Which is your favourite of the Twilight movie pictures so far? Or what don't you like about them.

Before I start, I'm tired of people bashing Robert Pattinson...because you've not seen the movie yet, so there is no way you can hate him already or say he's rubbish etc etc...save your views for AFTER you've seen the movie and then you can truly judge. No-one can make a real person look like every single reader's Edward that they picture in their minds..so live with it!
The only thing I'm dissapointed with about Robert is that I don't think they've done the make up the way I would have liked..he just looks like a normal human...I expect him to be look the way he does in the official poster they have, which has been photoshopped to get that appearance. But other than that, he's fine with me.


This is probably my favourite, because I think Robert looks pretty good as Edward in this picture:
However I don't like the way they've dressed Kristen as Bella because I don't think Bella would ever pout like that or wear a dress like that...but I don't think the photographer was trying to show the characters for how they are in the book, I think it's supposed to be "vampire" novelty, like this image:
I really hate that photo, even though I know it's not meant to look like Edward's description in the book. They've based it off the photo of Tom Cruise as Lestat from Interview with the Vampire, but Edward Cullen can never be Lestat and I don't like the comparison they've made.