Areku came in the next day, flustered, "Everyone think they know who the killer is? Good, because..."


BlueAltitide dropped, dead to the floor, shot cleanly though the heart. Areku blinked, looking around, 'Who isn't here?' she thought. There were at least 3 that weren't currently there. '3 out of 8.... no, 7 now... 3 out of 7 people have almost a 1 in 3 chance possibility of being the sniper...." she thought, "Moving on." she said, as Blue was taking out of the room, "Everyone is going to vote today. Make your choices wisely, because this might effect how long you have to live." passing out a piece of paper to everyone she said, "I want everyone to write down the name of who you think did it, then put it in this box. After Everyone has voted, I'll tally it up and we'll take the person with the most votes into custody for further questioning. You have the Entire Day to vote."

((she's going all L-ish. xD Also, for a quick and easy way (since this will be a BLIND VOTE. No one knows what the other puts down.) vote for who you think it is in the poll!))