Yes, there is a Year Zero pt. 2 coming soon, and you can check out a a new interview from last month for exciting stuff that Trent talks about. I realize an interview from last month isn't really new, but what the hell.

Anyway, what I really wanted to make this topic for was to let you all know about a documentary called "Endgame" by Alex Jones. If you've seen it, then great. If not, you can search for it on Google and watch it if you want.

This documentary basically tells us that there's been an actual non-fiction plan for "world domination" in the works for the past hundred years. It also exposes the truth about our government's agenda to keep us unaware of it. And, it reveals that our wars have purposely started and influenced by the powerful, greedy rich men at the top, all for profit and control over land.

For example: Our government did absolutely nothing to stop 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, and they knew about it.

So, after seeing this, I realized how much Year Zero made sense. And it made me angry. ): I hope some of you will watch it and learn from it. It´s just... ******** up. You know?