
I whill be translatting some hadîth's from to this guild... From danish to english biggrin Tough i'll also get exercised a bit on translatting 3nodding

But it whill thake some time wink And i whill be translatting more and more... Tough you can't await a exacly translation, but it whill inshallah be understanding wink 3nodding xd LØL! It is whery possible that some of the text is not translatted... lol

Abu Huraira (raa) have spoken, that the Prophet (saw) have said: "The angels shows he others, the night and the days angels, meets everybody about the prayer in, salah ul-Asr. Those, who used the night of you, gets up to their master, who askes them, If he is the best informed: "How did you angels leave my servants?" "We have left them, they answer, "In "sight" of praying, and the time we came down to them, We found them in "act" of praying!."

Al-Bukhari, An-Nissai, Imam Malik