The Land of Rain is a small, insular country. Its borders are highly defended, and those wishing to pass through the country are subject to constant surveillance for the duration of their stay. As it is situated between three of the Five Great Shinobi Nations, the Land of Rain serves as a battlefield for their wars, and most of the population consists of war refugees.

Amegakure is the Land of Rain's hidden village. The village was the site of a civil war, and the Hanzo, the leader of Amegakure, was killed by Pain, the leader of the criminal organization Akatsuki. Following the war, Pain becomes the leader of the village and uses it as a base for Akatsuki. Ninja loyal to the former Amegakure frequently attempt to assassinate Pain, but their efforts are unsuccessful. The inhabitants of Amegakure consider Pain to be a god, and he never reveals himself to the populace.