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Reply [IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]
Fighting fire with fire [Aibisho x Chanda]

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:54 pm
AIM Log -- Felyn & Lethrossen
Aibisho & Chanda

It was a decent place to stay, he figured, though not exactly the sort of place he would have chosen had he had a choice in the matter. It was more about location, really, than anything else. With the jungle at their back and the ocean ahead, he felt as if he were surrounded by barriers his mother could not pass (or was not likely to pass on her search for them). The pride within was a bit strange, but that was of little consequence. Dhoof seemed happy here, they were nice, and they would provide the shelter they needed temporarily until Aibi felt satisfied that his mother would likely have given up on finding them or moved on elsewhere in her search at least.

He had no idea where Dhoof was, at the moment, to be perfectly honest. Probably out talking to that princess again. He had to admit, deep down, he felt a sting of jealousy over the thought of his brother and the girl. Not only was his brother's attention, for once, on someone else, but he had no female of his own to dote upon him. Not that he was sure he was interested in the females here - they were odd, airheaded things.

With a soft sigh, he flopped softly against the packed earth beneath a jungle tree. He had taken to travelling the dark, tangled interior many-a-days, as the ocean air and water were just not quite his thing. It stung his eyes, bit his nose, and he simply prefered the darkness here.

Chanda yawned as she moved through the jungle in an annoyed, uneven gait. It had taken her quite a while to manuver into these parts and twice as long to get out; still, she remained in the sickening cage that nature had created. Even as the day went on, the longer she spent in the jungle them ore forceful her mind told her she was NOT lost. How could she, such a great warrior, be lost?

Her tail lashed back and forth as she swatted an overly-large flower out of her way and scoffed. "This place is sick." She declared out loud, as the minutes ticked by she was growing more and more aggitated.

The ears of the adolescent swivelled as the words of another reached him, and though he couldn't quite place to whom they belonged, he had a nagging feeling he had heard their likes before. He pushed himself up from where he had been laying, into a more dignified sitting position, and narrowed his eyes upon the gloomy interior of the jungle around him. The bright orange eyes shifted until he saw a figure not unlike his own, and for a moment, he felt a fear spring in his chest. Surely not, it couldn't be his mother! Then, recognizing the differences in body, coloration, he recognized the other red female he had encountered in his life - and found himself caught between amusement at her irritation and his own agitation and having encountered her again.

"Lost, are we?" he said coolly, one eyebrow quirked in her direction. Well, he might as well get some enjoyment out of it if he was going to have another inevitable encounter with her.

Her ear flicked to the left and her gaze jerked suddenly toward the male, eyes narrowing and her steps halting. Wonderful... out of all the lions she ... actually what moron of a lion entered this place? if only she hadn't followed the damn little monkey into the place. It wasn't her fault she was curious of it's taste... still. Lions did not belong in this death trap of a labyrinth. "Certainly not." She replied coolly, tail twitching. "Though this jungle now offers further proof of what sick and twisted games it plays with me; of course the likes of a slimey, fould male like yourself would be sitting there." She hissed out, thought she was just getting started with her insults.

"This place is unnatural and completely wrong... it figures I'd find you here." Of course, she hadn't been looking. That would be rediculous.

The male snorted at her insults, pushing himself up onto his paws so that he didn't have to look up to her from his sitting position. She was.. large for a female, which he didn't quite understand, but he wasn't going to ask. She was cocky enough about her heritage, he didn't want to give her a reason to start jabbering about it freely.

"There's nothing unnatural or wrong about this place. It's one of the best natural forces of protection and guard nature has to offer, it can't be helped that some creatures are just.. unequipped to navigate it properly." Oh, he had seen her temper last time, but he was bored. Bored, and sour because he knew his brother was out having fun without him. It was probably a terrible sign, especially for his future, but getting angry always did give him a thrill.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:57 pm
He didn't! This places was completely unnatural for a lion. That was that... "Maybe if you are some half-witted jungle creature.." She sneered out at him, beginning to stalk past. Right, she still needed to find her way out of here. "I, however, am one of the best kinds of lions around; my heritage is that of great warriors. Proud beasts that don't sulk about in dark... disgusting messes such as this.." She hissed at him, implying that it was exactly what he was doing.

She wasn't that far past him when her paw gor snagged on a vine and she stumbled forward with a slight yelp, her ears flattening in embaressement and her fur bristling, just daring him to say anything. Her tail lashed wildly behind her and she just wished she could get the hell out of this hell hole. Oh if he said anything he was going to get it!

Of course, it was obvious he didn't need to mention anything at all to have her start going on about her heritage. It always came back to that - how she was better than everyone else, how her home was better than everywhere else. With a slight sneer on his mug, his tangerine eyes followed her as she passed. "So if your home is so great, and your pride is so great, why are you out wandering the lands and spending time with us lesser folk in lands that are obviously so vile?"

He snorted, though, as she fell, but said not a word. He had a faint scar on his cheek from the last time he had pushed the b***h too far. Twitching his tail, he watched her, and after a moment, instead of mocking her, he simply asked, "Do you need some help?"

"Who says I spend my time with you worthless beings?" She sneered, shifting and tugging her paw hard away from the vine, feeling mortified. The gods had to have a good laugh every now and then though, didn't they?

"What?" Her gaze snapped toward him and narrowed suspiciously. "I said I wasn't lost." She huffed, before frowning and looking stubbornly away. Of course, how long did she want to keep spending in this awful place? "But I seem to have forgotten where.. the exit that leads to the southlands is." She muttered, just loud enough for him to hear. This was her way of stating that she did need help... she swore if this was some way to poke fun out of her he was going to lose an eye.

He shook his head at her with a slight huff, tail lashing behind him as he watched her struggling with the vine. It served her right, falling down and getting lost, as vile and foul as she was. "So you're saying that you're wandering out here, not talking to anyone? That seems pretty useless." Why travel if you aren't going to talk to anyone?

He smirked slightly as he heard the muttering, his eyebrow quirking quickly before he wiped both away and let himself school his facial features back to a calm, serious mask instead. He moved past her, making his way through the jungle (after a couple of weeks of navigating it, it had become fairly easy) and glanced back at her. "Well, I guess it really wouldn't be that far out of my way to show you the exit while I'm out here."

"Why would I travel to speak to others when there are lions with mouths of their own in my homeland?" She shot back. Though in all honesty she'd never talked much to them anyhow. "I was offered to travel with someone and I took it. I see no reason why I should be trying to behave as some social fool of an a** who gets themselves killed by befriending a moron." Pray tell, who ever did such a thing before?

She stalked after him and just huffed at his reply, not feeling like she could make a response one way or another without losing face.  


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:59 pm
"So what are you travelling for, then? Travelling just to travel seems like a ridiculous thing to do, especially if all you're going to do is b***h about how horrible the lands are." This was the second time he had encountered her, and although she seemed much less happy with the jungle, she hadn't been very pleased with the rogue lands either.

He simply shook his head, twitching his tail as he lead her through the winding trail of the jungle.

She snorted and made no reply for a long minute, because what he said made sense. She wouldn't admit that, of course. "Why shouldn't I b***h about these pathetic lands? My homelands are so much more..." And yet.. "Perhaps you mean that since I have seen some of it I have seen it all? No point in continuing on, to see if there was such a place better than the land of the firekin?" She shrugged her shoulders, eyes like daggers on his back. "Fine then." She also had not returned home just yet because she was not sure of the way; traveling by land is much different than seeing all land marks pass by on the back of a goddess.

He snorted slightly at her words, but he did hear the name that rolled off her tongue. So her homelands were called the Firekin, were they? He had heard of them before, in passing mention, and what he had heard seemed to imply that all of the lions there were terribley grumpy and ill-tempered. "I don't understand how one single land can be better than all others. There are aspects of every land that make it different than others, better in some aspects, not in others."

He stopped, pausing to look back at her, turning slightly with a slight quirk of his brow. "What makes your lands so special?"

"Aspects.." She spat and rolled her eyes, a dry chuckle slipping past her maw. "What crap is that... it is things that you nonfirekin make up to try and feel a bit more secure..." She shook her head softly. "The lands I have seen are ridiculous.. and the prides in them?" She hissed slightly and spat. "They have gotten soft... lazy.. One day they will be sorry for growing so lax in there ways." She could only hope, at least. It was not as if she had any say in what happened in the firekin lands. "We are better simply from the moment we are born because we are stronger, faster and simply well equipped to survive in any harsh conditions. We are not a land that let our members sit on their sorry asses all day and lick themselves." What would he do if he realized she was just spitting anything that came to her mind out of her mouth? She had not been in her lands since she was cub, and she hardly understood the workings of it then.

"We may not have the prettiest of lands... but we are a land of warriors and I just thing its more dignified to be training and readying ones self for any cause, regardless if no threat is apparent, instead of lazing about in the sun and popping out cubs." She assumed that was what these nonfirekin lions did for the most part, anyhow. "Perhaps one day you shall travel into them, find out for your self." But a cruel smile was dancing across her maw, hinting at amusement. Outsiders were either enslaved or killed, from what she understood. A fitting end for such a git.

"No thanks," he said coldly, at her statement, his jaws tightening as he toyed over the words she had spun out, "from what I hear, most of your kind are foul-tempered with huge egos, and I'd rather not encounter a whole pride of lions with god complexes, I've had my fill with you." To tell the truth though, what she said really did make sense. Doing something with life, even if it wasn't training and working to be stronger and better, made much more sense than laying around in the sun and doing nothing.

He sneered slightly and turned to continue walking, his tail lashing even harder behind him, not wanting to tell her that anything she had said made sense at all. "What is the point in training so hard for something that might, but probably won't, happen? Why even train at all if your pride has enough warriors to protect itself in normal circumstances?" That was the one thing that didn't make much sense - why train your life away for no reason? "It sounds to me like you come from a pride that has forgotten what it is like to be normal."
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:01 pm
She sneered once more at his insulting words, tail lashing behind her and her claws digging into the soft dirt, her maw parting to bare her teeth at him, though he could not see her. Her mouth clicked shut though, breathing heavily through her nose as she continued to follow him. "What you hear." She repeated, rolling her eyes. "Right well if you believed everything you'd heard than you must be quite a baffoon." She barked out at him. Well, she must be quite a baffoon herself then. Though she had come to see for herself all of the lands surrounding her home she still believed everything she'd ever heard of those who roamed anywhere else besides the desert.

Her eyes narrowed farther when he began questioning her. "Why sit around and wait for some male to save me?" She spat, assuming that is what he'd meant when he said warriors. "I don't need anyone fighting my battles for me, idiot. And even if it never happens I know that I am great, strong and powerful and will be ready if anything does." Forgotten what it's like to be normal? She scowled at his back and suddenly she was picking up her pace, beside him and starting to move past him. "Normal... what's normal, being a lazy baffoon who hides away in this horrible place?" She growled, her tail intentionally swinging to hit him right in the face, her pace was more of a jog than it was an easy walk now. "If you've had your fill of me already then get out of my sight, weakling." She hissed. What was his problem? Of course she was normal! She was normal and so was her pride! Well, somethings she would change but... but why did she have to be considered abnormal because the warrior blood flowed strong in her prides' veins?

He sneered slightly at the fact that she called him a baffoon, eyes rolling even as he stared ahead of him at the jungle path. From what he had seen of her, everything he had ever heard of her pride was right, especially if they all acted like she did. She was young, too, and he was willing to bet there were some that ated a lot worse. "Well, nothing you've said or done so far has led me to believe otherwise, so I guess rumors can't be that far off, even if I am a baffoon." He wanted to yell at her, but he reigned in his temper and put it aside.

"Who said warriors had to be male? I certainly didn't," he muttered coldly, his eyes narrowing on the darkness of the jungle ahead of them, reminded of his own mother. Oh, she was cruel sometimes, but she was a warrior. He slowed as she started to speed up, feeling her coming up at his side, her presence getting closer. "Normal is certainly not being a b***h because you think you're better than everyone else and calling anything that isn't a cut-throat love-less pride lazy," he hissed irritably, his paw reaching up to bat at her tail hard as it hit him in the face, for a moment considering stomping it down into the earth and seeing just how loud he could make the brat squeal - but he didn't. A growl started in his throat and he stopped dea where he was, tangerine eyes flashing as he watched her back, "have at it, babe, go get your pretty rump lost again."

"Why would I act any other way to such an infuriating p***k?" She snarled, her voice starting to raise. "I have no reason to show you any different!" Her ears flew back to press against her skull as he pointed out her assumption. Well, even if he didn't say such a thing! "I'm sure you were thinking it you slimy... underdeveloped... warthog!" With each insult she was spewing her voice got louder and louder, oh he'd gotten her mad!

As he bat her tail she was already turning, not surprised he'd stopped dead. But to call her a b***h! Who did he think he was? "Why shouldn't I call myself better? None have proven different!" She was stalking back towards him, yelling for the sake of yelling. It wasn't fair! Why did he have to expose all of her flaws and just keep poke, poke, POKING at them? It was like opening up a half-healed wound every time, never giving it the chance to heal. "And I'd like to see a pride show me different, but I haven't seen any workers or any lions doing anything except sitting on their fat arses and popping out cubs... how would you even know about prides? Are you in one? And for someone who preaches about me thinking I'm better than myself you sure seem to be full of it, and yourself!" She didn't even care if she was making things up or not making sense, she just wanted to hit him! And shout, shouting was good as well. By this point she was almost nose to nose with him, but at least she'd not out right attacked him.

"Why?" he laughed, a cold cruel laugh that made him appear a little wild. Oh, he was angry, but he had gone past fury into a cold caccoon. "Perhaps if you tried a little harder to actually show you were worth something besides being some sharp-tongued lioness bent on attacking everything in sight, I might think a little better of you and your pride and stop being an infuriating p***k." His tail lashed, eye narrowing, his ears twitching though they remained upright. "And don't bloody dare assume what I'm thinking, you don't know me you little wench."

He, in his opinion, had every right to bat at her damn tail. Who was she to go around smacking him in the face with it and thinking he wouldn't do anything back? "Because there's more to life than being a warrior, to being strong, that's why you shouldn't call yourself better. You're not wise, obviously, or very smart, or you'd know otherwise. Those are much more admirable than the damn strength you keep jabbering on about." He was talking rather calmly, despite a growl in his tone, in the face of her yelling. His paws were braced hard against the ground, though, claws just moments from unsheathing - they would at the slightest movement from her. He knew she could attack when words failed her, she'd proven it last time. "My mother has a pride that I was a part of, you should go take a bloody gander at it, you'd probably like it. You're both cold-hearted red devils with a taste for blood," he hissed, narrowing the bright eyes on her again, "that one might change your mind about us lazy outsiders. There's another near hers, too, much larger and full of warriors lionesses. Maybe you're not finding the damn things because you're so hell-bent on making sure that yours is the best and you don't want to see any that prove otherwise." He knew the other one existed, outside of his mothers, because he had sisters there. He wasn't welcome in either, but he knew they were there. Both were led by females, strong females, and that's why her assumption that he thought warriors were all male was entirely wrong.

"As if I'd want you thinking better of me.." She spat, but it was easy to tell she knew she was losing this battle. In fact, he was playing right on her emotions and causing her to feel very insecure at the moment. As if she only attacked... and only yelled and... oh gods! Was he right? She didn't have friends and it wasn't as if she ever interacted with others... she was.. completely alone. Even the goddess who'd brought her to these lands had disappeared shortly after, leaving her stuck in this filthy place. "Just like you don't know me so stop assuming alls that I am is strength you infuriating... no good.." But she was trailing off, losing steam. So she wasn't the smartest lioness around... but she wasn't stupid either! And sure she wasn't kind, but who did she have to be kind to? "Argh, go to hell!" She finally spat, turning again rather abruptly as she tried to make her get a way.

"Those might be admirable to you." But she didn't finish the sentence. Why should they be admirable when she didn't know any lions like that? Perhaps it was because she refused to meet them, but still.

Cold-hearted! As if! She was not cold-hearted, she had emotions and feelings just like every other lioness! "Funny, sounds to me you take after her in the heart department more than I do you scumbag... you keep telling me I know nothing of you and to stop assuming, so don't think for a minute the picture you've painted of me in your mind is correct." Her voice had finally dropped to a more normal level, but she was still furious. And hurt... oh she hated him!

Her steps slowed slightly and she rolled her eyes. "As if that is the way that it is! It's not like I know my way around here, moron. If you're so sure your mother-dearest's pride is so wonderful and full of warriors then why don't you bing me to it?" She spat, still looking ahead.

What was she doing! She immediately wanted those words back, she didn't want him showing her anything!  


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:03 pm
He could see the look in her eyes, and for a moment, he felt a little guilty. She reminded him of his mothers, his sisters, and that led him to be particularly nasty to her. He thought it had a lot to do with the fact that she not only looked like them, but was a particularly nasty female to boot, but then, she wasn't nearly so nasty as they had been to him growing up. "If you'd show me something else, then maybe I wouldn't have to think so badly of you," his tail flickered, eyes narrowing on her as she turned to march away.

He laughed again, hard and cold, tail lashing and beating down some shrubs behind him. "If you didn't think there was anything admirable in them, you wouldn't be so upset with me for thinking you were just strong." Which was the truth - she was being a terrible hypocrite in her anger.

At her last words, he hissed, eyes narrowing and his face darkening. "I am nothing like my mother, you wench. I don't yell, or scream at others just because I think they're beneath me, or think I'm better than others just because I've been told so." He growled, claws raking against the earth beneath his paws in a comforting gesture to himself, "my mother's pride is the last place I would ever step foot in. Find it your damn self."

Again, like she'd want to show him any other side of herself. If you showed anyone anything besides your strong side you'd most certainly get hurt, or attacked or betrayed. Those were more likely to happen if you showed a weakness, anyhow.

"Huh." She spat. Of course she didn't know his mother, so she couldn't tell him if he really was anything like her at all but it seemed a very sore spot with the male. "Maybe you don't yell or shout but you do just as well harming their minds.." She sneered as she started to stalk away for what she hoped was a final time.

Sure she'd admitted he'd gotten to her, but maybe he wouldn't pick up on it. "Right, maybe I will." She snarled back, cursing under her breath as her paw slashed at vines and the like blocking her way. As if she could, she couldn't find her way out of the jungle or find her way back to her homelands. How could she find a pride she didn't even know where to begin looking for it?

After she was a good distance from him she dug her claws into a tall, vine-covered tree and scraped downwards, still cursing left and right as she sat herself behind it. Right, she just wanted a rest was all. "Bloody place... full of vile creatures.." She muttered softly, but more and more she was getting fed up with the rogue lands. Everything was concealed and hidden and all of the places were so confusing and different, not easily marked by one shaped sand bank or the next. At least with the desert if you were lost it was because everything looked the same, not because everything was different and a mess. "I just want to go home.." She admitted softly to herself, shutting her eyes and exhaling long and slowly.

He stared after her for a long time, her words echoing in his head even as he heard her storming and slashing begin to fade away into the distance. He didn't hurt anyone that didn't deserve it, he refused to believe so. He was kind to Dhoof, and to others, she just happened to be such a horrible lioness.

But then, hadn't his sisters and mother always looked down upon him because he was male, and thus horrible in their eyes?

He growled to himself as he finally lost the sound of her stalking off, turning his back and heading back towards the direction he had been in before she came stomping along. He supposed that's all you got from trying to help someone.
[IC] Kizingo'zaa Lands [IC]

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