[All dead people and warriors must come here first before moving on to either Snake Way, HFIL, Kai Planet's, or two the Grand Kai's Home Planet.]
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Here is where heaven and hell begin, in King Yama's office. In this giant room of classy porportion lies the all mighty king Yama. The mighty Yama is the check-in-man who decides where heros and villians go by their daily records made in their entire life. In this room is a giant shandelir and two men in a buisness shirt and tie with tiger pants bieng your guides. The skinny man on the left is the man who sends you two heaven or snake way, and the chubby demon is the man who takes you to HFIL or to the plane to head towards Grand Kai's home Planet. In the middle of the room is King Yama's desk where a 50 ft tall wooden desk stands and a chair the same size to match. On the desk are thousands of papers of the dead who are looked over in order and stamped to decide their fate. Where ever King Yama reports you to go, is were you'll be, and if you think you can go against his word, then prepare to recieve King Yama's unbeatable Yama Lock!

King Yama's PL is unknown [but what are you gonna do, he is your god]
