?" A quiet inquiry that held no enthusiasm whatsoever. True, it was unavoidable that the two of them would have to have some form of off and on communication, but he had so been hoping such would be later rather than sooner.

Iar caught the indifference in the other's tone and frowned. He knew that the two of them were supposed to technically have equal power. But lately it seemed as if -he- was doing all the hard work. Not that he had a clue how demanding a family was. "Yes, we do. There are some questions that one of your sons brought up...actually. About the future of this pride."

+Sephiros Immortal+
One of his sons, eh? Though Verge was discomfitted to know that Iar had been chatting with Verge's children, his interest was peaked nonetheless. "And what would that be?" Shifting, he moved to sit on his haunches, paying closer attention now. He'd have to check up on his sons after this.

"We need to decide some things about what positions are needed for the pride. At the moment, it's true that we should mostly focus on building our strength but later on ...." He trailed off. Verge was an intelligent lion, he would understand.

+Sephiros Immortal+
"Later on...especially when the younglings reach adolescence and attain some measure of wisdom, those positions will need to be filled." Verge murmured, eyes lidding for a few seconds. "What do you propose, Iartuupe?" Not that he was overeager for the other's was simply...necessary.

Iar made a little sound of acknowledgment at Verge's words and nodded slightly. "I am proposing that we decide before that point on some other positions and ranks that will need to filled. Already your own cubs are wondering what they should do with themselves as they grow older." A pause. Then, "We will surely need such things as guards, and those to go out and find more demons, but what else... mm.... those who can discipline wrong-doers..."

+Sephiros Immortal+
"My father and I...and your dark god as well...spoke of some of this, and already it seems that some ranks have been pre-decided for us." He rumbled softly, "I suggest that you decide what tasks and ranks are needed to serve your god, and I shall choose that which best suits mine, and slowly our plans will knit together." It seemed feasible to him.

Iar had to restrain himself from snapping at that - as it rankled a bit that Verge was actually Sparda's -son-, whereas he was a mere follower of Morifaer. "I am aware of that," he answered, words just a little clipped. Why hadn't he been included in that conversation? "What ranks are you thinking to take?"

+Sephiros Immortal+
He pondered this for a moment, claws idly leaving tracks in the rock beneath him. "Hmmm...for Sparda there will be the Knights, the teachers and the mediators, the intercessors...I know that for certain. Other ranks essential to the pride are more general and do not fall sway to one side or another." Or at least, in his eyes, they shouldn't. "But I'm sure you have ideas for ranks that would please your own god?"

Iar nodded at that. He would just have to ensure that these teachers taught everything, and not only Sparda's views. But that shouldn't be too difficult. "I do believe that those who recruit new demons should be under Morifaer... as well as the discipliners I mentioned before." He paused for a moment, thinking. "Perhaps also a group to ..... quietly take care of problems. Both in and outside the pride."

+Sephiros Immortal+
There was an assenting rumble at that. "Needed. I daresay there is a female already in our ranks who...would be all too willing to take care of those little problems." That was Mora'era indeed, and though her children were his, she was unflinchingly an assassin through and through. How complicated the politics of this place already promised to be.

"Mm...." Iar made a noise of agreement. "As for more general ranks. Hunters will certainly be needed... as the population grows. Guards, some to watch the young ones and we already have slaves."

+Sephiros Immortal+
Verge sighed softly, "It seems our ranks already fill themselves up. There will be a need for priests and the like as well, when the time comes, and we will be too busy to serve in that regard soon enough." He yawned softly, glad that for once Iar was not sniping and being completely mule-headed.

Iar nodded at that - in a good mood mostly because his current 'conquest' was going well. "Priests... yes. And also, some sort of .... consorts." A purr at that, and he nodded. "Mm... I do believe that we're on the right track here."

+Sephiros Immortal+
"Yes, those will be necessary too." Though he wondered which members would take consort on as an official title...he could imagine taking anyone on any sort of permanent basis...not any longer...and that thought instantly shot down his mood. With a growl, he slowly shifted to lay down on the rock again. "Now, if you don't mind...let us continue this discussion when I am rested."

Iar blinked at the other's sudden mood-shift ... but ... he was willin enough to let it go, for now. Nodding, he stood up and backed away a pace or two. "Very well ... Later, then," he agreed, turning to head back down the rocks.

+Sephiros Immortal+
Verge kept an eye cracked open until the other was gone, before heaving a rueful sigh and letting himself begin to drift off again. He wanted to get some sleep, curse his memories...he wanted to sleep and forget, even if only for a few hours.