The Dead Terrorist Achmed
Tassan: Basically what Ratri said. Wine is an alcoholic drink, but it's considered more... high-class. It's not beer. I've always considered the "body and blood of Jesus Christ" to be a metaphor, not literally His body and blood. (I've never taken communion though, and I was never baptised.) And, as Ratri said, Catholics are known for their drinking habits. XD

you mean alcohal is allowed in Catholicism?

its odd!!

i heard somebody say that no religion allows Alcohol?

Alcohol is allowed in Catholicism. I swear, it's one of the main reasons why they've lasted so long xd
Some of the weird fundamentalist branches of Christianity such as the Quakers, abstain from alcohol.
Seventh Day Adventists refrain from that and about half of them are vegetarians.

Mormons, who are not considered Christian, by Catholic standards, do not drink alcoholic beverages or anything containing caffeine. However, Mormons do own the the Coca-Cola company xd

...Yeah i had an interesting religion class in high school....

Ohh? I toth Coke-Cola contained coke''''?

LØL! Ofcurse chatolics drink alcohol rofl