She's gone waay north east. Way way up there, yes. It She'd never been so far, and it felt odd. But now, Zuma found herself in a beautiful place. She was the sort that easily appreciated that stuff, and settling down to relax, she looked upon the lands.

There were parts without much plants, but others were very forested, and it amused her. It intrigued her, in a way, as well. Getting in here was hard. She'd been slow due to the cub now traveling with her, respecting the girls pace until she fell asleep in a safe little nook and Zuma moved ahead, to return later. This might actually be a good place to live.. sadly, Zuma was getting older. She doubted she could survive here alone. She sighed, resting her head on her paws, merely gazing over the lands to relax.

The lion was swift to come up beside her, and despite her being a trespasser, he wasn't aggressive. After all, the lands were new. Any potential new member was.. good. Even if they weren't exactly young themselves. He sat down, his stance relaxed. "Hello there. " He said calmly, curling his tail around his paws.

"Enjoying the scenery? "

Some others may be shocked by a lion that big suddenly materializing beside you, but Zuma calmly looked up at him, not bothering to move. "Yes, sir. " She smiled politely. "Its beautiful. " She noticed how easily he'd seemed to have get up. He must live around these.

"Who's lands are these, if I may ask? " Perhaps there was a pride. And a pride meant she could even live here.. maybe. Lets see if this is a pride and not just some random traveler.

Quick shooter, nice. Easier for him. "Mine, I guess. Me and my mate rule these lands. " He said, though he made sure to keep arrogance out of his voice, he said it casually enough so to not seem like some sort of.. imperious tyrant or whatever. Some folks dislike that..

Not like he could blame them.

"Why? "

Zumaridi raised her eyebrows at that. She hadn't expected a king to act this casually about a trespasser! Though, looking him over a bit, it kinda fit. He was strong, healthy and all that snazz. Kings were usually like that.

"Oh, really? You're a strange king. " She sat up, only to bow her head respectfully. "Plenty would be happy to chase out a random trespasser like myself. " She said meekly. "So, what is the pride called? "

Polite lady, sweet. He smiled, dipping his head slightly, but not much. He was still king, he didn't bow to anyone. Duh. "It is called Tianxia. What are you called? Right now that interests me more than what we named the pride. " He said, twitching his tail tip.

"How indecent of me! " She chuckled. "My name is Zumaridi. " The lioness smiled, twirling her tail tip slightly. "And you, king of Tianxia, whats your name? " The lioness asked. "Or does just ' king of Tianxia' work for you? " With his posture, she assumed she had room for a bit of good-natured joking, though she best be careful. He was king and he was huge.

Zumaridi. He kept note of that. He was currently thinking about where she could be placed, should this lioness decide to join the pride. However, considering how they were hitting it off.. well, he'd practically sold it.

"Ahali'bagawa. It is a pleasure to meet you. " He smirked. "And king of Tianxia fits, if you like it. " If she were a member, of course, he'd tell her to refer to him as Wei Gang, as in Tianxia it was a norm to have a name for pride members.

That was a strange name. Family curse.. Hm, why would a parent name their cub that? Oh well. Maybe he'd been born to some prophecy, that happened sometimes. And it was often wrong. Too superstitious lions were odd, and the things they could do...

"So, ahali. Tell me about Tianxia. It seems interesting.. I've never heard of lions in places like this. " She said, looking across the land again. It really was beautiful, wasn't it.

"Tianxia. you'd like to hear about it? " Oh yes, she was definitely interested. Good for him. If she joined, he contemplated where to ship her off to. He doubted she's fit in the central pride, that place was being reserved for higher ranks.. this lioness didn't look like she'd be high ranked. He'd noted her age.

"Its split into four territories, besides the central pride. The North, South, East a West houses. Each of them is led by a lord and a lady. " He said patiently. He didn't tell her much-- Tianxia, after all, was a rather complex pride to mouth out in a single conversation.

"I'd say more, " He said, smiling. "But the pride is a bit too big to explain.. like this. Its best to learn as you go on. "

She listened, and just kept getting more interested, despite the small amount of what he was telling her. "I see.. " She paused. She wasn't sure she wanted to say she'd "think about joining", as in the future, the pride might not be so open.

And now she was taking care of a cub. Stability would be good. "I think I'd like to go on. Where could I fit in? " The was no question about it being okay to fit in. She was quite sure this Ahali figure certainly wouldn't mind that.

He smirked. She'd caught up on that. good, smart was good. "I take it you like cubs. " He said. She hadn't really said anything, but for some reason, he could just tell. Lionesses like her liked cubs. "If you do, the lady of the south has four juveniles. No father, so while their not cubs, she could use a hand, I assume. " He said calmly, standing up as if to leave.

"Sound good to you? "

He'd got that one spot on. Zumaridi smiled. "Yes, I do. And sounds good, I've recently taken one under my wings myself. " Zumaridi stood up as well. "So, shall I just head south and say you sent me? " Sounded like the ideal thing to do.

"Right you are. " Ahali nodded, and made his way down the rocks. "enjoy you stay, Zumaridi. " He said, then vanished over the edge of the ledge they'd been on, heading into the plant life below.