RP Count: 17

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Age: 18

Sex: Male

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 182 lbs

Build: Medium Build

Race: Crescent Elf

Pets: N/A

Profession: Magic

Bio: A'eoli grew up with with his mother and father within the plains of an area not even he knew. Within his home, he was the only child living. Because of this, he was spoiled when he was young. But as A'eoli grew older, his mother died due to an unknown sickness and A'eoli wa left in the care of his father. His father was a unrighteous and dignified man who believed no one was stronger than him. His father was much of a warrior and wanted his son to follow in the same footsteps as himself. But A'eoli had much more of an interest in the works of magic and thus was shunned when he told his father this. His father wanted no relations with a son who could not follow his teachings.
Due to this thought, A'eoli's father would always send him out to the field to either clean or do yard work while he himself kept busy by drinking heavy alcohol or mourning over the loss of his wife. But one day when his father sent him outside to take care of more yard work, he gave him another duty. It was A'eoli's duty to clean his father's cloak. His father's cloak was the very sign that he was strong and well respected. Though A'eoli did not find it a grand idea to have him wash it, his father's command made him do so. While washing the green cloth out on the field, A'eoli heard a crash come from the house.
Panicking, A'eoli made the dangerous decision to go and check upon what had occurred. When he entered within the vicinity of the house, everything appeared as a mess. Through further investigation, A'eoli found the lifeless body of his father lying on the floor. Someone had ambushed his father when he was stone drunk, killed him, and stole most of the valuables within the house. And what was even worse, they left no sign of their identity. A'eoli could not believe the death of his final parent, and dedicated his life to find the culprit. Even worse, A'eoli has grown to hate every other race. He seemed to only respect those of his own race, the Crescent Elves, since he believed they could never hurt their own brothers.

Additional References: N/A

-Descriptive Stats-

    Hair: Peach with yellow highlights
    Eyes: Blue-White
    Skin: Red-Brown

    Shirt/Pants: No Shirt; Baggy Green Pants
    Scarf/Crest: Long flowing Green Cloak
    Boots: Leather Bound Boots
    Jewelery: Two Purple Studs that dot the lobe of his left ear. Also, a small clip in which a thin chain dangles connects these two studs.


    -Warp- “Vindingur”
    Warp short distances, maximum distance of 5ft. Can only warp to a destination in casters field of view.

    -Energy Burst- “Orka Springa”
    Burst of magic energy hits targets within a 5ft radius of caster. Hits friendly and non-friendly targets, with no way to select.

    -Spark- “Neisti”
    Energy Shocks the target numb upon physical contact with caster.

    -Demoralize- “Znemravnit”
    Sap the energy of your target.