I am xaruto_uzumaki I have been a user of gaia for about 2 years now and the only item I have ever wanted was the ancient katana I have tryed to get it bet never worked out. I was hopeing some one in this guild or a few people would be willing to help me in this never ending quest of mine. I can't realy canll this a Avi quest seeing that I have all my items execpt one so I am asking will your help in my quest for the Katana I hope so and thank you for taking your time to read this.

(Currently in progress)
User Image
Total Value: 701,087 Gold
After Exclusions: 19,266 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Dark Star

Red Green Dragon Torso Tattoo
Romani Glasses
Autumn Glory
Those Red 90s Pants
Tama's Basket
Red Heartbreaker Jacket
Red GPD Protective Vest
Smashing Cities

Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Ancient Katana

"Fuzzy penguins make me happy and gleeful, fuzzy Hamburgers do not."