Yes, unfortunately all guilds and websites must have rules and laws that govern over us to keep order and prevent chaos. These rules are created and submitted by the Guild Master and the Counsel of Seven. Please also remember, this shouldn't even need be mentioned but follow the ToS. (Terms of Service)

I: Foul Language- very little to none would be best. If you insist on it please don't use it repeatedly. If you use such language towards a guild member or Unit Leader you will be punished for it.
Punishment: 3 day banishment/permanent banning

II: +PG-13- over PG-13 is inappropiate, please refrain from it. It is against Gaia regulation so it is also against Moon Tree's policy.
Punishment: demotion/2 day banishment

III: Against Officer- going against your Unit Leader is inappropiate behavior. If your Unit Leader kindly asks you to do something you, as a member of Moon Tree and as a member of your unit, should act accordingly. If you have problems with your Unit Leader then please speak about it to another Unit Leader or to the Guild Master directly.
Punishment: 4 day banishment/permanent banning

IV: Hacking- as everyone should know, hackers are one of the problems of Gaia and we of Moon Tree are assisting victims of hacking and trying to help Gaia administrators to catch hackers. If a member of the guild is caught doing such crimes as hacking; hacking accounts or otherwise using hacks to obtain items and gold; will be acted upon by Moon Tree and Gaia admins.
Punishment: permanent banning/reported to admin

V: Trade Fraud- trade scammers are also catorized the same as hackers. Those who trick people to obtain their items and gold are in violation of ToS and Moon Tree's order. Both hacking and scamming are unexcusable crimes. Members found scamming, hacking or otherwise pretending to be admins will be punished and reported.
Punishment: permanent banning/reported to admin

VI: Literacy- This is not actually a rule but a suggestion. New players may often lack literacy and grammar and it is up to veteran gaians to have good grammar and be literate to prove as an example for others to go by. Literacy is only a requirement in becoming a Unit Leader as Unit Leaders are valued examples of good, honest players to others.
Punishment: none

VII: Mimicking Leaders- This is where some people pretend to be Unit Leaders of Moon Tree. Either inside of the guild or outside it is against our laws. Even if that person is not a guild member it is indecent and they may also try to ruin the good name of Moon Tree. Such people will be asked to stop, if it continues and they harrass or mock others in an attempt to shame our name they will be reported for any and all crimes they have committed in impersonating a member of our guild.
Punishment: 1st warning/reported to admin